Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Daily Devotional from First United Methodist Church in San Diego, California, United States from Monday, 20 June 2016 to Sunday, 26 June 2016 Sermon theme: "Deeper Roots" by Craig Brown with Text to read: Revelation 4:1-11

The Daily Devotional from First United Methodist Church in San Diego, California, United States from Monday, 20 June 2016 to Sunday, 26 June 2016 Sermon theme: "Deeper Roots" by Craig Brown with  Text to read: Revelation 4:1-11
Text to read: Revelation 4:1 After these things, I looked; and there before me was a door standing open in heaven; and the voice like a trumpet which I had heard speaking with me before said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must happen after these things.” 2 Instantly I was in the Spirit, and there before me in heaven stood a throne, and on the throne Someone was sitting. 3 The One sitting there gleamed like diamonds and rubies, and a rainbow shining like emerald encircled the throne.
4 Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and on the thrones sat twenty-four elders dressed in white clothing and wearing gold crowns on their heads. 5 From the throne came forth lightnings, voices and thunderings; and before the throne were seven flaming torches, which are the sevenfold Spirit of God. 6 In front of the throne was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal.
In the center, around the throne, were four living beings covered with eyes in front and behind. 7 The first living being was like a lion, the second living being was like an ox, the third living being had a face that looked human, and the fourth living being was like a flying eagle.[Revelation 4:7 Ezekiel 1:5–10] 8 Each of the four living beings had six wings[Revelation 4:8 Isaiah 6:2] and was covered with eyes inside and out; and day and night they never stop saying,
“Holy, holy, holy is Adonai, God of heaven’s armies[Revelation 4:8 Isaiah 6:3; Amos 3:13; 4:13]
the One who was, who is and who is coming!”
9 And whenever the living beings give glory, honor and thanks to the One sitting on the throne, to the One who lives forever and ever, 10 the twenty-four elders fall down before the One sitting on the throne, who lives forever and ever, and worship him. They throw their crowns in front of the throne and say,
11 “You are worthy, Adonai Eloheinu,
to have glory, honor and power,
because you created all things —
yes, because of your will they were created
and came into being!”
John Wesley's Notes-Commentary for Text to read: Revelation 4:1-11
Verse 1
[1] After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.
After these things — As if he had said, After I had written these letters from the mouth of the Lord. By the particle and, the several parts of this prophecy are usually connected: by the expression, after these things, they are distinguished from each other, Revelation 7:9; 19:1. By that expression, and after these things, they are distinguished, and yet connected, Revelation 7:1; 15:5; 18:1. St. John always saw and heard, and then immediately wrote down one part after another: and one part is constantly divided from another by some one of these expressions.
I saw — Here begins the relation of the main vision, which is connected throughout; as it appears from "the throne, and him that sitteth thereon;" "the Lamb;" (who hitherto has appeared in the form of a man;) " the four living creatures;" and " the four and twenty elders," represented from this place to the end. From this place, it is absolutely necessary to keep in mind the genuine order of the texts, as it stands in the preceding table.
A door opened in heaven — Several of these openings are successively mentioned. Here a door is opened; afterward, "the temple of God in heaven," Revelation 11:19; 15:5; and, at last, "heaven" itself, 19:11. By each of these St. John gains a new and more extended prospect.
And the first voice which I had heard — Namely, that of Christ: afterward, he heard the voices of many others.
Said, Come up hither — Not in body, but in spirit; which was immediately done.
Verse 2
[2] And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.
And immediately I was in the spirit — Even in an higher degree than before, Revelation 1:10.
And, behold, a throne was set in heaven — St. John is to write "things which shall be;" and, in order thereto, he is here shown, after an heavenly manner, how whatever "shall be," whether good or bad, flows out of invisible fountains; and how, after it is done on the visible theatre of the world and the church, it flows back again into the invisible world, as its proper and final scope. Here commentators divide: some proceed theologically; others, historically; whereas the right way is, to join both together. The court of heaven is here laid open; and the throne of God is, as it were, the centre from which everything in the visible world goes forth, and to which everything returns. Here, also, the kingdom of Satan is disclosed; and hence we may extract the most important things out of the most comprehensive and, at the same time, most secret history of the kingdom of hell and heaven. But herein we must be content to know only what is expressly revealed in this book. This describes, not barely what good or evil is successively transacted on earth, but how each springs from the kingdom of light or darkness, and continually tends to the source whence it sprung: So that no man can explain all that is contained therein, from the history of the church militant only. And yet the histories of past ages have their use, as this book is properly prophetical. The more, therefore, we observe the accomplishment of it, so much the more may we praise God, in his truth, wisdom, justice, and almighty power, and learn to suit ourselves to the time, according to the remarkable directions contained in the prophecy.
