Saturday, February 4, 2017

Weekly eNote from Senior Pastor Adam Hamilton for Friday, 3 February 2017 from The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, United States

Weekly eNote from Senior Pastor Adam Hamilton for Friday, 3 February 2017 from The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, United States

Friday, February 3, 2017
Dear Resurrection Family,
I’ve got some fun things to share with you in today’s e-note, but first I want to mention this weekend’s sermon. We’re continuing our series of sermons on UnAfraid: Living with Courage and Hope. When I was a child just learning to read, one of my favorite books was called, Henny Penny. One day the hen, Henny Penny, was scratching in the dirt when an acorn fell on her head. In fear she began to shout, “the sky is falling!” Pretty soon she had all her friends convinced the sky was falling. The story has actually been told in one form or another for 2,500 years (Henny Penny in other versions is sometimes called Chicken Little). When we watch the evening news it can sometimes seem that the sky is falling. The sermon will look at the impact of fear on our world and what it means to have courage in the face of tumultuous times.The sky is not really falling. We’ll find comfort in Psalm 46 and in this divided time we’ll also reflect on the very different politics of two of Jesus’ disciples.
The story that has made the news every day this week relates to refugees. I’m going this afternoon to meet a family of Syrian refugees who arrived here in Kansas City last August to hear their story. I’ll tell you a bit about my visit with them this weekend as well.
Don’t forget, Sunday night worshipers, that the Sunday evening service times at Leawood, West and Downtown have been moved up to 4 pm so we’re finished well before the Super Bowl kick-off. Join us at 4 pm or worship in the morning to allow plenty of time for your Super Bowl party. And don’t forget this weekend and the next are our annual Super Bowl Food Drive. Last year we collected just under 40 tons of food for area food pantries. My hope is that we’ll surpass that this year.
At the Leawood Campus this week we held our winter blood drive and had a lot of first-time donors! Thank you to each of you who donated. We collected 613 units of blood! That was awesome! I am so proud of each of you who gave the gift of life to someone else! Just a reminder that Resurrection West will be holding their drive on Tuesday, February 7, and Resurrection Blue Springs will be holding their drive on Thursday, February 16.
If you are an NPR listener, you may recognize the name Robert Siegal, the senior host of All Things Considered. He was in town this week for a story on electric cars, but while here he stopped by Resurrection to ask me my thoughts on the temporary suspension of the US refugee program. The segment will air on All Things Considered, which you can hear on KCUR (89.3) from 4 and 6:30 today. We’ve been told this interview will be at about 5:50 pm. If I hear more specifics, I’ll post the time on Twitter for any who are interested.
Last year in our sermon series on Facing the Issues that Divide I preached about Immigrants and the Bible. It was that sermon that prompted Siegal’s producer to contact us. I think it is a timely one in the light of the discussions this last week on immigration. You can watch it or the other sermons in that series by clicking here.
Tonight our women’s conference, Inspired for Life, kicks off with over 1,200 women attending. It’s going to be awesome. LaVon and I look forward to being there this evening for this tremendous event. Saturday night at 7 pm, New York Times bestselling author Rachel Held Evans will be speaking to both men and women on Keep the Church Weird! Rachel is a mom, wife, author, blogger, and really thoughtful Christian. I’d love to invite Resurrection members from any of our campuses to join LaVon and me in attending. It’s a great chance for you to hear an influential and gifted writer and speaker talk about keeping our churches vital and relevant.
I want to congratulate all of our Resurrection members who had perfect attendance in 2016 and those who got an ‘A’ in worship attendance (90% or more). At the bottom of this email you’ll find their names listed. If you believe you had perfect attendance at Resurrection, or had 90% or more, but are not listed here, let us know and we’ll be happy to add your name next week. We honor this commitment with a small sticker to go on your church nametag that says, “committed to worship.” I also want to recognize that we had 63 congregants that had perfect attendance two years in a row! That’s fantastic – I can’t even say that (a couple of times I could not get the service while travelling – my aim is perfect attendance either in person or online every year).
I recognize that some of you had 90% attendance but you didn’t sign in, or we could not read your handwriting. Simply stop by the connection point and let them know – this is on the honor system and you and Jesus both know how often you were in worship. :)
Please visit the Connection Point to pick up your sticker. We also have a special permanent name tag for all with 90% or more in attendance – a sign of your commitment. For those who did not get one of these nametags last year, you will receive information next week regarding your new nametag and instructions for picking it up. Please email Janice Updike with questions or if your name is not listed and you are confident that you were here 90% of the time.
