Monday, April 21, 2014

Out of Africa Newsletter Issue 2 for April 2014 - Global Church of the Nazarene

OOABannerOut of Africa Newsletter Issue 2 for April 2014 - Global Church of the Nazarene
In This Issue 
Cape Verde stands behind their missionaries
A Woman of God
Lean In on the Africa East Field
Noah Sibanda, part one: Educating Children is Essential
Prayer requests and praises
Pray for the Carvalhos and other missionaries serving in Africa.
African Women Clergy and young people called to ministry and missions from Africa,
The children of Africa and those called to work with them for a brighter future.
For an Easter greeting from the BGS, click here.
Celebrate the RESURRECTION
The Easter season gives us an opportunity to celebrate God’s life-giving power to all who

hear and respond to this incredible gospel message.
The message that …
… brings hope to our world
… o ffers a glorious inheritance with eternal dividends
… creates a holy people
… brings with it the mighty working of God’s power for those who believe in Him!
Easter a ords us an opportunity to celebrate the life-giving power of God! It reminds us 
that our Father used this life-giving power to raise His Son from 
the dead. As Paul stated:
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has 
called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who 
believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and 

seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms… (Ephesians 1:18–20, NIV).
Join us this Easter season in sharing with the entire world this message of the life-giving 
power of God! He raised His Son from the dead! And He has been transforming the lives of 
men and women, boys and girls from that day until this. We join in the harvest as we work 

together “to make Christlike disciples in the nations.” To God be the glory!
Board of General Superintendents, Church of the Nazarene
David A. Busic
Gustavo A. Crocker
Eugénio R. Duarte
David W. Graves
Jerry D. Porter
J. K. Warrick
For a video greeting from David Graves, see the Nazarene Media Library by clicking here
Explore the Africa Region
Church of the Nazarene - Africa Region 
Le Coin Nazaréen
Noticias Nazarenas
Cape Verde stands behind their missionaries 
Rev. Danilo and Maria Carvalho are Cape 
Verdean missionaries serving in Angola.  During a recent home assignment, the Carvalhos taught, worked with youth and held many services. The Cape Verdeans were touched by God and promised to pray for the work in Angola. Others vowed to take vacation and devote some time for Kingdom work there. 
Many gave sacrificially. Rev. Danilo writes, "Several things marked us deeply, first was the son of the pastoral couple of Brava, eleven years of age, who told his mother 'I will break my safe to take all the money to give to Angola' and did." Others who were experiencing financial tough times and could not give the amount they would like to at the time of the service offered to give a smaller amount monthly. 
Rev. Danilo concludes, "With all this I can tell you that we have been blessed with the generosity of our people and the collaboration of our colleagues and the district superintendent of Cape Verde." The Cape Verdeans believe in the global vision of the Kingdom of God. They pray. They give. They go.
A Woman of God -  by Rev. LeCrecia Mosher Ali

I never thought I would have the opportunity to hear her preach again, but recently at the Africa Nazarene Women Clergy Conference, I had the opportunity to hear Rev. Grace Masilela preach God's Word. 
The Africa Nazarene Women's Clergy Conference was the first of its kind in Africa for the Church of the Nazarene and quite possibly for any church in Africa. It was a wonderful time of learning, growing, encouragement and empowerment for women that God has called to serve Him in ministry. During that time several women shared about how difficult it was for them to answer God's call because they had little or no exposure to women in ministry in their younger years. I left the conference feeling how blessed I was to have grown up where and when I did.
I grew up on the mission compound in Siteki, Swaziland that is now the Faculty of Theology for Southern Africa Nazarene University. In the days that I was living there as a young person, I was exposed to many strong and empowered women of God, who followed His call and preached His 

