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Today's Laws & Customs:
• "Nine Days'
During the “Nine Days" from Av 1st to the Ninth of Av, we mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple. We abstain from meat and wine, music, haircutting, bathing for pleasure, and other joyous (and dangerous) activities. (The particular mourning customs vary from community to community, so consult a competent halachic authority for details.)
Consumption of meat and wine is permitted on Shabbat, or at a seudat mitzvah (obligatory festive meal celebrating the fulfillment of certain mitzvot) such as a brit (circumcision), or a siyum celebrating the completion of a course of Torah study (i.e., a complete Talmudic tractate). The Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory initiated the custom of conducting or participating in a siyum on each of the Nine Days (even if one does not avail oneself of the dispensation to eat meat).
Citing the verse "Zion shall be redeemed with mishpat [Torah] and its returnees with tzedakah," (Isaiah 1:27) the Rebbe urged that we increase in Torah study (particularly the study of the laws of the Holy Temple) and charity during this period.
Nine Days laws and customs
Daily live siyum broadcasts
Learn about the Holy Temple in Jerusalem
Today in Jewish History:
• Passing of "Ari" (1572)
Rabbi Isaac Luria Ashkenazi, known as Ari HaKadosh ("The Holy Lion") passed away on the 5th of Av of the year 5332 from creation (1572 CE). Born in Jerusalem in 1534, he spent many years in secluded study near Cairo, Egypt. In 1570 he settled in Safed, where he lived for two years until his passing at age 38. During that brief period, the Ari revolutionized the study of Kabbalah, and came to be universally regarded as one of the most important figures in Jewish mysticism. It was he who proclaimed, "In these times, we are allowed and duty-bound to reveal this wisdom," opening the door to the integration of the teachings of Kabbalah--until then the province of a select few in each generation--into "mainstream" Judaism.
Links: A Tale of Two Kabbalists
Fallen Sparks
What is Kabbalah?
About The Ari
Daily Quote:
“And I will lead on slowly . . . until I come to my lord to Seir” (Genesis 33:14). Said Rabbi Abbahu: We have searched the entire Scriptures and did not find that Jacob ever went to Esau to the mountain of Seir. Is it possible that Jacob, the truthful, should deceive him? But when would he come to him? In the Messianic Era, when “the saviors shall ascend Mount Zion to judge the mountain of Esau.” [Midrash Rabbah]
Daily Torah Study:
Daily Torah Study:
Chumash: Devarim, 6th Portion Deuteronomy 2:31-3:14 with Rashi
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• Daily Wisdom (short insight)
• Hebrew text
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• English Text (Lessons in Tanya)
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Friday, Menachem Av 5, 5777 · July 28, 2017
Today's Tanya Lesson
Iggeret HaKodesh, end of Epistle 1
• VIDEO CLASS: Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon Watch • Listen
• AUDIO CLASS: Rabbi Manis Freidman Listen • Download MP3
ועתה הפעם הנני יוסיף שנית ידי בתוספת ביאור ובקשה כפולה, שטוחה ופרושה לפני כל אנשי שלומים הקרובים והרחוקים, לקיים עליהם
And now once more I put forth my hand a second time with an additional explanation and a twofold request, extended and proposed to all men of the chassidic brotherhood, those who are near and those who are far, to undertake the following:
שכל ימי החול לא ירדו לפני התיבה הבעלי עסקים, שאין להם פנאי כל כך
On all weekdays, businessmen — who do not have so much time — should not step down before the Ark [to lead the congregation in prayer].
רק אותם שיש להם פנאי, או המלמדים או הסמוכים על שולחן אביהם
Only those who have the time [should lead the prayers], such as teachers or those who are supported by their parents,
שיכולים להאריך בתפלת השחר ערך שעה ומחצה לפחות, כל ימות החול
who at the morning service are able to pray at length for at least about an hour and a half1 on all weekdays.2
מהם יהיה היורד לפני התיבה, על פי הגורל או על פי ריצוי הרוב
One of them should step down before the Ark, chosen by lot or by consent of the majority [of the congregants].
והוא יאסוף אליו בסביב לו כל הסמוכים על שולחן אביהם או המלמדים, שיוכלו להאריך כמוהו
He should gather around him all those who are supported by their parents, or teachers, who are able to pray at length like himself, and will thus not be distracted by the haste of others.
בבל ישונה, נא ונא
[This arrangement is] not to be changed, I beg and beseech you!
