Friday, February 17, 2017

Hostile to or prejudiced against for Thursday, 16 February, 2017 with David Brickner from The Jews for Jesus in San Francisco, California, United States

Hostile to or prejudiced against for Thursday, 16 February, 2017 with David Brickner from The Jews for Jesus in San Francisco, California, United States

I hope my email comes at a good time for you. It’s always a good time to remember God’s great acts of deliverance, like the one coming up this month.
The Feast of Purim, the story of God’s deliverance of Israel from wicked Haman, as told in the Book of Esther, will be celebrated by the Jewish people in just a few weeks. Our ministry teams will be especially active during this season, sharing the Good News of the gospel with Jewish people who are eager to hear about His love for them.
Meanwhile, anti-Semitic sentiment – and outright rage against the nation of Israel – is on the rise worldwide. Sadly, it’s here, right under our noses. And it’s the obligation of all Christians to understand what’s happening, respect God’s favor on the Jewish people and take action.
I want to tell you about two recent developments indicating the rising tide of anti-Semitism. Find out more here:
Will you stand with us now to oppose anti-Semitism?
Yours for the salvation of the Jewish people,
David Brickner
Jews for Jesus
60 Haight Street
San Francisco, California 94102 United States

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