Saturday, November 5, 2016

Weekly eNote from Pastor Jason Gant for Friday, 4 November 2016 from The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection West of Olathe, Kansas, United States

Weekly eNote from Pastor Jason Gant for Friday, 4 November 2016 from The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection West of Olathe, Kansas, United States
Resurrection West,
What a beautiful day to be grateful for the blessings in our lives! I was blessed this past week with the opportunity to give out four candy bars celebrating 3rd graders who had completed the reading of Mark. You’ve now gifted over fifty 3rd graders with their Bibles this fall!
Pastor Adam begins a new series this Sunday called “21”. We will explore the 21 questions John Wesley laid out for a disciple’s self-examination and reflection. These questions are meant to help shape our lives to be better servants and followers of Christ. This is a timely series as we approach Thanksgiving and Christmas, considering all that God offers us! It’s also a great next step after our Good Life series as we continue growing as people of faith!
Our Phase II building is coming along well and we are close to the halfway mark in our 3-year commitments of 3.7 mil. I’ll be posting pictures of the interior later today on our Facebook page here, so check back to see the update. It will be quite a day of celebration when we open for viewing on Nov. 27th and then go operational on Dec. 4th with a dedication and ribbon cutting. I’ll be sending an update (including your statement of pledged giving and actual giving thus far) to those who participated in the campaign. Some of you have completed your commitment early and we are very grateful! I’d like to ask you to look closely at your commitment and move to be at 50% by year-end. This helps us greatly with our financial partners and cash flow!
If you have yet to complete your financial commitment card for 2017, please go now to and complete your card. Please be sure to complete the West Campus card and pick up your mug as a thank you for your generosity. You can also pick one up at an usher stand and drop it in the offering plate on Sunday. I am so grateful to the now 322 households who have completed their card. This is so important in our worship and response to God.
Check out the opportunities below and get connected in knowing, loving, and serving God here at RezWest.
  • JOY in Serving!
  • FaithWork: Serving Our Community 
  • Denver Serve Trip- July 25-30, 2017
  • New York Serve Trip- June 19-24, 2017
  • Annual Thanksgiving Prayer Breakfast
  • rezlife Student Ministry Fall Retreat- Metamorphosis
  • Places to serve!
  • Recognition of our CCM’s
Joyfully Offer Yourself in Serving... That's JOY! Stop by the JOY table today to explore the many ways you can impact the Kansas City area this holiday season. Current opportunities include preparing food for the Kids TLC Thanksgiving Luncheon; serving lunch on Thanksgiving Day at Kids TLC; filling a Thanksgiving Meal bag, helping sort and/or deliver Thanksgiving Meal Bags to local non- profits who will distribute them. Other serving opportunities will be added each week. Thank you for helping bring joy and hope to those in-need. For more information, contact
FaithWork: Serving Our Community – Saturday, Nov. 12, 9-11:30 am. Meet at the RezWest Mission Center (25000 College Blvd., Olathe, KS) for prayer, breakfast snacks and instructions. Then, participate in a variety of JOY in Serving projects, including wrapping, sorting and preparing gifts for the Ridgeview Elementary School JOY Christmas Store (which gives children an opportunity to choose gifts for their loved ones). Adults, students and children of all ages are welcome. No sign-up required—just come and serve. For more information, contact
Denver Serve Trip – July 25-30, 2017. Pastor Chris will lead this multigenerational trip for adults of all ages as we partner with Denver Urban Matters. Potential serve opportunities include working at the Rocky Mountain MS Center, the Food Bank of the Rockies or the Denver Rescue Mission, or painting with Brothers Redevelopment Inc. Denver Urban Matters includes a very strong educational session to help us gain a deeper understanding of the problems faced by the homeless, including a poverty simulation, a food stamp game and a guest speaker formerly impacted by homelessness. For more information or to sign up, visit or contact
New York Serve Trip – June 19-24, 2017. Pastor Chris will co-lead this serve trip with his wife, Pastor Lisa Holliday, Minister to Children and Families at our Leawood campus. Potential serve opportunities include working at a food pantry, homeless shelter, neighborhood feeding program or community gardens. Teams will have opportunities to visit the World Trade Center Memorial, Museum of Jewish Heritage, Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. This multigenerational trip is open to families with children who will have completed at least the fifth grade by the trip departure date. Sign up at For more information, contact