The Racial Reconciliation Forum has been rescheduled for Sunday, Feb. 12, at 7 pm in the Leawood Sanctuary. Pastor Emanuel Cleaver III from St. James' United Methodist Church and I will host along with local government, education and community leaders as we focus on on race and education in Kansas City. Afterwards, enjoy a dessert bar in fellowship with members from St. James. Please register and submit your questions for panelists online. We have teams from both congregations working together to look for ways that our two churches can play a key part in healing the racial divide in our city.
Our own Pastor Darryl Burton will receive the Beating the Odds Award and be the featured speaker at the “Heart 4 Hope Celebration and Beating the Odds Fundraising Event” for the Hope Center KC. Congratulations Darryl! The event will be held Saturday, February 11, 2017 in the Great Hall at Power & Light, 1330 Baltimore Avenue, KCMO. I’d love to encourage you to attend this event supporting a great cause and Pastor Darryl either individually or as a small group outing. RSVP to with the names of those attending. The meal is provided and donations are appreciated. Evening attire is recommended.
At Resurrection Leawood, the seats will be completely installed in the new sanctuary by 5 pm today. Carpet is going in as I write this. After this weekend we’ll only have six weekends in our current sanctuary before we move into the new building. It’s going to be an exciting few weeks!
I look forward to seeing you in worship this weekend!
Thank you for your commitment to worship!
Resurrection Leawood
100% Attendance
Jeanie Adams
Steve Adams
Dean Axford
Linda Batrick
Terry Bauman
Marge Beard
Marvin Berk
David Bleakley
Kay Bleakley
Barbara Bower
Mark Boyer
Karen Brown
Lanny Brown
Bob Carson
Rich Cavallaro
Elaine Claiborne
Jim Coleman
Nancy Conrod
Homa Cooley
Cathy Cowans
Mark Cowans
Ron Crist
Dale Daniel
Sherlyn Delaney-Whited
Pegi Denton
Gary Dilley
Beth Dowler
Ted Dowler
Judy Dupy
Bob Easterday
Mary Easterday
Ron Fugate
Chris Garten
Jim Garten
Jimmy Gentry
Tom Gerstung
Nick Golden
Susan Golden
Felicia Gonzales
Jim Gould
Tom Gray
Joe Greeson
Larry Gust
Linda Gust
Jack Highfill
Gaye Hosier
Jean Hosseini
Cindy Huckvale
Andy Huggins
Joyce Hultgren
Diane Irey
Vera Isaacs
David Izzard
Sheri Izzard
Dianne Jackson
Lisa Janati
Janelle Jennings-Drummond
Doug Johnson
Tim Johnson
Trevor Jones
Nate Juraschek
Gary Keller
Kelley Kempker
Jan Kessinger
Alan Kimes
Kay Kimes
Patti Kortkamp
Michele Kumm
Jayne Langham
Jan Leinbach
Barb Linnan
Jim Little
Bob Ludlow
Janet Mathis
Diann McKibben
Gail Mealman
Glenn Mealman
Vicki Meek
Beverly Miller
Larry Miller
Mary Morris
Eileen Nance
Jeanne Pettijohn
Jim Pettijohn
Peter Phillips
Jan Richeson
John Richeson
Gary Robben
Linda Roser
Ron Ross
Gary Rothrock
Janie Rothrock
Caron Rowlen
Kim Rowlen
Mike Ryberg
Valjean Schroll
Dana Shay
Loretta Springer
Pam Starks
Jack Stemm
Bill Strong