Revs. Grace and LeCrecia
Word. When God called me into ministry, I didn't doubt for one second that I could be a minister. I knew that God could use women because I had seen Him use so many wonderful women preachers. 
Mfundisi Grace Masilela was just one of those women, but definitely one close to my heart. God used her mightily in my life during a revival service when I was 13. Mfundisi Masilela preaches best in siSwati and although we usually had English interpretation because of the many international students, she often would run ahead of the interpreter! But this particular night despite my limited siSwati and the lag in interpretation, the Holy Spirit opened my ears to hear Mfundisi Masilela preach that we must surrender our whole lives to the Lord. It was that night that I did and I was entirely sanctified. 
As I continued to grow in the Lord, accepting my own call to ministry, through my ordination and subsequent ministry, I have often thought of Rev. Masilela and how God used her particularly that night. My husband and I have served in the Horn of Africa, Africa West Field, and now in Africa East Field, and despite my longing to return to Southern Africa and reconnect with sisters there, the opportunity had never come about until this conference. 
I thank God for the opportunity to reconnect with my Swaziland roots and to hear again a great woman of God preach His Word. 
Lean In on the Africa East Field - by Elizabeth Musimbi
After attending the Africa Women Clergy Conference held in Johannesburg March 15-22, we saw a need of having such a conference in Kenya. This was to be an eye-opener for women in leadership to be empowered and to know that when God calls, he empowers.
On March 29, thirty-four women gathered at Nairobi Central Church for a workshop on empowering women in leadership. We had ten churches represented from Kenya Central District. Those in attendance included missionaries, women field and district leaders, SDMI Regional Coordinator Rev Daphne Mathebula, Mrs. Colleen Copple (principal, SAI), Gloria Chebet (NYI  Regional Council), many pastors' wives and youth leaders.
Dr Carla Sunberg shared the same information as she did in the conference in South Africa. Her presentation was entitled, "Empowered by God's Grace to Lean In." She talked of how we as women have fear of being in leadership.  We even fear raising our hands to ask questions. We fear participating in discussions when we are part of the leadership team with men. She reminded us not to fear because we have been empowered by God's grace to lean in. She talked about Sheryl Sandberg's book, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. She said, "We hold ourselves back in ways both big and small by lacking self confidence by not raising our hands and by pulling back when we should be leaning in." 
She also talked about the apostle Paul and how he wrote about women in different contexts. Paul was empowering women. We were so encouraged especially when she shared about Genesis 1:26-28. The female was to be a helper
(ezer) meaning a stronghold for the man. Usually, the word ezer in the Old Testament refers to God. So, women are strongholds.
Everyone felt encouraged and at the end of her presentation, the women were ready to ask 
questions. This showed how encouraged they were that they were ready to do what God has called them to do.
Noah Sibanda, part 1: Educating Children is Essential
When Rev. Noah Sibanda returned to Zimbabwe after earning a Master's degree at Africa Nazarene University, few expected he would go to or stay long in Gweru. The church had had a series of pastors. There was no parsonage. It is in the central part of the country. Eighty percent unemployment means people are in desperate need. Yet after ten years, he remains.
In the beginning, he looked around and saw that the people were uneducated. Uneducated people can be passionate for God, but they are not able to sustain or grow a church. They cannot compete for the few jobs that come open and do not have the know-how to begin their own business enterprises. Most importantly, they cannot become pastors to lead the churches that would be planted.
Rev. Sibanda set about looking for a way to send children to school. He saw education as the key to learn themselves out of poverty and they were hungry to learn. Through connections made with local businesses and organizations, twelve children were sent 

Revs. Margaret and Noah Sibanda
to school. Then the economy took downward turn. 
This humble beginning was noticed by some Americans passing through who spoke to friends who spoke to friends and so on. The story of Noah's Farm and how it grew can be found on their website. At the very heart of Noah's Farm project, the very core of the project is to educate and assist young people to get education. 
The children who are chosen by a process agree to work hard at school and to attend church faithfully. Rev. Sibanda says, "We don't tell children they will be pastors. God calls; we don't." And yet, the children grow with an appreciation for the church. "We have our own people to do things in many disciplines. They were helped in primary school and now they help the church."
Rev. Sibanda has grown in wisdom as he has watched the children grow up. "As a young person, I had fear, but no longer. Now I know God will make a way. That's where faith comes in. How he will make a way, I don't know, but I know he will make a way. He did it and he keeps on doing it. My fears have turned into hope."
Editor's note: This series has three parts. Part 2 looks at empowering the laity to build the church. Part 3 looks at equipping future pastors.
Amy Crofford,Out of Africa editor

Africa Church of the Nazarene
17 Botes Street
Johannesburg - Gauteng - South Africa

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