I trust this pre-Yom Kippur note is reaching you on a high note, in preparation for being sealed by G-d on Yom Kippur for a Good and Sweet Year.
We can really use your help at Chabad.org now!
We are laboring to bring the holiday's awareness and practice to millions across the globe right now — while planning a slew of services year-round.
To succeed, we must achieve our Yom Kippur campaign goal of 5,400 charitable partners.
Given your partnership and support in the past for the millions we serve — for which we remain eternally grateful! — we turn to you again this year and ask:
Can we count on your support and partnership now?
Your pre-Yom Kippur donation can make all the difference to the life of one young person (or millions of them!) relying on us to engage Jewishly!
In less than 36 hours we will each beseech G-d to grant us life — healthy life, meaningful life, productive life, good life — life as G-d alone can provide.
We will each repeat these requests with increasing urgency throughout this holiest day of the year: Please G-d, give me life! Give my family life! Give the Jewish People life! Give the world life!
Our Sages inform us that G-d's response often mirrors our own initiative: When we perform a good deed G-d performs similar good deeds in return.
When we give life generously to others, G-d opens for us the floodgates of His life-blessings.
Can we count on your partnership this year to give life to others?
Or mail a check to:
Chabad.ORG High Holiday Appeal
770 Eastern Parkway, Suite 405
Brooklyn, New York 11213, United States
(You can contribute via Credit Card, PayPal, E-Check (ACH) or Bank Wire / Transfer.)
Every dollar counts! Whether you contribute $1,800, $180, or $5 — your partnership helps ensure that our lifesaving work continues this year! (Just $18 can help a troubled teenager seeking expert advice.)
And one more important issue, regarding our repeated solicitations:
If you are feeling a little inundated by them, I'd like to sincerely apologize, and I'd also like to ask you to allow me a moment to explain:
Many of our users have told us that it takes sending many emails before even one of them is noticed. It is, in fact, quite literally impossible to determine how to get each to the right person at the right time. But we truly do not intend to inconvenience you and ask you for your forgiveness if the repeated notes have done so.
Also, if you have already contributed to our campaign this year, please accept our double apologies for sending you this additional note. Perhaps you contributed using a different email address? (Please do let us know so we can connect your two addresses and avoid this in the future.) Or perhaps you sent us a check? It might not have been processed yet, due to the holiday. We will do so very soon, please G-d.
No matter what, if you are unable or do not wish to contribute at this time, please know that you are still always welcome to enjoy our website and subscriptions!
Thank you immensely for your patience and understanding.
(Please be aware also that you might get one or two additional emails from us of similar content.)
My colleagues and I bless you that G-d reciprocate to you and your loved ones in an overflowing manner, to be sealed in the Book of Life for the very best of life during the year to come, for all things material and spiritual.
In gratitude and blessing,
On behalf of the entire Chabad.org Team,
Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin
P.S. For all your Yom Kippur needs, go to www.chabad.org/yomkippur.
P.P.S. These books can make great presents: My Rebbe (Even Israel-Steinsaltz), and the New York Times bestselling Rebbe: The Life and Teachings of Menachem M. Schneerson, the Most Influential Rabbi in Modern History (Telushkin) (updated paperback edition).
G-d's bank account from Chabad of Brooklyn, New York, United States for Monday, 10 October 2016
Dear Friend,
A few hours before the onset of Yom Kippur each year, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, would enter the synagogue for prayer, holding a bag of coins. The tables were covered with scores, perhaps hundreds, of charity plates, representing an array of causes, from food for the poor and assistance for needy brides, to schools and mitzvah campaigns and more.
Despite his impossibly tight schedule, the Rebbe would deliberately and carefully place coins into every plate, taking great care not to skip a single one. Each represented a community or an individual who needed help, materially or spiritually.
In his urgent desire to help each individual, the Rebbe did not consider even one of them to be insignificant.
• • •
Emulating this extraordinary example, when we dig deep into our own resources to fill the plates of others, we encourage G-d to throw open His bank account of abundant blessings to each of us, to be judged with mercy and compassion for a truly happy, healthy and sweet year. And G-d, we know, has plenty to give.
• • •
At Chabad.org, where millions regularly turn to fill their plates with spiritual inspiration, Torah learning, or practical tools to enrich their Jewish experience, we try to do our part.
Year-round our rabbis, editors, programmers and designers work with extraordinary urgency and devotion, motivated by the constant awareness that at the other end of the screen is an individual -- millions of individuals! -- who seek a lifeline.
