2017 Hunger Grant - The grant is available for local church ministries that address the hunger needs of the community.Apply Now: 2017 Hunger Grant
Apply now for the 2017 Hunger Grant.
The grant is available for local church ministries that address the hunger needs of the community.
Since the 1970’s, the Cal-Pac Hunger Grant has been resourcing churches in feeding those in need in their community.
Any local church with a feeding program is eligible to apply. All applications are due by December 1, 2016.
For questions, contact Pastor Eric Schmidt (umcpastorschmidt@gmail.com), Chair of the Hunger Task Force.
2017 Hunger Grant - The grant is available for local church ministries that address the hunger needs of the community.Apply Now: 2017 Hunger Grant
The grant is available for local church ministries that address the hunger needs of the community.
Since the 1970’s, the Cal-Pac Hunger Grant has been resourcing churches in feeding those in need in their community.
Any local church with a feeding program is eligible to apply. All applications are due by December 1, 2016.
For questions, contact Pastor Eric Schmidt (umcpastorschmidt@gmail.com), Chair of the Hunger Task Force.
UMVIM Headed to Louisiana - Our primary tasks will be mitigating flood damage and securing homes before winter weather.Cal-Pac Volunteers in Mission Headed to Louisiana
Calling all Disaster Responders!
We have an opportunity to serve in the Baton Rouge area of Louisiana from November 14-21. Our primary tasks will be mitigating flood damage and securing homes before winter weather. There are four churches in the area who will be hosting volunteers.
They will provide:
Cots or air mattresses
Full use of kitchen, including refrigeration, pots and pans and utensils
Showers (we have towel sets in the trailer)
The Louisiana conference charges $15 per person per night for church facilities and materials.
We will leave California, for those driving, early on Saturday morning the 12th, pick up the Tool Trailer near Austin on the 13th, and arrive in Louisiana on Monday, the 14th. We will pull out of Louisiana on Monday, the 21st, arriving back before Thanksgiving.
Because of the short notice, we will function on the ERT model that we have used successfully the past few years. Everyone contributes $500 cash which covers insurance, common food purchases and conference charges (above). Excess funds will be equitably divided to help defray the cost of towing the trailer, nights on the road, and transportation. Meals eaten at restaurants are the individual’s responsibility.
To join the team, please contact Doug and Judy Lewis, team leaders immediately.
Please prayerfully consider joining the team.
Doug and Judy Lewis
Cal-Pac Disaster Response/UMVIM Coordinators
Early Response Team Training (Murrieta) - The ERT’s help with the aftermath of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes.
Early Response Team Class (Murrieta)
November 5, 2016 - 08:30 AM / 05:30 PM
Murrietta, CA
We’ve organized an Early Response Team class in Murrieta on November 5, 2016..
Class cost $40.
Safe Gatherings (required) $23.
Disaster response tee shirt (optional) $10.
Online registration. Travis Lindsay will be the instructor; Tom Pilkington is the local contact.
UMVIM Headed to Louisiana - Our primary tasks will be mitigating flood damage and securing homes before winter weather.Cal-Pac Volunteers in Mission Headed to Louisiana
We have an opportunity to serve in the Baton Rouge area of Louisiana from November 14-21. Our primary tasks will be mitigating flood damage and securing homes before winter weather. There are four churches in the area who will be hosting volunteers.
They will provide:
Cots or air mattresses
Full use of kitchen, including refrigeration, pots and pans and utensils
Showers (we have towel sets in the trailer)
The Louisiana conference charges $15 per person per night for church facilities and materials.
We will leave California, for those driving, early on Saturday morning the 12th, pick up the Tool Trailer near Austin on the 13th, and arrive in Louisiana on Monday, the 14th. We will pull out of Louisiana on Monday, the 21st, arriving back before Thanksgiving.
Because of the short notice, we will function on the ERT model that we have used successfully the past few years. Everyone contributes $500 cash which covers insurance, common food purchases and conference charges (above). Excess funds will be equitably divided to help defray the cost of towing the trailer, nights on the road, and transportation. Meals eaten at restaurants are the individual’s responsibility.
To join the team, please contact Doug and Judy Lewis, team leaders immediately.
Please prayerfully consider joining the team.
Doug and Judy Lewis
Cal-Pac Disaster Response/UMVIM Coordinators
Early Response Team Training (Murrieta) - The ERT’s help with the aftermath of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes.
Early Response Team Class (Murrieta)
November 5, 2016 - 08:30 AM / 05:30 PM
Murrietta, CA
We’ve organized an Early Response Team class in Murrieta on November 5, 2016..
Class cost $40.
