- Send care to the world's most vulnerable moms and babies.
- We'll send you a brand new PIH baby onesie to say thanks! >>
For 32 years, she's delivered at least one baby per week, providing attentive, professional care. But there are few nurses in post-Ebola Liberia with her level of training. And we have a LOT more mothers to look after.
Give now →
Growing up, Mommy Mary watched as her own mother worked—with no formal training, no supplies—to help mothers who had nowhere else to turn.
Mommy Mary's conclusion was firm: "I need to be a trained nurse. I need to be a trained midwife." And today, she saves lives doing exactly that.
Will you support her crucial work today?
The Team at PIH
Partners In Health
800 Boylston Street, Suite 1400
Boston, Massachusetts 02199, United States
Eudeli Velasquez became a PIH community health worker in 2014, along with eight other women. Word soon spread throughout Reforma, Mexico—and people began talking: Women shouldn't be working outside the home.
Here, women traditionally cook, clean, and take care of the kids. But today, Eudeli and her colleagues support their families by performing lifesaving work in this tiny mountain town.
The shift is radical. Revolutionary, Gary. Today, we'd like to show you an ordinary day at Eudeli Velasquez's extraordinary job. Please, have a look:
Eudeli travels by foot to visit six patients in this remote mountain town.
Her day begins by discussing her six patients with PIH Dr. Gerardo Murillo.
Then it's time to make her way to visit Juana Garcia, who lives with hypertension. Eudeli drops off pills for Juana's pounding headache and is on her way.
Soon she arrives at the home of Maria Roman, who suffers from diabetes. Eudeli counts pills and, with a smile, confirms Maria has followed doctor's orders to a T.
Her final patient of the day is Rosemberg Lopez, diagnosed with schizophrenia years ago. At one point, he was locked away for his own safety. Today, he is lucid and healthy. PIH credits his astonishing recovery to Eudeli's caring and vigilant attention over two years.
Every day, Gary, Eudeli's work improves lives. But it also means she has a vital source of income. Shecan help support her six-year-old daughter.
Across 10 nations, a majority of PIH community health workers are women. They fight every day for the health of their patients—and every day, they themselves are empowered.
To save lives. To make a difference in their communities. To go to work and put food on the table.
- Your gift of $15 or more today supports these women—and every single patient who relies on their care.
- http://act.pih.org/lifesaving-job
The Team at PIH
Partners In Health
800 Boylston Street, Suite 1400
Boston, MA 02199
Every presidential election, not least this most recent, reminds us what a great diversity of ideas makes up this world.
At PIH, we're privileged to be guided by a mission that is clear and unifying, defined by inclusiveness and community. We've worked for 30 years to heal the world's most vulnerable people—and have done so in the face of challenges that seemed insurmountable, imposed by poverty, disease, and natural disasters.
If any uncertainty lies ahead—and there is always some—then we will receive the challenge as we have every other. Our mission demands that we embrace those who need us most—with greater energy and focus, and with a relentless commitment to unify support from every quarter.
Thank you, Gary, for being a member of this team, a part of this family.
With love and solidarity,
Gary L. Gottlieb, MD, MBA
Chief Executive Officer
Partners In Health
Partners In Health
800 Boylston Street, Suite 1400
Boston, Massachusetts 02199, United States
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