Confirmation meeting at 9:30 - Pageant rehearsals begin - Support the Nov 10 Auction & Variety Show
From Pastor Molly: Sick and TiredWe've been using online video meetings more around church, not only for our Tuesday evening Disciple Bible Study, but for other meetings, too. Almost always, when I log on and my laptop camera comes on, I'm startled by how tired I think I look.Now, I know that with better lighting and an improved camera angle, I could minimize that look. But lately, I admit that there are things that make me feel simply exhausted. There are too many things broken in the world, and too many reminders of our human limitations.
There are really big things: the devastating effects of climate change, including more frequent destructive storms. The desperation of global migrants, fleeing violence and poverty in their homelands. Fear and division, which close us off to one another because of political, national, racial and cultural differences. And then there's the heartbreak that's local and personal, like grief for loved ones gone.
The list goes on.
Most days, even while I carry this list like a heavy weight, I'm also aware that I live in the midst of tremendous blessing; I certainly do not experience the direct, debilitating consequences of so many of these things. I just get tired.
I suppose this is part of what inspires me about our gospel story for this weekend, about the healing of a blind man named Bartimaeus. I sympathize with his desperation as he sat on the side of the road, calling out to Jesus. I marvel at how energized he became when Jesus began to talk with him. Leaping up, throwing off his cloak, he comes to be healed.
I pray that you and I would claim this same sort of courage, that we would dare to be the sort of people who, though life may wear us down, are ready to leap up toward the promise of healing and redemption that Jesus offers our world. May our hunger for grace be met by the feast freely given in God's love.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Molly
Sunday, October 28
See and Be Seen:
"You Look Really Tired"
Rev. Molly Vetter, preaching
Mark 10:46-52
Mark 10:46 They came to Yericho; and as Yeshua was leaving Yericho with his talmidim and a great crowd, a blind beggar, Bar-Timai (son of Timai), was sitting by the side of the road. 47 When he heard that it was Yeshua from Natzeret, he started shouting, “Yeshua! Son of David! Have pity on me!” 48 Many people scolded him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the louder, “Son of David! Have pity on me!” 49 Yeshua stopped and said, “Call him over!” They called to the blind man, “Courage! Get up! He’s calling for you!” 50 Throwing down his blanket, he jumped up and came over to Yeshua. 51 “What do you want me to do for you?” asked Yeshua. The blind man said to him, “Rabbi, let me be able to see again.” 52 Yeshua said to him, “Go! Your trust has healed you.” Instantly he received his sight and followed him on the road. (Complete Jewish Bible).
Mark 10:46-52
Verse 46
[46] And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging.
Matthew 20:29; Luke 18:35.
Verse 50
[50] And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus.
Casting away his garment — Through joy and eagerness. (John Wesley's Commentary Notes).
8:30am in Epworth Lounge
10:30am in the Sanctuary
Special Music: "Agnus Dei" by Verdi, sung by Audrey Yoder and Cecilia Rogers with the Chancel Choir
Agnus dei,
Qui tollis peccata mundi,
Miserere, miserere nobis.
Agnus dei,
Qui tollis peccata mundi,
Miserere miserere
Miserere nobis.
Agnus, agnus dei,
Que tollis pecatta mundi,
Agnus, agnus dei,
Que tollis pecatta mundi,
Dona nobis pacem
Agnus dei,
Dona pacem
Agnus dei,
Dona nobis pacem
Dona nobis
Dona pacem
Latin English
Agnus Dei, qui tolis peccata mundi, Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
miserere nobis. have mercy on us.
Agnus Dei, qui tolis peccata mundi, Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
dona nobis pacem. grant us peace.
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News From Our Members Thursday, October 25, 2018
Bob Peterson
Bob Peterson's popular column for the Mainsail has found new life, online! Read his view from the pews about church life and community news. You'll enjoy keeping up with the many good things happening in our congregation! by Bob PetersonMissing my church one weekend meant missing some great music, with several people telling me about it. Also I missed hearing about my good church friend Don Diers passing away. I did attend his service last Friday and it was beautiful and a pleasure to hear about his many faceted life outside the church. He and Lois have been an important part of our church for several years and have many friends here. It was always hard to miss Don as he towered six foot six inches in his life in the Navy, and working in the aerospace businesses. Due to his height he played and coached lots of basketball, as you might imagine. He and Lois made a great picture as they stood together short and tall. Don would often tell me he was going to catch up to me, for I was born in April 1921 and he on Oct. 19, 1922. He nearly made it to his 96th birthday, six days after passing. We all will miss him and support Lois in our prayers.
