A Note from Pastor Tara Beth
Dearest Congregation,
As I write this letter, I am looking out my windows toward a beautiful California autumn sky. I must say, with this cool and crisp weather, it’s starting to feel nice and home-like these days. It’s hard to believe that this coming Tuesday, November 22, will be my six-month mark at PazNaz. What an incredible joy it is to call myself your pastor. I’ve said it many times, and I’ll say it again: I love this congregation more than I know how to say at times. Your generosity, encouraging words, and love for my entire family has been an incredible blessing. Thank you, dear ones.
I write this letter as the first of a new monthly letter that you will receive from me via email. I am excited to begin bringing the congregation into the many conversations I’ve been having over the last six months as well as share where we will be headed in the coming days.
When I came to PazNaz, I committed to the board a nine-month journey that I would take as the new Senior Pastor as I discern and dream about the future. This nine-month journey is as follows:
1. Three Months of Listening and Learning (June – August): For my first three months here at PazNaz, I took the posture of a sponge. I met with ministry leaders, staff, and visited as many Sunday School classes and ministries as possible. I also tried to become the best historian possible as I worked hard to learn the history of this beautiful and old church. What a legacy this church has!
2. Three Months of Collaboration (September – December): For the second three months, I committed to spend time collaborating with staff and ministry leaders as we have been attempting to answer the following questions: Who is PazNaz? What do we value? What is our DNA? What is our mission and vision? Who is the PazNaz of the future and how do we get there? This phase was launched in September when all of our ministry leaders, boards, and staff were invited to a Leadership Community Retreat: Canoeing the Mountains. Throughout this time of collaboration, here are some of the many conversations we are having and discovering:
Mission Statement, Core Values, Vision Statement: With the help of the staff, trustees, board, and many ministry leaders, we are very close to finalizing the mission statement, core values, and vision statement. This has been birthed out of a lot of prayer, listening, and discussion.
New Ministries and Re-imagination of Ministries: As we have been having a lot of conversations around the future and mission of PazNaz, the staff has been participating in a strategic planning and mission alignment. On December 7, the staff will submit their final drafts of strategic planning and mission alignment worksheet which will include new ministries, expansion of ministries, and re-imagining the approach to some ministries.
Re-imagination of the Sunday Morning Gathering: While this category could easily fit into new ministries and re-imagination of ministries, I wanted to highlight this one as it will be most noticeable in the coming days. Pastor Alan De Vries, ministry leaders, and I have been collaborating and praying together about how to sing the hymnody of a new generation. In October, I met with the entire band, choir, and orchestra to begin laying the framework and casting the vision for some of these exciting new changes. No decisions have been made as to exactly how this will look, but I have invited the entire music department to join us in this process as we pray and seek God’s guidance. As we continue to collaborate and pray, you might notice some changes here and there as well as some “experimenting” with worship leaders. On Sunday, November 20, and Sunday, December 11, we will welcome Kyle Hahn, a worship leader from Azusa Pacific Seminary, as one of many guest worship leaders who will be partnering with Pastor Alan in the coming months.
3. Three Months of Execution (January – March): This is the fun and exciting part! In January, we will begin a journey together as a congregation as we lean together into the missional imagination of God. This will begin with the church-wide mission and vision roll-out through a preaching series, special gatherings, devotionals, and new website launch. It will all culminate in March with a church-wide event of celebration and vision casting into the future. You will start to see more information about this in December, so please stay tuned!
Finally, as your pastor, I ask you to continue to pray. I have been meditating on Mark 9:29. After being unable to drive out an impure spirit from a small boy, the disciples asked Jesus why they were unsuccessful. An impassioned Jesus said, “This kind can come out only by prayer.” Dearest brothers and sisters in Christ, as we navigate unchartered territory in a rapidly changing world, we must be on our knees. I can almost hear the words of Jesus to the church of 2016 and into the future: “This kind [of mission] can only [be done] in prayer.”
I look forward to writing to you, dear ones, on a monthly basis. And don’t forget:
I need you; you need me; we need you; you need us.
With much love,
Pastor Tara Beth Leach
First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena
3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard
Pasadena, California 91107, United States
Valley Center: A Campus of PazNaz
5119 North Valley Center Avenue
Covina, California 91724, United States
Service Times
8:00 am - PazNaz's Lee Chapel
9:00 am - Valley Center Sanctuary
10:30 am - PazNaz Sanctuary
6:30 pm - PazNaz Campus
Contact PazNaz
Phone: 626.351.9631
Email: info@paznaz.org
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Copyright © 2016 First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, California, United States
PazNaz Update from The First Church of the Nazarene in Pasadena, California, United States:for Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Sunday's Sermon, November 13, 2016
8:00 am - PazNaz's Lee Chapel
9:00 am - Valley Center Sanctuary
10:30 am - PazNaz Sanctuary
6:30 pm - PazNaz Campus
Contact PazNaz
Phone: 626.351.9631
Email: info@paznaz.org
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Copyright © 2016 First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, California, United States
Sunday's Sermon, November 13, 2016
Pastor Tara Beth Leach
John 17:20-23
Scripture Text: John 17:20 “I pray not only for these, but also for those who will trust in me because of their word, 21 that they may all be one. Just as you, Father, are united with me and I with you, I pray that they may be united with us, so that the world may believe that you sent me. 22 The glory which you have given to me, I have given to them; so that they may be one, just as we are one — 23 I united with them and you with me, so that they may be completely one, and the world thus realize that you sent me, and that you have loved them just as you have loved me.

