My companions on our November 12, 2016 excursion (left to right): Daryl Johnson, Matt Madtes, and Jordan North
It's an exaggeration to call it a climb. Ascending to the top of Mt. Longonot (2,560 meters above sea level) in Kenya's Rift Valley is more like a steep hike. While you may not need any gear beyond a good pair of running shoes or hiking boots, plenty of water in your backpack, and a camera, reaching the summit of Longonot yields some rich life lessons. Here's what I've learned from three times up-and-down this fascinating dormant volcano:
- Walking alone is O.K., but having companions is better. Conversation along the path helps pass the time, and when you get tired, an encouraging word from a friend can do wonders. Sometimes, you can even lend a steadying hand when the path gets too rocky for a fellow-traveler.
- Be willing to guide another hiker on to the right path. A seasoned hiker on the way up saw that I had taken a wrong turn on the way down, that I was heading for a dead end. He spoke up, warned me of the danger, and voice-guided me back to the right path. I was grateful.
- You need nourishment on the trail. Even if you've eaten a good breakfast, the hike is a long one. Make sure to eat something along the way. I shared a bag of raisins - one of my favorite healthy snacks - and others shared their snacks with me.
- Stay together. One of our group got a burst of energy and blazed ahead. When he realized several of us were taking too long, out of concern, he doubled-back to check on us. We need people like that for whom "winning" is less important than making sure every one is still making progress.
- Carry a walking stick. Especially on the way down, your legs will weaken since the path is steep and you feel like an 18-wheeler braking as it descends. The stick helps you balance and takes some of the weight off your legs. And if a snake should appear - always a possibility in Kenya - at least you have a weapon for defense! I always carry my four iron. I've never hit golf balls far with it, but it's plenty useful on Longonot.
- The scenic summit makes the tough ascent worth it. On the way back down, hikers verbally spur on those still struggling to ascend: "Keep going! It's beautiful at the top." In the case of Longonot, successful hikers are rewarded with the sight of a massive crater lined with verdant trees. The air is fresh and the view of the Rift Valley is breathtaking. All the effort pays off.
Paul reminds us: "If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied" (1 Cor. 15:9, NIV). The goal for every follower of Christ is eternal fellowship with the Triune God, resurrected life together in a new heaven and a new earth (Revelation 21:1-5). This is the "view from the top" and it's worth every sacrifice.
Gregory Crofford
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Tags: climbing, hiking, Longonot, perseverance, teamwork
Categories: reflections
URL: http://wp.me/p1xcy8-1rn
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