With the U.S. election only days away, Michael Moore has released a surprise new film about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton titled "Michael Moore in TrumpLand." Democracy Now! sat down with the Academy Award-winning filmmaker and talked about how he moved from supporting Bernie Sanders during the primary to now supporting Hillary Clinton. "My hope was that on Tuesday we would have the great decision … between the socialist and the billionaire," Moore says. On Clinton, he notes: "She is a hawk. She is to the right of Obama. That’s the truth. … We’re going to have to be active."
This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.
AMY GOODMAN: We continue our conversation with Michael Moore, the Academy Award-winning filmmaker. His latest film, an October surprise, it’s called Michael Moore in TrumpLand. I asked him if he’s ever met Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump.
MICHAEL MOORE: I’ve only met him once, back in 1998. And there’s a—I think there was a clip of that in the trailer there, where I was on a talk show with him. And—
AMY GOODMAN: Whose talk show?
MICHAEL MOORE: Roseanne Barr, after her series was over, had a—for two years, had an afternoon talk show. And she came to New York for a week at Tavern on the Green, and she invited me to come on. And I get there, and Donald Trump is the other guest. And the producer comes over to me and says, "Um, I’m really—I’m really sorry, but, um, Mr. Trump is very nervous about you being on the show, and, um, he is afraid you’re going to attack him. And, um, uh"—I said, "Let me talk to him. You know, he’s sitting over in the corner over there. I’ll go talk to him."
So I go over and introduce myself. "Mr. Trump, I’m Michael Moore. You know, I understand you’re a little worried. There’s nothing to worry about." You know, I—and this is '98, so I don't know that much about Trump, right? You know, I just—I know he’s made some—built some buildings. I said, "There no reason to be—we’re here to have some fun with Roseanne. You don’t have to worry." And I’m shaking his hand, and it’s all clammy. I mean, the guy is like so nervous. And I’m like—you know, so I think my job is I’ve got to calm him down. "We’re going to be fine. We’ll go out on the couch. We’ll have some fun." I’m trying to help the producer out, right? So he won’t—because they’re afraid he’s going to walk. And he goes, "No, no. It’s just—it’s just that, you know, uh, you know, I just don’t want to go out there and like, you know, because, you know, I just"—I said, "Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t. It’s not that kind of show. Don’t worry. Don’t worry. It’s OK." And so, we go out on the show, and, again, I don’t—I don’t go after him on anything. I just leave him alone, you know.
And when it was over—and I didn’t think this until—until actually this past year, where I thought, "That guy is good, man. I got played." He got me to not bring up any of his crap there on that show, because he got—I felt sorry for him. And I thought, "This guy is good." This guy didn’t get to where he got by being stupid. He is not stupid. And I thought—he got me to not say anything political, do anything political, and just have, you know, a little laugh fest on the couch there with—on The Roseanne Show.
AMY GOODMAN: Now, when you made this, it was right around the time the women were coming forward saying he assaulted them, right?
MICHAEL MOORE: When the—my movie, the new one right now?
AMY GOODMAN: It was just breaking. Yes.
MICHAEL MOORE: Yes, yes, yeah. Oh, yes. Actually, that performance that you see in the film is literally four hours after the Billy Bush tape is revealed. So I have just watched this tape. I haven’t heard any of the pundits or anything. I’ve just watched the tape, and now I’m going to go out on the stage. So, when you see the film, there’s a portion of the film where I talk about women of Hillary’s age and women of that generation, who grew up in—essentially, the first feminists of the modern feminist era in the '60s and early ’70s, and what they went through to be feminists and the crap that they had to take as a result of that. And so, now, when I watch the film, I know what's playing in my head is I just had watched this god-awful conversation that Trump was having with Billy Bush.
And it was so vile and so—you know, I mean, let’s—OK, let’s be honest. There’s nothing he said on that tape that was surprising, that, you know, "Oh, I can’t believe Donald Trump said these things." You know, no. And I wasn’t surprised by Billy Bush, W’s first cousin—right?—that he was actually trying to pimp—pimp Trump out there when they got out. Oh, it was just awful. You know, it was like somebody last year went to Dr. Frankenstein and said, "Listen, we want to create a candidate that embodies all the worst traits of men, rich people and white people, and put them all into one candidate." And then here we have Donald J. Trump.
But anyway, so I’m thinking—if you go back and watch that tape, OK, we know the vile comments, we know the attitude, we know now he’s a confessed sexual predator. But it’s when he tries to get off the bus. He goes down. He doesn’t know how to get off the bus. He knocks—look at the tape. He knocks on the door of the bus. And I went, "Oh, my god! This is the first time in his life he’s ever been on a bus. This man has never ridden the bus." Right there, that should be a disqualifier for being president of the United States. No president should—we should never elect anybody who’s never ridden on a friggin’ bus. So, it was just the whole thing. And then I went out on the stage and performed and filmed this piece.
AMY GOODMAN: Well, let’s go in a different direction to the part of Michael Moore in TrumpLand where you talk about Beyoncé’s halftime performance at the Super Bowl.MICHAEL MOORE: I predict anthropologists, they will know the moment it happened, when it was clear the men were on the way out and the women were on their way in. And it was the Super Bowl this past year. You know, it’s halftime show. Coldplay is playing one of their nice songs. "Ooh, I love you a lot, ooh, ooh." And then Bruno Mars came on, and then that sort of confused a lot of guys watching the halftime show. "Ooh, what is this?" And then, all of a sudden, right in the middle of Bruno’s song, out comes Beyoncé and 500 women in these uniforms, with their fists clenched and raised, and their [bleep]-kicking boots on, taking the field. "Oooh!" It’s like, "Oh, my—wait! That’s our game! What’s she doing here?" That’s where we’re ending up. And guys know it. And that’s why they’re at the Trump rallies. That’s why you hear that sound. "Woooaaaaaaaaah! Woooooah! Donald, save us! The women are coming!"
AMY GOODMAN: Michael, what was the response in the audience?
