Monday, November 6, 2017

Scott Frey, AFSCME in Washington, D.C., United States for Monday, 6 November 2017 "Corporate handouts at our expense"

Scott Frey, AFSCME in Washington, D.C., United States for Monday, 6 November 2017 "Corporate handouts at our expense"
AFSCME members work around the clock to make each of our communities a better place to live. Unfortunately, some in Congress are putting corporate special interests ahead of the people in our communities. This week, Congressional leaders unveiled a plan to cut taxes for corporations and the super wealthy on the backs of working families.
We must make our voices heard loud and clear. NO tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy at our expense.
Click here to sign the petition to Speaker Paul Ryan.
This tax bill would actually raise taxes on some middle class families. While corporations will get huge new tax breaks and be rewarded for offshoring jobs, working people will no longer be able to deduct student loan interest payments, medical expenses, or state and local income taxes. That is also bad news for quality public services in our neighborhoods.
To fund tax breaks for big corporations and new loopholes for the wealthy, members of Congress will also force cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, education, transportation and more.
We elect representatives to Congress to act in our best interests. But this tax plan is a gift to corporations and special interests.
Big corporations and the super wealthy should pay their fair share, not get new tax breaks at our expense.
Click here to contact Speaker Paul Ryan.
In solidarity,
Scott Frey
Director, AFSCME Federal Government Affairs
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