Our team is able to fill those needs only thanks to wonderful, caring people like you who, recognizing the importance of this mission, happily partner with us to provide the necessary funding.
As Yom Kippur quickly nears, please consider:
Can you please partner with us to fill the plates of the Jewish People?
A few hours before the onset of Yom Kippur each year, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, would enter the synagogue for prayer, holding a bag of coins. The tables were covered with scores, perhaps hundreds, of charity plates, representing an array of causes, from food for the poor and assistance for needy brides, to schools and mitzvah campaigns and more.
Despite his impossibly tight schedule, the Rebbe would deliberately and carefully place coins into every plate, taking great care not to skip a single one. Each represented a community or an individual who needed help, materially or spiritually.
In his urgent desire to help each individual, the Rebbe did not consider even one of them to be insignificant.
• • •
Emulating this extraordinary example, when we dig deep into our own resources to fill the plates of others, we encourage G-d to throw open His bank account of abundant blessings to each of us, to be judged with mercy and compassion for a truly happy, healthy and sweet year. And G-d, we know, has plenty to give.
• • •
At Chabad.org, where millions regularly turn to fill their plates with spiritual inspiration, Torah learning, or practical tools to enrich their Jewish experience, we try to do our part.
Year-round our rabbis, editors, programmers and designers work with extraordinary urgency and devotion, motivated by the constant awareness that at the other end of the screen is an individual -- millions of individuals! -- who seek a lifeline.
Our team is able to fill those needs only thanks to wonderful, caring people like you who, recognizing the importance of this mission, happily partner with us to provide the necessary funding.
As Yom Kippur quickly nears, please consider:
Can you please partner with us to fill the plates of the Jewish People?
Would you please open your heart real wide and partner with us to help them?
• • •
To donate, please click here.
High Holiday Appeal
770 Eastern Parkway, Suite 405
Brooklyn, New York 11213, United States)
• • •
May your charitable partnership stand you in good stead as G-d opens His bank account wide, to bestow all of the deepest of His blessings upon you, your family and the entire world, to be inscribed and sealed for a Good and Sweet New Year!
The Chabad.org Team
P.S. - For all of your final Yom Kippur informational needs, please visit our Yom Kippur site. For one of the many inspiring talks by the Rebbe listed there, click here.
P.P.S. - If you have already partnered with us during this campaign, we apologize for the repeated emails. We are trying our hardest to avoid duplication and we are most grateful to you for your support!
Also, if you are unable or unwilling to contribute, please note that this request is not a requirement but simply an appeal to those who are able to help. You are always welcome to enjoy our website and subscriptions, regardless of whether you make a contribution.
Finally, these books make great ones: My Rebbe (Even Israel-Steinsaltz), and the New York Times bestselling Rebbe: The Life and Teachings of Menachem M. Schneerson, the Most Influential Rabbi in Modern History (Telushkin) (updated paperback edition).
www.Chabad.org | Contact Us | Ask the Rabbi | Donate |
Follow us on Twitter |
Join us on Facebook
• • •
May your charitable partnership stand you in good stead as G-d opens His bank account wide, to bestow all of the deepest of His blessings upon you, your family and the entire world, to be inscribed and sealed for a Good and Sweet New Year!
The Chabad.org Team
P.S. - For all of your final Yom Kippur informational needs, please visit our Yom Kippur site. For one of the many inspiring talks by the Rebbe listed there, click here.
P.P.S. - If you have already partnered with us during this campaign, we apologize for the repeated emails. We are trying our hardest to avoid duplication and we are most grateful to you for your support!
Also, if you are unable or unwilling to contribute, please note that this request is not a requirement but simply an appeal to those who are able to help. You are always welcome to enjoy our website and subscriptions, regardless of whether you make a contribution.
Finally, these books make great ones: My Rebbe (Even Israel-Steinsaltz), and the New York Times bestselling Rebbe: The Life and Teachings of Menachem M. Schneerson, the Most Influential Rabbi in Modern History (Telushkin) (updated paperback edition).
www.Chabad.org | Contact Us | Ask the Rabbi | Donate |
This webcast begins:
Monday, October 10, 2016 at 6pm ET
About this webcast:
On Yom Kippur we can experience a spiritual high and transcendent inspiration, but how do we avoid the disappointing crash that may follow this extraordinary high? What can we do to keep the inspiration going for the rest of the year?
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Aaron L. Raskin
Recent and Upcoming Jewish.tv Webcasts:
The right way to approach the Yom Kippur high. by Shais Taub
Airs Monday, October 10 at 6pm ET
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