Tuesday, June 30, 2015

July 2015 Newsletter from Word of Messiah Ministries in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States for Tuesday, 30 June 2015

July 2015 Newsletter from Word of Messiah Ministries in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States for Tuesday, 30 June 2015

July 2015
Newsletter - eShmooze
About Sam Our Bookstore Schedule a Speaker Partner with us
Our Summer of Service

When the kids return to school in a couple of months, many will be asked to write a report on the question, "How did I spend my summer vacation?" Likewise, those of us who have trusted in Messiah will one day be asked to give an account of ourselves before God and report on how we spent our summer. Just the summer? What about the rest of each year? Let me explain...
Our Summer of Service by Sam Nadler

When the kids return to school in a couple of months, many will be asked to write a report on the question, "How did I spend my summer vacation?" Likewise, those of us who have trusted in Messiah will one day be asked to give an account of ourselves before God and report on how we spent our summer. Just the summer? What about the rest of each year? Let me explain...
We see in Scripture that each of the Feasts of Israel points to a different aspect of God's redemptive work in Messiah and, together, they lay out a prophetic calendar. As is considered in our book, "Messiah in the Feasts of Israel," the major Spring Feasts of Passover and Pentecost picture the salvation work of redemption in the Lamb of God and our sanctification through God's giving of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:1ff) The Spring Feasts were fulfilled through Messiah's first coming.
The Fall Feasts picture our glorification as Messiah gathers His harvest: at the fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets, the Body of Messiah will be gathered up to Him. As the Day of Atonement is fulfilled, the people of Israel will be nationally gathered to Messiah Yeshua. (Zech. 12:10) Finally, the Feast of Tabernacles' fulfillment will bring the gathering of all the nations to Messiah. (Zech. 14:16)
Biblically, we see that we are living in the time between the fulfillment of the Spring and the fulfillment of the Fall Feasts. We are in the midst of the summer; not merely for a season, but until the Lord returns. What does this mean for us?
In Leviticus 23:22, following the outline of the Spring Feasts and before the description of the Fall, we read, “When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and for the stranger residing among you. I am the Lord your God.”
This Scripture teaches that following the Feast of Pentecost, the people of Israel were to spend the summer laboring and serving in the fields as they awaited the harvesting and gathering festivals of the fall. This verse gives us insight and perspective on our lives as believers as we live for our blessed hope, the return of Messiah.
Our Primary Vision is for the Lost of the World
"When you reap the harvest of your land..."
Continually working the fields and harvesting the crops is a priority for all in an agricultural society. Yeshua uses this reality to speak of a greater harvest, saying in Matthew 13:37-39, "The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man, and the field is the world... and the harvest is the end of the age..." He also states in Luke 8:11, "the seed is the Word of God." As we share the Good News through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Son of Man is sowing the seed of the Word throughout the "field of the world," and we can expect an abundant harvest to come!
The Lord says in John 4:35, "the fields are white for harvest." Since the fulfillment of Pentecost, (Acts 2) our work as believers is to share Messiah, a joyful task we can only do this side of heaven. The Holy Spirit's work in us leads to His work through us. The Lord provides us with the full resource of the Spirit so we may live fully in Him and for Him. He doesn't put us to work without the resources that are to be used for His purpose and glory.
Our Primary Ministry Reflects God's Heart
"Leave them for the poor and for the stranger..."
The Hebrew word for "poor" is ani, which means, the afflicted, oppressed, or humbled. The word for "stranger" is ger, meaning, sojourner. Biblically, this was God's "welfare system;" really a "workfare system," in that the disadvantaged would also be given the opportunity to gather and eat. As we've noted, sharing the Good News is our assumed priority of service. Why then are these Scriptures so focused on the poor?
Remember, you were once "poor in spirit," and Yeshua reached out to you. Consider then "the least of these brothers of mine," even the Jewish people, Yeshua's physical brothers. (see Matthew 25:40) We can be super productive, yet fail to communicate the heart of God and His concern for the hurting people of this world.
The word Leviticus 23:22 uses for the poor, ani, is used by the prophet Isaiah regarding Messiah's affliction:
"Surely our griefs He Himself bore, and our sorrows He carried; yet we ourselves esteemed Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted." (Is. 53:4)
"He was oppressed and He was afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth; like a lamb that is led to slaughter, and like a sheep that is silent before its shearers, so He did not open His mouth." (Is. 53:7)
Scripture also refers to Yeshua as a stranger:
"I was a stranger, and you invited Me in … Then the righteous will answer Him,... 'And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in...' 'The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of least of these brothers of Mine, you did it to Me.’" (Mt. 25:35, 37-40)
"I am the Lord your God."
Our work is given by the direction of God. God will reward what you leave in the field. Why? He rewards what faithfully reveals His own heart.
As we are concerned for the afflicted and the stranger, even as we reach out to Yeshua's physical brothers who have been estranged from the Good News, we show concern about the Lord and His love for people. In His humility He came that we all might be accepted in Him. Since we have been accepted in such an incredible way, let us accept one another in His love, for in so doing we demonstrate the grace and love we have received in our Messiah.

