Friday, April 6, 2018

The Redondo Beach, California, United States First United Methodist Church eNews: "Scout Sunday and Half-Truths Sermon Series" Scout Sunday - Half-Truths Series starts: Sunday worship at 8:30am and 10:30am. for Thursday, 5 April 2018

The Redondo Beach, California, United States First United Methodist Church eNews: "Scout Sunday and Half-Truths Sermon Series" Scout Sunday - Half-Truths Series starts: Sunday worship at 8:30am and 10:30am. for Thursday, 5 April 2018
From Pastor Molly: Half True
When people we care about are struggling, we often turn to familiar phrases, in hopes that they will help. Sometimes, though, instead of being comforting, our words do just the opposite: they leave people feeling more alone.
Maybe others have said some of these things to you, too. Maybe you've said them to others.
Starting this Sunday, we're going to look at five common cliches that Christians use. All five say some things that are helpful. But all five of them might also mislead us into believing things that don't totally square with what we believe about God. First up: "Everything happens for a reason."
I hope you'll make plans to be with us in worship during this series. Whether or not you agree with all of what I say, I trust that it'll be good to think more deeply about the implications of these commonly-held ideas. It will be fun to dig in, as we wrestle and grow in belief.
grace and peace,
Pastor Molly

We'll have a potluck lunch after 10:30 worship on Sunday--I hope you'll stay for lunch. There's also a New Member Class at 9:30am, and it's Scout Sunday!
In Worship This Week
Sunday, April 8:
Rev. Molly Vetter, preaching
John 20:19-31
John 20:
19 In the evening that same day, the first day of the week, when the talmidim were gathered together behind locked doors out of fear of the Judeans, Yeshua came, stood in the middle and said, “Shalom aleikhem!” 20 Having greeted them, he showed them his hands and his side. The talmidim were overjoyed to see the Lord. 21 “Shalom aleikhem!” Yeshua repeated. “Just as the Father sent me, I myself am also sending you.” 22 Having said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Ruach HaKodesh! 23 If you forgive someone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you hold them, they are held.”
24 Now T’oma (the name means “twin”), one of the Twelve, was not with them when Yeshua came. 25 When the other talmidim told him, “We have seen the Lord,” he replied, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands, put my finger into the place where the nails were and put my hand into his side, I refuse to believe it.”
26 A week later his talmidim were once more in the room, and this time T’oma was with them. Although the doors were locked, Yeshua came, stood among them and said, “Shalom aleikhem!” 27 Then he said to T’oma, “Put your finger here, look at my hands, take your hand and put it into my side. Don’t be lacking in trust, but have trust!” 28 T’oma answered him, “My Lord and my God!” 29 Yeshua said to him, “Have you trusted because you have seen me? How blessed are those who do not see, but trust anyway!”
30 In the presence of the talmidim Yeshua performed many other miracles which have not been recorded in this book. 31 But these which have been recorded are here so that you may trust that Yeshua is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by this trust you may have life because of who he is.
John Wesley’s Explanatory Notes: John 20:19-31
Verse 19
[19] Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.
Mark 16:14; Luke 24:36.
Verse 21
[21] Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.
Peace be unto you — This is the foundation of the mission of a true Gospel minister, peace in his own soul, 2 Corinthians 4:1.
As the Father hath sent me, so send I you — Christ was the apostle of the Father, Hebrews 3:1. Peter and the rest, the apostles of Christ.
Verse 22
[22] And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:
He breathed on them — New life and vigour, and saith, as ye receive this breath out of my mouth, so receive ye the Spirit out of my fulness: the Holy Ghost influencing you in a peculiar manner, to fit you for your great embassy. This was an earnest of pentecost.
Verse 23
[23] Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.
Whose soever sins ye remit — (According to the tenor of the Gospel, that is, supposing them to repent and believe) they are remitted, and whose soever sins ye retain (supposing them to remain impenitent) they are retained. So far is plain. But here arises a difficulty. Are not the sins of one who truly repents, and unfeignedly believes in Christ, remitted, without sacerdotal absolution? And are not the sins of one who does not repent or believe, retained even with it? What then does this commission imply? Can it imply any more than, 1. A power of declaring with authority the Christian terms of pardon; whose sins are remitted and whose retained? As in our daily form of absolution; and 2. A power of inflicting and remitting ecclesiastical censures? That is, of excluding from, and re-admitting into, a Christian congregation.
