Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tuesday Word for Tuesday, 30 June 2015 from Trinity United Methodist Church in Gainesville, Florida, United States

Tuesday Word for Tuesday, 30 June 2015 from Trinity United Methodist Church in Gainesville, Florida, United States
Tuesday Word for June 30, 2015

Worship: Sundays @ 8:15 am, 9:40 am, 11:00 am | Wednesdays @ 6:35 pm | Fridays @ 7:00 pm

Dear Friends,
I know many of you will be traveling over the 4th, but if you're in town on Sunday, July 5th, I hope you'll join me in worship, as I'll be sharing what I think is an important message in our series on "Myths and Half Truths;" my sermon title is this: "Not: 'America, love it or leave it,' But this: 'America, love it, and together, let's make it Better.'" And remember, ONE SERVICE this Sunday, July 5; it will be great for all of us to worship together, and Franny is providing pastries to go with the coffee and tea - all other Sundays in July we will have all three services as normal.
Good news: Dr. Owen Roberts, Superintendent of Alachua County Schools, has confirmed that he will be preaching at Trinity on Sunday, August 30. Mark your calendar and plan to be there for this important time for all of us.
Welcome Center update: The roofing structure is going up! The deadline for ordering your engraved brick has been extended to July 10, but order yours today - here...
Also, would one of you be willing to head up our Golf Cart Ministry? The ushers have been doing this, but their hands are full with ushering duties. Together, I would help you gather a team of drivers so that everyone would have time off; we just need someone to take the lead. It's such a really important Sunday morning ministry. Email me, please.
And the deadline for checking out the Trinity tour to Chile and Argentina is near as well - TONIGHT, Tuesday, Mr. James Ridgeway, CEO of Educational Opportunities (it was founded by his Father, the Rev. James Ridgeway, in Lakeland, primarily for taking people to the Holy Land, and has grown to an world wide travel company. James will be with us tonight - in room 211 - to answer all our questions about the South American Cruise, January 16 - 30. I hope you'll come check it out, and join Jan and me, along with lecturer extraordinaire, Bob Westin (and Christy too).
It's always great to hear of Trinity members being honored. This last week we saw Trinity youth honored: Morgan Giberti and Bryce Kovi honored by their Middle Schools for the Rotary's "Service Above Self" award, and also Sage Bachus for the Outstanding Math Award at Westwood Middle School (read more about Sage at the end of today's TW, in the "Family Matters" section. So proud of these and all our Trinity students.

Quick Links
Upcoming Events (June 30 - July 12)
Submit a Prayer Request
Trinity's Website
Worship This Week
Wednesday: Rev. Aaron Rousseau
Friday: no service June & July
Sunday: Dr. Dan Johnson
This summer we will have all of our regular Sunday Worship services except for July 5, when we will have one service at9:40 am. Friday Night Praise will not gather in June & July.
Please note that the Church Office will be closed each Fridayin the month of July. 30 | Trinity Travelers Cruise info meeting, 7pm
July 5 | 1 Service, 9:40 am

A Word from Rev. Aaron
Rev. Aaron's blog
After being off-campus for most of the past three weeks, it will be good to back in the office. Thank you for your prayers while I have been away. It will also be good to be back preaching at the 6:35 service on Wednesday. Thank you so much to those who preached the past few weeks. Something special to note about this week's 6:35...my wife, Lenora, will be leading worship for John and Kimberly while they are gone for a summer getaway.
We continue this week with a video in our series "Summer of Shorts" to help illustrate the second key component in our covenant of membership at Trinity United Methodist church - "presence." While "presence" refers to more than participating in weekly worship (small groups, fellowship and service activities, etc., count too!), this brief video rightly points to the fact that our Sunday gatherings in God's presence are a privilege. Holy encounters while worshiping God in the presence of a faith community have the power to change our hearts and lives! What does worship mean to you?
Ted Grueser

The mission box for this Sunday celebrates our veterans on Independence weekend. The HONOR center, a 45 bed facility for men and women provides a place for veterans to stay as they transition from homelessness to independent living. Your donation will help with many recreational therapeutic activities including Bikes for Vets and Frets4vets.
Are you still looking for something to do this year that will allow you to make a difference in someone's life or even better a whole community? The Living Water Mission Trip to Guatemala September 19-26, 2015 still has spots available for YOU. The work is digging a water well and teaching water hygiene to the community but the joy is the fellowship with the team and the community and serving in a beautiful country. The trip cost is $2,000 and includes airfare, meals and accommodations. The trip is limited to 12 people, ages 14 and older. If you are interested in participating, or more information about trip specifics, please email Ted.
Find more opportunities to serve on the Missions page.
Faith Mission
Ward Simonton

