1 Peter 3:1 In the same way, wives, submit to your husbands; so that even if some of them do not believe the Word, they will be won over by your conduct, without your saying anything, 2 as they see your respectful and pure behavior. 3 Your beauty should not consist in externals such as fancy hairstyles, gold jewelry or what you wear; 4 rather, let it be the inner character of your heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit. In God’s sight this is of great value. 5 This is how the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to adorn themselves and submit to their husbands, 6 the way Sarah obeyed Avraham, honoring him as her lord. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not succumb to fear.
7 You husbands, likewise, conduct your married lives with understanding. Although your wife may be weaker physically, you should respect her as a fellow-heir of the gift of Life. If you don’t, your prayers will be blocked.
8 Finally, all of you, be one in mind and feeling; love as brothers; and be compassionate and humble-minded, 9 not repaying evil with evil or insult with insult, but, on the contrary, with blessing. For it is to this that you have been called, so that you may receive a blessing.
What's the easiest way to find out what's in a sponge? Squeeze it! When the pressures of life crush us, how do we respond? First Peter 3 reveals the answer: it is not how we appear outwardly, but what is in our heart—not artificial beauty but the beauty only Christ can achieve. The bottom line? Our inner beauty should be such that it points others to Christ.
Is that really possible? Yes! God, the Holy Spirit, wants to make this kind of transforming change, so that the acts of the sinful nature cease and the fruit of the Spirit is evidenced in us daily. Jesus told us that “the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth” (John 4:23). The Holy Spirit, through Peter, follows that same theme, first in how husbands and wives treat each other, and then in how members of the Body of Christ relate to one another and to the world.
We live in an “it’s all about me” world. We have “perfected” narcissism. God doesn’t need you to be the best you can be. He needs your full surrender so that His Holy Spirit can make you all that He wants you to be.
Hymn for Today:
What's the easiest way to find out what's in a sponge? Squeeze it! When the pressures of life crush us, how do we respond? First Peter 3 reveals the answer: it is not how we appear outwardly, but what is in our heart—not artificial beauty but the beauty only Christ can achieve. The bottom line? Our inner beauty should be such that it points others to Christ.
Is that really possible? Yes! God, the Holy Spirit, wants to make this kind of transforming change, so that the acts of the sinful nature cease and the fruit of the Spirit is evidenced in us daily. Jesus told us that “the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth” (John 4:23). The Holy Spirit, through Peter, follows that same theme, first in how husbands and wives treat each other, and then in how members of the Body of Christ relate to one another and to the world.
We live in an “it’s all about me” world. We have “perfected” narcissism. God doesn’t need you to be the best you can be. He needs your full surrender so that His Holy Spirit can make you all that He wants you to be.
Hymn for Today:
"Hidden Peace" by John S. Brown
1. I cannot tell thee whence it came,
This peace within my breast;
But this I know, there fills my soul
A strange and tranquil rest.
There’s a deep, settled peace in my soul,
There’s a deep, settled peace in my soul,
Tho’ the billows of sin near me roll,
He abides, Christ abides.
2. Beneath the toil and care of life,
This hidden stream flows on;
My weary soul no longer thirsts,
Nor am I sad and lone.
There’s a deep, settled peace in my soul,
There’s a deep, settled peace in my soul,
Tho’ the billows of sin near me roll,
He abides, Christ abides.
3. I cannot tell the half of love,
Unfeigned, supreme, divine,
That caused my darkest inmost self
With beams of hope to shine.
There’s a deep, settled peace in my soul,
There’s a deep, settled peace in my soul,
Tho’ the billows of sin near me roll,
He abides, Christ abides.
4. I cannot tell thee why He chose
To suffer and to die,
But if I suffer here with Him
I’ll reign with Him on high.
There’s a deep, settled peace in my soul,
There’s a deep, settled peace in my soul,
Tho’ the billows of sin near me roll,
He abides, Christ abides.
I exhort you, therefore, brothers, in view of God’s mercies, to offer yourselves as a sacrifice, living and set apart for God. This will please him; it is the logical “Temple worship” for you.[Romans 12:1].
Please pray:
For the development of Christian leaders in Rwanda.
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