Verse 26
[26] And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.
After eight days — On the next Sunday.
Verse 28
[28] And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.
And Thomas said, My Lord and my God — The disciples had said, We have seen the Lord. Thomas now not only acknowledges him to be the Lord, as he had done before, and to be risen, as his fellow disciples had affirmed, but also confesses his Godhead, and that more explicitly than any other had yet done. And all this he did without putting his hand upon his side.
Verse 30
[30] And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book:
Jesus wrought many miracles, which are not written in this book — Of St. John, nor indeed of the other evangelists.
Verse 31
[31] But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.
But these things are written that ye may believe — That ye may be confirmed in believing. Faith cometh sometimes by reading; though ordinarily by hearing.

8:30am in Epworth Lounge
10:30am in the Sanctuary
Special Music:
"Be Not Afraid," by Craig Courtney, sung by Chancel Choir
"be not afraid"
You shall cross the barren desert,
but you shall not die of thirst.
You shall wander far in safety,
though you do not know the way.
You shall speak your words in foreign lands,
and all will understand,
You shall see the face of God and live.
Be not afraid,
I go before you always,
Come follow Me,
and I shall give you rest.
If you pass through raging waters
in the sea, you shall not drown.
If you walk amidst the burning flames,
you shall not be harmed.
If you stand before the pow’r of hell
and death is at your side,
know that I am with you, through it all
Be not afraid,
I go before you always,
Come follow Me,
and I shall give you rest.
Blessed are your poor,
for the Kingdom shall be theirs.
Blest are you that weep and mourn,
for one day you shall laugh.
And if wicked men insult and hate you, all because of Me,
blessed, blessed are you!
Be not afraid,
I go before you always,
Come follow Me,
and I shall give you rest.
Listen to Sermons online
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News From Our Members
Easter Sunday was last week and I had so much fun playing my French Horn with those other five wonderful brass players, two trumpets, two trombones and a great French Horn player from the L. A. Philharmonic Orchestra. The “Overture” fanfare that our Church Music Director Jim Raycroft arranged for us was wonderfully done and we enjoyed all the rest of the music we played, including the Hallelujah Chorus from The Messiah by G.F. Handel at the conclusion. Guest Organist Eileen Raycroft was on the organ and used its full power beautifully.
I guess the Easter Egg Hunt for the children was a success, but when the older students were brought into the choir loft...
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Bob Peterson
Bob Peterson's popular column for the Mainsail has found new life, online! Read his view from the pews about church life and community news. You'll enjoy keeping up with the many good things happening in our congregation!
Thursday, 5 April 2018 by Bob Peterson

Easter Sunday was last week and I had so much fun playing my French Horn with those other five wonderful brass players, two trumpets, two trombones and a great French Horn player from the L. A. Philharmonic Orchestra. The "Overture" fanfare that our Church Music Director Jim Raycroft arranged for us was wonderfully done and we enjoyed all the rest of the music we played, including the Hallelujah Chorus from The Messiah by G.F. Handel at the conclusion. Guest Organist Eileen Raycroft was on the organ and used its full power beautifully.
I guess the Easter Egg Hunt for the children was a success, but when the older students were brought into the choir loft to search for eggs, it must have been an April Fool prank because there were no eggs there, just a bunch of musicians and their equipment. I blame Stephen for that one.
Today [Sunday, April 8] our church celebrates Boy Scout Sunday which I, too have done since I was twelve in troop 151, Los Angeles in 1933. After Worship we have our April Pot-Luck lunch and I'll do my usual and buy a pie for dessert, seeing as how I do not cook anything. If I did cook something you would all hate it.
As I was reading last Sunday's insert about the Easter Lilies and Flower Decorations I teared up a bit reading all those wonderful people who have served our church in the past and meant so much, not just to the person who dedicated a lily, but to all of us who knew them over these past years. What a wonderful group of people they are. I'm certain even the ones I didn't know were equally outstanding.