Safe Gatherings (required) $23.
Disaster response tee shirt (optional) $10.
Online registration. Travis Lindsay will be the instructor; Tom Pilkington is the local contact.
Spanglish 2016 - This year Spanglish will be at Camp Wrightwood in November with the slogan “Por Tanto Go” and the scripture on Matthew 28:19-20.
Spanglish 2016
For Young People!
For young people (14-25 years old)
Nov 11-13, 2016
Camp Wrightwood
(Wrightwood, CA)
$100 (by Nov 6) or $150 (after Nov 6)

Come to Spanglish!
Download the Flyer
Show your Parents
Tell your Pastor
Register Online
Spanglish is an event for young people age 14-25 dedicated to the exploration and celebration of Hispanic/ Latin Culture in the United States. This year Spanglish will be at Camp Wrightwood on November 11-13 with the slogan “Por Tanto Go” and the scripture on Matthew 28:19-20. At camp, we fellowship through meals and gatherings, learn through leadership workshops, compete in activities, and worship in a cross-cultural setting. Spanglish is sponsored by Cal-Pac Office of Hispanic/ Latino Ministries, Camp & Retreats and LAMAG.
To ensure everyone gets a chance to participate in this amazing event, the Spanglish Design Team approved the following fees: Early Registration $85.00 (Oct. 3- Oct.15), Regular Registration $100.00 (Oct. 16-Nov. 6), Late Registration $150.00 (Nov. 7- Nov.8).
That means there is still time to register for the great price of $85!
For more information about registration and fees, please contact the office of Hispanic/ Latino Ministries, Roxana Topete (rtopete@calpacumc.org) or Pastor Joel (jhortiales@calpacumc.org)
Spanglish en un evento para estudiantes entre 14-25 años de edad dedicado a la exploración y celebración de la cultura Hispano/ Latina en los Estados Unidos. Este año tomara lugar en el Campamento Wrightwood del 11-13 de noviembre. El lema es “Por Tanto Go” y el texto bíblico es el de Mateo 28:19-20. En el campamento convivimos a través de alimentos y reuniones, aprendemos a través de seminarios, competimos en actividades, y alabamos en un ambiente inter-cultural. Spanglish es patrocinado por Cal-Pac Oficina de Ministerios Hispano/ Latinos, Camp & Retreats y LAMAG
Para asegurar que todos tengan la oportunidad de participar en este evento increíble, el Equipo de Diseño de Spanglish aprobó las siguientes cuotas: Registración Temprano $85.00 (Oct. 3- Oct.15), Registración Regular $100.00 (Oct. 16-Nov. 6), Registración Tarde $150.00 (Nov. 7- Nov.8)
¡Eso significa que aún hay tiempo para inscribirse por el gran precio de $85! Para más información sobre inscripción y pagos, contacte la Oficina de Ministerios Hispano/ Latinos a Roxana Topete (rtopete@calpacumc.org) o con al Pastor Joel (jhortiales@calpacumc.org)
Messy Church Training (Arcadia) - Learn how start a Messy Church, a Sundaygathering for families who find it difficult to attend a typical Sunday worship service.Messy Church Training (Arcadia)
June 24, 2017 - 09:00 AM / 03:00 PM
Church of the Good Shepherd Arcadia
Messy Church training scheduled for June in Arcadia. Bring your own lunch.
Begun in England in 2004, Messy Church is for families who find it hard to go to church on a Sunday.
A typical monthly gathering meets for two-hour at a time that works in the community and includes sports/crafts, a short celebration, and a meal. Messy Church provides an opportunity for people of all ages to worship together in a fun and creative way.
A team of 5 (Your pastor can be one of the team)
Support by your Ad Council to start Messy Church
Budget (we suggest $100 a month to begin)
Spanglish 2016 - This year Spanglish will be at Camp Wrightwood in November with the slogan “Por Tanto Go” and the scripture on Matthew 28:19-20.
Spanglish 2016
For Young People!
For young people (14-25 years old)
Nov 11-13, 2016
Camp Wrightwood
(Wrightwood, CA)
$100 (by Nov 6) or $150 (after Nov 6)
Come to Spanglish!
Download the Flyer
Show your Parents
Tell your Pastor
Register Online
Spanglish is an event for young people age 14-25 dedicated to the exploration and celebration of Hispanic/ Latin Culture in the United States. This year Spanglish will be at Camp Wrightwood on November 11-13 with the slogan “Por Tanto Go” and the scripture on Matthew 28:19-20. At camp, we fellowship through meals and gatherings, learn through leadership workshops, compete in activities, and worship in a cross-cultural setting. Spanglish is sponsored by Cal-Pac Office of Hispanic/ Latino Ministries, Camp & Retreats and LAMAG.