MICHAEL MOORE: It was well received, even by the guys. Even—because the guys know it. The guys—see, the guys—listen, this isn’t just—this isn’t a new thing, where women are in charge or that women are—you know, I mean, we gradually now—20 percent of our Congress is female, so the majority gender now has 20 percent of the power, even though they are 51 percent of the population. So, but men have had to get used to this, I think, after a while. But some of the guys are having a very hard time with it. And even Obama referenced them a couple days ago, where, you know, he said, "Guys, you know, I know this is something you’re not used to—a woman in the White House. Two hundred and forty years, we’ve done it one way." So, sometimes, you know, people are a little nervous about change, and they’re used to—you know, they want it a certain way.
But you know what? These guys who have a problem with Hillary, with women in general, they’re going to have to get over it. Just like when you and I were growing up—I remember my parents taking me on a trip to the South, and I saw signs that said "whites only" and "colored only" and all that. And then there was a law, and they had to take the signs down, and things changed. Racism didn’t go away, but the proponents of it and the people that held power with these attitudes either had to change or move out of the way, because a new generation was coming up. That’s what’s so great about this generation now, young people, 18 to 35, the Bernie revolution, is that they are the ones in charge now. They’re going to be in charge. And I’m very optimistic about this, because—because every year 3 million 17-year-olds turn 18, which means they’re voters. And in these next four years before the next presidential election, there’s going to be 12 million more young voters. And they’re not haters. You know, they—the majority of these young people are—that’s why they’re driving this whole thing. It’s why we have a different society now that is not so hateful to gay people and to people of color and that. Doesn’t mean that’s gone away, but it’s better because we have young people now, you know, steering the car a little bit here.
AMY GOODMAN: Do you think if the media had not—had given as much time to Bernie Sanders as they did to Donald Trump, had given as much time to Bernie Sanders as they did to the open—the empty podium when they were waiting for Donald Trump for all the months of the primary, had played a few of Bernie’s speeches—I mean, he was getting more people to his speeches without the help of the media megaphone than even Donald Trump was, and certainly Hillary Clinton was. And you see how far Bernie went. Do you think it is possible that it would have been very different, since they both represented something outside the system?
MICHAEL MOORE: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. In fact, I mean, my hope was that, on Tuesday, we would have the great decision, the choice, between the socialist and the billionaire. I mean, that—
AMY GOODMAN: Do you think he is a billionaire?
MICHAEL MOORE: Well, he likes to call himself that. And, you know, sometimes you have to humor people that think they have things they don’t have. You know, so, yes, I’ll just—I’ll let him, you know, out of respect for him as a human being.
No, I think, listen—oh, my god. I mean, of course, I worked very hard for Bernie. I went up to Burlington and campaigned for him in 1990, when he first won for Congress. You know, I was the only like quasi-known person at that time who would go up there and campaign for him. And so I’ve known him a long time. And, man, we won 22 states in the primaries and caucuses this year. I tell my, you know, fellow Bernie voters, "Hey, I know we’re all kind of bummed about this and, you know, the DNC cheaters"—cheaters, you know, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, you know, all the—you know, there will be more that will come out. We’re going to learn a lot more on what they did to him. But we’ll set that aside for a moment, and just like—we’ve got to feel some joy and celebrate what we accomplished: 22 states, in our lifetime, voted for a socialist. That was just an amazing thing to have happen. And then the candidate who gets nominated, Hillary Clinton, she adopts over two-thirds of his platform—
*MICHAEL MOORE: —as part of her—well, she puts it in her own words, in terms of raising the minimum wage. She doesn’t say, you know, "free college," she says "debt-free college." You know, go down the list of things, though, in terms of paid maternity leave, women being paid the same as men—all these issues that we care about. We didn’t get everything that we wanted, but we got a lot—listen, I mean, 1998, I worked for Jesse Jackson when he ran for president. And he won the Michigan primary. He won a lot of primaries. People forget this. But Dukakis was the nominee. How much—how much of Jesse’s platform did Dukakis put in as part of his? Nah, I don’t remember anything. So, we were able to move the ball down the field. Hillary didn’t go—she didn’t become more conservative as a Democrat, she became more liberal. She—
AMY GOODMAN: Well, she was running in the primaries.
MICHAEL MOORE: Yes. And, well—and now she’s not going to win without us on Tuesday. That’s the bottom line. And she’s not going to win without young people, because here’s one thing that we know now. We know how African Americans are going to vote. We know how Hispanics are going to vote.
AMY GOODMAN: Are you concerned polls say that—
MICHAEL MOORE: We know how women are going to vote.
AMY GOODMAN: —not as many African Americans are going out in early voting as it was expected?
MICHAEL MOORE: Yes. That’s why—that’s why today Hillary Clinton is going to Detroit, when she shouldn’t have to go there, but she has to go there, because in Detroit—one of the polls I read from Detroit is that she had lost 11 points of African-American voters in Detroit. Not that they’re going to Trump, but just they’re probably not going to vote. Yes, there’s a huge fire siren going off in the Clinton campaign, because, once again, they’ve ignored certain constituencies that they shouldn’t have ignored, and they took it for granted. And they treated Bernie very poorly during the primaries about somehow she was for African Americans and he wasn’t, or, you know, when—I mean, his whole history, from the time he was in college getting arrested at civil rights demonstrations, you know, and when she, in her freshman year, she’s the head of the college Republicans. So, I felt bad for him that he just had to suffer through all those things he did as a young person to stand up, you know, when it wasn’t popular, in 1963, to stand up for certain things.
AMY GOODMAN: Let’s go to another clip of Michael Moore in TrumpLand. This one’s about Hillary Clinton.MICHAEL MOORE: I got a surprise for you tonight. Someone from the Trump campaign has leaked us a copy of their new ad.NARRATOR: The diseases, she’s had them all—pneumonia, hypo-thyroidism, allergies, yeast infection, urinary tract discomfort, pregnancy, child birth, time of month disorder, bleeding from wherever disease and menopause. Do you want a commander-in-chief whose lady parts are out of control? Or do you want a fit, buff leader, who will be the healthiest president ever. Ever! Even healthier than Teddy Roosevelt, and he was shot in the chest. Yes, there’s only one candidate this year healthy enough to spawn an entire new breed of humans. Vote Trump. He never gets sick.DONALD TRUMP: I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?NARRATOR: Now, that’s sick!DONALD TRUMP: I’m Donald Trump, and I so approve this message.MICHAEL MOORE: Effective. I think he’s going to do really well.
AMY GOODMAN: Michael Moore?