On the Sabbaths and festivals, however, when all the businessmen, too, have the time and opportunity to pray at length, devoutly concentrating their heart and soul to G‑d, —
ואדרבה, עליהם מוטל ביתר שאת ויתר עז, כמו שכתוב בשולחן ערוך, אורח חיים
moreover, their duty to do so is much greater, as is stated in Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim,3
וכמו שכתוב בתורת משה: ששת ימים תעבוד גו׳, ויום השביעי שבת לה׳ אלקיך
and as is written in the Torah of Moses:4 “Six days shall you work and the seventh day is a Sabbath unto the L‑rd your G‑d,”
דייקא: כולו לה׳
stating clearly that the Sabbath is to be devoted wholly unto G‑d, —
Unlike the festivals which are “partially unto G‑d and partially unto you,” the Sabbath ought to be wholly dedicated to spiritual matters. Since the reason for this is that it was preceded by six mundane days of labor, it follows that those who were engaged in this labor during the weekdays — businessmen and the like — should surely utilize the Sabbath “wholly unto G‑d.”
ולזאת גם הם ירדו לפני התיבה בשבת ויום טוב
on Sabbaths and festivals, therefore, they too can step down before the Ark,
על פי הגורל או בריצוי הרוב, כמו שכתבתי אשתקד
according to lot or by assent of the majority, as I wrote last year.
Moreover, it should be made known that, G‑d willing, it is my intention to send spies secretly to all congregations,5
לידע ולהודיע כל מי שאפשר לו וכל מי שיש לו פנאי להאריך ולעיין בתפלה, ומתעצל
to find out and to notify about anyone who has the ability and the time to worship at length and to meditate while at prayer, but is slothful.
יהיה נידון בריחוק מקום, להיות נדחה בשתי ידים בבואו לפה לשמוע דברי אלקים חיים
He shall be punished by estrangement, being distanced by both hands when he comes here to hear chassidic teachings.6
ומכלל לאו אתה שומע הן
And from the negative you may infer the positive7 — that those who are more generous in the time they devote to their prayers will be assured of a warm welcome.
ולשומעים יונעם, ותבא עליהם ברכת טוב
Pleasant be the lot of those who hearken; may the blessing of goodness light upon them,
ואין טוב אלא תורה וכו׳
— and8 “there is no ‘good’ but Torah.”
1. “Cf. Zohar I, 62b and its commentaries; the letter published in the anthology entitled Me’ah She’arim 2b, and the sources indicated in the footnote there. See also op. cit., 9b.” ( — Note of the Rebbe.)
2. “The statement (Berachot 32b) that even the early chassidim [of Talmudic times] would devote one hour to the prayer itself, refers to the Amidah [alone].” ( — Note of the Rebbe.)
3. Gloss to 290:2; see also Shulchan Aruch HaRav, Orach Chayim 290:5. Note of the Rebbe: “See also the maamar entitled Mi Yitencha, in Torah Or.”
4. Shmot 20:9.
5. In the original, minyanim; a minyan is a group of at least ten men constituting a congregation, and, by extension, signifies a place of communal prayer.
6. Lit., “the words of the living G‑d.”
7. A Talmudic term; cf. Nedarim 11a.
8. Avot 6:3.
• Sefer Hamitzvot:
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Today's Mitzvah
Friday, Menachem Av 5, 5777 · July 28, 2017
A daily digest of Maimonides’ classic work "Sefer Hamitzvot"
• VIDEO CLASS: Rabbi Mendel Kaplan Watch • Listen
• AUDIO CLASS: Rabbi Berel Bell Listen • MP3 Download
Important Message Regarding This Lesson
The Daily Mitzvah schedule runs parallel to the daily study of 3 chapters of Maimonides' 14-volume code. There are instances when the Mitzvah is repeated a few days consecutively while the exploration of the same Mitzvah continues in the in-depth track.
Positive Commandment 236
Personal Injury
"If men quarrel, and one strikes the other..."—Exodus 21:18.
The courts are commanded to adjudicate cases that involve personal injury cause by one person to another. [Monetary penalties are assessed to compensate for devaluation of the injured individual, pain sustained, medical bills, unemployment due to the injury, and shame incurred.]
Only an ordained court in the Land of Israel can adjudicate such cases [with the exception of medical bills and unemployment, that can be adjudicated by all rabbinical courts no matter the location].
Full text of this Mitzvah »
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• Daily Wisdom (short insight)
Deuteronomy Chapter 2
31And the Lord said to me, "Behold I have begun to deliver Sihon and his land before you; begin to drive him out, that you may inherit his land." לאוַיֹּאמֶר יְהֹוָה אֵלַי רְאֵה הַחִלֹּתִי תֵּת לְפָנֶיךָ אֶת סִיחֹן וְאֶת אַרְצוֹ הָחֵל רָשׁ לָרֶשֶׁת אֶת אַרְצוֹ:
I have begun to deliver… before you: God forced down the guardian angel of the Amorites from above, beneath Moses’ feet and made him tread upon his neck.
