Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Reconciling Ministry Network Western Jurisdiction - February Update for Tuesday, 7 February 2017 with Rev. Dr. Israel Alvaran in Chicago, Illinois, United States "Join a Reconciling Town Hall Meeting!"

The Reconciling Ministry Network Western Jurisdiction - February Update for Tuesday, 7 February 2017 with Rev. Dr. Israel Alvaran in Chicago, Illinois, United States "Join a Reconciling Town Hall Meeting!"

Its all about building relationships
At a time when there are attempts to separate us from our neighbors, and immigrant/refugee families are being torn apart, it is important for us to come together and stand in solidarity with the most vulnerable in our communities. Building relationships is key to our success in the struggle for justice. I want us to meet to strengthen our bond so I am hosting online video/phone Reconciling Town Hall Meetings this March 2017. There are a number of dates to choose from. Click here to sign-up and receive information on how to participate. Share this link to others who want to join a Reconciling Town Hall Meeting:
Another way to build relationships is to share our stories of faith. I recently had the privilege to share my story through We Are Compatible, a podcast that highlights the stories of LGBTQ United Methodists. Thanks to Josh Culbertson and Alex Shanks for inviting me to be a witness to God's message of radical hospitality. To listen and subscribe to this podcast, please click here. Check their Facebook page here.
Finally, last month I shared a list of 25 new Reconciling communities in 2016 and I forgot to add the new Reconciling Community of Vista UMC in Vista CA. My mistake and I apologize for that omission. So we had 26 new Reconciling communities in the Western Jurisdiction in 2016!
Please read on and see all the opportunities for you to connect with other Reconciling United Methodists and be part of building our movement for full inclusion. Thank you for your witness and support!

Rev. Dr. Israel I. Alvaran
Western Jurisdiction Organizer
Phone: 510-717-4894
It's time for us to connect!

Reconciling United Methodists across the Western Jurisdiction are invited to participate in online video/phone Reconciling Town Hall Meetings. There are various meeting dates between March 16 - 22, 2017 to choose from. These will be an hour and half long meetings. We will share what's happening in our churches and conferences, what resources we need, get information on plans for 2017 and beyond, and have the opportunity to volunteer to join your local Annual Conference Reconciling Team. Once you are registered, you will receive information via email on how to participate using your computer or phone.
Join a Reconciling Town Hall Meeting
Register for the "Rise Up!" Conference
There is still time to register for the Rise Up! Conference organized by the Western Methodist Justice Movement. The keynote speaker is Bishop Karen Oliveto, our newest Western Jurisdiction bishop serving in the Mountain Sky Episcopal Area. Beth Zemsky will lead the main part of the weekend, which will focus on building our movement of people who are passionate about justice in a lot of different areas. Beth has the ability to help people think intersectionally and will help move us to a new competence in intersectionality to strengthen our movement. Click here for more information and to register.
If you cannot attend the whole conference, there are opportunities for you to participate. All are welcome to attend two conference events that are open to non-registered persons:
Opening Worship and Healing Service (Preacher: Bishop Karen Oliveto)
February 17th, Friday, 7-8PM
Musical Presentation by the ICON Choir
February 19th, Sunday, 4-5PM
Find out more about scholarships and registration
Support the Mountain Sky Area Vital Congregations Sustentation Fund
"With the election, consecration, and appointment of Bishop Karen Oliveto this summer, the Western Jurisdiction crossed a new threshold in our search to live into being the church we believe God is calling us to be – a church embracing all of God’s children and empowering every follower to fully live into their God-given vocation. Those gathered in Arizona felt the Spirit at work as they decided to elect and consecrate our denomination’s first openly lesbian Bishop. In doing so, we pledged to stand together and support one another in this continuing work. We now invite you to stand with us supporting congregations and brother and sister pastors in need. We seek your prayers and your monetary gifts."
Support Bishop Oliveto and the Mountain Sky Area
Reconciling Churches = Sanctuary Churches
Bishop Minerva Carcaño of the California-Nevada Conference, a staunch ally of the LGBTQ community, is shown above preaching about immigrant rights at the 2016 General Conference. As Reconciling churches that have opened our doors fully to persons of all sexual orientations and gender identies, we are challenged to also declare ourselves Sanctuary congregations - welcoming immigrants and refugees into our faith communities. Ask your church leaders and local Reconciling team to discuss the possibilities of your congregation becoming a Sanctuary congregation. At a time when immigrants and refugees are being turned away, we are mandated by the Gospel to practice radical love and hospitality.
Connect with your local Reconciling team
Contact your state or conference's Reconciling team leaders below to know how you can participate in local activities and witness.
Alaska: Art Carpenter
Desert Southwest: Rev. Stephen Govett
California-Nevada: Beth Synder
California-Pacific: Jason Takagi
Pacific Northwest: Rev. Vince Hart
Oregon-Idaho: Deborah Maria
Rocky Mountain: Pastor Jaime Nieves
Yellowstone: Mary Maheras
Hawai'i: Darlene Rodrigues
Connect with your conference Reconciling teams on Facebook - "like" their page!
California-Nevada Conference Committee on Reconciliation
Pacific Northwest - Reconciling Ministries Network
California-Pacific Conference Reconciling Ministries Network
Rocky Mountain Reconciling Ministries Network
Alaska Reconciling Ministries Network
Yellowstone Conference Voices of Reconciling Ministries
Desert Southwest Reconciling Ministries
Oregon-Idaho Reconciling United Methodists
Hawai'i Reconciling Ministries
Filipino Reconciling United Methodists
Email Izzy with questions on how to get connected to your local team
Copyright © 2017 Reconciling Ministries Network, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Reconciling Ministries Network
123 West Madison Street, Suite 2150
Chicago, Illinois 60602, United States

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