To ensure everyone gets a chance to participate in this amazing event, the Spanglish Design Team approved the following fees: Early Registration $85.00 (Oct. 3- Oct.15), Regular Registration $100.00 (Oct. 16-Nov. 6), Late Registration $150.00 (Nov. 7- Nov.8).
That means there is still time to register for the great price of $85!
For more information about registration and fees, please contact the office of Hispanic/ Latino Ministries, Roxana Topete (rtopete@calpacumc.org) or Pastor Joel (jhortiales@calpacumc.org)
Spanglish en un evento para estudiantes entre 14-25 años de edad dedicado a la exploración y celebración de la cultura Hispano/ Latina en los Estados Unidos. Este año tomara lugar en el Campamento Wrightwood del 11-13 de noviembre. El lema es “Por Tanto Go” y el texto bíblico es el de Mateo 28:19-20. En el campamento convivimos a través de alimentos y reuniones, aprendemos a través de seminarios, competimos en actividades, y alabamos en un ambiente inter-cultural. Spanglish es patrocinado por Cal-Pac Oficina de Ministerios Hispano/ Latinos, Camp & Retreats y LAMAG
Para asegurar que todos tengan la oportunidad de participar en este evento increíble, el Equipo de Diseño de Spanglish aprobó las siguientes cuotas: Registración Temprano $85.00 (Oct. 3- Oct.15), Registración Regular $100.00 (Oct. 16-Nov. 6), Registración Tarde $150.00 (Nov. 7- Nov.8)
¡Eso significa que aún hay tiempo para inscribirse por el gran precio de $85! Para más información sobre inscripción y pagos, contacte la Oficina de Ministerios Hispano/ Latinos a Roxana Topete (rtopete@calpacumc.org) o con al Pastor Joel (jhortiales@calpacumc.org)
Messy Church Training (Arcadia) - Learn how start a Messy Church, a Sundaygathering for families who find it difficult to attend a typical Sunday worship service.Messy Church Training (Arcadia)
June 24, 2017 - 09:00 AM / 03:00 PM
Church of the Good Shepherd Arcadia
Begun in England in 2004, Messy Church is for families who find it hard to go to church on a Sunday.
A typical monthly gathering meets for two-hour at a time that works in the community and includes sports/crafts, a short celebration, and a meal. Messy Church provides an opportunity for people of all ages to worship together in a fun and creative way.
A team of 5 (Your pastor can be one of the team)
Support by your Ad Council to start Messy Church
Budget (we suggest $100 a month to begin)
Faith Initiative to Abolish Trafficking (Magnolia Park) - The Cal-Pac Abolition Task Force is hosting the Faith Initiative to Abolish Trafficking (FIAT), a gathering of individuals and churches who have been called to fight human trafficking.Faith Initiative to Abolish Trafficking (Cal-Pac Abolition Task Force)
November 12, 2016 - 09:00 AM
Magnolia Park United Methodist
The Cal-Pac Abolition Task Force is hosting the Faith Initiative to Abolish Trafficking (FIAT), a gathering of individuals and churches who have been called to fight human trafficking.
With human trafficking taking place right here in Southern California, we are joining in to end this injustice.
Event includes:
Workshops, Panels, and Expert Speakers
Free Breakfast and Lunch
Free Childcare
Spanish Workshop Available
Faith Initiative to Abolish Trafficking (Magnolia Park) - The Cal-Pac Abolition Task Force is hosting the Faith Initiative to Abolish Trafficking (FIAT), a gathering of individuals and churches who have been called to fight human trafficking.Faith Initiative to Abolish Trafficking (Cal-Pac Abolition Task Force)
November 12, 2016 - 09:00 AM
Magnolia Park United Methodist
The Cal-Pac Abolition Task Force is hosting the Faith Initiative to Abolish Trafficking (FIAT), a gathering of individuals and churches who have been called to fight human trafficking.
With human trafficking taking place right here in Southern California, we are joining in to end this injustice.