MICHAEL MOORE: Yeah, you know, I was elected class comic when I was a senior in high school. I’ve used it well, I hope.
AMY GOODMAN: But he’s doing much better than you might have thought, right? Especially now, even since you gave these speeches in Ohio.
MICHAEL MOORE: Well, yes. I mean, I’ve said, since the summer, people should take him seriously. I said a year and a half ago, when he announced, this is going to be the Republican nominee for president. It’s probably because I watch a lot of TV, so I’m one of the few people on the left that actually watched Celebrity Apprentice. You know, I watch American Idol. But I know how Americans are, when they come—when it comes to voting. Everybody thinks Jennifer Hudson won American Idol. She didn’t. Fantasia won. You know, people—who remembers Fantasia now, right? But this is what can happen when Americans vote. You know, I watched The Bachelorette last year. Kaitlyn, everybody thought she was going to go for Nick; instead, she went for Shawn. I’m just saying, stuff can happen in this country.
AMY GOODMAN: And in elections, the surprises that you’ve lived in your lifetime?
MICHAEL MOORE: I was stunned that a B actor whose co-star was a chimpanzee could get elected president—twice. He was called "Tricky Dick" before he was elected—twice. Then W, you know, who wasn’t elected.
AMY GOODMAN: But wait. First you’re talking about Ronald Reagan.
AMY GOODMAN: Then you’re talking about Richard Nixon.
MICHAEL MOORE: Yes, for those who have had their head in the sand for three decades.
AMY GOODMAN: Or were just recently born.
MICHAEL MOORE: Or just—yeah, OK, that’s true, young people, yes. These were actual presidents that were elected. And then this guy named W, W, George W. Bush, who, during one of the debates, when he was asked who the president of Pakistan was, he couldn’t—he went, "Uh, General—General—General General." That’s—remember this? It was like—we elected that guy—well, once, we elected him. The other time he wasn’t elected. But no, this—anything can happen in this country. And it can happen in ways you don’t—I mean, Minnesota, I consider that—you’ve traveled—right?—the country. It’s one of the smarter states, you know? I mean, you know, there’s like what I call the smart states. You know, Oregon.
AMY GOODMAN: I just came back from North Dakota.
MICHAEL MOORE: North—oh, that’s a wonderful state. Actually, anything that sort of borders or is near Canada, you know, there’s something—I don’t know, there’s something that comes down. The people have a—I’m just saying that in Minnesota, if you remember, they elected a professional wrestler as their governor. Can Donald J. Trump be elected in this country as president of the United States? Absolutely. And I don’t believe the polls. On Election Day—on primary day back in March in my state, in Michigan, that morning, I turned on the TV. All the national polls had Hillary beating Bernie by anywhere from eight to 22 points. Twelve hours later, Bernie defeated her. Ever since then, I’ve said, "Man, these polls, I don’t trust it." Do not trust it. And I think they’re probably undercounting the Trump support.
AMY GOODMAN: Because aren’t they counting people who voted in the last election, the most likely voters?
AMY GOODMAN: And a lot of people who are outside the system don’t vote when they’re disenchanted.
MICHAEL MOORE: That’s right. And the disenchanted, the anger—the angry voter is coming out next Tuesday. And where I live—you know, usually the election is the first week of November. This is the second Tuesday of November. It’s a rare second Tuesday election. And the second week of November in Michigan, it’s called winter. The chance of there being two feet of snow in Ohio or Pennsylvania or Michigan or Wisconsin is great. And what that means is a low voter turnout. It’s already going to be low, because people are fed up with the choices. Right? So we’re already going to have a low turnout. Who wins in a low voter turnout, Amy? You know, the person who has the most rabid supporters. I would not call the supporters of Hillary Clinton rabid. You know, people—if you ask people how they’re voting, like out there—I was out there—I was talking to one of the people in your office. "So, who are you thinking of voting for?" "Meh, I’m going to vote for Hillary." I said, "Wow! There’s a ringing endorsement. 'Well, I'm going to vote for Hillary.’" You know, the support for her seems to go from "Yeah, I’m voting for Hillary," all the way to "Yeah, screw it. I’m voting for Hillary." You know, it’s like, phlllgggh, we’re going to win with that?
AMY GOODMAN: Well, you—you take a very different tack. And let’s go to yet another clip—
AMY GOODMAN: —from Michael Moore in TrumpLand, where you address concerns about Hillary Clinton’s, well, lack of trustworthiness.
MICHAEL MOORE: Yes.MICHAEL MOORE: What are the other knocks on Hillary? Not trustworthy. Right? We hear that a lot: She’s not trustworthy. How did she prove her distrustworthiness to you? Did she promise to water the plants for you while you were gone and then didn’t? No, I’m not talking about differences of—I mean, well, she flip-flops of whatever. Well, everybody changes. Everybody evolves. I hope they do. Right? We want our Trump voter friends in here tonight—we’re asking them to maybe change. If you just stay in cement, it’s like—OK, so she’s learned. She was against—she fought gay marriage, and then she was for it. Well, I’d rather that than staying against gay marriage. I don’t think that’s a bad thing. She said her Iraq War vote was wrong. She’s never done anything more wrong than that. OK, it’s not exactly "I’m sorry," but that’s pretty—OK, she’s a politician. I accept that. What else? What else? What are the other knocks on Hillary?AUDIENCE MEMBER: Benghazi.MICHAEL MOORE: Benghazi. OK, Benghazi, yes. She got up in the middle of the night and personally planned, with ISIS, which she and Obama created—according to Trump, they invented ISIS—and they planned this attack to kill our people there at the consulate in Benghazi.AUDIENCE MEMBER: Cleared six times!MICHAEL MOORE: Oh, she’s been cleared of the charges six times. That’s not enough! You have to be—if you’re Hillary Clinton, you have to be cleared eight times.AUDIENCE MEMBER: Clinton Foundation!MICHAEL MOORE: Oh, the Clinton Foundation. Well, thank God there’s a Clinton Foundation. Look at all the good they’ve done. You know? I mean, and if what they say is true, and so they get to have a meeting with Hillary, and what’s their meeting—she’s still Hillary Clinton. It’s not like they get to go in there and say, "I need you to bomb—I need you to bomb Yemen." "OK, how much did you give the Clinton Foundation?" "I gave the Clinton Foundation $50 million." "Call in the airstrikes." That’s not what’s going on.
