Friday, February 3, 2017

The Asia Pacific Region of The Global Church of the Nazarene for ----Saturday, 4 February 2017 Volume 5, Issue 5 in Kaytikling, Taytay, Rizal, Manila 1920 Philippines with The Around The Region... Updates from Korea District, Training Doctors in PNG, BGS on the Latest Refugee Rulings, Prayers for Team Members in Thailand and Australia, The Importance of Succession to Leadership Development, WMC News Now in English AND Korean! All these and MORE!

The Asia Pacific Region of The Global Church of the Nazarene for Saturday, 4 February 2017 Volume 5, Issue 5 in Kaytikling, Taytay, Rizal, Manila 1920 Philippines with The Around The Region... Updates from Korea District, Training Doctors in PNG, BGS on the Latest Refugee Rulings, Prayers for Team Members in Thailand and Australia, The Importance of Succession to Leadership Development, WMC News Now in English AND Korean! All these and MORE!

Prayer requested for Former Thai District Superintendent Sawat Hahom **Update 1 Feb. 2017**
Thailand: An urgent prayer request was received from the daughter of former Thai District Superintendent (DS) Sawat Hahom. Pastor Sawat was hospitalized on January 29th with fluid on the lungs and kidney complications. Later in the evening he suffered a heart attack and is now in the Intensive Care Unit. Please commit to pray for Pastor Sawat and his family.
***Update 1 Feb 2017 8:30am***
The family of former DS Sawat would like to thank everyone for praying, they could see the power of your prayers when his heart stopped beating yesterday and they were able to restart it using the defibrillator.
Praise God his blood pressure and oxygen levels have stabilized!
Please continue to pray for healing and for the family as they witness to others through this difficult time.
***Update 1 Feb 2017 8:30pm***
We received word that former DS Sawat suffered another heart attack this evening. They were not successful in their efforts to restart his heart, and at 6:55 Thailand time, he passed away surrounded by family as well as DS Tanongsask and Pastor Panom.
Please continue to lift the family in prayer.
------- Prayers Needed for Team Member in Australia
Sydney, Australia:
Please pray for Rev. Diler Barazinch of the Australia Southern District, who was taken to Auburn Hospital in Sydney on 1 February 2017, after experiencing a heart attack. It has been reported that they have found previous heart damage and he will be undergoing an angiogram to assess the extent of the damage.
Your prayers are also appreciated for his wife Akeela and their two children, Helena and Zachariah, as they are concerned and doing what they can to support him. Diler is said to be comfortable and confident of God’s care, His providence and grace.
Please pray for peace and wisdom for Diler and Akeela and the children, as well as the Doctors and staff as they assess the damage and work together on a plan to repair the damage.
Please Pray for Mother of PNG Missionary
Papua New Guinea:
Please pray for Garnet Beam, mother of Kathy Beam Radcliffe who serves with her husband, Jim, in Papua New Guinea. Garnet has a recurrence of cancer and will receive a third round of chemotherapy. Please pray that the treatments could be tolerated and effective and that the Lord will direct the Radcliffes in how to honor and bless their parents at this time.”
Please pray for David S. Radcliffe (age 87) who is a retired Nazarene elder living in Mount Vernon Ohio with his wife, Hellen. David is currently going through tests to evaluate multiple tumor masses in his body and biopsies reveal the tumors to be a type of lymphoma. Please pray for the cancer treatments to be effective, helpful, and able to be tolerated.
David is the father of missionary Jim Radcliffe who is serving in Papua New Guinea with his wife, Kathy, at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital.
South Korea: We are truly blessed to receive updates on how God is working in the lives of our fellow Nazarenes in Korea.
The district kicked off 2017 with two events- the 12th Annual Pastor's Kids Retreat and a meeting of two important leaders.
Read on how these two events strengthened their faith in God and their relationships with each other!
Nazarenes Represent! – A Glimpse of God’s Work in Korea!
South Korea:
We are truly blessed to receive updates on how God is working in the lives of our fellow Nazarenes in Korea. Read how their faith in God is being strengthened as well as their relationships with each other.
2017 started off well as 140 children of pastors from all over South Korea gathered together for the 12th Annual Pastor’s Kids Retreat, held 14 -16 January 2017.
Among those who encouraged the kids and led them during the 3-day fellowship were Korea District Superintendent (DS) Young-su Kim and Taiwan DS Andrew Tang from Taiwan. The event was made even more special as the participants were given the opportunity to participate in the Korean Christian Broadcasting System.
During the closing service, the participants were able to share their God-given talents with each other. The life of a pastor’s kid is no easy task, and now these children know that they are not alone.

