Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Upper Room Daily Devotional from Nashville, Tennessee, United States "FRIENDSHIP" for Saturday, 25 June 2016 with Scripture Job 2:11-13

The Upper Room Daily Devotional from Nashville, Tennessee, United States "FRIENDSHIP" for Saturday, 25 June 2016 with Scripture Job 2:11 Now when Iyov’s three friends heard of all the calamities that had overwhelmed him, they all came. Each came from his own home — Elifaz from Teiman, Bildad from Shuach and Tzofar from Na‘amah. They had agreed to meet together in order to come and offer him sympathy and comfort. 12 When they saw him from a distance, they couldn’t even recognize him. They wept aloud, tore their coats and threw dust over their heads toward heaven. 13 Then they sat down with him on the ground. For seven days and seven nights, no one spoke a word to him; because they saw how much he was suffering.
Those who withhold kindness from a friend forsake the fear of the Almighty.[Job 6:14 (NRSV)]
When Job was suffering, three friends came to comfort him. It took effort for them to be there with him. For seven days they simply supported him with the power of their presence. The fact that they showed up in his time of need demonstrates the compassion of true friendship. But if we keep reading, we discover these friends eventually became tormentors. After Job broke his silence, his friends began to speak harshly to him. That was when their friendship turned into a burden for Job.
We can learn much, both positive and negative, from Job’s friends about comforting those who are afflicted. Job’s friends were alarmed by his situation. Perhaps it was their own discomfort that caused them to minimize and attempt to explain away Job’s pain. God calls us to be good friends to those who are hurting. When someone is suffering, we can listen and trust that our silent presence may be enough.
The Author: Geraldine Nicholas (Alberta, Canada)
Thought for the Day: How can I be present with someone who is suffering?
Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for your friendship. Help me to be a friend to those who are suffering. Amen.
The Upper Room Daily Devotional from Nashville, Tennessee, United States "THE PATH BEFORE US" for Friday, 24 June 2016 with Scripture Jeremiah 29:10-12 “For here is what Adonai says: ‘After Bavel’s seventy years are over, I will remember you and fulfill my good promise to you by bringing you back to this place. 11 For I know what plans I have in mind for you,’ says Adonai,‘plans for well-being, not for bad things; so that you can have hope and a future. 12 When you call to me and pray to me, I will listen to you.
The LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.”[Jeremiah 6:16 (NIV)]
A section of the Carolina Thread Trail winds through rural Iredell County in North Carolina. As I walked the trail one spring morning, I listened for God and saw God’s creation. Birds sang, squirrels scurried up the trees, and deer dashed from my sight. The path bloomed with flowers of all colors. Ferns were slowly opening their tender fronds, and the water in the shallow stream gracefully flowed over the rocks.
Alone on the trail, I took time to think of my 30 years as a firefighter and my time as someone newly retired. I found myself searching for direction. I prayed, “God, where do you want me? What is my new purpose? How do I serve you now? What path do I take?” The sights and sounds of the wilderness provided these words that I believe were inspired by God: “Walk the path I have laid before you.”
In the Bible, God has provided markers to give us direction in life. Other guidance may come in the form of an encouraging word from a friend or a note from a co-worker. God places us where we need to be. We can be assured that God has a plan for us and will accompany us along the path.
The Author: David L. Bullins (North Carolina, USA)
Thought for the Day: God provides the direction I need.
Prayer: Thank you, Father, for walking with us as we journey through this life. Amen.

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