Event includes:
Workshops, Panels, and Expert Speakers
Free Breakfast and Lunch
Free Childcare
Spanish Workshop Available
Small Church Academy Now Online! - Video recordings from the recent Small Church Academy is now online for study! Simply go to calpacumc.org and scroll down to the "Academy" section.
as passionate followers of Jesus Christ
so all may experience God’s life-giving love
What is Spanglish like? What was it like for these young leaders? Why did they step up to leadership? Take a look and learn more!LEARN MORE

WJUMC Bishops send letter to President Obama in support of Standing Rock Sioux Nation
Dear President Obama: We, the bishops of the Western Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church, write in support of the Standing Rock Sioux Nation and all who bear peaceful witness to its opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Bishop’s Blog (November 2016)
As I have completed my final District Welcome event, I want to thank all of those who made these events possible. First, let me thank the District Superintendents and district Lay Leaders who planned and organized the events. Let me thank the local churches that hosted the events: Aiea Korean (Hawaii), Rolling Hills (West), San Diego First (South), Glendale First (North), and Riverside First (East). I need to thank the pastors and lay members of those churches who worked so hard to prepare for these welcomes. Finally, I need to thank all of you who attended these events. It means so much to me for you to take time to travel to and attend after a very busy morning for most. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!READ MORE

Lay Leadership and Discipleship
Spanglish 2016
Social Action and Engagement
Early Response Team Training (Murrieta)
FIAT (Cal Pack Abolition Task Force Burbank)
Cal Pac VIM Headed to Louisiana
Disaster Response Academy 2017
New Start and Vitalization
Messy Church Training (Arcadia)

[Forms] 2017 Charge Conference Forms
[Guide] Exempt Salary Guidelines (GCFA)
[Hunger Task Force] 2017 Hunger GrantSEE ALL LOCAL CHURCH RESOURCES

Small Church Academy 2016
How Church Size Matters
Small Church Leadership
Stewardship in the Church
Demographics and MissionInsite
Mentoring in the Small Church
Conflict in the Church
Intro to Social Media
The Social Media Calendar
Creating Social Media Graphics
Lay Leadership
Intro to Local Church Lay Leadership
Sign Up
Are you on the Cal-Pac email list? Get the latest on upcoming events, in memoriam notices, and messages from our Resident Bishop that gets delivered to thousands of inboxes all over the world.
REMEMBER: All key events and initiatives are always posted at calpacumc.org
Please enable images on your email to view the Note properly.
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Inspiring the world as passionate followers of Jesus Christ so all may experience God's life-giving love...
Copyright © 2016 The California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
The California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
110 South Euclid Avenue
Pasadena, California 91101, United States
Small Church Academy Now Online! - Video recordings from the recent Small Church Academy is now online for study! Simply go to calpacumc.org and scroll down to the "Academy" section.
as passionate followers of Jesus Christ
so all may experience God’s life-giving love
What is Spanglish like? What was it like for these young leaders? Why did they step up to leadership? Take a look and learn more!LEARN MORE
WJUMC Bishops send letter to President Obama in support of Standing Rock Sioux Nation
Dear President Obama: We, the bishops of the Western Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church, write in support of the Standing Rock Sioux Nation and all who bear peaceful witness to its opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Bishop’s Blog (November 2016)
As I have completed my final District Welcome event, I want to thank all of those who made these events possible. First, let me thank the District Superintendents and district Lay Leaders who planned and organized the events. Let me thank the local churches that hosted the events: Aiea Korean (Hawaii), Rolling Hills (West), San Diego First (South), Glendale First (North), and Riverside First (East). I need to thank the pastors and lay members of those churches who worked so hard to prepare for these welcomes. Finally, I need to thank all of you who attended these events. It means so much to me for you to take time to travel to and attend after a very busy morning for most. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!READ MORE
Lay Leadership and Discipleship
Spanglish 2016
Social Action and Engagement
Early Response Team Training (Murrieta)
FIAT (Cal Pack Abolition Task Force Burbank)
Cal Pac VIM Headed to Louisiana
Disaster Response Academy 2017
New Start and Vitalization
Messy Church Training (Arcadia)
[Forms] 2017 Charge Conference Forms
[Guide] Exempt Salary Guidelines (GCFA)
[Hunger Task Force] 2017 Hunger GrantSEE ALL LOCAL CHURCH RESOURCES
Small Church Academy 2016
How Church Size Matters
Small Church Leadership
Stewardship in the Church
Demographics and MissionInsite
Mentoring in the Small Church
Conflict in the Church
Intro to Social Media
The Social Media Calendar
Creating Social Media Graphics
Lay Leadership
Intro to Local Church Lay Leadership
Sign Up
Are you on the Cal-Pac email list? Get the latest on upcoming events, in memoriam notices, and messages from our Resident Bishop that gets delivered to thousands of inboxes all over the world.
REMEMBER: All key events and initiatives are always posted at calpacumc.org
Please enable images on your email to view the Note properly.
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Inspiring the world as passionate followers of Jesus Christ so all may experience God's life-giving love...
Copyright © 2016 The California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
The California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
110 South Euclid Avenue
Pasadena, California 91101, United States
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