Friday, June 24, 2016

Pastor Penny Ellwood's eNote from The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Blue Springs in Blue Springs, Missouri, United States for Friday, 24 June 2016

Friday, June 24, 2016
Pastor Penny Ellwood's eNote from The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Blue Springs in Blue Springs, Missouri, United States for Friday, 24 June 2016Greetings Resurrection Blue Springs,
I hope you are all finding ways to stay cool in this summer heat. It doesn't look like it's going away any time soon!
I want to give you a building update this morning. We've been continuing to work hard on our plans for our remodeling project. As most of you know, we are planning to open up the East Entrance area to provide a larger, more welcoming gathering space. We will also be updating our existing bathrooms, along with adding the single family restroom and making some improvements to the kitchen. We have finalized the construction documents with the architect and builder and have submitted the plans to the city. While we work through the city process to secure the building permits we have been working with the interior design experts to finalize the finishings for our new space. The new space will have a very clean and modern design which we hope will be attractive and inviting to our guests. We'll have design boards to show you soon and we hope to be under construction by mid-July. It's very exciting to see it all come together.
On another note, I wanted to let you all know about our Summer Baptism Service on July 17 at 5 pm. Each summer we hold an outdoor baptism and remembrance of baptism service. This is for anyone who has not had an opportunity to be baptized or would like to renew their baptism vows. Baptisms will be by sprinkling or full immersion. We will hold the event at the Scott pool and following the service we will have a potluck dinner and swimming. All are invited to come to support those being baptized and to welcome our newly baptized into the church family. This is always a special time. If you are interested in baptism, or remembering your baptism, or would like more information about this service, please let me know.
This Sunday we conclude our summer series, The Gospel According to Dogs. Last week Pastor Adam shared some of the ways that dogs point to our always-loving, always-willing-to-forgive God. This weekend's message flips to how man's best friend connects to humanity and what dogs can teach us about ourselves. Invite your pet-loving friends to come worship with us.
See more details about upcoming events below. Connect with other Moms from Rez Blue Springs RezMoms is a group for moms who want to grow in their faith, make friends, be completely honest and – most of all – just have some well-deserved “Mom Time!” Moms of children of all ages welcome. Please invite your mom friends. Check us out on facebook here. For more information, contact
Summer Volleyball What is there to do when Sunday evening rezlife is off for the summer? Sand volleyball! Sundays this Summer we are going to play volleyball and poison ball at the sand courts at 6:00pm at Wilbur Young Park (Next to Blue Springs South High School). We are opening it up to the whole church, so yes, your parents are welcome to play too!
Band of Brothers study group Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. We’re starting a joint study on spiritual time management through the study of “The Sacrament of the Present Moment” by Jean-Pierre De Caussade, and “Sabbath as Resistance” by Walt Brueggemann. We'll break for July 4th week and continue until we complete the material. Sign up online here.
Outdoor Family Fun Night Friday, July 8 Come out and enjoy a fun evening with family and friends. We will play family-friendly outdoor games and roast s’mores on the back lawn of the church from 7-9 pm. All ages are welcome. Invite your neighbors!
Art Party miniCamp – Friday, July 15, 6-8 pm, and Saturday, July 16, 9 am – noon. If you like to get messy, this is the camp for you! Every child was created in God’s image and we want to show kids how special and unique they are through creative art play. Kids will have a blast creating their very own masterpieces to take home and explore fun ways to get their hands (and maybe more) dirty. Camp is for kids ages 4-11. Register at KiDSCOR check-in or online here. Cost is $5 per child.
Special Baptism Service Sunday, July 17 Anyone desiring to be baptized or to reaffirm their baptismal vows is invited to participate in this service, along with their families and members of our church family. The service will be held at the Scott’s backyard pool (1308 NE Hilltop Dr.), Sunday, July 17, 5 pm. We’ll celebrate the evening with some food and fellowship. Sign up at Guest Services. A brief pre-baptism meeting with Pastor Penny is a prerequisite to baptism at this event. For more information, contact
July FaithWork – On Saturday, July 23, we'll be serving at the Habitat ReStore in Blue Springs. Come help sort, clean and prepare donated items for sale on the showroom floor. We will work from 10 am – 1 pm. We'll meet at the Habitat ReStore (1219 NW 7 Hwy, Blue Springs, MO) at 9:45 am. Adults and youth ages 16 and up can register at Guest Services or online here. This opportunity is available for the first 10 people who sign up.
Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit – August 11-12. Take advantage of this great opportunity to develop as a leader. We will host this world class training event in our sanctuary. Register at and enter the Priority Code: PREMIER16. The host site rate is $89 through July 12. Check out this year’s faculty at
Registration is still open for the Holy Land Tour - November 14-23, 2016. Pastor Penny and Bill are excited to journey on the Church of the Resurrection's next Holy Land Tour with our campus. We hope every member of our church will one day experience where Jesus has walked. This is an opportunity to grow in faith and bring Scripture to life like never before. We will be joining with members of our West campus and Pastor Jason Gant as we journey together. There are already 36 registered for the trip. Information is available at the Guest Services desk or online here.
I look forward to seeing you this weekend.
Abundant Blessings,
For our Resurrection Blue Springs Campus Calendar: click here
Contact Our Staff
Church Office Phone: (816) 389-8900
Rev. Penny Ellwood, Campus Pastor
Mike Ash, Worship Leader/Director of Community
Diane Enlow, Director of Children's Ministry
Riley Ledford, Technical Producer
Heather Sooley, Operations Coordinating Assistant
Stephanie Weigel, Guest Services Coordinating Assistant
Caitlin Willis, Nursery Coordinator
Lori Wolverton, Nursery Staff

The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Blue Springs
601 North Eeast Jefferson Street
Blue Springs, Missouri 64014, United States

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