Thursday, August 16, 2018

Week 6 - Mission Communities - We Are Getting Started for Thursday, 16 August 2018 from The Mission Church of the Nazarene in San Diego, California, United States

Week 6 - Mission Communities - We Are Getting Started for Thursday, 16 August 2018 from The Mission Church of the Nazarene in San Diego, California, United States
Dear Mission Community Leader:
I pray that you and yours are healthy and well. Good momentum and synergy and starting to percolate at Mission Church.
As you know, during the weeks leading to our Relaunch of our Mission Communities (Sunday, September 9) you’ve been receiving a weekly word to encourage and equip you as you prepare to lead. In fact, your group will be featured in our Mission Community Brochure which we are making available beginning this Sunday, August 19. As we continue to move forward here are some basic yet, important details for you to be aware of.
Meeting in 10 Week Cycles

Life moves in natural rhythms. There are moments where we begin new things and moments where we are more intentional about finding rest. The trimester rhythm approach encourages groups to embrace these natural rhythms by meeting in three 10-weeks sessions.
Trimesters give people the opportunity to both enter and exit groups at strategic points of the year. It also provides seasons of rest for groups during busy months of the year (July, August, December).
Consider meeting during the following 10-week sessions throughout the year. Each session will typically begin with an on campus launch for all groups.
· Fall Session: September – November
· Winter Session: January – March
· Spring Session: April – June
Your First Meeting
Your first meeting will set the tone for your Mission Community. No Pressure! J Most likely, you may have new people that will have joined your group, so you’ll want them to feel included. Be careful not to use “insider” language, it can definitely alienate a new member.
To set the tone, you may want to consider:
· Sharing a meal together, potluck style, for ease and replication for future meals together.
· For your group isn’t meeting at the church or in a home, a well lit area. It’s always good to see each other’s faces.
· A low noise area. Not all our Mission Community groups will choose to meet in at the church or in a home. Choose a place that has fewer distractions.
· Say “Hello” and engage people in conversation. Have some welcoming questions available to help new people to your group at ease.
· Have fun! People want to be a part of something that show signs of life and gives life!
First Meeting Sample Schedule
· Arrive and share meal or a snack together (Groups that eat together stay together J).
· Open discussion. Here are some questions to consider. . .
o What do you hope you’ll experience most as part of our group?
o What do you hope will be most true of this group?
o What values do you hope will be most apparent within this group?
You may also want to use this time to talk through group logistics: what will our group rhythm be, how will we all contribute to the life of the group, etc.
· Prayer. Be intentional about prayer. Model the value of hearing and praying for one another right off the bat!
First Meeting Follow Up:
· Ask for group member contact information.
· Text or email or better yet, send them a hand written note to let them know you’re glad they are part of the group and that you’re praying for them.
Pray & Prepare:
So, starting this Sunday, August 19 we’ll be announcing that on Sunday, September 9 we’ll be asking the entire flock at Mission Church to consider joining any one of our over 30 Mission Community groups (Interest or Study). Over the next couple of weeks our people will have the opportunity research, review the various options being made available to them.
Here’s the plan, on Sunday, September 9 we will have tables set out on our breezeway and courtyard for people to ask questions, and sign up for the various groups of their choice. We would like for every leader to be available to stand behind their designated group’s table to greet and answer any questions people may have. All groups will be highlighted with a Table Top Marque and a sign up form for people to register for their choice of group(s). We plan to do this immediate after each worship service on Sunday, September 9.
Thank you for your willingness to serve and lead! Through you, The Lord is strengthening us to fulfill our mission to Seek, Serve and Reach those in our flock, the communities around us, and the world.
All for the Glory of God,
Vic Alvarado
Executive Pastor
4750 Mission Gorge Place
San Diego, California 92120, United States
Office: (619)287-3211 x115
Cell: (858)740-0977

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