Let's all begin April and the rest of the year doing our best as Christians to demonstrate Jesus' teachings and lessons about love as we complete this year and others to come. Yes, He has Risen!
Click here for more of the Lay Looker
Coming at Church

Scout Sunday: April 8
We invite all Boy and Girl Scouts in the congregation to wear their uniforms (or accessories that show their involvement in scouting). During worship, we will honor and pray for the young people who are involved in these programs.
We encourage you to invite friends from your Troops, too, so they can be with us for this special day. We will be pleased to welcome some of the Boy Scouts who meet on our campus, as well.
Church Potluck This Sunday!
Join us after the 10:30 worship service on Sunday, April 8 for a Potluck Lunch! Bring a dish to share, and enjoy the good food and community with everyone who's there. It's a great chance to make new friends and catch up with old ones. All are welcome.
New Member Class - Sunday, April 8 at 9:30amDo you want to know more about our church, or what it means to be a member? Or, do you know you're ready to join?
We would love to know more about you!
You are invited to join Pastor Molly and some leaders from our Membership Team for a New Member Class on Sunday, April 8 at 9:30am. (The class will end before 10:30 worship!) Childcare for very young children is available in the nursery--older children and youth are invited to join us.
This series is based on Adam Hamilton's book, "Half Truths:God Helps Those Who Help Themselves and Other Things the Bible Doesn't Say."
Half-Truths: Sermon Series after Easter

They are simple phrases. They sound Christian—like something you might find in the Bible. We’ve all heard these words. Maybe we’ve said them. They capture some element of truth, yet they miss the point in important ways.
Join us after Easter for a sermon series that tackles some common Christian clichés that don't get it all right:
  1. Everything happens for a reason.
  2. Love the sinner, hate the sin.
  3. God helps those who help themselves.
  4. God won’t give you more than you can handle.
  5. God said it, I believe it, that settles it.
This five-week sermon series begins April 8!
Half-Truths: The Small Group
Go deeper in conversation, and connect to others in community with our 5-week "Half-Truths" small group. We'll talk about the ideas from Pastor Molly's sermon and Adam Hamilton's book. Led by Liz Gyori.
Join us Thursdays from 7-8pm in May Day Parlor, starting April 12--childcare available (RSVP for childcare by April 8).
Sign up now!
Begins on Thursday, April 12 at 7pm
Easter Favorites from the Egg Hunt and Worship
We posted an album of photos from Easter this year--but we would love to add any pictures YOU took! You can send them to us by email, or post them on our Facebookpage.
Palm Sunday Photo Favorites
Check out our album of photos from last Sunday's celebrations!
Do you have some photos you'd be willing to share? Email them to us, our post them on our Facebook page! We'd love to see them.
Kids Singing for Mothers Day!
We are so thrilled that for a second year, our children will have the opportunity to work with our organist, Mary Ann Stickler, on an original song honoring their moms!
Rehearsals will be right after 10:30 worship on: April 15th (this is the day we will write the song!)
  • April 22nd 
  • April 29th 
  • May 6th. 
The performance will be on May 13th, during 10:30 worship.
Peninsula-Harbor CROP Walk 2018
Save the date for this year's Crop Walk on May 20, 2018. It will take place at the South Coast Botanical Gardens again! The event is from 10am - 2pm.
More information about our team and how you can register to walk and/or donate will be coming soon!
CROP Walk info
New Group For Young Adults and Young Families
Throughout Lent, a small group of young(ish) adults and families with young children have been meeting to eat, learn, and pray together on Monday nights. It has been such a positive experience that we have decided to create a space for this beyond the lenten season.
Join us for a family meal, and then separate enrichment and Bible study for kids and adults.
Monday Nights in Epworth Lounge, 5:30-7:00. Child care and dinner provided!
Composer Sunday: Sharon Farber
We are pleased to welcome LA composer Sharon Farber to help lead our 10:30 worship on Sunday, April 22; her music will be featured throughout service. Ms. Farber composes sacred music as well as scores for TV and film. She is Music Director at Temple of the Arts in Beverly Hills. We look forward to welcoming her gifts in our worship service!
Church R' Us Movie Night!
Friday, April 13 Church R' Us is having a movie night! It's gonna be awesome. Movies, pizza, and popcorn.
