Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Reconciling Ministries Network in Chicago, Illinois, United States for Tuesday, 7 November 2017 "Will you be the way forward?" #BeTheWayForward

 Reconciling Ministries Network in Chicago, Illinois, United States for Tuesday, 7 November 2017 "
Will you be the way forward?" 

The United Methodist Church could finally be on the cusp of legislative change. Thanks to decades of advocacy by LGBTQ persons and allies, we find ourselves in an unprecedented position.
The called General Conference in 2019 and the General Conference in 2020 present the opportunity for significant policy and structural shifts regarding justice and inclusion for LGBTQ persons. As the Commission on a Way Forward meets, the church is finally beginning to recognize that our future together must be inclusive and we look forward to seeing policies and structures reflecting that. However, Reconciling United Methodists already know that the real way forward is found in those enacting justice and love today - we are the way forward.
Now more than ever, the Reconciling movement needs your commitment to justice for LGBTQ people in The UMC by giving faithfully of your stories and by providing financial support.
RMN staff and board have recommitted themselves to this work by participating as monthly auto-givers.
While all giving is of immense importance, monthly auto-giving - even $5 or $10 a month - assures consistent and unwavering support for the work for full inclusion in this critical time.
Over the next eight weeks, we’ll be sharing stories about how people within the movement, from all across the connection, are being the way forward--through their faith, witness, and financial support.
Click here to share your story with the movement or sign-up here to be a monthly auto-giver.
Thank you for your faithfulness.
Copyright © 2017 Reconciling Ministries Network, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Reconciling Ministries Network
Copyright © 2017 Reconciling Ministries Network, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Reconciling Ministries Network

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