Written by Pastor, Jeremy Peugh
The Church
Today let’s talk about the New testament church and our mission. So to get into it, let’s look at this passage found in Acts 2. “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42). The New Testament church was intense about some things. This intensity and intentionality created a certain climate that attracted people because it had captured the hearts of Christians.The church was a learning church. They listened to the apostles teach; they allowed these words of instruction to shape their lives. The church also enjoyed being together. They found the fellowship to be rich. Meal times were glad and happy occasions. I can picture the church sitting at a table laughing and talking about their lives. The fellowship was further enriched by the hospitality offered in their homes.
Part of their devotion was a deep commitment to prayer. The presence of God surrounded these believers as they were seeking transformation. God was free to work miraculously through the church leaders. There was a certain awe and marveling expressed from the heart through the mouths of people. They were caught up by the unusual, divine intervention that was unexplainable, except that God had visited them.
People made sure the physical and financial needs of people were met. They sold their possessions in order to meet the needs of people who were less fortunate. This church worshiped continually. They gave praise to God. They joyfully and exuberantly honored God as the sovereign leader of their lives.
The result of this intense and joyous lifestyle was that people were drawn to them. The Scripture says they were “enjoying the favor of all the people” (Acts 2:47). Unsaved people enjoyed the church. They liked the people who were teaching, praying, worshiping, fellowshipping, and sharing. It is no wonder so many people came to know Christ. The local church was contagious with their love and devotion.
The church is a system constructed by God and His human agents for the express purpose of ministering to the outsider. The church’s ministry should focus on reaching unsaved people. While every pastor and lay leadership team is constrained by a variety of limitations—workers, finances, available time—they use the resources they have to minister to those who need Jesus. The compelling aim of the church is to bring salvation to sinners.
The church intentionally directed their ministries toward loving, inviting and including outsiders into the church. The result of this effort was “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47).
I know this video is a little long, but I really like it. Not only does it give you an understanding of what to do in a helicopter crash which I know we are all wanting to know, but it also has a great message at the in of the video. if you want to hear just that message go to 9:35.
Coming Up At Mount Carmel
Wednesday Food Sign up:So let's talk about food and Bible Study, we would love for you to join us on Wednesday for dinner and Bible study. To make sure we have everything we need, here is the link for this week Wednesday, October 24th.
Fall Festival:
THIS Saturday, October 27 from 2-6pm. ALL HANDS ON DECK!!! :) We are still looking for people to help volunteer for the Fall Festival. If you have time on Friday evening, we'll be getting some of the game booths set up. We would also love help setting up on Saturday, so feel free to come around noon if you would like to help with that. We are excited to see the ways God uses this event to reach those in our community.
Wednesday Night Fellowship CANCELED NEXT WEEK (10/31)
WEDNESDAY, October 31st we will be canceling our Wednesday night program so that those with young kids have the ability to enjoy the Halloween festivities in their communities.
Mount Carmel NazCon:
Friday, Nov. 2 (noon-midnight) and Saturday, Nov. 3 (10am-10pm). We’ll be hosting a gaming convention inside the church sanctuary. Invite your friends, neighbors and co-workers to join us for this awesome event!
Operation Christmas Child:
We are gearing up for Operation Christmas Child. This is an opportunity that we have to share Christ's love with children who are less fortunate around the world. Pack a few boxes and make sure to have them to the church by Wednesday, November 11th. See Barbara Wills for details.
Links Family:
What is Links? Links is a network of personal connections between missionaries and Nazarene districts around the world. Participating missionaries are assigned to districts and, then on the district level, connected to local churches. This gives each church an opportunity to become personally acquainted with a missionary family and their field of service. A Links relationship fosters a sense of involvement with the global missions enterprise of the church through regular correspondence from the missionaries, updates from their field, and even through deputation services while the missionaries are on home assignment.
To all those who give during out service or online, THANK YOU!!! The money you give goes to helping our community and the global church. If you missed giving this week, just visit our giving page here and give online.
We also are set up to receive Faith Promise through our online giving here just make sure that you select Faith Promise instead of general offering.
Tithing is a discipline that will strengthen your faith and the church cannot function properly without your support. If you consider Mount Carmel your church home, please pray about being obedient to the Lord in this way.
Just in case you missed the video Sunday. Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan's Purse, brings good news and great joy to children around the world. And the work doesn't stop there. Through The Greatest Journey, our discipleship program for those who receive shoeboxes, whole communities are being transformed by the Gospel.
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Mount Carmel Church of the Nazarene
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