Friday, February 3, 2017

Weekly eNote from Pastor Scott Chrostek for Friday, February 3, 2017 from The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown in Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Weekly eNote from Pastor Scott Chrostek for Friday, February 3, 2017 from The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown in Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Greetings RezDowntowners,
I hope this message finds you doing well this Friday afternoon. I am writing this message from Michigan, where I am spending the next two days speaking with United Methodist Pastors and Leaders in Marshall, MI. I am excited by the opportunity to be used by God in this way to share our Resurrection story with leaders across the state. Please be in prayer for me, that God would use me to renew and inspire these churches to re-engage as God’s misfits in mission to change the world by the grace of Jesus Christ!
This weekend is also a big weekend in the life of our church. Tonight, we kick off the Inspired for Life Women’s Conference. Tomorrow morning we’ll be hosting our forum on Practical Strategies for Facing Fear. I hope you’ll join us at both events as they are certainly geared to be life changing. In addition to these events, we’ll be hosting a full weekend in worship by focusing in on the Fear of Change! Please invite friends and plan to spend time with us in worship this weekend as we’ll take on one of the most widely popular fears amongst our congregation. Lastly, due to the Super Bowl being held this Sunday night, our Sunday evening worship service will move up an hour to 4:00pm in time for everyone to be able to watch the game!
I’m so excited to be a part of this journey with you in downtown Kansas City and I’m excited to see where God leads us into the future. In the meantime, here are a variety of ways to get plugged into the life of this church:The Inspired For Life Women’s Conference is coming up Friday, February 3, and Saturday, February 4, at our Leawood campus. This 2-day conference will feature speakers Rachel Held Evans and Sarah Bessey. If you’d like to be included in the RezDowntown group, please contact To register for the conference, go to
Souper Bowl Food Drive
. Its time for our annual Souper Bowl of Caring food drive! The Chiefs won't be playing so let's win in another way for our community! Drop non-perishable items off at the church between now and Feb 12. Healthy proteins are always in high demand so try to include them in your offering if you can. Our collection will go to support the pantry at Reconciliation Services, one of our FaithWork Partner agencies. They serve lower income and elderly residents on the Eastside of downtown Kansas City.
Practical Strategies for Facing Fear. In January, Pastor Adam will be leading us through a sermon series called Unafraid: Living Life with Courage and Hope. If you’d like to dive deeper into this topic, on Saturday, February 4, 9:00-12:00 at Grand, Resurrection Downtown’s counseling intern, Sarah VanMattson will lead us in a conversation about fear and anxiety and their effects on the brain and behavior. We will explore techniques and tools to cope with fear and anxiety when we encounter them so we can truly face all of life’s unknowns with courage and hope. Childcare will be available with registration at
Meals Ministry – If you have a heart for serving friends who are grieving, adjusting to life with a new baby or recovering from surgery, consider joining the Meals Ministry. We cook meals and deliver them to homes for short-term needs as a way of sharing the light of Christ when life is complicated. Contact Lindsay McCoy Lentz at for more information.
Serve in Honduras June 3-10 with our partner church in El Obraje – Honduras is a beautiful country with beautiful people. Take a week out of your busy schedule to grow in your faith as you support and encourage our Honduran partners. This team will help build the church both physically (light construction) and humanly (inviting the community to sports and craft events at the church). The deadline for registering is February 3. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity – sign up at For more information, contact
I am thankful for you and I'm privileged to serve God in Kansas City with you. Have a great Friday and I'll see you soon!
Many blessings and God's Peace,
Congregational Care and Support
If you need pastoral care, call 816-979-1330. (After hours emergencies: 913.338.9477)
To submit a prayer request, contact
For more information, visit our website:

The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Downtown
1508 Grand Boulevard
Kansas City, Missouri 64108, United States

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