Saturday, May 6, 2017

These will warm your heart from Partners in Health in Boston, Massachusetts, United States for Saturday, 6 May 2017

These will warm your heart from Partners in Health in Boston, Massachusetts, United States for Saturday, 6 May 2017
Just a few days ago, we asked the PIH community to sign a Mother's Day card for moms-to-be in Sierra Leone. Soon, 1,529 notes of congratulations poured in from around the world, sending love and admiration to these new moms. The responses we've received will warm your heart. Please, take a glance, get inspired, and sign the card today! (But don't wait—it's the last day to send your congrats!) 

Tomorrow, PIH staff will begin to compile your well wishes for pregnant women who've bravely traveled long distances to our new birth waiting home in Kono, Sierra Leone—opened just last week.
Here, pregnant moms can spend their last few weeks of pregnancy in safety, just steps from a safe birth at the PIH-supported Wellbody Clinic.
This Mother's Day, we're so excited to surprise them with their first-ever Mother's Day card.
Please, sign the card today, and let these courageous moms know you're thinking of them.
With gratitude and warm wishes for a happy Mother's Day,
The Team at PIH
P.S. Dr. Paul Farmer was inspired to record his own Mother's Day message to new moms in Sierra Leone! Watch it now:

[Card] Congrats for the moms-to-be! from Sister Gladys, Partners in Health, PIH-Sierra Leone in Boston, Massachusetts, United States for Thursday, 4 May 2017
Sign our Mother's Day card for new moms in Sierra Leone!
Send your congrats today>>

Every day, I deliver babies in Kono, Sierra Leone—where I was born, raised, and live today.
And every day, I meet incredible mothers who brave long distances and weeks away from home simply to have a safe childbirth. So this Mother's Day, I want to show our moms that thousands of people are thinking of them, all around the world.
Please, sign our Mother's Day card, and congratulate these courageous women. But Gary, I'm compiling your notes THIS Sunday, so please, don't wait!

I've been a nurse for 11 years now, and a midwife for 3. And in this time, I've seen heartening progress for moms-to-be in Sierra Leone.
But our country remains one of the most dangerous for pregnant women, with nearly half of all mothers delivering at home because the journey to health care is simply too far.
That's why I'm so proud to tell you we just opened a new birth waiting home alongside the PIH-supported Wellbody Clinic, so moms can spend their final weeks of pregnancy near a facility that provides a safe delivery.
Our patients come miles from home, and often alone. And, I know your kind words will mean so much to them.
Please, add your name to their Mother's Day card today:

With deep thanks and solidarity,
Sister Gladys
Boyama Gladys Katingor
State Certified Midwife
PIH-Sierra Leone

Partners In Health
800 Boylston Street, Suite 300
Boston, Massachusetts 02199, United States
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