AMY GOODMAN: Michael Moore in TrumpLand. So, do you think you reached the people who you want to make not just don’t want Trump, but want to be enthusiastic about Hillary?
MICHAEL MOORE: Yeah, this is not a film that is spending an hour and a half bashing Trump. There’s nothing more I need to say about Trump. You already know everything about him. I did want to say why I’m going to vote for her. And I’ve never voted for her. I have huge political disagreements with her, obvious—the obvious ones: the war, too cozy with Wall Street, etc., etc. But, you know, there are also these things about her that I think are pretty decent and good, and they never get talked about. And, you know, no person is just one way. And, you know, one of my hopes—and I address Hillary directly in the camera during the piece here, hoping she’ll see this, because I want to tell her that we’re hoping that she will be something better than what we’ve seen in the past. And I am hoping that that is what will happen. Now, I may be a cockeyed optimist here. I am fully aware she’s a politician, and she’s a Clinton, and all of that. But I also—there’s too much at stake here at this point.
And, look, we live in a country—Canada has five political parties for 34 million people. We have two, two parties that are treated like parties. We need to have three and four and five political parties to represent the broad spectrum of political thought amongst 320 million people. We have to fix the system. And we have to commit to doing that. We say this every four years, then we forget about it, and then we get, you know, two more choices and what I used to call the evil of two lessers. And we’re all tired of this, and I think we need to—we need to fix this. We can’t fix it by Tuesday. So, I think I’m willing to accept that we had a decent enough victory with where we brought the country with Bernie Sanders and what he had to say and how people took to it. We’re going to build on that. The Bernie revolution will continue. And I think that—you know, we’re not being asked to vote for Margaret Thatcher here. All right? I mean, we’re not being asked to vote for Sandra Day O’Connor or Clarence Thomas or whoever the first or the token is that’s presented to us as always just some awful choice. You know, this—she’s not—she’s not that. And, in fact, I think she stood for a lot of good. And in the movie, I tell the story about, with healthcare, what she tried to do back in the ’90s.
AMY GOODMAN: Academy Award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore, his new film, Michael Moore in TrumpLand. We’ll come back to our conversation in a minute.
AMY GOODMAN: "Howlin’ Shame" by Adia Victoria, here on Democracy Now!,, The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman, as we continue our conversation with Michael Moore, the Academy Award-winning filmmaker. His newest film, Michael Moore in TrumpLand. He talked about Hillary Clinton’s stance on healthcare, something he knew well from making his documentary Sicko, which dealt with the failures of the U.S. healthcare system.
MICHAEL MOORE: I made Sicko, and I studied and remembered how she was vilified and attacked because she wanted to put forth the idea that every American should be able to go to the doctor and not have to worry about going bankrupt. And she pushed for that back in ’93, and she had her head cut off, and she was told to go back in the White House, be the first lady and shut up. And it was brutal. It was—do you remember this? And it was—
AMY GOODMAN: Many people, though, also said she—as with under Obamacare, that she wouldn’t include people who were true advocates for real healthcare reform, single payer, Medicare for all.
MICHAEL MOORE: Yeah, right, because she didn’t understand the politics of how, when you want to make something like that happen, you have to—it has to work from the bottom up, not the top down. And had she aligned herself with grassroots activists and all that—yeah, her strategy wasn’t good. That was just her own naiveté with it. Then, when she became a senator, she took money from the pharmaceutical companies and the healthcare companies and all that, and she wasn’t that same person anymore. So, now, I appeal to her, if she’s elected, to do the right thing.
AMY GOODMAN: You met her.
MICHAEL MOORE: Yes, well, I was invited to the White House for a dinner when Bill was the president. And I tell the story in the film about my evening there at the White House. And I’ve met her a couple of times since, too, just in—you know, being in New York here, you’re at events or whatever. And I have to say, I’ll tell—I don’t know. Have you ever met her? Have you ever been in the room with her, or—she’s actually very personable and very nice and funny. She’s got a great sense of humor, that you otherwise wouldn’t normally see.
AMY GOODMAN: Have they asked you to go out on the campaign trail?
MICHAEL MOORE: Oh, God, they want nothing to do with me.
AMY GOODMAN: Well, wait, talk about what happened at the White House.
MICHAEL MOORE: Oh, the White House?
AMY GOODMAN: Yes. You met her and Bill together.
MICHAEL MOORE: I met them together and—
AMY GOODMAN: This was when?
MICHAEL MOORE: This was in 1998. It was actually the night before his impeachment. All right? So he looked like crap. So, they announce you coming in the room, and, like, the person before me is a marine, is a marine in dress uniform. "Mr. President and Madam First Lady, the chairman of General Electric Jack Welch." So, he’s in front of me, right? So he walks in there. And we’re told, "You have five seconds, shake their hand, say something nice, and get the hell out of
there." So he does his grand grip with them.
"Mr. President and Madam First Lady," the marine is going, "Uh, Michael Moore?" And so I walk in there, and I shake his. And he goes—he grabs my hand, and he goes, "Michael Moore? Oh, I’m you’re number one fan. I just love—I love TV Nation. It’s just—I love that show. I remember that one episode you did where you went to Idaho, and you"—and he’s like literally recounting an obscure episode. And I’m thinking, "These Clintons are really good." Like, he’s got a story for everybody in line here. "And then Roger & Me, and I’m just your number one fan." And at that moment, she grabs my hand out of his hand, and she says to him, "No, you’re not. I am his number one fan." And she takes my hand and grips it, and she goes, "I just want to thank you, that what you wrote in that chapter in your book"—my first book. This is in—like at that time, in the ’90s.
AMY GOODMAN: Was this Downsize This?
MICHAEL MOORE: Downsize This.
AMY GOODMAN: Wasn’t this your love letter to Hillary Clinton?