David Stutzman
Chad Thomas
Lauren Thomas
Steve Tower
Marilyn Turpin
Donna Van Hoy
Bill Voelker
Bill Walters
Linda Ward
Greg Weber
Joe Whitaker
Tony Whited
Cheri Yeutter
Greg Yeutter
90-99% AttendanceLinda Ackerman
Kristine Acuna
Jerry Adams
Carlene Adams
Leslie Adams
Norma Adams
Mark Adams
David Adcock
Colleen Aegerter
Mickey Agre
Bill Akright
Mary Lou Akright
Joyce Allen-Andrew
Colleen Allers
Craig Allers
Vicki Andersen
Dee Anderson
Robert Andrew
Barb Annin
Roger Annin
Steve Appier
David Austin
Paul Baar
C. K. Baber
Sharon Bagwill
Bill Bailey
Bill Bandt
Paula Bandt
Janett Barkman
Floyd Barkman
R.J. Barth
Linda Barth
Rick Bartley
Sevene Bartley
Stacy Bartolich
Steve Bass
Bridget Bass
Judy Bass
Ken Batrick
Laurel Bault
Ruth Benlon
Libby Bergman
Nancy Berk
Steve Berry
Charlotte Berry
Sally Betta
Pat Bever
Sharon Bighley
Lyle Bighley
Doug Blackwood
Wendy Blank
Chuck Bloom
Wayne Bogart
Bill Boothe
Jeannie Boothe
Wendy Boothe
Don Borge
Jackie Borge
Becky Borton
Chris Bost
Anita Boyer
Gretchen Brandt
Connie Bray
Judy Brennan
Carol Brewer
Kathy Brewer
Marilyn Brewer
Ashley Brogden
Bruce Brower
Sue Brower
Deanna Brown
Eula Brown
Abbie Brown
Becky Brucker
Lynn Brust
Kari Burgess
Pat Burkhead
Synda Burton
Mary Bush
Harold Bushnell
Nancy Bushnell
Robert Butts
Katrina Byram
Jim Byram
Stephanie Campbell
Sandy Campbell
Liz Campbell
Mark Campbell
Deb Cantlin
Martha Carpenter Smith
Ann Carter
Gretchen Carter
Mike Carter
Carol Cartmill
Jim Cartmill
Joe Ceule
Ruth Ceule
Kevin Chaney
Patricia Chaney
Dan Chojnacki
Nancy Chop
Pete Christensen
Marta Christensen
David Circle
Melba Clark
Joy Clarkson
Juli Clarkson
Jan Clarkson
Jenni Clarkson
Joseph Clarkson
Joshua Clarkson
Joni Clary
Sean Claycamp
Renee Claycamp
Sharon Clement
Nancy Cody
Bill Codyv Doug Coe
Joyce Coleman
Cathie Comerio
Larry Conrod
Jim Cook
Sharon Cook
Sherry Cook
Debbie Cooley
Jack Cooper
Joy Cooper
Ruth Cordell
Connie Cowdrey
Gary Cowdrey
Linda Coyle
Tom Coyle
Colette Crist
Wendy Croughan
Tess Culter
Tracy Cunningham
Debra Cuthill
Leah Cuthill Umstead
Chris Dahm
BJ Dall
Trey D'Amico
Barbara Daniel
Jane Dauer
Don Davidson
Joe Davis
Willie Davis
Nancy Davis
Wendell Davis
Beth Dawson
Ed Dawson
Bob Day
Janice Day
Jim DeFrancisco
Jim Delfosse
Mo Denton
Mike Derham
Pat DeWolfe
Leanne Dial
Patricia Dick
Jodie Dietz
Susan Dimick
Joe Dingwerth
Marie Ditzler
Rick Dodd
Kathy Doerfler
Rich Doerfler
Christy Dore
Mary Dougan
Joe Downs
Mike Duckett
Patsy Duncan
Randy Duncan
Helen Duncan
Babe Duty
Dave Dyer
Beverly Dykeman
Lori Ebner
Mike Ebner
Nate Ebner
Blake Ebner
Lars Edburgh
Shyrl Edburgh
Beth Edwards
Eric Eicher
Brenda Eicher
Chad Eilert
Dan Entwistle
Jeff Farnsworth
Lisa Farnsworth
Herb Farnsworth
Lana Farnsworth
Doris Fenton
Bob Fenton
Janet Ferrett
Ann Findlay
Joe Fiorella
Charon Fisher
Pam Flake
Lynda Flanders
Sharon Forbach
Joyce Foutz
Debby Fowler
Richard Fray
Tom Fredrickson
Jeff Fyfe
John Fyfe
Nadine Fyfe
Bob Gadd
Judy Gadd
Bruce Gaddis