And one sat on the throne — As a king, governor, and judge. Here is described God, the Almighty, the Father of heaven, in his majesty, glory, and dominion.
Verse 3
[3] And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.
And he that sat was in appearance — Shone with a visible lustre, like that of sparkling precious stones, such as those which were of old on the high priest's breastplate, and those placed as the foundations of the new Jerusalem, Revelation 21:19,20. If there is anything emblematical in the colours of these stones, possibly the jasper, which is transparent and of a glittering white, with an intermixture of beautiful colours, may be a symbol of God's purity, with various other perfections, which shine in all his dispensations. The sardine stone, of a blood-red colour, may be an emblem of his justice, and the vengeance he was about to execute on his enemies. An emerald, being green, may betoken favour to the good; a rainbow, the everlasting covenant. See Genesis 9:9. And this being round about the whole breadth of the throne, fixed the distance of those who stood or sat round it.
Verse 4
[4] And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.
And round about the throne — In a circle, are four and twenty thrones, and on the thrones four and twenty elders - The most holy of all the former ages, Isaiah 24:23; Hebrews 12:1; representing the whole body of the saints.
Sitting — In general; but falling down when they worship.
Clothed in white raiment — This and their golden crowns show, that they had already finished their course and taken their place among the citizens of heaven. They are never termed souls, and hence it is probable that they had glorified bodies already. Compare Matthew 27:52.
Verse 5
[5] And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.
And out of the throne go forth lightnings — Which affect the sight.
Voices — Which affect the hearing.
Thunderings — Which cause the whole body to tremble. Weak men account all this terrible; but to the inhabitants of heaven it is a mere source of joy and pleasure, mixed with reverence to the Divine Majesty. Even to the saints on earth these convey light and protection; but to their enemies, terror and destruction.
Verse 6
[6] And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.
And before the throne is a sea as of glass, like crystal — Wide and deep, pure and clear, transparent and still. Both the "seven lamps of fire" and this sea are before the throne; and both may mean "the seven spirits of God," the Holy Ghost; whose powers and operations are frequently represented both under the emblem of fire and of water. We read again, Revelation 15:2, of "a sea as of glass," where there is no mention of "the seven lamps of fire;" but, on the contrary, the sea itself is "mingled with fire." We read also, Revelation 22:1, of "a stream of water of life, clear as crystal." Now, the sea which is before the throne, and the stream which goes out of the throne, may both mean the same; namely, the Spirit of God.
And in the midst of the throne — With respect to its height.
Round about the throne — That is, toward the four quarters, east, west, north, and south.
Were four living creatures — Not beasts, no more than birds. These seem to be taken from the cherubim in the visions of Isaiah and Ezekiel, and in the holy of holies. They are doubtless some of the principal powers of heaven; but of what order, it is not easy to determine. It is very probable that the twenty-four elders may represent the Jewish church: their harps seem to intimate their having belonged to the ancient tabernacle service, where they were wont to be used. If so, the living creatures may represent the Christian church. Their number, also, is symbolical of universality, and agrees with the dispensation of the gospel, which extended to all nations under heaven. And the "new song" which they all sing, saying, "Thou hast redeemed us out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation," Revelation 5:9, could not possibly suit the Jewish without the Christian church.
The first living creature was like a lion — To signify undaunted courage.
The second, like a calf — Or ox, Ezekiel 1:10, to signify unwearied patience.
The third, with the face of a man — To signify prudence and compassion.
The fourth, like an eagle — To signify activity and vigour.
Full of eyes — To betoken wisdom and knowledge.
Before — To see the face of him that sitteth on the throne.
And behind — To see what is done among the creatures.
Verse 7
[7] And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.
And the first — Just such were the four cherubim in Ezekiel, who supported the moving throne of God; whereas each of those that overshadowed the mercy-seat in the holy of holies had all these four faces: whence a late great man supposes them to have been emblematic of the Trinity, and the incarnation of the second Person.
A flying eagle — That is, with wings expanded.
Verse 8
[8] And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.
Each of them hath six wings — As had each of the seraphim in Isaiah's vision. "Two covered his face," in token of humility and reverence: "two his feet," perhaps in token of readiness and diligence for executing divine commissions.