Reaching out in Roanoke
As many of you are aware, Word of Messiah has been assisting in the planting of a Messianic Congregation in Roanoke, VA. Hope of Israel Roanoke Messianic Fellowship (HOI Roanoke), is led by Tony and Michelle Mardian. Though Roanoke does not have a large Jewish population, we believe that planting a congregation there is just as important as planting one in a place like New York City. God does not evaluate as we do; He is not ashamed of a remnant, and neither should we be.
Reaching Out in Roanoke by Sam Nadler

As many of you are aware, Word of Messiah has been assisting in the planting of a Messianic Congregation in Roanoke, VA. Hope of Israel Messianic Fellowship (HOI Roanoke), is led by Tony and Michelle Mardian. Though Roanoke does not have a large Jewish population, we believe that planting a congregation there is just as important as planting one in a place like New York City. God does not evaluate as we do; He is not ashamed of a remnant, and neither should we be. God is working in Roanoke, and HOI Roanoke is taking every opportunity to proclaim the Good News to the Jew first and equally to the Gentile.
From May 16-17, Sam travelled to HOI Roanoke in order to speak at their “Preparing for Shavuot (Pentecost)” outreach, and to provide training for those involved in the new congregation plant.
The outreach was a wonderful success, with many visitors in attendance. We applaud Tony and his leadership team for the wonderful job they did in promoting it to the community! Many of the visitors had tremendous interest in bringing the Good News to Jewish people, and were greatly encouraged by the message. Others came not knowing much about Shavuot, and were very interested to hear Sam explain how the New Covenant fulfillment of Shavuot ties in with Moses’ teachings. They were surprised to hear that Scripture assumes that all followers of Messiah observe Shavuot as a normal part of their congregational calendar, as Shavuot and all the other Feasts of Israel point to Yeshua. (For more information, see our book: Messiah in the Feasts of Israel).
Afterwards, some asked, “Why don’t most churches celebrate Shavuot and the other Feasts of Israel today?” To address this, Sam explained some of the issues of history that affect the relationship between Israel and the Body of Messiah to this day. (For more information on this, see our article, ‘’Historical Issues for Jewish Unbelief in Yeshua Part 3” in the March 2015 issue of the Shmooze Letter)
After the outreach, Sam shared a meal with five of HOI Roanoke’s committed members. They discussed challenges that face the development of Messianic outreach and the congregation’s testimony to the Jew first. As they discussed these issues, Sam was excited to hear about their dedication to sharing the Good News through one on one conversations they’ve had with the Jewish people of Roanoke.
On Sunday, Sam spoke at a church that is supportive of HOI Roanoke’s efforts to reach out to Jewish people. We are very thankful for the many churches in Roanoke who are praying for this new ministry, and are even willing to offer space if needed for their meetings. Right now, HOI Roanoke is graciously hosted by Penn Forest Worship Center.
Sunday afternoon, Sam was back at HOI Roanoke in order to lead two meetings. The first was “Messianic Congregations 101,” for people who are new to HOI Roanoke. In this meeting, Sam went over the topic of: ‘Why Messianic Congregations?’ focusing on Paul’s teaching from the Book of Romans that the Good News is to be to the Jew first, and equally to the Gentile (Rom. 1:16), and that a Messianic congregation is made up of Jews and Gentiles together who are called to make Israel jealous for the Messiah (Rom. 11:11).
As they went over this teaching from God’s Word, a question that came up was, “Does a Messianic Congregation have to do evangelism? Aren’t they a sufficient witness by their very existence?” Sam responded, "In order for a congregation to be healthy, it must be reaching out in evangelism and discipleship." They then discussed the many different ways by which a congregation can do this: putting up posters, spreading the news by word of mouth, sending out invitations, Facebook… the options are limitless!
The next class, “Messianic Congregations 201,” was for people who are already committed and involved with HOI Roanoke. With them, Sam dealt with ongoing commitments necessary for individuals and families to make in order for the congregation to be healthy. They reviewed HOI Roanoke’s Mission and Vision statement together (For an example of a Messianic congregation’s Misson/Vision statement, see our book, Establishing Healthy Messianic Congregations​). As they looked at these values that they have committed to and are growing into, they talked through specific issues that may hinder them from being fully committed.
Sam also challenged them with the fact that dual membership equals divided commitment. In light of this, they discussed the fact that a new congregation is not to take members away from churches, unless the person’s pastor sent them out for the purpose of being a part of the new plant. If a new congregation tries to recruit members from another congregation, God won’t bless them, and they will reap what they’ve sown. Paul wrote in Phil. 3:13, “this one thing I do…” Members of a Messianic congregation must have a single focus, to proclaim God’s faithfulness as they share the Good News with the Jew first and equally with the Gentile.
God has given HOI Roanoke great opportunities to be a testimony of His faithfulness in their community. This spring, for Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), HOI Roanoke asked area churches to join them in putting on an outreach for the community. The first church they contacted, St. John Lutheran Church, jumped on the opportunity, and graciously offered to host the event. Several other churches also joined in the effort, and nearly 200 people came out for the service. The guest speaker, Mr. Johannes Weiss, a survivor and worker in the Dutch resistance, shared his testimony of how Yeshua changed his life, and enabled him to share Messiah’s love with those he had previously hated. Tony was very encouraged by the feedback he received from those who attended.
What a blessing to be a part of what God is doing in Roanoke among Jewish people! Please pray for Hope of Israel Roanoke, for:
  • Discernment as to the best location for the congregation to settle, so they can most effectively fulfill their calling. 
  • Guidance as they move ahead to the next stage in the planting process, transitioning from monthly to weekly meetings. 
  • Wisdom as they plan outreaches for the Fall Feasts of Israel coming up in a couple months. 
If you live in the Roanoke/Lynchburg area and would like to visit HOI Roanoke, go to their website or give them a call at: 540-632-0009.