I love that song which was sung last Sunday, “Open My Eyes, That I May See”, for it has a small range of about five notes. Since losing my singing voice due to old age there aren't many hymns I can join in and sing, but this is one, one of my favorites. Another was sung beautifully last week by Audrey Yoder with a soft musical background. It was “Be Thou My Vision” and came across just wonderfully.
Last Sunday we were treated to a substitute preacher as Pastor Molly was away for a few days. Co-Lay Leader Johnathan Tuuholoaki, who with his wife, Ofa, attends our Annual Conference at Redlands each year and performs other official duties in our name was the Lay Speaker. His very sincere sermon impressed with his particular “Island Theology” from his Tonga Heritage as he spoke on “Unleashing Your Greatness”. We have many very unique people in our congregation and Johnathan is certainly one of them. Thank you, sir, for giving us such a fine message.
I noticed in last week's bulletin that our Monthly Pot-Luck luncheons, held in the Fellowship Hall will be the first Sunday of each month throughout the school year. So, plan on it, prepare for it, and don't ever ask when the next pot-luck is coming. Just be prepared for the first Sunday of each month until .sometime next July or August, and who knows, maybe they will continue through the summer too.
Click here for more of the Lay Looker
Coming at Church
Update from our Finance Committee
Last Monday, I reported to the Administrative Council the September financial results. The year to date income that was budgeted is now $50,000 behind. We recognize that the timing of our income varies depending on the months, but the deficit has continued to grow, so it is important that we recognize it at this time.
The income for the next three months is budgeted for $100,000. With the shortfall of $50,000, we need to have income of $150,000 or $50,000 per month to reach our goals. This income supports our ministries and the programs at our church. We need everyone to help to correct this problem so we can continue all.
Thank you for your support.
Gary Baughman, Chair of the Finance Committee
Add a Name to our All Saints Sunday Remembrance
On November 4 in worship, we will remember those saints who have passed in the last year. If you would like to include a loved one in our slide presentation, please email a photo to the office of the person, along with their name and relationship to you. Photos may also be hand delivered to the office where we will scan them instantly and return them to you. All submissions should be in by November 1. Email here
Invite your friends: Our annual fall vareity show, silent auction and food trucks event is scheduled for Saturday, November 10, from 5-8pm! True to our street address, we're planning to call it "A Night on Broadway."
We hope you'll start thinking about what talents and auction items you can share! You don't have to limit yourself to Broadway-themed acts, but they're not a bad place to start...
Share our Facebook event on your page to help spread the word.
November 10 Silent Auction Features Great Donations You Can Bid On!
Our Silent Auction team has been recruiting some fabulous donations for the Nov 10 "Night on Broadway" event! You can bid on great items including: a homemade dessert of the month from Naomi Circle, rounds of golf at area courses, tickets to the LA Phil at Disney Hall, restaurant giftcards, music lessons, a Pelican cooler, jewelry, a handmade quilt and much, much more!
This is the final Sunday of Pastor Molly's fall series! Join us for one more week of contemplating how God sees us, and how God invites us to see the world. This week: "You look really tired."
Trustees Update: Campus Improvements
You may have noticed some work happening on campus! With the generous support of many people during our Step Up Capital Campaign, we've moved forward with some much-needed campus improvements. Check out the new stairs on the education building, as well as the new flooring and chairs in Epworth Lounge!
This year, we're excited to present “The Unfriendly Beasts” by Ruth Elaine Schram and Scott Schram, and we are thrilled that our church’s own Kristen Harper will be directing.
Rehearsal begins with a short parent meeting at 9:15!
Click here for more info
Planning on participating? Email
Confirmation Meeting Sunday!
Interested in Confirmation? Stephen Hale and Pastor Molly invite interested parents and you to an informational meeting this Sunday, October 28th at 9:30am.