Women's Ministries
Testimony & Praise | Friday, November 18
Scripture Text: John 17:20 “I pray not only for these, but also for those who will trust in me because of their word, 21 that they may all be one. Just as you, Father, are united with me and I with you, I pray that they may be united with us, so that the world may believe that you sent me. 22 The glory which you have given to me, I have given to them; so that they may be one, just as we are one — 23 I united with them and you with me, so that they may be completely one, and the world thus realize that you sent me, and that you have loved them just as you have loved me.
Women's Ministries
Testimony & Praise | Friday, November 18
All women are encouraged to come hear the testimonies of several PazNaz ladies, and share in a time of worship, food, and fellowship on Friday, November 18, at 7:00 pm in Lee Chapel. A reception will follow in Gilmore Hall, North. Come connect with other women. Childcare is available when you RSVP to Pastor Faith Romasco at fromasco@paznaz.org. Contact Megan Marsh at 626.351.2429 for more information.
Contact Megan Marsh

Thanksgiving Offering
Contact Megan Marsh
Thanksgiving Offering
From November 20-27, PazNaz will be receiving the annual Thanksgiving Offering with the goal of raising $40,000 for world missions. Your gift will extend God’s mission of love, salvation, and transformation around the world.

Ladies Night Out
Tickets On Sale Now
Ladies Night Out
Tickets On Sale Now
Women’s Ministries’ largest fundraiser is back December 1 & 2 from 7:00-8:30 pm in Gilmore Hall. Tickets for Ladies Night Out: A Rustic Christmas are $20 and are available on Sunday on the patio. Enjoy dinner, entertainment, and participate in fabulous opportunity drawings. For more information, contact Megan Marsh at 626.351.2429.
Opportunity Drawing Donations NeededWomen’s Ministries is seeking donations for their annual fundraiser Ladies Night Out. If you have items such as sports tickets, theatre tickets, gift cards, services, or a themed basket of items that you’d like to donate, please stop by the church office during the week to pick up a donation form and submit it with your donation to the church office no later than Friday, November 18. For more information, contact Megan Marsh at 626.351.2429.
Opportunity Drawing Donations NeededWomen’s Ministries is seeking donations for their annual fundraiser Ladies Night Out. If you have items such as sports tickets, theatre tickets, gift cards, services, or a themed basket of items that you’d like to donate, please stop by the church office during the week to pick up a donation form and submit it with your donation to the church office no later than Friday, November 18. For more information, contact Megan Marsh at 626.351.2429.
Handmade Holiday: A Christmas Boutique
Start your holiday shopping early by visiting the Handmade Holiday Boutique on Thursday, December 1, and Friday, December 2, from 4:00-10:00 pm in the gym. Enjoy vendors of handmade crafts, festive foods, and holiday gifts. Women’s Ministries will also be selling gift cards – great for stocking stuffers!
Contact Megan Marsh
Student Ministries
Crazy Night: 90's Night
Contact Megan Marsh
Student Ministries
Crazy Night: 90's Night
Hey, home skillet! Brush up on your boy-band lyrics for this special night of fun and games on Wednesday, November 16, at 6:30 pm in Meguiar Youth Center. Students are encouraged to dress as their favorite 90's musician or singer and invite a friend. Contact Pastor Heather Handley for more information at 626.351.2477.
See's Candy Holiday Fundraiser
See's Candy Holiday Fundraiser
Help support Student Ministries for events, camps, and missions trips and stock up on holiday gifts for friends and family at the same time. Student Ministries will be taking orders for See's Candy on the patio this Sunday, November 20. Your orders will be available for pick up outside the Student Ministries office on the east patio on Sundays in December. Contact Pastor Heather Handley for more information at 626.351.2477.
Contact Heather Handley
Pasadena PrimeTime
Handel’s Messiah at Point Loma Nazarene University
Contact Heather Handley
Pasadena PrimeTime
Handel’s Messiah at Point Loma Nazarene University
This event on Sunday, December 4, is hosted by Pasadena PrimeTime and is open to all ages. The cost is $40. The group will have an opportunity to tour PLNU and then enjoy a fantastic performance of Handel’s Messiah. Lunch is included, but dinner is on your own. This trip is limited to the first 45 people. The bus will leave PazNaz at 9:00 am and return by 9:30 pm. Sign up at HeBrews on Sundays, or contact Sylva Hekimina at 626.351.2426.
Christmas Is...If you are age 55 or better, join Pasadena PrimeTime on Sunday, December 18, at 2:00 pm as they attend the annual magical holiday choral concert from the Citrus Music Department, Christmas Is.... The cost is $30 per person. You can sign up at HeBrews on Sundays or contact Sylva Hekimian at 626.351.2426.
Contact Sylva Hekimian

