Friday, January 31, 2014

Reverend Adam Hamilton – Friday, 31 January 2014 - Dear Resurrection Family,

Reverend Adam Hamilton – Friday, 31 January 2014 - Dear Resurrection Family,
Sunday night's service will be from 4 to 5 p.m. this weekend to allow time for folks to make it to their Super Bowl parties. Each year on Super Bowl weekend we bump up the time of the service and shorten it to allow for the Sunday evening congregation to attend service and then have their friends over for the Super Bowl. Some suggest that we're saying that football is more important than God, but I think we're saying that reaching non-religious people is more important than what time our service starts. J If getting out at 5 doesn't give you enough time for your evening festivities, join us for one of our other worship services throughout the weekend! Remember, this means our online Sunday evening service will also start at 4.
This weekend we'll conclude our January sermon series on the questions people ask about Jesus. I've had several people tell me over the years that they wanted to be Christians but they struggled with the doctrines of the resurrection or the divinity of Christ. Do we have to believe these things? What is their meaning? What evidence do we have for the truth of these doctrines or what is the case to be made. We'll end by returning to the scripture which we started this series with five weeks ago, where Jesus asked his disciples a question, a question he asks each of us today, "Who do you say that I am?" Invite a friend to join us this weekend.
Last Sunday afternoon 204 adults and 57 children joined the Leawood Campus of the Church of the Resurrection. Our other campuses will have their Coffee with the Pastors on February 9. At the bottom of my e-note is a list of the names of those who joined at Leawood. Take a look and see if you know any of them, then be sure to welcome them! If you joined Sunday, please arrive a few minutes before worship begins this weekend as we'll formally welcome new members at the beginning of the service.
Last Friday night, by a written ballot vote of 902 to 56, those in attendance at our All Church Gathering approved moving forward with plans to construct our permanent sanctuary, narthex and new missions space, as well as plans to renovate our current sanctuary into our Vibe worship, fellowship hall, kitchen, 24 adult classrooms and Matthew's Ministry space. If you were not able to be there to hear the presentation, I want to encourage you to listen to the presentation and the conversation around it. Here's the link so you can view it online.
Next month will spend four weeks studying the scriptures as we think about our future, God's vision for our church, and God's call on our lives. Each week we'll also give you information about the new building including financial data, blueprints of the building, and we'll take you inside the building using CAD video, we'll have Q and A sessions and we'll have a Sunday when we'll take you outside to actually stand inside the new sanctuary exactly where it is going to sit. It will be an exciting month!
This weekend is our annual Souper Bowl Food Drive. Click here for a list of items needed for the food drive. You'll find that you are blessed as you stop by to shop for people in the greater Kansas City area who are in need of a helping hand. There are low-income children in Kansas City who you will be blessing with your offering of food. Click here if you are interested in serving in our hunger ministry.
On Monday and Tuesday of this coming week (February 3 and 4) we'll host our 20th Anniversary Blood Drive. In the last 20 years you have saved thousands of lives through our blood drive. You are the largest source of blood in the Greater Kansas City area. If you are 16 or older and weight at least 115 pounds you are eligible to give. I consider this an act of Christian discipleship and an offering to God to help one of his children in need. Click here to make your appointment on line, or you can just show up. The drive is open in the narthex from 8 am to 8 pm at the Leawood Campus.
Do you struggle with depression? On Saturday, February 1 from 10:00am-12:30pm (Student Center) we'll sponsor a special event called, "Six Ways to Fight Depression" with author and KU professor Dr. Stephen Ilardi. These 6 strategies have been shown to be very helpful during clinical trials as well as Live Well classes at Resurrection. You will learn how "A Depressed brain is an inflamed brain" and strategies for reducing the inflammation. Please register for this free event at Childcare is available. You can call Pastor Steven Blair (913-544-0219) with any questions.
Resurrection, I am really excited about the next few years. It is going to be exciting, a church only once builds its permanent sanctuary. The process of dreaming, visioning and then watching those dreams become reality and seeing the impact the buildings have will be exhilarating.
Don't miss worship this weekend as we consider the meaning and case to be made for the resurrection and divinity of Jesus. And don't forget, Sunday night worshipers, to join us at 4 instead of 5.
United Methodist Church of the Resurrection
13720 Roe Avenue
Leawood, KS 66224 United States

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