MICHAEL MOORE: It was a chapter called "My Forbidden Love for Hillary." And I just felt so bad on how she was being treated. And she was being mocked for what she wore and her hair, you know? Because she’s a woman, so she gets this whole—all this shade thrown at her. And we didn’t call it "shade" back then, by the way. And anyways, so she’s like, "I just—I really thank you for—and that first line in that chapter?" And my face was like turning red, because, I mean—you know me a little bit. If people knew me, I am kind of a shy person. And my face was turning red. And the line was—and you may have to bleep this, but it was "Hillary Clinton. She’s one hot [bleep]-kickin’ feminist babe." And she said, "I really like that, what you wrote and what you said about me on The Today Show." And at this point, they’re trying to like—her aide is like—the aide thinks I’m holding up the line, but she won’t let me go. And, anyways, then I say little joke afterwards. But basically, yes, that was my first encounter with Hillary Clinton.
And it’s, you know, not a similar thing with Al Gore, but I met him, finally, like three years after he won—I mean lost, I mean won, I mean lost. I was in Nashville giving a speech, and he heard I was there, and he invited me over for breakfast the next morning. And I went over to his house. Tipper and Al are cooking me eggs and bacon. And I sit there for two hours talking to them. The guy was so funny, so personable—the opposite of what we saw. And I couldn’t help myself. At the end of the two hours, I said to him, "Al, how come we didn’t see this guy? Why did we see the stiff? Why didn’t we see—why didn’t you be yourself?" And he goes, "I know. I know."
AMY GOODMAN: Well, for all of this, Michael—
AMY GOODMAN: I want to go back to what you said about Bernie Sanders, when you first endorsed him.
AMY GOODMAN: You said, "Hillary says Bernie’s plans just aren’t 'realistic' or 'pragmatic.' This week she said 'single payer health care will NEVER, EVERhappen.' Never? Ever? Wow. Why not just give up? Hillary also says it’s not practical to offer free college for everyone. You can’t get more practical than the Germans—and they’re able to do it. As do many other countries. Clinton does find ways to pay for war and tax breaks for the rich. Hillary Clinton was FOR the war in Iraq, AGAINST gay marriage, FOR the Patriot Act, FOR NAFTA, and wants to put Ed Snowden in prison. THAT’S a lot to wrap one’s head around, especially when you have Bernie Sanders as an alternative. He will be the opposite of all that. There are many good things about Hillary. But it’s clear she’s to the right of Obama and will move us backwards, not forward. This would be sad. Very sad."
MICHAEL MOORE: Mm-hmm, yeah. And then she had to run against Bernie for all those months, and she had to start changing her tune. And she had to start agreeing with him, because she wasn’t going to win. You know, even with all their cheating at the DNC, even with all their superdelegates, there was a chance he was going to pull this off. So she had to either—either get with the program—in other words, where the majority of Americans are at. The majority of Americans want universal, single-payer healthcare. The majority of Americans, you know, want a paid maternity leave. They want free college for their kids. Go down the whole list. The American people agree with Bernie Sanders, not Hillary Clinton. So, in order for her to pull that off, she either had to start agreeing with the majority of Americans, and his presence pushed her and pushed her and pushed her toward better positions to take.
Now, we could sit here and say, "Well, that, Mike, that’s all they are—positions." Well, you’re right. We won’t know what she’s going to do until she’s in there. So, the onus really is on us. On November 9th, if she’s elected, on November 9th, the next day, do we—whether it’s the Bernie revolution, whether it’s the Green revolution, you know, whoever it is, do we get active right away and make sure that she does the things she says she’s going to do? Or do we do like we did after Obama got elected? Because after there was this big revolution to elect a man, whose middle name was Hussein—and we got him elected, right? And it was young people that got him elected, largest turnout in history of 18- to 35-year-olds in that election. And he will say that, too, that it was the youth vote that made this happen. You know, are we going to sit back? Because we sat back. And what happened a month after Obama was elected? He appoints Timothy Geithner as the Treasury secretary and Larry Summers as the economic head. You know, it’s like, oh. Do you remember that feeling? And it’s like, "Oh, jeez." And nobody got active. Nobody stayed active. And there was a silence during those two years when we had the House and the Senate.
And that was a mistake that we, the people, the grassroots, didn’t stay active and stay on his case. We didn’t—instead, he goes up to Capitol Hill, and he’s all kumbaya with these guys, the Republicans, he wants to get along. Not unusual, if you had read his book. That is who he is. He wasn’t phony. That was who he is. But we needed somebody with some boots on that was going to go up there and kick some butt and get some things done, and he didn’t do that. And we—we—were silent. And we didn’t—we got active, right? After we lost the House and the Senate then two years later, what happened the next year? Occupy Wall Street. What happened a couple years after that? Black Lives Matter. So, movements then began, during the Obama years, that now are thriving today. Whether we call ourselves Occupy Wall Street or not, we changed the whole dynamic here, and the American public understands the 1 percent versus the 99.
AMY GOODMAN: So, Michael, as people are making their decision who to vote for, and it may not just be between Trump and Hillary Clinton—of course, there’s a Green Party, there’s a Libertarian Party—but it’s also about whether even to go out to vote.
AMY GOODMAN: I wanted to get your response to Glenn Greenwald, now of The Intercept, discussing Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy.
MICHAEL MOORE: Yes, OK.GLENN GREENWALD: One of the most notable parts of Clinton’s approach to foreign policy that has gotten relatively little attention is that one of the few areas where she has been openly critical of President Obama has been by complaining that he’s been insufficiently militaristic or belligerent or aggressive in a number of areas, in particular, in Syria, where she criticized him in her book and then also in various interviews for not doing enough in Syria to stop the Syrian dictator, Assad, from brutalizing the Syrian people. She has advocated—Secretary Clinton has—a no-fly zone, which could lead to military confrontation with Russia, who’s flying over Syria. And then Michèle Flournoy, in an interview, made clear that she not only believes in a no-fly zone, but also more active boots on the ground in Syria, American boots on the ground.And given that the Russians are already there, that there is ISIS there, that there are al-Qaeda elements, that there’s still a civil war ongoing, it would be extremely dangerous to involve the U.S. further in military involvement in Syria. And yet, you have President Obama, who himself has been very militaristic—he has bombed seven predominantly Muslim countries in the last seven years—and yet Secretary Clinton’s critique of his foreign policy is, in every case, that he’s not aggressive enough, he’s not militaristic enough. And in Syria, in particular, they seem to really be itching to involve the U.S. a lot more directly and a lot more aggressively in that conflict.
AMY GOODMAN: That was Glenn Greenwald. Michael Moore?