A few days after the retreat, DS Tang, together with the Taiwan Nazarene Theological College (TNTC) Chairman of the Board, visited Korea Nazarene University (KNU) to meet with KNU President Dr. Im Seung-An. They are hoping to communicate with each other regularly, to further fortify the Church of the Nazarene’s mission,“To Make Christlike Disciples in the Nations.”
We are grateful to the Lord that He made this visit possible. Please continue to pray for TNTC and KNU, that this goal will be realized and that their connection rooted in serving God will continue to flourish.[Submitted by: Mireu Kim/ Ingrid Kiper]
Papua New Guinea: The Masters in Rural Registry Program is a 6-year program that seeks to train a PNG doctor to be able to go out to a rural district hospital and care for the needs of the community and hospital.
The program includes training in Administration, X-ray, Surgery, OB, Peds, Medicine, Anesthesia, Solar installation and everything in between.
Dr. Erin Meier shares stories of Imelda & Glenn, who are undergoing the program. Read about how they're doing and what they hope to do in the future.
Training Doctors from Papua New Guinea!
Papua New Guinea: For the past 5+ years, Imelda has been working side by side with us in her Masters of Rural Registry Program. The Masters in Rural Registry Program is a 6-year program that seeks to train the PNG doctor to be able to go out to a Rural District Hospital in PNG and care for the needs of the community and hospital. They get training in Administration, Xray, Surgery, OB, Peds, Medicine, Anesthesia, Solar Installation and everything in between. Mel is in her last year with us and it has been a joy and pleasure to see her grow during her time with us. We don’t know what the future holds for her and her husband, but would love to see them continue to serve and work with us.
Part of the Rural Registry program is to have surgical training, which occurs through 3 surgery rotations for 3 months at a time, over 3 years. Imelda did her rotations away from us, getting training from other surgeons in PNG, but other Rural Registrars come to Kudjip to get their surgical training with our surgeons. We have had a number through the years and this year have had three. Winis, is the one with us currently and has been with us for almost 3 months now, working with Drs. Ben and Jim in surgery. I have done a few C-Sections with him and know he has learned a lot and will be a great doctor for the Telefomin hospital and patients he will serve.
We also had a PNG medical student working with our Surgeons over his Christmas break. Glenn grew up here, his mom works for us, and he is in his 5th year of Medical School in PNG. He hopes to become a surgeon and thus is trying to learn all he can while he can.
We hope to continue to be a place for training of PNG doctors – surgeons, rural registrars, and medical students, with the hope that some will stay with us and serve with us and some will be called to go out and serve in other parts of Papua New Guinea, improving the health care of the country. We are scheduled to start having regular PNG medical students rotate with us later this year. It is exciting to see what might come of being more focused on training PNG doctors.[Submitted by: Erin Meier]
Board of General Superintendents: In light of recent executive orders issued in the United States and decisions by other world governments regarding the status of refugees, the Board of General Superintendents for the Church of the Nazarene urges governments everywhere to quickly put into place systems whereby eligible and legitimate refugees can find refuge and safety in our countries.
Further, we urge the President of the United States, Congress, and other state departments to make this temporary order a matter of urgency so that the United States may continue to be known as a nation of compassion and hospitality to those who are oppressed, vulnerable, and marginalized...
BGS Echoes Call for Compassion After Latest Refugee Rulings
In light of recent executive orders issued in the United States and decisions by other world governments regarding the status of refugees, the Board of General Superintendents for the Church of the Nazarene urges governments everywhere to quickly put into place systems whereby eligible and legitimate refugees can find refuge and safety in our countries. Further, we urge the President of the United States, Congress, and other state departments to make this temporary order a matter of urgency so that the United States may continue to be known as a nation of compassion and hospitality to those who are oppressed, vulnerable, and marginalized.
We echo our statement from November 2015, when the significant global immigration and the divisive political debate in many nations compelled us to speak clearly and biblically to this challenging topic, inviting all Nazarenes to express Christian love to immigrants who live among us:
The Hebrew word, gēr, and the Greek word, xenos, can be defined as “immigrant.”
“If an immigrant dwells with you in your land, you shall not mistreat him. The immigrant who dwells among you shall be to you as one born among you, and you shall love him as yourself.” (Leviticus 19:33–34, NKJV). Our Lord quoted, “Love him as yourself,” as part of the Greatest Commandment!
Jesus said: “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was an immigrant and you invited me in” (Matthew 25:35, NIV).
“Do not forget to show hospitality to immigrants, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels” (Hebrews 13:2, NIV).
While we recognize the complexity of immigration laws in various nations, the Board of General Superintendents calls on Nazarenes around the world:
  • To treat immigrants with love, respect, and mercy.
  • To participate sacrificially in local, national, and global compassionate ministry responses to assist refugees and immigrants.
  • To encourage their respective governments to approve equitable laws that will allow for family reunification, legal work permits for productive immigrants in the workforce, and pathways for undocumented immigrants to be able to obtain authorized immigrant status.
  • To follow the clear biblical mandate to love, welcome, assist, evangelize, and disciple the immigrants near us.
[Board of General Superintendents]
Thailand: We received word that former Thai District Superintendent (DS) Sawat Hahom was hospitalized on January 29th, due to fluid on the lungs and kidney complications. Later that evening he suffered a heart attack and was placed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU.)
