Reflecting God - Embrace Holy Living - The Global of the Nazarene's Foundry Publishing House in Kansas City, Missouri, United States for Thursday, 7 June 2018 "Repentance: Sins Forgiven" by Carol Rittenhouse - Mark 1:1-13
Mark 1:1 The beginning of the Good News of Yeshua the Messiah, the Son of God:
2 It is written in the prophet Yesha‘yahu,
“See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you;
3 “The voice of someone crying out:
‘In the desert prepare the way for Adonai!
4 So it was that Yochanan the Immerser appeared in the desert, proclaiming an immersion involving turning to God from sin in order to be forgiven. 5 People went out to him from all over Y’hudah, as did all the inhabitants of Yerushalayim. Confessing their sins, they were immersed by him in the Yarden River. 6 Yochanan wore clothes of camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist; he ate locusts and wild honey. 7 He proclaimed: “After me is coming someone who is more powerful than I — I’m not worthy even to bend down and untie his sandals. 8 I have immersed you in water, but he will immerse you in the Ruach HaKodesh.”
9 Shortly thereafter, Yeshua came from Natzeret in the Galil and was immersed in the Yarden by Yochanan. 10 Immediately upon coming up out of the water, he saw heaven torn open and the Spirit descending upon him like a dove; 11 then a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, whom I love; I am well pleased with you.”
12 Immediately the Spirit drove him out into the wilderness, 13 and he was in the wilderness forty days being tempted by the Adversary. He was with the wild animals, and the angels took care of him. (Complete Jewish Bible).
What does it mean to live a life of repentance-our sins being forgiven? For many of us we are so used to confessing that our sins have been forgiven that we forget to live that way. When John was sent to prepare the way for Jesus, he preached “a baptism of repentance.” Before sins can be forgiven there must be repentance: a complete turning of heart and mind toward God. It is in the act of repentance that our hearts are primed for the work of God to forgive our sins, made possible through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
While Jesus’ sacrifice was “once for all,” it is important for us to live in a consistent spirit of repentance. This simply means living in humility understanding that God is always prompting us and teaching us in His way. A life lived in repentance keeps in view that there are a million things every day competing for my loyalty and that above all I want my heart and mind directed toward God. Is there anything in your life tempting you to veer off the course and move another direction? Choose repentance and let God guide you back onto the path of righteousness!
Hymn for Today: "I Am Resolved" by Palmer Hartsough.
1. I am resolved no longer to linger,
charmed by the world's delight;
things that are higher, things that are nobler,
these have allured my sight.
Refrain: I will hasten to Him,
hasten so glad and free;
Jesus, greatest, highest,
I will come to Thee.
2. I am resolved to go to the Savior,
leaving my sin and strife;
He is the true one; He is the just one,
He has the words of life.
Refrain: I will hasten to Him,
hasten so glad and free;
Jesus, greatest, highest,
I will come to Thee.
3. I am resolved, and who will go with me?
Come, friends, without delay;
taught by the Bible, led by the Spirit,
we'll walk the heavenly way.
Refrain: I will hasten to Him,
hasten so glad and free;
Jesus, greatest, highest,
I will come to Thee.
Thought for Today: When you pass through water, I will be with you;
when you pass through rivers, they will not overwhelm you;
when you walk through fire, you will not be scorched —
the flame will not burn you. (Isaiah 43:2a)(Complete Jewish Bible).
Please pray: That many people in Burundi will come to know Yeshua as their Messiah and receive the fullness of the Ruach HaKodesh.
Reflecting God - Embrace Holy Living - The Global of the Nazarene's Foundry Publishing House in Kansas City, Missouri, United States for Wednesday, 6 June 2018 "Confession: A Good Start" by Carol Rittenhouse - Jeremiah 3:20-4:4.
Jeremiah 3:20 But like a faithless woman who betrays her husband, you, house of Isra’el, have betrayed me,” says Adonai.’”
21 A sound is heard on the heights,
the house of Isra’el crying, pleading for mercy,
because they have perverted their way
and forgotten Adonai their God.
22 “Return, backsliding children,
and I will heal your backsliding.”
“Here we are, we are coming to you,
for you are Adonai our God.
23 Indeed the hills have proved a delusion,
likewise the orgies on the mountains.
Truly the salvation of Isra’el
is in Adonai our God.
24 But from our youth the shameful thing [idolatry]
has devoured the fruit of our ancestors’ work,
their flocks and herds, their sons and daughters.
25 Let us lie down in our shame,
let our disgrace cover us,
for we have sinned against Adonai our God,
both we and our ancestors,
from our youth until today;
we have not paid attention
to the voice of Adonai our God.”
4 “Isra’el, if you will return,” says Adonai,
“yes, return to me; and if you will banish
your abominations from my presence
without wandering astray again;
2 and if you will swear, ‘As Adonai lives,’
in truth, justice and righteousness;
then the nations will bless themselves by him,
and in him will they glory.”
3 For here is what Adonai says
to the people of Y’hudah and Yerushalayim:
“Break up your ground that hasn’t been plowed,
and do not sow among thorns.”
4 “People of Y’hudah and inhabitants of Yerushalayim,
circumcise yourselves for Adonai,
remove the foreskins of your heart!
Otherwise my fury will lash out like fire,
burning so hot that no one can quench it,
because of how evil your actions are. (Complete Jewish Bible).
Above all, God is God of redemption. In the days of Jeremiah, the people of Israel had gone down such a destructive path, that punishment was inevitable. This punishment came in the form of separation (exile) and destruction (temple and city). Yet while preaching words of judgment for their idolatry, Jeremiah is also offering God’s words of hope. God is a God of judgment and justice, but he also works toward redemption.
Israel lived in a cycle of judgment and reconciliation because God values willing obedience. God could have forced Israel into obedience. Instead, he gave them freedom to choose. Neither did he force reconciliation. It was a choice. God is the same today. While we may be “given over” to our own wishes and desires—it is our choice whether or not to be obedient. However, rejection of God will not be free of consequence. We can be sure, though, that no matter what happens, no matter the consequence, We can be sure, though, that no matter what happens, no matter the consequence, God will always be waiting to reconcile with us. He pursues it. He waits for it. And there is no one among all of God’s creation for whom that is not possible. Reconcliation with God is always availsble. Reconciliatikn is always a choice.
Hymn for Today: "I Belong To The King" by Ida Reed Smith.
1. I belong to the King, I’m a child of His love,
I shall dwell in His palace so fair;
For He tells of its bliss in yon heaven above,
And His children in splendor shall share.
Chorus: I belong to the King, I’m a child of His love,
And he never forsaketh His own;
He will call me some day to His palace above,
I shall dwell by His glorified throne.
2. I belong to the King, and He loves me I know,
For His mercy and kindness, so free,
Are unceasingly mine wheresoever I go,
And my refuge unfailing is He.
Chorus: I belong to the King, I’m a child of His love,
And he never forsaketh His own;
He will call me some day to His palace above,
I shall dwell by His glorified throne.
3. I belong to the King, and His promise is sure,
That we all shall be gathered at last
In His kingdom above, by life’s waters so pure,
When this life with its trials is past.
Chorus: I belong to the King, I’m a child of His love,
And he never forsaketh His own;
He will call me some day to His palace above,
I shall dwell by His glorified throne.
Thought for Today: Adonai, you are kind and forgiving,
full of grace toward all who call on you. (Psalm 86:5 (Complete Jewish Bible)).
Please pray: For the development of Christian leaders in Burundi.
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