Min Gaddis
Sharon Gambill
Jim Gann
Teddi Gapske
Daniel Gates
Edie Gates
Barbara Gauldin
Yvonne Gentile
Mary Beth Gentry
Jason Gillam
Henry Goben
Kay Goben
Kathy Goldstein
Renee Golec
Dan Goodwin
Shelda Goodwin
Kay Gorsuch
Larry Gorsuch
Karen Gould
Bob Gould
Marj Gould
Jessie Grace
Glenna Graham
Wendell Graham
Jim Graham
Beth Graham
Toni Gray
Peg Gray
Tammy Gray
Ashli Grbac
Rob Grbac
Kevin Green
Barbara Green
Larry Green
Cheryl Greenough
Jennifer Gribble
Clara Grissom
Jim Grissom
Richard Griswold
Elizabeth Gurklies
Dennis Haden
Bernie Haldiman
Connie Haldiman
Bruce Hall
Sandy Hall
Madelyn Hall
Matt Hall
Linda Hall
John Hammel
Susan Hammel
Marlene Hamp
Linda Haney
Bob Hanlin
Judy Hanlin
Jodi Hanna
Don Hanna
George Hardage
Sue Hardage
Sarah Hare
Lee Harizanoff
Brenda Harrison
Patricia Hattaway
Alice Hawk
Mel Hawk
Barbara Haynes
Annie Heck
Dianna Heidebrecht
Linda Heller
Mike Hess
Sue Hess
Bennie Hey
John Hey
Gene Hinemeyer
Helen Hinemeyer
Rosalind Hines
Danny Hines
Dick Hitt
Bruce Hodges
Marilyn Hodges
Ginny Hodnefield
Jerry Hoeven
Tim Hogan
Gladys Hogg
Kimberly Holland
Pat Holm
Jennifer Holsapple
Eliese Holt
Paul Holt
Darrell Holtz
Ruth Holzschuh
Peggy Hopkins
Cindy Horchem
Jon Houghton
Robin Houghton
Cathy Hoyt
Ed Hubbard
Larry Huff
Karen Huff
Myron Hultgren
Joyce Hursman
Linda Huscher
Ron Huscher
Karmen Huyser
Sharry Huyser
Barbara Isaacson
Mary Jameson
Kathy Janvrin
Jacky Jaycox
Judy Jergens
Wally Johnson
Barbara Johnson
Irv Johnson
Karen Johnson
Leslie Johnson
Rob Johnson
Jeanne Johnson
Johnny Johnson
Sharon Johnson
Bonnie Johnson
Ruthie Jones
Michael Jones
Fred Jordan
Taffy Jordan
Cheryl Jorgensen
Linda Joslin
Jerry Joyner
Montera Juraschek
Barbara Kaiser
Linda Karman
Aaryn Kaufmann
Sandy Kay
Jackie Keener
Teri Keeton
Jerry Keeton
Judy Keith
Marilyn Keller
Carolyn Kelley
Jennifer Kelley
Denise Kerner
Bernice Kessinger
Jeanne Kessinger
Kay King
Anne Klaus
Gerry Knapp
Tom Knox
Jeane Kramer
Katie Kramer
Nancy Krause
Tom Krol
Judy Kudy
John Kurtz
Bryan Kwon
Bob Lahr
Sandy Lahr
Marg Lake
Mike Lamb
Linda Lamble
Ray Lamfers
Wilma Lamfers
Gene Lampe
Peggy Lampe
Rani Lange
Brett Lange
Tom Langhofer
Dave Lanter
Lois Lapham
Karen Larson
Dean Lawrenz
Carol Lay
Bill Lay
Suzanne Layton
Fern LeFurjah
George LeFurjah
Jim Leininger
John Lentell
Michelle Lentell
Connie Leonard
Emy Leung
Ginger Lew
Wayne Lew
Trudy Line
Rick Line
Jan Logue
Jane Long
Les Longberg
Jan Lord
Steve Loveless
Connie Loveless
Dennis Lowe
Janet Luessenheide
Caren Luke
Larry Luke
Chuck Lyman
Larry Lynch
Denise Lynch
Laurian Lytle
Tom MacPherson
Sherry MacPherson
Jake Magee
Rosemarie Magee
Michael Makar
Linda Mallow
Perry Marks
Norma Marshall
Cindy Martens
BJ Martin
Carlene Martin
Jim Martin
Norm Martin
Shea Martin
Andrea Martin-Wyble
Ken Mason
Sharon Mason
Judith Massey
Joe May
Kay McCarthy
Tim McCarthy
John McCullough
Mary Jane McCullough
Debbie McDonald
Don McDonald
Diane McElwain
Patty McFaddin
Virginia McIntyre
Dave McIntyre