החלותי תת לפניך: כפה שר של אמוריים של מעלה תחת רגליו של משה והדריכו על צוארו:
32Then Sihon went forth towards us, he and all his people, to war at Jahzah. לבוַיֵּצֵא סִיחֹן לִקְרָאתֵנוּ הוּא וְכָל עַמּוֹ לַמִּלְחָמָה יָהְצָה:
Then Sihon went forth: He did not send for Og to assist him. This teaches us that they did not require each other’s assistance [so powerful was each one of them.]
ויצא סיחן: לא שלח בשביל עוג לעזור לו, ללמדך שלא היו צריכים זה לזה:
33And the Lord our God delivered him to us; and we smote him and his sons and all his people. לגוַיִּתְּנֵהוּ יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ לְפָנֵינוּ וַנַּךְ אֹתוֹ וְאֶת בָּנָיו (כתיב ואת בנו) וְאֶת כָּל עַמּוֹ:
and his sons: It is written בנו [which can also be read as בְּנוֹ]“his son” [although traditionally it is read בָּנָיו “his sons”], for Sihon had a son who was as mighty as he (Midrash Tanchuma , Chukath 28; Num. Rabbah 32; Midrash Chaseroth Vietheroth, p. 279).
ואת בניו: בנו כתיב, שהיה לו בן גבור כמותו:
34And we conquered all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed every city, the men, women, and the young children; we left over no survivor. לדוַנִּלְכֹּד אֶת כָּל עָרָיו בָּעֵת הַהִוא וַנַּחֲרֵם אֶת כָּל עִיר מְתִם וְהַנָּשִׁים וְהַטָּף לֹא הִשְׁאַרְנוּ שָׂרִיד:
the men: Heb. מְתִם, which means“men.” Referring to the spoil taken from Sihon it is stated (verse 35), בָּזַזְנוּ לָנוּ, an expression denoting plunder בִּזָה, because it was precious to them, and every man plundered for himself. When they came to the spoils of Og, however, they were already satisfied and full, and it was contemptible in their eyes. They tore into pieces and threw away cattle and garments, and took only the silver and gold. Therefore, it states (3:7), בָּזוֹנוּ לָנוּ, which is an expression of “contempt.” It is also expounded in Sifrei, in the chapter beginning,“And Israel dwelt in Shittim” (Num. 25).
מתם: אנשים. בביזת סיחון נאמר בזזנו לנו לשון ביזה, שהיתה חביבה עליהם ובוזזים איש לו, וכשבאו לביזת עוג כבר היו שבעים ומלאים והיתה בזויה בעיניהם ומקרעין ומשליכין בהמה ובגדים ולא נטלו כי אם כסף וזהב. לכך נאמר (דברים ג, ז) בזונו לנו, לשון בזיון. כך נדרש בספרי בפרשת (במדבר כה, א) וישב ישראל בשטים:
35Only the cattle we took for a prey unto ourselves with the spoil of the cities which we had taken. להרַק הַבְּהֵמָה בָּזַזְנוּ לָנוּ וּשְׁלַל הֶעָרִים אֲשֶׁר לָכָדְנוּ:
36From Aroer which is on the edge of the valley of Arnon, and from the city that is in the valley,even unto Gilead, there was not a city too high for us: the Lord our God delivered up all before us. לומֵעֲרֹעֵר אֲשֶׁר עַל שְׂפַת נַחַל אַרְנֹן וְהָעִיר אֲשֶׁר בַּנַּחַל וְעַד הַגִּלְעָד לֹא הָיְתָה קִרְיָה אֲשֶׁר שָׂגְבָה מִמֶּנּוּ אֶת הַכֹּל נָתַן יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ לְפָנֵינוּ:
37Only to the land of the children of Ammon you came not near; all the side of the river Yabbok and the cities of the hill country, and wherever the Lord our God commanded us. לזרַק אֶל אֶרֶץ בְּנֵי עַמּוֹן לֹא קָרָבְתָּ כָּל יַד נַחַל יַבֹּק וְעָרֵי הָהָר וְכֹל אֲשֶׁר צִוָּה יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ:
all the side of the river Yabok: [means,] all the area beside the brook of Yabrok.
כל יד נחל יבק: כל אצל נחל יבוק:
and wherever the Lord our God commanded us: not to conquer, we left alone.
וכל אשר צוה ה' אלהינו: שלא לכבוש, הנחנו:
Deuteronomy Chapter 3
1Then we turned and went up the way of Bashan, and Og, the king of Bashan, came forth toward us, he and all his people, to war at Edrei אוַנֵּפֶן וַנַּעַל דֶּרֶךְ הַבָּשָׁן וַיֵּצֵא עוֹג מֶלֶךְ הַבָּשָׁן לִקְרָאתֵנוּ הוּא וְכָל עַמּוֹ לַמִּלְחָמָה אֶדְרֶעִי:
Then we turned and went up: The whole northern direction [from the wilderness toward Canaan] is an ascent.