MICHAEL MOORE: Yeah, thank God for Glenn Greenwald. Yes, I’ve said the same thing. I mean, she is a hawk. She is to the right of Obama. That’s—that’s the truth. So, for us to prevent whatever war she might be thinking of getting us into, we’re going to have to be active. We have be that way. We should be that way all the time, no matter who is in the White House. But we’re being given this awful choice on Tuesday of which war do you want—the war Hillary’s going to start or the war Donald J. Trump’s going to start? You know, because one of them is going to be the president. So—and I resent—
AMY GOODMAN: Donald J. Trump just said that it’s Hillary Clinton who’s going to bomb Syria, and that Putin doesn’t like her, and that proves that Hillary Clinton is a mess.
MICHAEL MOORE: Donald Trump, trust me, we can’t even imagine the kind of conflicts he’s going to get us into. This is a 12-year-old narcissist that is going to be sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office, with a very thin skin and a lot of hate in him. You know, I guess I’m—yes, we’re being asked to pick a certain poison here, or, you know, that old exercise of, you know, you’re in a lifeboat, and there’s only room for one more, and it has to be either Hitler or Mussolini.
AMY GOODMAN: But you say it’s not that choice. In your film, it’s not just pick your own poison.
MICHAEL MOORE: No, that’s right. That’s right. I’m not—I am not a proponent of scaring people into voting for Hillary as that’s the only reason. Most of her ads now are about scaring people, instead of just saying what she’s positively going to do. And she’s going to do a number of positive things. And we need to be there. The revolution, the Bernie revolution, the Green revolution, needs to be there to support her when she does the right things and to challenge her when she doesn’t. And I say in the film that, you know, if she doesn’t do this, we can’t wait like we did with Obama. We have to be active, and we’re going to run somebody against her in the next election. And we’re going to run people in the midterms that are not her, that are going to oppose her, Democrats that will oppose her in Congress. We’re going to have to do that. Our work is not over after Tuesday.
AMY GOODMAN: And the fact that the Republicans are saying the minute if she is elected, they will be investigating her, and they’re talking about possible impeachment?
MICHAEL MOORE: Yeah, well, they’re always going to behave like Republicans. You know, the thing is, the difference between her and Obama, she’s not going to go up there and hold hands with them. She’s not going to go sing "Kumbaya." She’s not going to try to find the great compromise, you know? She’s like—she is a woman of my generation. I mean, I’m in the second half of the baby boom, she’s in the first half. And, you know, I don’t know where you fall. You’re way too young to be in any baby boom. But I’m just saying, if you know or you have friends that grew up in this era, she knows what she’s been through as a woman in this society. She has not forgotten this. And I don’t—I can’t see her signing a single piece of legislation that’s going to say, "We, the government, have control over your reproductive organs," you know, or something that’s going to hurt children or something. So I think these are—you know, we need Glenn, we need The Intercept, we need you. I should keep making movies. You know, all of us are going to have to do our thing.
AMY GOODMAN: Except you say that you may well be what? Running in 2020?
MICHAEL MOORE: If I—I said I will offer myself up. If she goes back on what she says she’s going to do, if she doesn’t adopt the two-thirds of Bernie’s positions that she said she’s going to do, then either I or Kanye will run in 2020.
AMY GOODMAN: Academy Award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore, his new film, Michael Moore in TrumpLand. It’s playing in theaters now. It’s also available on iTunes and Amazon.
That does it for the show. A very happy birthday to Andre Lewis! It’s the big one. Happy birthday number 30, Andre.
Tune in Tuesday to our five-hour special election broadcast from 7:00 p.m. Eastern time to midnight here on your station or at
With just days until the election, we spend the hour with the Academy Award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore and talk about his surprise new movie, "Michael Moore in TrumpLand," which he performed live before an audience at the Murphy Theatre in Wilmington, Ohio, where there are 25,000 registered voters in the county and only 500 of them are registered Democrats.
This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.
AMY GOODMAN: Today, with the presidential election just days away, we spend the hour with Academy Award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore, yes, the director of Roger & Me, Fahrenheit 9/11, Bowling for Columbine, Sicko, Capitalism: A Love Storyand Where to Invade Next. He has just released a surprise new film; it’s called Michael Moore in TrumpLand. Just hours ago, I sat down with Michael Moore right here in our New York City studios. We started with a clip from the trailer of his new film.
TRUMP SUPPORTER 1: A lot of people say that Trump is a clown. He won’t be when he’s president.TRUMP SUPPORTER 2: If this is any indication of how Mr. Trump is going to do, it’s going to be landslide for Trump.TRUMP SUPPORTER 3: I think it’s going to be close. And I think that Hillary is going to have dead people vote.TRUMP SUPPORTER 4: Around here, I ain’t heard nobody for Clinton.TRUMP SUPPORTER 5: You know, he didn’t get it handed down to him like Hillary did from her parents.MICHAEL MOORE: Mr. President and Madam First Lady, uh, Michael Moore?RADIO DJ: Michael Moore will perform a one-man show tonight.MICHAEL MOORE: I really wanted to invite people who are thinking of voting for Donald Trump. ... As a gesture of goodwill, the ushers asked Mexican Americans if they would sit in a special Mexican section. Production assistants will be building a symbolic wall around them in the balcony. ... She said she’s from Guatemala. Close enough. ... I’ll say three things nice about George W. Bush. ... Woah! ... We’re all Americans, right? I know there’s a rule: Don’t agree with Michael Moore on anything. But women generally don’t shoot you, unless you deserve it. ... Out comes Beyoncé and 500 women! Wait! That’s our game! What’s she doing here? ... Send in the next congressman, hee hee heeheehee! ... The rest of Europe? They’re like, "Bye, Felicia." ... You can say something nice about everybody except Hitler and Matt Lauer. ... Who doesn’t like the Supreme Court’s decision on gay marriage? Then, don’t get gay-married.DONALD TRUMP: Well, I think that Hillary Clinton’s a hell of a good woman.MICHAEL MOORE: A millionaire has the same number of votes as the person without a job.NEWS ANCHOR: Donald J. Trump was sworn in today as the 45th president of the United States.MICHAEL MOORE: He is the human Molotov cocktail that they can legally throw. If you elect me president, there will be one charge port for all devices!DONALD TRUMP: Well, I just left Michael, and he’s a good man. He’s a good man. He’s done a good job.MICHAEL MOORE: Aaaah!
