Sunday, May 29
First Person: Part 1
Join Pastor Freddie this Sunday as we kick-off this brand new series.
It’s always fun to hear a great story and hear it told by someone who was actually there. It’s why reporters try and find eye-witnesses to include in their recap. It’s even why we take so many photos during a great event, so we can relive it as we tell our friends all about it. And when it comes to the life of Jesus, we have access to a group of 3 books of the Bible that work together to chronicle His life and ministry. Join us as we journey through the synoptic gospels together and get a first-hand look at Jesus. We will hear from Jesus himself, learn about His life and ministry, and dig into why these events and stories from thousands of years ago are still so alive and meaningful to us today.
MARK 1:40-42 (NLT)
40 A man with leprosy came and knelt in front of Jesus, begging to be healed. “If you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean,” he said. 41 Moved with compassion,Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,”he said. “Be healed!” 42 Instantly the leprosy disappeared, and the man was healed.
We have two service options on Sunday mornings:
A Traditional Service at 9:00am in The Sanctuary and a
Modern Service at 10:30am in Hashinger Hall.
Kids (birth - 5th grade)
Torrey Kids meet in the Berry Center during both services.
Youth (6th - 12th grade)
Torrey Youth meet at 10:30am in the Youth Room in Hashinger Hall.
Evergreen and Friends invites you to join them on Friday, June 17th as Darwin Mann shares the story of how a pastor's dream of sharing successful organic farming practices became a reality. Learn how the "Asian Rural Institute" changed multiple lives in Laos, Thailand, and around the globe.
11:30 am. Meet and Greet
12:00 pm. BYOBL (bring your own bag lunch) and enjoy beverages and a complimentary ice cream dessert
1:00 pm. Darwin's Presentation
Be there for the last meeting before our Summer break and invite your friends.
RSVP to Joann Corder at 858-203-3458
How Can You help?
100 kids in classrooms each Sunday creates a need for 90 unique volunteersserving once per month. We currently have a team of 35 volunteers! To make Kids Ministry work, many of our volunteers are serving multiple times per month, missing service and worship and missing out on meeting and connecting with the awesome people at Torrey Pines Church.
May 26, 2016
We’re nine weeks into the merger of two congregations, in addition to welcoming many who are coming to Torrey Pines Church for the first time. That means most everyone here has been and is experiencing a whole lot of change. One thing I learned years ago from Pastor Rick Warren is that, “people will usually be down on what they’re not up on.” So, I want to attempt to bring everyone “up on” what’s been going on. Here are some of the important details:
Status of the Merger
On May 10, 2016 the merger was made complete, as far as the State of California is concerned. For all of us in the middle of it, it’s far from over--in fact, it is only just beginning. Jim Tomberlin, the church merger consultant hired by TPCC, said it would take six to twelve months to iron out the wrinkles and settle in to the “church as one.” I’m hopeful we’ll be on the shorter end of that timeline.
New additions to the TPC team:
This Sunday, May 29th, Jim MacLaine will be joining the team as our new Traditional Worship and Choir Director. While the choir is on summer break, Jim will be recruiting, rehearsing and preparing for their return.
On Sunday, June 5th, Dr. Robert Flores will be installed as the new Lead Pastor of Torrey Pines Church. Dr. Flores has served as a church planter, staff pastor and President of Life Bible College and brings decades of experience to the team.
On Sunday, June 12th, Brian Berry will join the TPC team as Executive Teaching Pastor. Brian has been serving at Journey Church in La Mesa for the last ten years. We are excited to add his pastoral leadership experience as well.
The TPC Leadership Team is taking shape, but we need your help! If you have not yet plugged into a ministry team and would like to explore a volunteer role, take a look at the team leaders listed below and email them to find out more about serving on our growing team.
Dr. Robert Flores – Lead Pastor –
Brian Berry – Executive/Teaching Pastor –
Ken Huff – Pastoral Care –
Brian Carlton – Worship –
Jim MacLaine – Traditional Worship and Choir Director –
Tyler Hofer – Youth Pastor
Rich Mino – Kids Pastor – rmino@
Also, Pastor Freddie will remain at TPC to facilitate a smooth transition and then he will join the Adult Ministries Team at the Chula Vista Campus. Freddie has put his heart and soul into both Mission Valley and TPC. He will be missed and we are grateful for his faithful leadership.