This week at Faith Mission:
This is the final week for our outreach and petition drive to bring UF's Mobile Clinic to the NE 15th Street neighborhood on a weekly basis. The Mobile Clinic does a wonderful job providing primary care in various areas around Gainesville, and many families in the Faith Mission neighborhood would benefit from the health care services offered if it was easily accessible each week. Our outreach effort includes support from staff and residents in nearby apartment complexes, Rawlings Elementary leadership, and a nearby church.
Partnering with others to serve in the neighborhood is essential (and scriptural!) for Faith Mission to fulfill its purpose. These partnerships can take many forms - with residents, with nearby schools, with organizations, and with churches. The local mission team of Greenhouse Church is very active, and we're continuing discussions this week with them on ways we might partner in the NE 15th Street neighborhood.
Been wondering about volunteer opportunities at Faith Mission? I'm putting together a list of opportunities and ways to serve to post on Trinity's web site. This will be ready soon and we'll send a Trinity e-message to everyone to let you know how to access!
Find more opportunities to serve on the Faith Mission page.
Youth Ministry
Julie Mishoe

TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 IS OUR ANNUAL SPAGHETTI DINNER FUNDRAISER! Tell your friends, family, and any strangers you see to come get a $5 dinner at Trinity! All proceeds will benefit the youth summer mission trips! We need volunteers to help set up, prep food, serve food, and clean up, who's in!?
This Thursday the 2nd we are headed back the homeless coalition of St. Augustine to play with the kiddos that live there, and then a picnic on the beach. We will meet at the youth building to live at8:00am, and return for pick up by 4:00pm. All you need is a bathing suit, sunscreen, a towel, and $10 for the day. YOU DO NEED TO RSVP by this Sunday June 28th so we know how many we are bringing and let the homeless coalition know!
Want more? Visit the Yoots website!
Children's Ministry
Elizabeth Jones

Sit Together Sunday is THIS Sunday, July 5th, 9:40: We will have only 1 service at 9:40 and elementary children (K-5th grades) will be joining their family for worship in the Worship Center. We will offer childcare for our preschoolers (Pre-K and younger). The Children's Ministries Office will be closed and will resume regular programming on July 12th.
PARENTS: Summer Sunday School has begun! Incoming 1st through 6th graders (at both 9:40 and 11:00 hours): "Check-in"-rooms 228/229; "Check-out"- big playground. Preschool Classes: Little Lambs-Rm. 114; Dawning Doves and Loving Lions-Rm. 113. WE STILL NEED HELP on several Sundays! Please email Brian.
There are more great things for your kids on the CMT page!
Sonlight Youth Choir & Band
Erin Cushing

We have a Sonlight Fun Night scheduled for Tuesday, July 14 at 7pm in the Youth Building. Pizza and a movie! All incoming 7th-12th graders interested in being a part of the 2015-2016 Sonlight Youth Choir and Band are welcome!
Sonlight Listening Parties will be at 6:30pm in the choir room on July 16, July 23, and July 28. All incoming 7th-12th graders interested in being a part of the 2015-2016 Sonlight Youth Choir and Band are welcome! Don't forget, you can submit your song idea (or ideas!) here, or on the Sonlight website!
Sonlight is teaming up with Youth Ministries this year for Youth Week! Some of the events will be with Youth and some will be just Sonlight events. Here's what you can expect that week:
Family BBQ and Sonlight parent/member meeting on August 9 at 6pm
River tubing on August 10 (details coming)
Sonlight Officer Meeting August 10 from 5-8pm in the choir room (dinner will be served)
Sonlight Back-To-School Boot Camp August 11 and 12 from 5-8:30 (dinner will be served)
Sonlight Service Day on August 13 (details coming)
Tree-umph (high ropes course) on August 14 (details coming)
I will also be sending out information about two new Sonlight opportunities - an a capella 10th - 12th grade ensemble and a Sonlight Tech Crew (for high school students). Be on the lookout for more info!
Access previous performances, tour info and more on the Sonlight page!
Ben Haines

Soccer registration is in full swing! Register at Trinity (download the form), or online. It is $85 for early registration, after July 19th it will be $100. Evaluations (everyone must attend 1) will be held at Westside Baptist from 5:30 - 7 onJuly 6, 14, 16 & 28. At Trinity from 2 - 4pm on July 19 and August 2.
Sports Ministry is looking for a new intern! If you are interested, contact Ben for more information and how to apply.
Find out about all our sports activities on the Sports page!
Adult Ministry
David Leonard

Dan and Jan will be leading a trip along the coast of Chile, around Cape Horn, up the coast of Argentina and Uruguay from January 16 - 30, 2016, with special guest lecturer, our own Dr. Bob Westin. It would be grand to have many of you from Trinity join us. You can access the itinerary here. If you are interested in the trip email Tammy.
THIS Sunday (July 5) The Trinity Bookstore will have limited hours.
9-9:30 - Open
Closed during the 9:40 service
Reopen at 11:00 - NOON
If you would like to visit the bookstore on a different day, please contact Kim Lewerenz at 416-3074.
Looking for a course, Bible study or Sunday school class? Look no further than the Adult Ministry page!
Caring & Support
Jim Cook