While in the ICU, his heart stopped beating but the doctors and nurses were able to restart it using the defibrillator.
However, he suffered another heart attack on February 1, and sadly, they were not able to revive him. Former DS Sawat went home to be with the Lord at 6:55PM (Thailand time), surrounded by family, as well as DS Tanongsask and Pastor Panom.
Please continue to lift his family and the district in prayer.
Australia: Please pray for Rev. Diler Barazinch of the Australia Southern District, who was taken to Auburn Hospital in Sydney on February 1st after having a heart attack. It has been reported that they have found previous heart damage and he will be undergoing an angiogram to assess the extend of the damage.
Find out how you can pray for Rev. Diler and his family! Your prayers would mean so much to them!
"If you are planning for a year, sow rice;
if you are planning for a decade, plant trees;
if you are planning for a lifetime, invest in people."[Chinese Proverb]
The sustainability of every congregation, organization, community, or social setting-regardless of its size and complexity-relies not only on the quality of its leaders, but also on the way in which those leaders prepare others to lead after they have moved on. I have learned that important tenet while witnessing and presiding at ordination services with the church. I still remember the old language of our Manual that stated that "the perpetuity of the church depends largely on the spiritual qualifications, character, and manner of life of its ministers."
Dr. Gustavo A. Crocker shares his thoughts on the importance of leadership succession, and how it is critical to the success of an organization, not just the church!
Leadership Development: There is No Success without Succession 
by Gustavo A. Crocker
“If you are planning for a year, sow rice;
if you are planning for a decade, plant trees;
if you are planning for a lifetime, invest in people.”[Chinese Proverb]
The sustainability of every congregation, organization, community, or social setting—regardless of its size and complexity—relies not only on the quality of its leaders, but also on the way in which those leaders prepare others to lead after they have moved on. I have learned that important tenet while witnessing and presiding at ordination services with the church. I still remember the old language of our Manual that stated that “the perpetuity of the church depends largely on the spiritual qualifications, character, and manner of life of its ministers.” I would add that the sustainability of every congregation depends largely on the ability of the church to develop new leaders from within. In other words, the longevity of our church will depend on the quality of our current leaders and on the development of a new generation of servant leaders who will take our church to where God wants it to be.
The apostle Paul was very mindful of this reality. He had received from Barnabas and the disciples—who had also received it from Christ—the privilege to proclaim the good news of salvation to the world. Early in his ministry, he realized the task was greater than his capacities and the fulfillment of his task would depend on his ability to train, equip, empower, and release others for the sake of the kingdom of God. His success was not necessarily predicated by his missionary accomplishments, but by his focus on multiplying himself in others. Having learned it from those who entrusted him, he instructed young Timothy to do the same:
“And the things you have heard me say in presence of many witnesses,
entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others”
[(2 Timothy 2:2 NIV).]
From Christ to the disciples, from the disciples to Barnabas, from Barnabas to Paul, from Paul to Timothy, from Timothy to reliable people, from reliable people to others, and from others to us, this principle of leadership succession has been the key for the church to be present, alive, and engaged in every generation. Undoubtedly, there is no success without succession.
Leadership succession is not a complex organizational paradigm. On the contrary, it is a simple organic principle that basically relies on vision, equipping, and empowerment. Visionary leaders are those who, from the very beginning of their journey, realize they are not permanent but the church is. As a result, they realize that one of their primary roles is to find reliable people in whom to entrust the church from day one. These newly identified, emerging leaders do not need to be a finished product. Just like any of us, every member of our congregations is “a leader in the making.” All we have to do is prayerfully discover them by seeing their potential and willingness. We must remember that “when we see a shepherd boy, God sees a king…”
This succession mindset helps leaders invest themselves in those lives entrusted to them as their potential successors. And even though the leader does not make the succession decision, he or she prepares the soil for it. After spending time with Joshua, Caleb, and the leaders of the other tribes, Moses received God’s instructions for succession: “…commission Joshua, and encourage and strengthen him, for he will lead this people across and will cause them to inherit the land that you will see” (Deuteronomy 3:28 NIV). While Moses did not get to lead the people to the Promised Land, part of his success was in equipping and developing the leaders who would eventually finish the task.
Conversely, failing to develop new leaders will lead us into failure. The “Joshua Syndrome” is one of the classic biblical examples where a godly leader failed to prepare the next generation and, as a result, his work was limited to his leadership tenure only. Joshua finished his journey in what many would consider a “successful conquest of the Promised Land.” However, after he died and “that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation grew up who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel” (Judges 2:10 NIV). His task ended with him.
Pass it on! Remember: There is no success without succession.
You read it right: WMC News is not only available in English, we now have a Korean version too! Joining the WMC News Team is our
Korean correspondent Mireu Kim!
Here are the headlines:

We are working on producing our next WMC Global News Update Video in another language! Click here to find out what language that will be.
Links You Might Like! (More coming weekly)


Asia-Pacific Regional Communications
Ortigas Av Ext
Kaytikling, Taytay, Rizal, Manila 1920 Philippines

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