Cost: $10 for food
Time: 5-8pm
Date: Friday, April 13
Bonus fun fact for parents: This is the same night & time as Parents Night Out. This just might help you get a few hours to yourselves!
Register by emailing Stephen.
Click here for more info!
Nethercutt Museum Trip with St. Pauls UMC
Our friends at St. Paul's United Methodist Church in Redondo Beach have invited us to join them on a (free!) field trip to the Nethercutt Museum in Sylmar. They have extra room on the bus, and you're welcome you to help fill it.
The bus leaves St. Pauls UMC at 11:30am on Saturday, April 21; it will return to the parking lot at 6 pm or earlier. The guided museum tour will begin at 1:30pm.
For more in formation about the field trip and the museum, click thru here
VBS 2018 is coming! Click here for more info and registration!
Want to help out? Email Children's Ministries!
Week In the Arts
Don't miss out on our very special arts camp!
Children will spend the week learning songs, dancing, and making original art pieces- all culminating in an art show and recital at the end of the week.
Open to all K-6th Graders
$200.00 per camper
Scholarships Available
Click here for more info & registration!
Summer Camp at Lazy W Ranch
Send a young person to camp, registration is open now!
The cost is $445 for traditional camps and $475 for adventure camp.
Financial assistance is available, get in touch with Risa for more details!
Adventure Camp (Grades 7-10) June 24-29, 2018
Little Canyoneers (Grades 1-3) July 1-4, 2018
Elementary Camp (Grades 3-6) July 8-13, 2018
Junior High Camp (Grades 6-9) July 15-20, 2018
Senior High Camp (Grades 9-Class of '18 Seniors) July 22-28, 2018
Click here for more information on Lazy W Camps!
To register for camp or learn more about other Cal-Pac Camps, click here!
Men's Breakfast: Our next breakfast is Monday, April 16, at 7AM. Coco's Restaurant, 18120 Hawthorne Blvd. (Hawthorne and 182nd). All men of the church and their friends are welcome to join us for fellowship.
Prayer Quilt Ministry: Join us for our monthly quilting workshop Friday, April 13, 10am - noon in the choir room. There's something for everyone to do to help. Even if you haven't tried quilt-making before, this is a great way to begin. Know someone in need of prayer? Anyone can sponsor a free prayer quilt. The Quilt Request Form is online or in the church office.
Meals and More: Did you know that we have a ministry that organizes meals and other assistance for church folks in times of need? In the past, we've helped arrange rides to medical appointments, meals for people recovering from surgery, and more. Leila Grantz coordinates this ministry, using online sign-up tools. If you want to be a part of the group that she emails when there is an opportunity to help, or if you know someone who's in need of a little help, please contact the church office or Leila.
Book Club, April 17 @ 7:00pm: For April Katharine has selected "The Round House" by Louise Erdrich. It is on the UMW Book List, our UMW has two copies, and is available on Amazon and in some libraries. We meet in May Day Parlor. For more information, contact Ann Gallagher.
In Memoriam: Jean Collin We remember and give thanks for the life of Jean Rudolph Collin, who was a part of our congregation during the time her husband, Philip, served as Senior Pastor here, from 1973-80. Jean, age 90, passed away peacefully on March 21, 2018, at sunrise Senior Living in Seal Beach, CA. She was surrounded by her family and the many devoted members of the Sunrise community. Read her obituary here.
This Week: Children, Youth & Adults
Nursery (6 weeks+): The Nursery is open during both services, for ages 6 weeks to 5 yrs old. Located right off of the parking lot across from Epworth Lounge. Please know that children of any age are always welcome in worship. Any questions email the Nursery Coordinator: Adriana Hwang
Children's Ministry (age 3 - 3rd Grade): We'll start out upstairs in the Sunday School room, sign in as early at 10:20. We will explore a Bible story, play, and make a craft! Afterward, we'll join our families in worship for Holy Communion.
Church R Us (Grades 4 & 5): Start out in Worship with your family, then head to class with our youth director, Stephen Hale during "Passing of the Peace". You'll head back to church for communion!
Youth Ministry (6th-12th grade):
-Middle School Sunday School (10:30am)? YES!
-Youth Group(2-4pm on Sunday)? YES!