AMY GOODMAN: Michael Moore in TrumpLand. Michael filmed most of the movie during a two-night stand before a live audience at the Murphy Theatre in Wilmington, Ohio. Wilmington is the county seat of Clinton County, Ohio, but it is hardly Clinton country. There are 25,000 registered voters in the county, and only 500 of them are registered Democrats. In a moment, Michael Moore will join us himself in our New York studio, but first a bit more from TrumpLand.MICHAEL MOORE: If Hillary wins, if the women take over, and because they don’t need us—so, you know what’s going—this is going to lead to: There are going to be internment camps for men. And Hillary will have all her, you know, Wellesley students there with their clipboards checking us in to the internment camp. They’ve got to—they’ve got to pick out a few to keep the species going.Who are they going to pick? The smart ones and the good-looking ones. So, all right, already I’m looking at the faces of the guys here. They already know they’re in the camp. We’re all in line. We’re going to be in line there. "You, in there, in the camp. Yes, you. Keep going. You, you. Oh, you, over here." You guys are going, "Oh, just 'cause he's got a good six pack for the abs? I was going to start going to the gym last month." "Well, you should have [bleep] gone! Because now you’re going to the camp! Don’t worry, there’s going to be lots of gyms in the guy camps."And that’s why they’re so upset. You’ve seen them at the rallies, right? These guys at the Trump rallies? They’re like, "Raaaaah! Raaaaah! Aaaaaaaagh!" It’s the sound of the dying dinosaur. "Ooooaaaaaah! Oooooooh!"
AMY GOODMAN: That’s Michael Moore in TrumpLand. And Michael is right here in New York in DemocracyNowLand. Welcome back to Democracy Now!
MICHAEL MOORE: Yes, much safer place for me to be.
AMY GOODMAN: How much did you have to practice that dying groan?
MICHAEL MOORE: That, we had no chance for a rehearsal. So we filmed it as I did it for the first time. We were going to—we were supposed to be in another Ohio town east of Columbus, in Licking County, Ohio. And when it was announced that we were going to be there, the Republicans in town got the board of the theater to go back on their word to let us perform this there, and essentially banned me from the theater. So I had to go find another town very quickly. And that took up a lot of time, so I didn’t have a chance to do any rehearsal. I mean, I have spoken at colleges, and, you know, you’ve done this, too, but I’ve never done this sort—I’ve never filmed, I should say. I’ve never filmed this sort of thing. But I wanted to do a one-man show here, you know, in the U.S., for some time. So...
AMY GOODMAN: So talk about the audience. Who was in the audience?
MICHAEL MOORE: The audience was 800 seats in the theater. And we recruited this audience, because I wanted a good mix of people. About half the audience are Hillary supporters, about 400 of them. Then there’s about 100 to 150 Trump people, so they were leaning to voting for Donald Trump. There were 100 to 150 people who said they were planning on not voting, and then slightly less than 100 people that were going to vote third party. So I had quite a good mix of people there.
The Trump voters were—I mean, I did not want the crazies there, because I had the—I didn’t want the show disrupted, so, you know, the David Duke worshipers were not in the building. But we did go to union halls. And I wanted to go to places where—to look for mostly guys, let’s just be honest, guys who used to or have voted for the Democratic Party, but in this case they’re thinking of voting for Trump, and I wanted them to come there. And fortunately, a lot of the women in the area brought their husbands or boyfriends, and most of the women in the audience were, you know, very much in favor of Hillary. And you could see in the show, you know, the women are like this [clapping], and the guy sitting next them, you know, the husband, is like this [arms crossed, stern look], you know. But they—but they loosened up after a while. And by the end of it, I think maybe a few of them, I had maybe brought them around a little bit.
AMY GOODMAN: Well, you talk to them, and you talk about the conservatives in the family. This is the one about everyone having a conservative in the family.
MICHAEL MOORE: Yes, we do.MICHAEL MOORE: You know, these Trump voters, my friends, are going to be up 5:00 in the morning on Election Day. They’re up at 5:00 in the morning a lot. The only time we see 5:00 in the morning is when we’ve been up partying all night. That’s—that’s 5:00 in the morning. Yeah, right.Come on, everybody in here has got a conservative in the family, right? Many of you brought that person with you here tonight—a brother, a father, an uncle, a brother-in-law, a sister—not a sister, I know. I just threw that in there. And they are the organized one in the family. They never lose their car keys. The conservative—they’ve got little hooks in the—by the back door, with a label on each hook. That’s my beamer key. That’s my F-150 key. That’s the key for the car Matthew McConaughey drives. Our side, we’re like—this is how we—this is how we sound. This is how we sound: "So, uh, where do you want to go eat tonight?" "I don’t care. Where do you want to go?" "I don’t know, wherever you want to go." "No, no, no, no, you picked last time." "No, I—seriously, wherever you want." This is like—this is like—the conservatives, they’re like, "Get in the car! We’re going to Outback! Get in there!" Decisive! Organized! Disciplined! You’ve got to admire that about them.
AMY GOODMAN: That’s the Academy Award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore, and he is doing a kind of one-man show in Clinton County, which is actually TrumpLand, Michael Moore in TrumpLand. And you’re not like guessing about how people you don’t agree with think. I mean, you grew up in Michigan.
MICHAEL MOORE: Right, and still live there. So, I am around a lot of people who are planning to vote for Donald Trump. And a lot of people I grew up with, who are—you know, a lot of them are guys and women, like me, who are of this age, and they—you know, they’re angry. And they’re angry for justifiable reasons, because they went and got jobs in the auto factories, and they lost those jobs, and now, you know, if they’ve been able to get another job, they’re working for a lot less money. Some of them are working two or three jobs. And they’re really, really angry at the system. And they see Trump as their human Molotov cocktail, where they get to—you know, they get to go in the voting booth next Tuesday and just go beep, you know, just whip him right into the system, because he has told them, in his own words, he’s going to blow it up. He’s going to blow it up. So, it becomes then sort of a legal act of terrorism, right? You get to—you actually get to go in, vote for a man who says he’s going to blow up the system, and you, who have been hurt by the system, get to enjoy that. And so, I’ve—you know, I’ve spent a lot of time in Michigan and Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, what I call the Brexit states. And—
AMY GOODMAN: Explain why you call them "Brexit."