Register Today:

Pastor Spotlight

Pastor & Mrs. Livingston
Central Church of God hosted Hope of Israel Charlotte, one of the Messianic Congregations we work with, for a couple of years. Here, Pastor Loran Livingston shares his heart on why he sees Jewish ministry as important for himself and his church:
"I've loved the Jewish people for many years and, as a pastor, I take very seriously the responsibility of the church to pray for and to bless the people of Israel.
At our church, we teach that when you bless Israel, you will be blessed.
I've personally been on multiple trips to Israel in order to bless Jewish people by providing medical assistance to those in need. Each time I've gone, I've been incredibly blessed as I've given to them. I hold to Paul's teaching that the church needs to be giving back to the Jewish people in light of all we have received from them. (see Rom. 15:7)
I think people need to be reminded that the church has not replaced Israel, and that God's plan for Israel is by no means finished!"

Sam will be Speaking:
To schedule a speaker click here or call 704.544.1948
Called to Lead
A Study of the Book of Nehemiah
The principles of leadership found in the book of Nehemiah apply for all believers today. Whether you're the head of your household and family, CEO of a corporation, leader of a congregation or ministry, or simply a follower of Yeshua, this study will equip you to develop as a disciple of Messiah. As a disciple, not only has God called called you to follow; ultimately, you are called to lead!
15 Mp3 messages from Sam Nadler

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for $12

Word of Messiah Ministries

Word of Messiah Ministries
PO Box 79238
Charlotte, North Carolina 28271 United States

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