(Image: Pixabay)
We know love by this, that [the Son of God] laid down his life for us — and we ought to lay
down our lives for one another. (1 John 3:16 (NRSV))***
Early in our marriage, my husband proclaimed that he would be willing to die for me. I thought my husband’s dramatic declaration sounded good, but I didn’t completely believe him. The evening before, at dinner, Michael had gotten a milkshake. I didn’t want a whole milkshake — just a few sips. I had a sip of his, then another and another. Michael said, “Why don’t you order your own milkshake?” So when Michael said he would die for me, I said, “You would die for me, but you don’t want to share your milkshake?”
We now laugh about the Milkshake Incident. We have learned that to love each other as Christ loves us doesn’t necessarily mean making a big, dramatic gesture. It means making countless small sacrifices for each other.
Michael shows me that he loves me when he speaks kindly to me when I am in a bad mood. He works hard to support our family and does chores around the house when he’d rather do something else. He rubs my feet when they hurt. He even freely shares his milkshakes with me. His daily actions show me that he is laying down his life for me.
Most of us won’t have to die to show our love for others. But we can let go of our own desires in order to better love and serve the people in our lives as a small reflection of what Jesus did in giving up everything for us.
TODAY'S PRAYER: Dear Father, may the example of Jesus’ selfless love inspire us to lay down our own lives in love as well. Amen.
TODAY'S READING: Mark 8:31-36
Mark 8:31 He began teaching them that the Son of Man had to endure much suffering and be rejected by the elders, the head cohanimand the Torah-teachers; and that he had to be put to death; but that after three days, he had to rise again. 32 He spoke very plainly about it. Kefa took him aside and began rebuking him. 33 But, turning around and looking at his talmidim, he rebuked Kefa. “Get behind me, Satan!” he said, “For your thinking is from a human perspective, not from God’s perspective!”
34 Then Yeshua called the crowd and his talmidim to him and told them, “If anyone wants to come after me, let him say ‘No’ to himself, take up his execution-stake, and keep following me. 35 For whoever wants to save his own life will destroy it, but whoever destroys his life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News will save it. 36 Indeed, what will it benefit a person if he gains the whole world but forfeits his life? (Complete Jewish Bible).
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: How will I reflect Christ’s self-sacrificing love to others?
Link2Life - October 28
Link2Life - October 28
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