Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Divine Orchard from Jewish.TV - Video in New York, New York, United States for Wednesday, Shevat 12, 5777 · February 8, 2017 "This Week's Features"

The Divine Orchard from Jewish.TV - Video in New York, New York, United States for Wednesday, Shevat 12, 5777 · February 8, 2017 "This Week's Features"

The Divine Orchard
10 Shevat, 5732 • January 26, 1972

Freeing Yourself from the Demons of Your PastParshat Beshalach
By Chana Weisberg
Watch (1:46)

The Soul of the New Year for Trees
By Mendel Kaplan
Watch (54:55)

Hidden MikvahsStories from the Samarkand Jewish Underground
By Hillel Zaltzman
Watch (3:13)

Amalek and G-d's NameLetters and Numbers of Torah - Beshalach
Aaron L. Raskin
Watch (25:00)

In the Image of G-D, Part 2Chassidic insights on the 10th and 11th of Shevat
By Moishe New
Watch (53:53)

Getting Mixed Messages?Growing Weekly: Parshat Beshalach
By Michoel Gourarie

Why Is the New Year for Trees in the Winter?An inspirational message from the 15th of Shevat

Recent and Upcoming Webcasts:
Talmud Bava Basra 19 (Advanced)
By Avraham Meyer Zajac
Airs Thursday, February 9 at 6am ET
Shulchan Aruch, Din Kesivas HaTefilin 32:51d
Laws Relating to the Writing of Tefillin, Part 73
By Avraham Meyer Zajac
Airs Thursday, February 9 at 6am ET
Lesson 1: Why and When Choice Matters
By Mendy Herson
Airs Thursday, February 9 at 1pm ET
Jewish Wedding Customs
Life’s journeys through the lens of kabbalah
By Shifra Sharfstein
Airs Tuesday, February 14 at 11am ET

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