Summer calendar connect events:
June 5 Dr. Robert Flores installed as Lead Pastor
June 12 All church picnic on site – meet Robert and Brian
July 3 All church picnic on site – Happy Fourth
July 17 Church 101 (membership class) and Ministry Fair – 12 PM-2:30PM
August 28 All church picnic on site – back to school bash
Coming this fall
Growth Groups will launch in September. This is a great way to get connected at a deeper level with Jesus and make some new best friends.
Outreach: TPC will reach out to the surrounding area with a mailer inviting our neighbors to consider being our guests for a compelling sermon series.
Fall opportunities to serve our partner organizations will mean hands on chances to extend justice and mercy both locally and regionally.
TPC will begin implementing our strategy to have an impact at UCSD. Brian Berry will be the leader of this effort to help students find and follow Jesus.
Facility Updates:
Kids – Rich and his team have recruited many new volunteers to serve in our kids ministry. This will allow us to move to more age-appropriate classroom settings. Karen Boger has been overseeing the preparation of our new 4th-5th grade room. Plans are on track for this room to be ready for our June 12th “Up Day” when kids will graduate into new age groupings that will create a great experience for our Birth – 5th graders.
Hashinger Hall – A temporary “fix” to the sound has been completed with the installation of new speakers. The new sound and lighting system has been ordered and will be installed in July.
Sanctuary – A new roof will be in place this summer.
Columbarium – The lease of the Chapel to San Diego Bible Church was not renewed and will expire in September. This is one step toward making the columbarium more accessible on Sundays. We will also be working to establish a plan for families who have purchased niches to visit, reflect and enjoy this beautiful room.
Endowment Fund
The Endowment Fund continues to be in good hands as all the major decisions surrounding it were clearly outlined in the existing bylaws. The same bylaws written by TPCC continue to be the bylaws today and into the future.
There will be four board members tasked with oversight to assure that the funds are handled with integrity and for the purposes originally intended by those who have contributed and will contribute in the future. The two former TPCC members who have agreed to serve are Mike Mazaika and Mark Surles. The two ELC board members who have agreed to serve are Terry Keating, who attends TPC and Sean Tucker, who attends Venice Church.
Elder Board
A provision of our merger agreement was to name a TPCC member to the EastLake Network Elder Board for the 2017-2019 term. That selection is being prayerfully considered and will be made in September.
Thanks for taking the time to read this update. It’s only been nine weeks on this grand adventure and so many key objectives are falling into place. Now, jump in and get involved! Don’t wait for someone to find you. Call or email a TPC Ministry Leader soon.
In Christ,
Pastor Mike
WEEKLY EVENTS: Men's Morning Bible Study
Mondays at 6am
Admin Building, Room #106
Email: Mike Mazaika
Men's Evening Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Admin Building, Room #105
Email: Dave Parsons
Women's Evening Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Admin Building, Room #106
Women's Morning Bible Study
Thursdays at 9:30am
CanyonView Room
Email: Traci DeMarco
Surf Ministry
Thursdays at 8:00am-1:00pm
17th Street in Del Mar
Saturdays at 7:00am-6:00pm
La Jolla Shores
Email: Bob Bishop
PRAYERS: We care about you and want you to know that you are not alone in your situation. Please email your request to our prayer team at and they will join you in prayer for your specific needs and concerns or click HERE. Thank you for trusting us to pray for you.
Each month we update our prayer list with new requests. Access a copy of this month's PRAYER LIST HERE.
June 5
Dr. Robert Flores installed as Lead Pastor
June 12
All Church Picnic
Meet Robert and Brian
June 17 at 11:30am
Evergreen and Friends
Darwin Mann shares the story of how a pastor's dream of sharing successful organic farming practices became a reality.
RSVP to Joann Corder at
July 3
All Church Picnic
Happy Fourth
July 17, 12:00pm-2:30pm
Church 101 & Ministry Fair
August 28
All Church Picnic
Back-to-School Bash
STAY CONNECTED: Contact Pastor Freddie
Pastor Freddie is working hard to connect current Torrey Pinesvolunteers with their preferred ministry options. Help him out by contacting him at and letting him know where you’ve been investing your time so we don’t miss anyone wanting to be a part of this great team!
Click here to give online
EastLake Church
990 Lane Avenue
Chula Vista, California 91914, United States
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