Debbie McKain
Greg McKain
Betty McLaury
Terry McLaury
Nancy McMillan
Janine McPhee
Reba McQuinn
Leah Meadows
Alice Medina
Dave Meek
Dee Ann Meister
Norman Meister
Ann Meling
Bob Meling
George Melling
Liz Melling
Jan Merriman
Brent Messick
Betty Meyer
Jeanie Meyer
Jane Miller
Janet Miller
Cheryl Miller
Liz Miller
Mark Miller
Helen Miller
Denise Mills
Paula Mischanko
Thomas Mitchell
Mike Mitchell
Justin Mitchell
Sally Mitchell
Dean Moffitt
Nancy Moffitt
Kristy Mohn
Pat Monroe
Nancy Montour
Amy Morbeck
Dennis Morgan
Sue Morgan
Betty Morris
Jerry Morris
Sue Morris
Lori Morrison
Barbara Morrison
Ray Morrison
Jeff Muchow
MJ Muchow
Bob Mueller
Jan Mueller
Kathy Muir
Robin Murphy
Jay Murphy
Dave Murray
Lorraine Murray-Shikles
Nancy Myers
Dinah Nash
John Nash
Barbara Nauman
Daniel Ndegwa
Lilly Ndegwa
Carol Nelson
Gary Nelson
Duane Nelson
Frieda Nelson
Worley Nicholson
Shirley Nicholson
Laura Nigro
Annette Nilsson
Debi Nixon
Jack Noble
Bill Noel
Debbie Noel
Ann Null
Charlotte Nydegger
Jinny O'Donnell
Kathy O'Dowd
Kathleen O'Kane
Jim Patee
Lee Patten
Betsy Patton
JoEllen Payne
Lela Peeples
Len Peeples
Bill Pelkey
Evelyn Pennington
Doug Peschka
Jane Peterson
Biff Pfeiff
Marcia Philbrick
Michael Philbrick
Lindsey Phillips
Betty Phillips
Sherill Piester
Norman Pishny
Krista Pishny
Steve Planchon
Jason Pointelin
Carole Pope
Donna Powell
Hailee Powell
Tom Powell
Trevor Powell
Christian Powell
Deb Powell
Deb Prather
Kelly Pratt
Jonwarren Prescod
Nancy Pretz
Rick Pretz
Kenny Price
Serena Price
Anna Price
Ron Price
Mike Price
Mona Prickett
Jim Quint
Marcee Quint
Carol Raaf
Fred Raaf
Betty Rader
Gene Ramsey
Pat Ramsey
Chase Ransom
Jackson Ransom
Helen Ransom
Ty Ransom
Carolyn Ratliff
Linda Rees
Avalyn Reissig
Sue Replogle
Linda Revell
Donna Ribeiro
Mike Ribeiro
Gwen Rico
Kay Ridgway
Sandra Riley
Homer Ritter
Lia Robb
Tom Robb
Yuri Robb
Sharon Robinson
Ken Rogel
Lorna Roskop
Pat Ross
Bill Ross
Carol Rothwell
Steve Russell
Michele Russell
Elaine Rutledge
Gary Rutledge
Amanda Saathoff
Corey Saathoff
Marian Scaletta
Ginnie Scearce
Don Schierding
Glenetta Schierding
Dave Schmidt
Patty Schmidt
Dick Schmidt
Bob Schneider
Deric Schnelle
Tessa Schnelle
Ivan Scholz
Kurt Schropp
Barbara Schuellein
Steve Schuellein
Shelly Seelen
Marco Segura
Barry Seward
Pat Seward
Susan Seymour
Sandra Sharkey
Connie Shaull
Ginger Sheriff
Linda Sherron
Pete Sherron
Jessamine Shields
Davis Shikles
Paul Shireman
Marilyn Shireman
Yvonne Short
Kelly Shorten
Mary Jane Shuster
Joe Sims
Susan Sims
Diane Slezak
Tom Slezak
Betty Smead
Fran Smith
Jim Smith
Rusty Smith
Susie Smith
Rachel Smith
Adam Smith
Serena Smith
Terry Smith
Phil Snyder
Ruth Snyder
Nat Snyder
Judi Sonderegger
Jerry Sonderegger
Joan Spann
Will Spann
Howard Spencer
Nancy Spoolstra
Brian Stack
Marlin Stanberry
Karen Stanberry
Jim Starks
Bill Stephens
Ona Belle Stephens
Terry Stevens
Jill Stevens
Debbie Stivers
Brad Stivers
Guylene Stoddard
Barbara Stoppelman
Richard Stoppelman
