Sunday, February 5, 2017

The L'Arche Canada of Toronto, Ontario, Canada Daily Thoughts with Jean Vanier for Sunday, 5 February 2017 "Celebration"

The L'Arche Canada of Toronto, Ontario, Canada Daily Thoughts with Jean Vanier for 
Sunday, 5 February 2017 "
Forgiveness and celebration are at the heart of community. These are the two faces of love. The poorer people are, the more they love to celebrate. The festivals of the poorest people in Africa last for several days. They use all their savings on huge feasts and beautiful clothes. These feasts nearly always celebrate a divine or a religious event - they are sacred occasions. In richer countries we have lost the art of celebrating. People go to movies or watch television or have other leisure activities; they go to parties but they do not celebrate.[Jean Vanier, Community and Growth, page 313]

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