A Stephen Minister is a child of God who walks beside a person who is hurting and a caring Christian friend who listens, cares, prays, supports & encourages. Whatever the crisis or difficulty, Stephen Ministry equips Lay people to provide individual, confidential Christian care to those in our congregation and community facing tough times. You will meet weekly for at least 1 hour. To receive care from a Stephen Minister please contact Kay Walker (336-2006) orFred Korzec (219-5652).
Caregiver Support Group: Meets every Monday from 7 pm-8:30pm (E225). Contact: Mary Steinwandt(214.662.4869).
If you're in need of love and a helping hand, the Caring & Support page offers a search feature so you can find the support you need.
General Announcements
Have you been looking for a way to serve? We invite you to consider Stephen Ministry. The Stephen training will prepare you to serve those who are hurting or facing a crisis in life. Once you finish the training, the time commitment is small, only once a week for one hour with your care receiver. Our training class will begin on September 30th. Call 372-1027 for more information.
New Members Joining THIS Sunday, July 5 at 9:40am (one service). Please contact Carmen Nelson or call (416.3004) if you'd like to join this Sunday or to sign up for another Sunday in July.
Are you interested in joining Trinity UMC? If you want to learn more about the vision, mission and ministries of Trinity, we invite you to attend one of our upcoming Coffee with the Pastors, a casual gathering in which you'll learn more about the United Methodist Church, who we are at Trinity and what is expected of members. The class is designed for visitors and gives you the opportunity to meet our ministers and learn about the many ways to become involved in our church family. The next Coffee with the Pastors' date is TBA. To register for Coffee with the Pastors click HERE or email Carmen Nelson to receive the form via email. We would love to meet you and to welcome you into the membership of our church! Let us know if you need childcare.
THIS Sunday (July 5) The Trinity Bookstore will have limited hours. 9-9:30 - Open, Closed during the 9:40 service. Reopen at 11:00 - NOON. If you would like to visit the bookstore on a different day, please contact Kim Lewerenz at 416-3074.
Bible Studies
Women Growing in Faith, Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30, E232
Tuesday Morning Moms, Tuesdays, 9:30-11:30, E203 (will not be meeting over the summer)
Men's Prayer and Bible Study, Wednesdays, 7 am, E232
Wednesday Morning Pastor's Bible Study, Wednesdays, 9:15, Chapel
Exploring Jesus' Teachings, Thursdays, 10:30, E226
Life Changing Gathering with Rev. Marvin Celso, Wednesdays, 6:00pm, E225
Weekly Prayer Group, Thursdays, 7pm, Chapel
Dan Johnson's Daily Scripture Email (DSE) is available upon request
If you would like more information or would like to visit one of these groups, please contact Kim.
Family Matters
Sonlight and Trinity Youth member, Sage Bachus, is this year's recipient of the "Dorothy Cross Award," given to the outstanding math student at Westwood Middle School; it also comes with a check of $3,000! I'm so thrilled that our schools are doing this sort of thing for excellence in education. Here's the letter, which I share with the family's permission:
An anonymous benefactor established the Dorothy Cross Award in 1979 to honor his former Westwood math teacher. This award recognizes the most outstanding 8th grade Westwood student in mathematics.
I would like to tell you about this year's choice for the Dorothy Cross Award - Sage Bachus. I had the pleasure of teaching Sage last year when he was a seventh grader in my Algebra 1 Honors class. Sage is an excellent student with a gift for math, and maintained nearly perfect scores throughout the school year, many times surpassing 100%. Sage works above and beyond the requirements of the class, and is a role model for his peers.
Sage's name has been added to this large silver bowl kept in the trophy case here at Westwood, along with the 38 previous outstanding Westwood math students. And as requested by our benefactor, I am very pleased to present to Sage the following: his very own engraved silver bowl, a 2015 silver dollar medallion, and a very generous check for $3000. I am happy to present this year's Dorothy Cross Award to Sage Bachus.
Special Birthdays: Ann Salmon celebrates her 90th birthday on July 2.
New Arrivals: Congratulations to Crystal & Andrew Sutherland on the birth of Charles Hunter Sutherland, and to Irish & Marvin Celso on the birth of Jehiel Celso.
If you are celebrating your 80th, 90th or 90+ birthday and would like it announced in the Tuesday Word and/or the bulletin, contact Kelly Ping.
Altar Flowers
The Altar Flowers are placed In Loving Memory of E.T. York Jr. from his wife Vam & Family.
If you would like to place flowers on the Altar in honor or in memory of a loved one please contact Tammy.
Trinity United Methodist Church
4000 NW 53rd Avenue
Gainesville, Florida 32653 United States
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm | Friday, 8:30 am - 1:30 pm

Trinity United Methodist Church
4000 NW 53rd Avenue
Gainesville, Florida 32653 United States

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