Round about and within they are full of eyes. Round about — To see everything which is farther off from the throne than they are themselves.
And within — On the inner part of the circle which they make with one another. First, they look from the centre to the circumference, then from the circumference to the centre.
And they rest not — O happy unrest! Day and night - As we speak on earth. But there is no night in heaven.
And say, Holy, holy, holy — Is the Three-One God. There are two words in the original, very different from each other; both which we translate holy. The one means properly merciful; but the other, which occurs here, implies much more. This holiness is the sum of all praise, which is given to the almighty Creator, for all that he does and reveals concerning himself, till the new song brings with it new matter of glory. This word properly signifies separated, both in Hebrew and other languages. And when God is termed holy, it denotes that excellence which is altogether peculiar to himself; and the glory flowing from all his attributes conjoined, shining forth from all his works, and darkening all things besides itself, whereby he is, and eternally remains, in an incomprehensible manner separate and at a distance, not only from all that is impure, but likewise from all that is created. God is separate from all things. He is, and works from himself, out of himself, in himself, through himself, for himself. Therefore, he is the first and the last, the only one and the Eternal, living and happy, endless and unchangeable, almighty, omniscient, wise and true, just and faithful, gracious and merciful. Hence it is, that holy and holiness mean the same as God and Godhead: and as we say of a king, "His Majesty;" so the scripture says of God, "His Holiness," Hebrews 12:10. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. When God is spoken of, he is often named "the Holy One:" and as God swears by his name, so he does also by his holiness; that is, by himself. This holiness is often styled glory: often his holiness and glory are celebrated together, Leviticus 10:3; Isaiah 6:3. For holiness is covered glory, and glory is uncovered holiness. The scripture speaks abundantly of the holiness and glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. And hereby is the mystery of the Holy Trinity eminently confirmed. That is also termed holy which is consecrated to him, and for that end separated from other things: and so is that wherein we may be like God, or united to him. In the hymn resembling this, recorded by Isaiah, Isaiah 6:3, is added, "The whole earth is full of his glory." But this is deferred in the Revelation, till the glory of the Lord (his enemies being destroyed) fills the earth.
Verses 9-10
[9] And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever, [10] The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying,
And when the living creatures give glory-the elders fall down — That is, as often as the living creatures give glory, immediately the elders fall down. The expression implies, that they did so at the same instant, and that they both did this frequently. The living creatures do not say directly, "Holy, holy, holy art thou;" but only bend a little, out of deep reverence, and say, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord." But the elders, when they are fallen down, may say, "Worthy art thou, O Lord our God."
Verse 11
[11] Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
Worthy art thou to receive — This he receives not only when he is thus praised, but also when he destroys his enemies and glorifies himself anew.
The glory and the honour and the power — Answering the thrice-holy of the living creatures, verse 9. Revelation 4:9 For thou hast created all things - Creation is the ground of all the works of God: therefore, for this, as well as for his other works, will he be praised to all eternity.
And through thy will they were — They began to be. It is to the free, gracious and powerfully-working will of Him who cannot possibly need anything that all things owe their first existence.
And are created — That is, continue in being ever since they were created.
Daily Devotionals:

Monday, June 20, 2016

Sermon theme: "Deeper Roots"
Text to read: Revelation 4:1-11
  • Make a simple drawing of Revelation 4:1-11.
  • What stands out?

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Sermon theme: "Deeper Roots"
Text to read: Revelation 4:1-11
  • Who is the center of worship
  • What does that mean for worship services?

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Sermon theme: "Deeper Roots"
Text to read: Revelation 4:1-11
  • Consider our weekly worship.
  • How much speaks to God vs. speaks about God?

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Sermon theme: "Deeper Roots"
Text to read: Revelation 4:1-11
  • What do you think the purpose of worship is?
  • When can it happen?

Friday, June 24, 2016

Sermon theme: "Deeper Roots"
Text to read: Revelation 4:1-11
  • What does a life of worship look like?
  • How would it shape the day’s actions?

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Sermon theme: "Deeper Roots"
Text to read: Revelation 4:1-11
  • What should Sunday worship do?
  • How are you preparing for tomorrow?

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sermon theme: "Deeper Roots"
Text to read: Revelation 4:1-11
  • Pray for those who worship in danger or threat of life today
First United Methodist Church
2111 Camino Del Rio South
San Diego, California 92108, United States

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