Sunday, April 1, 2018

The God Pause Daily Devotional in Saint Paul Minnesota United States for Sunday, 1 April 2018 "Easter Sunday" "Through the Night of Dark and Sorrow" ELW 327, Verse 4

The God Pause Daily Devotional in Saint Paul Minnesota United States for Sunday, 1 April 2018 "Easter Sunday" "Through the Night of Dark and Sorrow" ELW 327, Verse 4
1. Through the night of doubt and sorrow,
onward goes the pilgrim band,
singing songs of expectation,
marching to the promised land.
Clear before us through the darkness
gleams and burns the guiding light;
pilgrim clasps the hand of pilgrim
stepping fearless through the night.
2. One the light of God's own presence
on the ransomed people shed,
chasing far the gloom and terror,
bright'ning all the path we tread.
One the object of our journey,
one the faith which never tires,
one the earnest looking forward,
one the hope our God inspires.
3. One the strain that lips of thousands
lift as from the heart of one;
one the conflict, one the peril,
one the march in God begun.
One the gladness of rejoicing
on the far eternal shore,
where the one almighty Father
reigns in love forevermore.
4. Onward, therefore, sisters, brothers;
onward, with the cross our aid.
Bear its shame, and fight its battle
till we rest beneath its shade.
Soon shall come the great awak'ning;
soon the rending of the tomb!
Then the scatt'ring of all shadows,
and the end of toil and gloom.
The tomb where Christ was laid was hewn into solid rock, and a huge boulder sealed its entrance. The symbolism is clear; death is massive and permanent, as unyielding as solid rock. Rage against death as we might, it is as futile as pounding your bare hands against solid rock. But what is mere rock against the force of the will of God, the will that says that God must triumph over death in victory?
On Easter this rock was rent, obliterated and blown to tiny pieces, because as solid as rock is, it cannot compare to the might of God. Christ Jesus our Lord has burst out
of the rock that was meant to entomb him, and because nothing can hold him, with him we too are champions over all that would imprison us. Hallelujah! Christ has risen indeed!
We give you thanks and rejoice that you are our living God and that you have triumphed over all the forces of this world. Amen.
Mark Granquist
Associate Professor of Church History, Luther Seminary
The Luther Seminary
2481 Como Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108, United States

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