Young Adults (19-not very specific):
We have a Monday night group for Young Adults and Young families. Our next meeting is April 9th, 5:30-7:00, we'll enjoy a meal together then share in bible study, discussions, and prayer. Child care is available. Contact Risa for more info.
Adult Sunday School: Bible Study and Discussion in May Day Parlor. Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:15am. Led by Helen Stockwell. All are welcome.
Thursday Pastor's Bible Study:
We usually meet Thursday mornings from 11:00-noon, in May Day Parlor. All are welcome.
United Methodist News & Events
Our congregation is a part of the El Tordondo Mission Area, in the West District of the California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
First United Methodist Church of Redondo Beach
(310)372-8445 main
(310)372-5696 fax
Ongoing Ministries

Free Meal on Wednesday Nights
Offering food and friendship to those in need, every Wednesday night since 1992. More info here.
Men’s jeans waist sizes 32- 38; Men’s new socks, white or grey only- all sizes; Men’s tennis shoes - especially sizes 9.5 to 11.5
Please bring them to church on Sunday, or to the office during the week.
Homemade treats are treasured by our guests – but purchased treats would be wonderful, as well. Please wrap desserts tightly and mark for Shared Bread. Deliver Sunday (when you come for church) through Wednesday to the church kitchen (or the office if kitchen is closed.) Wednesday deliveries
should be here by 4:00pm to help us plan our meal better. THANK YOU!
The week after Easter is always a time when I wipe the sweat from my brow, take a deep breath and collapse on the sofa with a large mug of root beer to contemplate the week that has passed. The long hours spent at the keyboard and in front of the computer creating, typesetting, printing and assembling the huge amount of music needed for Easter Week becomes a distant memory when I think of the people, all the remarkable people who live in our musical world at FUMCRB. The music we enjoy every week has become so good, so consistently above and beyond the norm that it is almost – almost– possible to start taking it for granted. Fortunately, I work in the industry and associate with other music professionals, especially in the church music world, and I know what is going on in most other churches. The music in Los Angeles, in general, is the best in the world. Period. We have the best singers and the best instrumentalists on Earth, and that opinion comes from professionals who...
Thursday, April 5, 2018 - Music Notes
Music Director, Jim Raycroft, will
share upcoming worship music
selections and a little bit of history, too.
Jim Raycroft
Thursdsy, 5 April /2018 by Jim Raycroft

The week after Easter is always a time when I wipe the sweat from my brow, take a deep breath and collapse on the sofa with a large mug of root beer to contemplate the week that has passed. The long hours spent at the keyboard and in front of the computer creating, typesetting, printing and assembling the huge amount of music needed for Easter Week becomes a distant memory when I think of the people, all the remarkable people who live in our musical world at FUMCRB. The music we enjoy every week has become so good, so consistently above and beyond the norm that it is almost – almost – possible to start taking it for granted. Fortunately, I work in the industry and associate with other music professionals, especially in the church music world, and I know what is going on in most other churches.
The music in Los Angeles, in general, is the best in the world. Period. We have the best singers and the best instrumentalists on Earth, and that opinion comes from professionals who travel the world making music, and who know. But even for Los Angeles, the music we enjoy week in and week out is a cut above. We have a team of professionals who are not only wonderful people to work with, but who are experts in their fields and are utterly dedicated to our church and its music. I had dinner last night with one of the biggest music attorneys in the world, who, by the way, was one of the inner core of music professionals back in the day (he played for Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole), and has played his alto sax at our church 3 times now. He still can't believe that I live in the northeast corner of the Valley and drive all the way to Redondo Beach. Actually, there are 5 of us who make the trek from the Valley every Sunday morning – Audrey, Ed, Bryan and Cris all live in the Valley as well. I didn't plan it, it just worked out that way. I wanted the best team I could get, regardless of geography. Go to the church's website some time, if you haven't already, and read the bios of our music team. It will boggle your mind. With MaryAnn, we struck it rich – a specialist in accompanying who has written musicals, taught arranging at the college level and has worked extensively with young people...and she lives in Redondo Beach.