Designed for middle school youth, Confirmation is a way for young people to take up their baptism, entering into Christianity in a deeper way. We'll begin events with a Kick-Off this November-December, with most of Confirmation starting in the new year. Click here for more info!
Pantry Drive
Starting this Sunday, October 21 Sunday School and Church R Us participants are encouraged to bring in items to replenish our "pastor's pantry", where we keep sack lunch type foods (items that don't require a kitchen or can opener). These items are given almost daily.
Bring your donations to your Sunday school class. Which ever group has brought in the most donations by November 25th will be served donuts by the other group!
BeachFaith Kids Spanish Classes!
Enrollment for children's spanish classes is now open for 3-8 year olds! Classes are Tuesdays from 3:45-4:45 and 5:00-6:00.
Tuition is $85 a month.
Click here to register or learn more!
We are always inviting you to take a next step as you grow in faith and involvement in our church community!
On our website, you can now more easily see all the Classes and Small Groups at church, as well as current and ongoing Volunteer Opportunities!
FUMCRB will be hosting a Holiday Craft Fair on December 1st benefitting AIDS Project Los Angeles .
We are seeking artists and crafters as vendors for the event.
Spread the word and mark your calendars, this is going to be truly special!
For more info & vendor application click here.
Beautiful, fresh evergreen wreaths are available for order on Sunday morning for two more weeks! This is the biggest fundraiser of the year for our youth program.
You can order at church before/after the 10:30 Service, or you can order online. Click here to order online!
Potluck Lunches on First Sundays
You can mark your calendars now: for the rest of the school year, we're planning a Potluck Lunch on the first Sunday of each month, after 10:30 worship! Everyone's welcome--bring something to share.
This is a great way to get to make new friends in our church community, and to renew connections with old friends.
We celebrate the 20 volunteers from our congregation who were a part of our Corazon House Build Team last weekend! They did an amazing job on the house. You can see photos from their experience on our Facebook page!
A Farewell: Church Custodian Arnie Sachs has resigned his position as Church Custodian. He will be on staff through November 6. Between now and then, please join us in sharing with him your appreciation for his dedication and care for our church community.
Men's Breakfast: Our next breakfast is Monday, November 5, at 7AM. Coco's Restaurant, 18120 Hawthorne Blvd. (Hawthorne and 182nd). All men of the church and their friends are welcome to join us for fellowship.
Prayer Quilt Ministry: Join us for our monthly quilting workshop Friday, November 9, starting at 10am. There's something for everyone to do to help. Even if you haven't tried quilt-making before, this is a great way to begin. Know someone in need of prayer? Anyone can sponsor a free prayer quilt. The Quilt Request Form is online or in the church office.
Meals and More: Did you know that we have a ministry that organizes meals and other assistance for church folks in times of need? In the past, we've helped arrange rides to medical appointments, meals for people recovering from surgery, and more. Leila Grantz coordinates this ministry, using online sign-up tools. If you want to be a part of the group that she emails when there is an opportunity to help, or if you know someone who's in need of a little help, please contact the church office or Leila.
Book Club: Our Tuesday Night Book Club will meet on November 20 at 7pm for a discussion led by Lianna Harrington. Next ,month's selection is “Sing, Unburied, Sing,” winner of the National Book Award, written by Jessmyn Ward. Refreshments will be provided by Lianna and Eloise Elder. Please join us. For more information, contact Ann Gallagher.
Help Wanted: Sound Board Operators: We are looking for 8-10+ people to volunteer to be part of a rotation of sound board operators. There are no requirements other than a desire to help out.Volunteers should either stop by the sound booth after church or send Matt Parker an email.
Job Opening: We are looking for a new Church Custodian to help with general maintenance, cleaning and security of our campus. More information is posted online.
This Week: Children, Youth & Adults
Nursery (6 weeks+): The Nursery is open during both services, for ages 6 weeks to 5 yrs old. Located right off of the parking lot across from Epworth Lounge. Please know that children of any age are always welcome in worship. Any questions email the Nursery Coordinator: Adriana Hwang
Children's Ministry (age 3 - 3rd Grade): Join us at 9:15 for Christmas Pageant Rehearsals! Afterward, we'll head to Sunday School right after! At the end of Sunday School, we'll head back to join our families in worship just in time to have Holy Communion with our families!
