Monday, November 6, 2017

DNA Coaching - Dr. Don Nations in Sarasota, Florida 34238, United States for Monday, ^ November 2017 "The DNA Update for United Methodists, November 2017"

 DNA Coaching - Dr. Don Nations in Sarasota, Florida 34238, United States for Monday, ^ November 2017 "The DNA Update for United Methodists, November 2017"
The DNA Update for United Methodists, November 2017 Is this email not displaying correctly?
The DNA Update for United Methodists
Dr. Don Nations, November 2017
In This Issue:

  • When Doing Well Is Not Enough
  • Church Safety and Security - Special Offer
When Doing Well Is Not Enough
The pastor has been at the church for over ten years. Worship attendance has grown slowly and now is around 300. Compared to most churches in the country, the church is doing well.
The pastor is a strong shepherd who works a lot of hours and the staff follows his lead as they try to do all of the ministry in the church. They lead the Bible studies, make the hospital visits, clean bathrooms, help people move furniture, swing a hammer to help remodel a space for youth and their doors are always open if someone want to drop by and talk.
They are also feeling like they are stretched thin and can't maintain this pace. They have so many plates spinning that if they reduce their efforts then some of them may come crashing down. They know how to do what they are currently doing but they are concerned that this will not allow them to reach more people in the community.
They recognize that they are doing well in terms of numbers but that this is not enough. They know they need to do something different but do not want to lose the importance of personal relationships.
They have just contracted with me to help them make these transitions. There are many steps they will need to take but some of the most important include the following.
  • The staff needs to shift from doing ministry to multiplying ministry. There are simply too many things which need to be done for the small staff to do them all.
  • Serving needs to become a hallmark of those who call the church their spiritual home. Currently less than 20% of the members serve in any capacity. This number needs to exceed 50% and could even be much higher.
  • More processes and procedures will need to be formalized. Most things currently happen through informal relationships. Clear structures need to be put into place so that marketing, hospitality, guest follow-up, assimilation, discipleship, and other areas are engaged with intentionality. 
What is the situation in your church? What steps are most important for you to take? Which of the above three action items applies to your setting?
Church Safety and Security - Special Offer
Yet another church shooting is in the headlines. At least 26 people were killed. These kinds of events break our hearts and drive us to our knees. We pray for all involved and have confidence that God's grace is even greater than this tragedy.
Church safety and security is about far more than just an active shooter situation but it does include this terrible possibility. Improving safety at the church includes addressing issues such as child protection plans, financial processes and accountability, insurance and inventories, physical hazards and incident reporting, training teams and making emergency plans and much more.
Nothing can make a church 100% safe but there are many things we can do to improve the level of safety and mitigate the damage when negative events happen. How well are you prepared for the many threats to the safety and security of your church and congregation?
Would you like to review and improve the level of safety at your church? I want to help you and the other churches in our community to do this. Here is a special offer just for you.
  • For churches which are local to me: Two hour on-site consultation in which we will walk the campus and discuss important elements of church safety and security
  • For churches which are not local to me: A 2.5 hour video consultation in which we can review the campus and discuss important elements of safety and security
  • Follow-up document highlighting key topics we discussed, questions to be answered and potential next steps to be taken by the church
  • No charge for travel time or mileage for local churches
50%+ discount
Only $399
Take the safety and security of your church to the next level. It is a step of stewardship and care. Contact me today and schedule your on-site visit.
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DNA Coaching

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