MICHAEL MOORE: Well, because Brexit was passed, in large part, because the white working class of industrial England and Wales voted—voted to leave Europe, because they wanted to send a message. And it’s—then they realized, after it happened, it’s like, "Oh, we actually have to leave Europe now." Yes, you do, you know, because you were dealing out your anger management issues in a voting booth. You know? That’s not where—that’s not where you take care of your justifiable anger at the system. So—
AMY GOODMAN: And now they’ve just ruled that, actually—
AMY GOODMAN: —the British Parliament has to vote on this.
MICHAEL MOORE: Yes, right. So maybe—maybe there is a way out for them. But on Tuesday, we’re not voting to leave Europe. You know, if you vote for Donald J. Trump, you’re essentially voting for America to leave America. You know, we’re asking—you’re basically saying, "You know what? We want to leave behind whatever this is that we have, and just start over, with him in charge, you know, with him as the builder of this." And, to me, that’s just a frightening thought.
Turkey: Leaders and 10 Lawmakers of Pro-Kurdish Party Arrested
200 Refugees Drown Off Coast of Libya in Last 48 Hours
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In Turkey, the two leaders and at least 10 other lawmakers were arrested from the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party, known as the HDP. The HDP is the third largest party in the Turkish Parliament. Social media was also reportedly shut down across the largely Kurdish southeast region of Turkey. This comes amid a widening crackdown in Turkey–less than a week ago, the Turkish government fired 10,000 civil servants, ordered 15 mostly Kurdish news outlets to shut down, and raided the offices and detained a dozen journalists from the award-winning Cumhuriyet newspaper on terrorism charges.
Afghanistan: NATO Airstrike Kills 30 Civilians in Kunduz

In Afghanistan, up to 30 civilians have been killed by NATO-led coalition airstrikes near Kunduz Thursday morning. The U.S. called for the airstrikes in order to support the U.S. special operations soldiers and Afghan troops fighting the Taliban in and around the city. Later on Thursday, Afghans marched to the local governor’s office carrying the corpses of their relatives, including women and children. This is one of the family members of the victims.
Mohammad Bari: "Seven people were killed from one family. My brother-in-law and all of his family were killed in this attack. See their bodies here, all members of one family."
This comes after two U.S. soldiers were killed in Kunduz earlier this week.
Majority of Voters Disgusted by 2016 Election

With the U.S. election only days away, a new poll shows the majority of voters are disgusted by the election and think both major-party presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, are dishonest. The New York Times/CBS News poll also shows Clinton’s lead over Trump has narrowed.
Melania Trump Would Tackle Cyberbullying as First Lady

This comes as Donald Trump’s wife, Melania, has given her first major speech since the Republican National Convention. In her remarks in Berwyn, Pennsylvania, she said that, as first lady, she would focus on decreasing cyberbullying and toxic social media culture.
Melania Trump: "We have to find a better way to talk to each other, to disagree with each other, to respect each other. We must find better ways to honor and support the basic goodness of our children, especially in social media. It would be one of the main focuses of my work, if I’m privileged enough to become your first lady."
Melania Trump did not mention in her speech the frequent social media attacks launched by her husband, Donald Trump, whose combative Twitter use over the years has included attacks on journalists, women—whom he has called "dogs"—and other presidential candidates, including Hillary Clinton, once tweeting, "If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?" Meanwhile, despite Melania Trump’s expressed concern over social media bullying, she did not come to the aid of a journalist earlier this year who faced a barrage of death threats, Holocaust references and other anti-Semitic attacks on social media after writing a profile about Melania for GQ. Instead, Melania said in an interview that journalist Julia Ioffe, who is Jewish, had "provoked" the harassment.
Pakistan: 18 Die After Oil Tanker Exploded, Dozens More Trapped

In Pakistan, at least 18 people have died after an oil tanker exploded at a Gadani ship-breaking yard. Dozens more are still trapped inside the burning tanker, which has been ablaze since Tuesday morning, with the fuel inside the tanker continuously feeding the fire.
200 Refugees Drown Off Coast of Libya in Last 48 Hours
At least 200 refugees have drowned off the coast of Libya in the last 48 hours, as tens of thousands of refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, South Sudan and other war-torn areas continue to attempt the perilous trip across the Mediterranean. At least 4,220 refugees have died attempting this crossing so far this year—more than in all of 2015.
Bronx Man Dies After Being Repeatedly Tased by NYPD Sergeant

In New York City, a man has died after being repeatedly tased by an NYPD sergeant. Police say they arrived at 49-year-old Ariel Galarza’s apartment on Wednesday after someone reported seeing a man who was emotionally disturbed holding a knife. When the police arrived, Galarza did not have a knife, but the police say he threatened them with an unbroken glass bottle. Sergeant William Melrose repeatedly tased Galarza, who died from cardiac arrest later that night.
Mother of Walter Scott Testifies in Murder Trial of Officer Michael Slager

In South Carolina, Judy Scott, the mother of Walter Scott, testified on the first day of the murder trial of white former police officer Michael Slager, who was caught on video shooting 50-year-old African American Walter Scott in the back as he ran away. The jury includes 11 white men and women, and one black man.
Colorado: DA to Retry Man Who Served 28 Years After Being Convicted Based on Dream

In Denver, Colorado, jury selection is slated to begin today in the retrial of Clarence Moses-EL, an African-American man who was convicted of rape in 1987 after a woman said she dreamed he was the man who raped and beat her in the dark. Moses-EL has always maintained his innocence. In 2012, another man confessed to the attack. Moses-EL was freed in 2015, after 28 years in prison. But prosecutors have decided to retry Moses-EL, despite the other man’s confession. Click here to see our interview with Clarence Moses-EL after he was freed.
Harvard Cancels Men's Soccer Team Season over Sex Ratings of Women Players

And Harvard University has announced it’s canceling the rest of this year’s men’s soccer team season after it emerged the male soccer players had, for years, maintained a written "scouting report" on the women’s soccer team, in which the men ranked the women’s appearances using pictures, numbers and lengthy written evaluations. They also assigned each of their fellow female soccer players a sexual position.
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