A Christmas Carol ... Revisited
Coming to PazNaz & Valley Center
Christmas Is...If you are age 55 or better, join Pasadena PrimeTime on Sunday, December 18, at 2:00 pm as they attend the annual magical holiday choral concert from the Citrus Music Department, Christmas Is.... The cost is $30 per person. You can sign up at HeBrews on Sundays or contact Sylva Hekimian at 626.351.2426.
Contact Sylva Hekimian
A Christmas Carol ... Revisited
Coming to PazNaz & Valley Center
Don’t miss this special presentation from PazNaz’s Worship & Celebration Arts of A Christmas Carol … Revisited. The curtain goes up in the PazNaz Sanctuary on Friday, December 9, at 7:00 pm; Saturday, December 10, at 3:00 pm; and Sunday, December 11, at 6:00 pm. The presentation will take place at Valley Center on Saturday, December 17, at 7:00 pm. This is a free event. No tickets are required, but donations are welcome.
Cookie Donations Needed
Worship & Celebration Arts is requesting cookie donations for the receptions following the performances of A Christmas Carol…Revisited on December 9, 10, 11, and 17. Cookies can be homemade or store bought and should be dropped off in the kitchen or church office in disposable containers labeled “WCA” from December 4-11, or brought to Valley Center prior to the performance at 6:30 pm.
For more information about the performances or cookie donations, contact Candace Nicholson at 626.351.2433.
Contact Candace Nicholson

Coffee Talk with a Pastor
Sunday, December 11 | 9:30 am
For more information about the performances or cookie donations, contact Candace Nicholson at 626.351.2433.
Contact Candace Nicholson
Coffee Talk with a Pastor
Sunday, December 11 | 9:30 am
Are you new to PazNaz and want to find out more about this church community? Are you looking to connect and become involved in the life at PazNaz? You are invited to meet with one of the pastoral staff on the second Sunday of the month and have your questions answered in a small intimate setting. The next meeting is Sunday, December 11, at 9:30 am in the Bride’s Room, Lee Chapel Foyer. For more information, contact Pastor Julie Keith at 626.351.2485.
Contact Julie Keith
First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena
3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard
Pasadena, California 91107, United States
Valley Center: A Campus of PazNaz
5119 North Valley Center Avenue
Covina, California 91724, United States
Service Times
8:00 am - PazNaz's Lee Chapel
9:00 am - Valley Center Sanctuary
10:30 am - PazNaz Sanctuary
6:30 pm - PazNaz Campus
Contact PazNaz
Phone: 626.351.9631
Email: info@paznaz.org
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Copyright © 2016 First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, California, United States
Contact Julie Keith
First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena
3700 East Sierra Madre Boulevard
Pasadena, California 91107, United States
Valley Center: A Campus of PazNaz
5119 North Valley Center Avenue
Covina, California 91724, United States
Service Times
8:00 am - PazNaz's Lee Chapel
9:00 am - Valley Center Sanctuary
10:30 am - PazNaz Sanctuary
6:30 pm - PazNaz Campus
Contact PazNaz
Phone: 626.351.9631
Email: info@paznaz.org
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Copyright © 2016 First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, California, United States
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