Thursday, January 1, 2015

The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection of Leawood, Kansas, United States January 2015 Men's Ministry Newsletter

 The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection                                                                         January 2015  
New Year - New Beginning
Welcome 2015! The turning of the calendar page gives us the refreshing feeling of a new start, a new beginning.  For me, I am excited to be launching a new ministry this month we are calling Community Life Ministers. One of the wonderful ministries we have created here at Resurrection is called Congregational Care Ministers.  For several years this ministry has recruited, trained and released very capable lay people into the care of church members needing encouragement, prayer and visits while in hospital. For some time I have been dreaming about creating a parallel track but with one difference, that being the recipients of our ministry, those being outside the walls of our church. What might happen if we provide some training, friendships of encouragement and prayer, and a deep trust in God’s guidance to take our Christ-centered ministry to those who tend not to respond to our promotional mailers and other invitations? Please join me in prayer for our first class of Community Life Ministers which commences this month. I will keep you posted on our progress.
Every Blessing to you in the New Year!
Interview with Scott Reeder:
Tell us a bit about yourself.  What is your vocation? Tell us about your family.
I grew up in Baltimore, MD and moved to Overland Park as a sophomore in High School. I graduated from  KU in 1992, and then married my wife, Connie. We have 3 girls— senior, sophomore, and 8th grade. I am a manufacturer’s rep. for Forbo Flooring, and handle KS, MO, ARK, and OK. We have been going to COR since 2009.

Did you grow up In the faith or was that a later discovery?
I went to church as a kid twice. I was baptized on a random Christmas Eve service when I was very young. Church was not a part of my life as a child, but I began my journey with Christ when Connie and I were married. My faith really started when I attended Alpha (about a year after I was married) and  started getting answers to the questions that I’ve always had. Since then, I have participated in couples groups, men’s groups, and have helped lead Alpha. Looking back, God has always put the right people/groups in front of me to grow, get support, and help others when needed. It truly has been a blessing, and GOD has been there through the good times and the tough times.

Where have you experienced God’s grace and presence in your life?
There have been many times I have experienced God’s presence, but I am sure I have missed more. During an early morning run and seeing a sunrise, an unexpected soccer goal helping a struggling daughter with her confidence, a kind word from a friend when Connie and I need it most. Life can be pretty busy, and sometimes you can miss HIS presence. Over the past two years, I have had to make some pretty difficult decisions and changes in my life. It hasn’t been easy, and some people have been critical or judgemental. Through digging in the scriptures, and a lot of prayer, I finally figured out that I need to think of myself in how GOD sees me, and not how this world does. Labels and mistakes are not what I am, how GOD sees me is WHO I am. This was the true meaning of God’s grace in my life (to this point). And even though I fall back into old habits in how I think, I now have the reference of the past two years of work and prayer to get my head straight. The freedom can only be credited to God, and I thank God for his Love and Healing in my life. Philippians 4:13  I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Romans 15:13May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Resurrection Night at the Movies:

On March 25, 1965 Dr. Martin Luther King led thousands of non-violent demonstrators from Selma, Alabama to the Capitol steps of Montgomery. This five-day, 54-mile march led to President Lyndon Johnson signing the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Join us on January 12 or 13 as we watch the movie Selma, which depicts these events of 1965. You will not want to miss this movie; Selma has already received 12 award nominations and is being reviewed as movie of the year for 2014.
January 12 & 13
Palazzo 16 at 135th and Antioch 

Tickets will be on sale ($6 each) in the narthex following worship on January 3-4 and 10-11 (If needed). For more information please

1372 Roe Avenue    Leawood 66224      913.897.0120

What's happening in Men's Ministry?

Upcoming Study
begins in January!

Tuesday Evenings
Jan 6-Feb 10
Student Center

Click here for details 

If you would like to receive email notifications of future TBS sessions, click here.

The Fellowship
Men's Group

Join anytime!

Tuesday Mornings
Room C144

Click here for details.
No registration necessary 


2015 Men's
Spiritual Retreat:
"All In"

Each spring the men of the Church of the Resurrection gather for a time of spiritual encouragement, friendship, worship and renewal. Together we will explore what a deeply committed Christian life means and how we can grow towards that purpose and goal.

Jason Gant (Campus Pastor at RezWest) is ALL IN!
Chris Folmsbee (Director of Discipleship) is ALL IN!
Jeff Kirby (Minister of Discipleship) is ALL IN!

Are you "ALL IN?"

Friday March 6
6:30 - 9:00pm
Saturday March 7
8:30am - 12:00pm

Student Center
Building C
Leawood Campus

For more information or to register, click here.


Sports &Recreation

Men's Pick-Up Basketball
Join us for adult men's pick-up basketball on Monday and Thursday nights.

Contact Brooke Nienstedt orBrad Chalker for additional details.

Jeff Kirby for Church of the Resurrection Men's Ministry
Resurrection Learning Events Ministry
13720 Roe Avenue
Leawood, Kansas 66224 United States

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