Church R Us (Grades 4 & 5): Join us at 9:15 for Christmas Pageant Rehearsals! Then, head to 10:30 worship with your family, and you'll head to Sunday School during "Passing of the Peace". Look for our youth director, Stephen Hale, who teaches CRU Sunday School!
Youth Ministry (6th-12th grade):
-Middle School Sunday School (10:30am)? Oh yes.
-Youth Group(2-4pm on Sunday)? Nope! We're doing laser tag and bowling Friday!
Young Adults (19-not very specific):
We have a weekly gathering, Tuesday nights at 6:30. We meet at Starbucks, and talk about life. Contact Stephen for more details!
Monday Night Dinner Study:
We're be studying the book "7", by Jen Hatmaker. Dinner for all is at 5:30, in Epworth lounge. Children's programming is available! Email Dawn Kirkemo for information.
Tuesday Night Online Disciple Bible Study: This Disciple Bible Study Fast Track meets online via Zoom from 8-9:30pm. Register and find more information here.
Adult Sunday School: Bible Study and Discussion in May Day Parlor.Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:15am. Led by Helen Stockwell. All are welcome.
Thursday Disciple Bible Study:
Meets from 10:30am to noon! Register and find more information here.
United Methodist News & Events
Our congregation is a part of the El Tordondo Mission Area, in the West District of the California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
First United Methodist Church of Redondo Beach
(310)372-8445 main
(310)372-5696 fax
Ongoing MinistriesOffering food and friendship to those in need, every Wednesday night since 1992. More info here.
Shared Bread always accepts donations of the following: new underwear- men's and women's, all sizes; Sweatpants/sweatshirts-L/XL (hooded, zip up, dark colors); Men’s jeans waist sizes 32- 34; Men’s new socks, white or grey only- all sizes; Men’s tennis shoes - especially sizes 9.5 to 11.5; new or used brown paper bags with handles.
Please bring them to church on Sunday, or to the office during the week.
Homemade treats are treasured by our guests – but purchased treats would be wonderful, as well. Please wrap desserts tightly and mark for Shared Bread. Deliver Sunday (when you come for church) through Wednesday to the church kitchen (or the office if kitchen is closed.) Wednesday deliveries
should be here by 4:00pm to help us plan our meal better. THANK YOU!
Thursday, October 25, 2018 - Music Notes

Jim Raycroft
Music Director, Jim Raycroft, will
share upcoming worship music
selections and a little bit of history, too. by Jim Raycroft
This week, our own Carrie Potter will be leading the prayer song as a warm up for next week, when she’ll be the star soloist of the anthem. Spread the word and alert the media!Giuseppi Verdi (which translates into English as “Joe Green”) was, and is, the most significant writer of Italian opera in the 19th century. Born in 1813 in the tiny village of Roncole to an innkeeper, he began lessons at age 4 (when he was given a spinet) and began to compose music for the local church and orchestra by age 11. He studied privately when he was refused admission by the Milan conservatory (too old and played the piano poorly), and wrote his first opera - Oberto, conte di San Bonifacio, in 1839. His early operas were not particularly well received, as they weren’t very good, and it wasn’t until Nabucodonoser, which we now know as Nabucco, written in 1841 and based on the biblical Nebuchadnezzar, that things began to gel for him. He followed this by driving himself “like a galley slave”, as he himself put it, sometimes producing 2 operas a year, and began to receive massive commissions for operas from all over the world. By 1871, with the debut of Aida (commissioned for the opening of the new Cairo Opera House), he was indisputably the king of Italian opera. Interestingly, Richard Wagner, who was his German opera contemporary, hated his music and used to bash him publicly at every opportunity. By the same token, Verdi hated Wagner’s music and likewise bashed it at every opportunity.
