Sunday, February 5, 2017

Praying with the Peninsula-Delaware Annual Conference for Sunday, 5 February 2017 from The United Methodist Church Prays in Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Praying with the Peninsula-Delaware Annual Conference for Sunday, 5 February 2017 from The United Methodist Church Prays in Nashville, Tennessee, United States

A prayer from Bishop Peggy Johnson of Peninsula-Delaware Annual Conference, leading the UMC in prayer the week of February 5-11, 2017.

God whose ways are never our ways and whose thoughts are never our thoughts, forgive us when we have said they were. We are humbled by your mercy, and your willingness to suffer and die for those who thought they were doing the will of God when they crucified you. Forgive us, when we like the Apostle Paul have ended up persecuting you, when we believe we are doing your will.
Let us not be like Cain when we cannot get along with our brother. Let us not become so sure of your will that we sacrifice our own children like Jephthah. Quiet our scheming minds, transform our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. Help us find ways to give each other spiritual gifts of love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, faithfulness and self-control.
Let the Spirit that was in Christ dwell in us as his body the church.
Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy. Amen.
To see when your conference is designated to pray, search the prayer schedule calendar.

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