Why do I make the trek from the Valley? Because in 40 years as a liturgical musician (and having worked for just about all the denominations), I've never encountered a church like this. A small but mighty choir that is utterly fearless (singing Rachmaninov in Russian!) and is warm and welcoming, and tolerates my silliness; a congregation that acts instead of talks about helping the community – Shared Bread is truly inspirational – and has no pretenses or politics; and, most importantly, a pastor who is every church music director's dream – an artist and musician who contributes to the music plan, yet allows me to think outside the box, imagine music that isn't possible in most other environments (I suppose you could think of it as giving me just enough rope to hang myself). Not to mention the fact that it is also the only church I've ever been in where the sermon always keeps me riveted – that's never happened before, no matter where I've been. Ed once described our situation as "the perfect storm". Yup. The word has gotten out about what we're doing here, and I have world class musicians calling and asking to participate. Wow.
The month of April is going to witness the beginning of a series I've been planning that I'm calling our "Composer Series". In essence, every month (or so), the entire service will feature the music of a single composer, and we will have the composer with us, featured at his or her instrument. We start on April 22, Earth Day, with composer Sharon Farber. Sharon is a film composer who is also music director at the Temple of the Arts (where I work during the High Holy Days) and was the first woman featured on the cover of Film Composer magazine. She was born in Israel (she did her stint in the Israeli army!) and studied at the Berklee School of Music in Boston, graduating Summa Cum Laude. She was nominated for 3 Emmy Awards for her work on The Young and the Restless, has been heard on many of the major television stations like NBC, CBS, Showtime and WB, and worked with famed composer Shirley Walker on the Batman and Superman TV series on WB. We don't have enough room to list all her accomplishments here, so you can find her and check her out at . Sharon will be sharing her music with us and will be dazzling us at the piano as well. We'll also be enjoying a guest soloist as well, Cantor Ilysia Pierce from the Temple of the Arts, who, like MaryAnn's daughter Carla, was on Broadway before moving to Los Angeles. I'll provide more information on all of this as we get closer, but tell your friends. It will be worth a special trip to church that day.
Click here to read more Music Notes!
Looking for a Way to Volunteer?
The Welcome Team is looking for volunteers who can help about once a month between the two services and/or immediately after the 10:30 service. Go to our "Want to Help" page to learn more about this awesome ministry, as well as several other current ways you can lend a hand in ministry.
Calling All Gardeners!
Do you have a couple hours once or twice a month to help maintain our beautiful church gardens? Tasks would include pruning, planting, weeding and watering. Whatever you can help with, we'd love to have you join our team! Duties could change seasonally. Sign up through the church office, or by talking with Jody Wilkinson.
4th-8th Graders needed to Acolyte!Acolytes are needed for 10:30 worship each week. If you've been trained, you can sign up via our "sign up genius" (click here!)
If you are interested in being trained, email children's ministries!
Our UMW is back to their regular meeting times.
Circle Meeting Time
  • Naomi Circle 2nd Tuesday @ 10:00am
  • Hannah Circle 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00pm
  • Mary Circle 4th Monday @ 7:00pm
Want to know more? Click Here!
United Methodist Women’s Reading Program: There are many titles to choose from with new ones added every year! Books are available in the UMW library located in May Day Parlor. Any one can read the books and our own local UMW unit will get credit! click here for information about the program.
Support missions through recycling!
Bring your plastic bottles, aluminum cans AND CRV glass bottles to church every Sunday. By recycling we can support Corazon, Crop Walk, Habitat for Humanity and some of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) programs: Syrian refugee relief, eradicating hunger, clean water, ending malaria and fighting HIV/AIDS. Please bring your cans and bottles.
We have many spots to fill for liturgists on Sunday mornings. The following link will take you the sign up. Please check it out.
Sunday Worship Liturgist Sign Up
Campus WiFi network is: First UMC Guests; Password is: open hearts
Parking Reminder: If you are able, we encourage you to park at the Wells Fargo bank on Sunday mornings, and walk across the street, reserving the parking lot for those with mobility challenges or for new visitors. We also have a bike rack on the patio. Thanks for your consideration.
Hearing Assistance Devices are available on Sunday mornings. Just ask for one at the audio/video booth in the sanctuary.
Connect with us
First United Methodist Church
243 South Broadway
Redondo Beach, California 90277, United States

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