Monday, April 2, 2018

"Southwest Field NYI April Newsletter" Southwest (PLNU) Field NYI
Greetings Southwest Field NYI!
We're keeping you informed about all our
Southwest Field NYI events, resources, and opportunities.
Please forward this on to pastors, youth pastors, district leadership and students to subscribe.
Coming May 1, 2018...
We are serious about investing in those who want to learn more about their Calling. If your students could benefit from an intentional focus on Calling and/or you want to be a part of nurturing the Call in others, visit to learn more about the Called Mentoring Program. Students and Mentors will be able register their interest as of May 1.
June 25-30 - NYI Quizzing 2018
Quizzing is a unique and exciting ministry for youth that combines Bible study, mentoring, competition, fellowship, discipleship, and mission.
Registration is open for the 2018 national quizzing competition atMidAmerica Nazarene University.
July 30-August 1 - PK Retreat
The Southwest Field NYI and Point Loma Nazarene University have partnered together to provide a very special retreat for Pastors' Kids (PK's) who are between the grades of 7 and 12. Our goal is to have lots of fun, build strong relationships and provide a safe place for PK's to connect on issues that matter to them.
NYC 2019 - Phoenix, AZ
The NYC LC meetings were amazing and full of important information. Contact your District President to get an NYC checklist of your district's deadlines.
Featured Leadership
"Love like it’s your job."
- Meet Daniel Spaite -
Daniel is the newly elected DP of Central Cal
Pastor Daniel Spaite graduated from Point Loma Nazarene University in 2013 and is currently studying for a Masters of Ministry through the PLNU/NTS combined program. He and his wife Hannah (of three and a half years!) are the Youth Pastors at Visalia Naz in Visalia California. He coaches Varsity Golf and Soccer at local High Schools. His goal in youth ministry is to help teens learn how to think and process not what to think and process, especially as it pertains to God, Jesus, and existence. Daniel loves camps and events, sports, and preaching. He is excited to be part of the regional council and to help us do our very best in the name of Jesus!
A few fun facts about Daniel...
Q: Who is your Hero?
A: I almost went really serious and told you the incredible story of my parents and how they serve God so faithfully, regardless of the circumstances, and really inspire me as a human and as a follower of Jesus, but instead I'll just give the obvious answer: Will Ferrell.
Q: What are your Hobbies?
A: I love essentially every sport, backyard game, or less than two hour board game. I coach (and play!) Varsity Golf and Soccer. Dodgeball, Ultimate Frisbee, Spikeball… I pretty much tried to make it through college on Intramural Scholarships. 
Q: If I was an animal, what would I be and why?
A: I’d like to be a hawk to do the whole flying thing.
Q: If you had to describe yourself using three words, it would be?
A: Sarcastic, Preacher, Passionate
Featured Resource
Mission Training Camp
"Mission Training Camp gave me the space to come to terms [with my culture] that is second to the culture of Christ..." - Korte, YIM 2016 - Winnipeg
Teaching young people about the power of place
Young people are looking to the church to teach cultural discernment—ways to understand and translate culture as well as how they can make a difference.
Copyright © 2017 Southwest Field NYI, All rights reserved.
Questions? Email us here.
Our mailing address is:
3900 Lomaland Drive
San Diego, California 92106,
United States

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