Kathy Stover
Darene Street
Cheri Streeter
Dave Streeter
Marv Strege
Mary Strege
Gail Stroup
Harry Stroup
John Sullivan
Ron Sulzberger
Judy Sylte
Kim Syrett
Annette Szulc
Katherine Tabor
Emily Taylor
Susanne Teel
Mike Terlouw
Darline Terrell
Kathy Thompson
Doris Thompson
Phil Thompson
Sherryl Thorne
Charlotte Thornton
Jean Thuma
Kay Tilburg
Jackie Tinsley
Tom Tinsley
Rich Todd
Ray Trowbridge
Suzy Trowbridge
Jake Turney
Bob Turrel
Linda Turrel
Deborah Ubel
Thomas Ubel
Patti Urban
Pat Van Sickle
Larry Van Sickle
Linda Vande Garde
Bill Vandenberg
Marilyn Vaughan
Elisa Velez-Makar
Sally Verma
David Vinson
Suzee Vinyardi
Brian Vossman
Ruth Waggoner
Eileene Walker
Lee Walker
Scott Wallace
Nancy Walter
Coni Walters
Steve Warta
Cindy Warta
Lee Washburn
Bernie Watson
Jerry Weiss
Mary Weiss
Mark West
Debbie West
Cindy Weston
Beth Wheeler
Bill Whitaker
Teresa White
Matt Whiteaker
Keith Whitehurst
Dee Widler
Bob Widmer
Shari Wilkins
Jim Williams
Ellen Williams
Gary Williams
Paula Williams-Lamb
Wayne Willis
Penny Willis
Jean Wilms
Gary Wilson
Tammy Wilson
Brian Wilson
Bob Wise
Judy Wise
Tom Witter
Diane Wolf
Quentin Wolf
Larry Wolfe
Tricia Wolfe
Barry Wood
Brenda Wood
Craig Wooldridge
Mary Anne Wulfsberg
Kirsten Young
Robyn Zaiser
Todd Zellmer
Resurrection West
100% Attendance
Barbara Borgelt
Donna Dickson
Jim Jensen
Mary Jeanne Jensen
Linda Mooney
Sara Yost
90-99% AttendanceLinda Atchison
Rose Buffington
Jim Buffington
Dennis Butler
Reve Butler
Margee Castle
Debbie Dietz
Rick Estrin
Jill Harsh
Mark Harsh
Vicki Holdman
Dick Holdman
Ricky Ireland
Steve Miller
Bob Mooney
Rick Pickerill
Rosemary Plum
Anne Rahimian
Joellyn Randall
Jim Randall
Burt Rhea
Gayle Rhea
Art Roesch
Linda Roesch
Scott Rogers
Pat Tackett
Terry Tackett
Bette Tranbarger
Gary Tranbarger
Rich Trump
Sandy Trump
Crista Tyler
Ken Tyler
Mary Waye
Larry Waye
Sean Worley
John Yost
Resurrection Downtown
100% Attendance
Kent Jackson
Michele Janson
Derron Pickett
90-99% AttendanceHoward Alfrey
Randy Bennett
Lou Anne Chipman
Eric Cox
Karla Cox
Chris Curry
Kris Drummond
Shannon Endicott
Jerry Glazier
Linda Glazier
Genease Gornowicz
Virgil Gornowicz
Bob Lagerstrom
Claudia Lagerstrom
Holly Lamar
Allen McCulloch
Diane Moore
Rich Moore
Doug Norman
Jean Parrett
Kent Parrett
Julie Skalla
Dan Smith
Shawn Stogsdill
Debbie Sugar
Jerry Thompson
Bryan VanOsdale
Scott Waldenville
Hannah Waldenville
Julie White
Ben White
Babe Wiley
Jeanette Williams
Jeffrey Williams
Laura Wingfield
Resurrection Blue Springs
90-99% Attendance
Susan Anderson
Wayne Clements
John Davis
Erin Gorham
Sherree Gorman
Tom Gorman
Christal Heier
Stuart Herrick
Marilu Herrick
Cheryl Highfill
Joyce McCollum
Carla Morgan
Art Pay
Marilyn Pay
Martha Saxton
Patsy Shipley
Heather Sooley
John Sooley
Ginny Wisner
The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection
13720 Roe Avenue
Leawood, Kansas 66224, United States

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