When Gioachino Rossini, the biggest name in Italian music (by that time a restaurateur in Paris) died in 1868, Verdi suggested to his publisher (Ricordi) that he gather together the biggest names in Italian music to write a requiem mass in Rossini’s honor. The composers were chosen and the movements were assigned (Verdi chose the Libera Memovement for himself). Ultimately, the project was never completed, although the mass itself was completed, due to logistical reasons (locking down the conductor, chorus, orchestra and venue). The mass itself was lost until a few years ago, when it was discovered by German choral conductor Helmut Rilling, who has since recorded it and has performed it around the world. The 1873 death of Italian poet and patriot Alessandro Marsoni moved Verdi to compose a requiem mass for him, for which he used much of the material he had written for the Rossini mass. The Verdi Requiem is now considered to be one of the greatest masterpieces of the genre and is performed constantly around the world (it was the first concert we did with Gustavo Dudamel when he came to L.A.). The Agnus Deimovement is the portion of the mass where the singer is asking God for mercy and peace – “Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, have mercy on me”. Verdi had decided that the Requiem would be his swan song and retired to a farm for 14 years until he was lured out of retirement by his publisher to write 2 more operas, based on Shakespeare plays (Othello and The Merry Wives of Windsor). He died in 1901 at age 88.
Hank Williams is considered to be one of the most significant songwriters of the 20thcentury. He recorded 35 singles, 5 released posthumously, that reached the top 10 of the Billboard Country and Western best sellers, 11 of which reached #1 (3 posthumously). He was born Hiram King Williams (he changed his name to Hank because he thought it was better for country music) in Mount Olive, Alabama in 1923 and began his music career in 1937 (at the age of 14!) in Montgomery. Although he could not read or write music, he joined the Grand Ole Opry in 1949 after his version of Lovesick Blues became a monster country hit and stayed at #1 for 4 consecutive months. Years of back pain, alcoholism and prescription drug abuse took their toll on his health and he died in 1953 at the age of 29. I Saw The Lightwas inspired in 1947 when, during a road trip with his mother at the wheel, she woke him up to tell him “I just saw the light”, referring to the lights of Dannelly Field Airport, meaning they were close to Montgomery. It was written in 1947, recorded and released in 1948 and, while it didn’t enjoy great success during his lifetime, it became a gospel standard and also became the closing song for all of his shows.
Click here to read more Music Notes!
Looking for a Way to Volunteer?
The Welcome Team is looking for volunteers who can help about once a month between the two services and/or immediately after the 10:30 service. Go to our "Want to Help" page to learn more about this awesome ministry, as well as several other current ways you can lend a hand in ministry.
Do you have a couple hours once or twice a month to help maintain our beautiful church gardens? Tasks would include pruning, planting, weeding and watering. Whatever you can help with, we'd love to have you join our team! Duties could change seasonally. Sign up through the church office, or by talking with Jody Wilkinson.
Acolytes are needed for 10:30 worship each week. If you've been trained, you can sign up via our "sign up genius" (click here!)
If you are interested in being trained, email children's ministries!
Circle Meeting Time
- Naomi Circle 2nd Tuesday @ 10:00am
- Hannah Circle 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00pm
- Mary Circle 4th Monday @ 7:00pm
United Methodist Women’s Reading Program: There are many titles to choose from with new ones added every year! Books are available in the UMW library located in May Day Parlor. Any one can read the books and our own local UMW unit will get credit! click here for information about the program.
Support missions through recycling!
Bring your plastic bottles, aluminum cans AND CRV glass bottles to church every Sunday. By recycling we can support Corazon, Crop Walk, Habitat for Humanity and some of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) programs: Syrian refugee relief, eradicating hunger, clean water, ending malaria and fighting HIV/AIDS. We appreciate all recycling donations,but the blue recycling bins are only for CA RV or CRV. We don't get any funds from milk cartons, or other plastics that are not CRV.
Sunday Worship Liturgist Sign Up
Campus WiFi network is: First UMC Guests; Password is: openhearts
Parking Reminder: If you are able, we encourage you to park at the Wells Fargo bank on Sunday mornings, and walk across the street, reserving the parking lot for those with mobility challenges or for new visitors. We also have a bike rack on the patio. Thanks for your consideration.
Hearing Assistance Devices are available on Sunday mornings. Just ask for one at the audio/video booth in the sanctuary.
Connect with us
First United Methodist Church
243 South Broadway
Redondo Beach, California 90277, United States
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