Annual Thanksgiving Prayer Breakfast - Saturday, November 19, 9 -11 am, Resurrection West Sanctuary. Start your holiday season off with an attitude of gratitude at our third annual Thanksgiving Prayer Breakfast. Enjoy great food and conversation, spend time in prayer and praise; and hear Rev. Cayce Stapp, Pastor of Global Impact Ministries, give his powerful testimony and share about Resurrection’s serving efforts around the globe. Registration is not required, but would be helpful. So if you plan to attend, please email with the number of adults and children in your party. Come and be blessed by this morning of thanks.
Sign Up for Upward Basketball – Registration is open for kids kindergarten – 5th grade for the season beginning in January. Cost for the season is $100, with a $10 discount for 2nd and 3rd siblings. The purpose of Upward is to help develop kids mentally, athletically, spiritually and socially. Learn more and register by November 19, at
rezlife Student Ministry Fall Retreat- Metamorphosis – A spiritual weekend retreat at Youthfront West with worship, games, campfires, hayrides and time for students to grow deeper in faith. One retreat is available: on Nov. 18-20 for high school age students.
Places to serve at Resurrection West
  • Hospitality Teams – Bring your amazing enthusiasm and bright smile and help us create a welcoming environment at Resurrection West. Coming up at the end of November, we will offer four worship services each Sunday. This opens up many new places to serve. The beauty of these volunteer opportunities is that you can serve 30 minutes before/after the worship service you normally attend. To sign up to serve as bulletin stuffer, communion volunteer, connection point greeter, coffee and refreshment volunteer, greeter, parking lot attendant, technical crew, usher or weekday data entry helper, contact
  • Muggers Needed – Taking a coffee mug to a first-time visitor is a Resurrection tradition. First-time visitor households are identified via the attendance notebooks at each worship service; then by the end of the service, mugs are prepared for delivery by including the family name and a map to the house. We need muggers for Olathe, Shawnee, Lenexa, Desoto, Overland Park and the Lawrence area. Contact for more information or to volunteer.
  • Volunteer for Upward Basketball – Serve as a coach, assistant coach or referee or work behind the scenes. Volunteering with Upward is a great way to help kids develop mentally, spiritually and socially. Sign up to be a part of this exciting ministry at
  • 3-week small group leader experience (21 series Nov 6-Nov 20) - Beginning this Sunday Pastor Adam will be preaching a 3-week series exploring the 21 questions John Wesley invited his ministry leaders to reflect on. As a part of this series, our more than 30 small groups will be participating in a small-group curriculum prepared just for this series. We’d also like to have three or four experienced small groups leaders to offer three to four groups for people who have never tried a small group. If you are interested in leading one of these three-week groups contact
Finally, this Sunday in worship we will recognize our CCM’s (Congregational Care Ministers) and pray for their ministry here among our church and community. These individuals serve God as an extension of Pastor Chris and myself through pastoral care, prayer, and support of felt needs. They receive regular training and have the biggest hearts! Join me in thanking them for their service at each worship service this Sunday.
In Christ’s love and power,
Pastor Jason
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection West
24000 West Valley Parkway
Olathe, Kansas 66061, United States
West office - 913-538-7800
For an after hours urgent pastoal care need call 913-338-9477
Resurrection West Staff
Travis Morgan - Director of Staffing and Operations
Chris Holliday - Associate Pastor, Care and Missions
David Robertson - Director of Community Life
Lindsay Hefner - Director of Worship Arts
Ryan Rancudo - Assistant Director of Worship Arts
Yolanda Byers - Guest Connections and Communications
Rick Webb - Director of rezlife Student Ministries
Christie Walker - Director of KiDS COR Children's Ministries
Britli Fuller - Elementary Program Director
Lynnlea Nelson - Early Childhood Program Director
Malerie Luttrell - Nursery Coordinator
Debbie Dietz - Coordinating Assistant to Pastor Jason
Carol Townsend - Coordinating Assistant for Programs and Ministries
James Wear - Technical Producer Media and Graphics
The United Methodist Church of the
Resurrection West
24000 West Valley Parkway
Olathe, Kansas 66061, United States

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