ונפן ונעל: כל צד צפון הוא עלייה:
2And the Lord said to me, "Do not fear him, for I have given him, all his people, and his land into your hand, and you shall do to him as you did to Sihon, king of the Amorites, who dwelt in Heshbon." בוַיֹּאמֶר יְהֹוָה אֵלַי אַל תִּירָא אֹתוֹ כִּי בְיָדְךָ נָתַתִּי אֹתוֹ וְאֶת כָּל עַמּוֹ וְאֶת אַרְצוֹ וְעָשִׂיתָ לּוֹ כַּאֲשֶׁר עָשִׂיתָ לְסִיחֹן מֶלֶךְ הָאֱמֹרִי אֲשֶׁר יוֹשֵׁב בְּחֶשְׁבּוֹן:
Do not fear him: In the case of Sihon [however] it was not necessary to state, “Do not fear him.” But [in the case of Og,] Moses feared lest the merit that he [Og] had rendered service to Abraham might stand by him, as it says, “And the fugitive came” (Gen. 14:13), and this was Og.
אל תירא אתו: ובסיחון לא הוצרך לומר אל תירא אותו, אלא מתיירא היה משה שלא תעמוד לו זכות ששמש לאברהם שנאמר (בראשית יד, יג) ויבא הפליט, והוא עוג:
3So the Lord, our God, delivered into our hands also Og, the king of Bashan and all his people, and we smote him until no remnant remained of him. גוַיִּתֵּן יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ בְּיָדֵנוּ גַּם אֶת עוֹג מֶלֶךְ הַבָּשָׁן וְאֶת כָּל עַמּוֹ וַנַּכֵּהוּ עַד בִּלְתִּי הִשְׁאִיר לוֹ שָׂרִיד:
4And we conquered all his cities at that time; there was not a town that we did not take from them sixty cities, all the territory of Argob the kingdom of Og in Bashan. דוַנִּלְכֹּד אֶת כָּל עָרָיו בָּעֵת הַהִוא לֹא הָיְתָה קִרְיָה אֲשֶׁר לֹא לָקַחְנוּ מֵאִתָּם שִׁשִּׁים עִיר כָּל חֶבֶל אַרְגֹּב מַמְלֶכֶת עוֹג בַּבָּשָׁן:
[All] the territory of Argob: This is rendered in the Targum as כָּל בֵּית פֶּלֶךְ טְרָכוֹנָא, “the province of Trachona,” and I saw the Targum Yerushalmi of Megillath Esther, which calls a palace טְרָכוֹנִין. Hence, I derive from this that חֶבֶל אַרְגֹּב means“the province of the royal palace,” denoting that the province is called after its name. [Consequently] I learned that the province אַרְגּוֹב is the province of the king’s palace, i.e. [the province] after which the kingdom was named. Similarly, the אֶת אַרְגּוֹב found in (II) Kings (15:25) means that near the king’s palace, Pekah the son of Remaliah killed Pekahiah the son of Menahem.
חבל ארגב: מתרגמינן בית פלך טרכונא. וראיתי תרגום ירושלמי במגילת אסתר קורא פלטין טרכונין. למדתי חבל ארגוב הפרכיא, היכל מלך, כלומר שהמלכות נקראת על שמה. וכן את הארגוב דמלכים (מלכים ב' טו, כה) אצל היכל מלך, הרגו פקח בן רמליהו לפקחיה:
5All these cities were fortified with high walls, double doors, and bolts, in addition to a great many unwalled cities. הכָּל אֵלֶּה עָרִים בְּצֻרֹת חוֹמָה גְבֹהָה דְּלָתַיִם וּבְרִיחַ לְבַד מֵעָרֵי הַפְּרָזִי הַרְבֵּה מְאֹד:
[in addition to…] unwalled cities: Heb. הַפְּרָזִי, unconfined and open, i.e., without a wall. Similarly,“Jerusalem will be inhabited like unwalled towns” (Zech. 2:8).
מערי הפרזי: פרוזות ופתוחות בלא חומה, וכן (זכריה ב, ח) פרזות תשב ירושלים:
6And we utterly destroyed them as we did to Sihon, king of Heshbon, utterly destroying every city, the men, the women, and the young children. ווַנַּחֲרֵם אוֹתָם כַּאֲשֶׁר עָשִׂינוּ לְסִיחֹן מֶלֶךְ חֶשְׁבּוֹן הַחֲרֵם כָּל עִיר מְתִם הַנָּשִׁים וְהַטָּף:
utterly destroy: Heb. הַחִרֵם. This is the present tense: [i.e.,] continuously destroying.
החרם: לשון הוה [כמו] הלוך וכלות:
7But all the beasts and the spoils of the cities, we took as spoil for ourselves. זוְכָל הַבְּהֵמָה וּשְׁלַל הֶעָרִים בַּזּוֹנוּ לָנוּ:
8At that time we took the land out of the hands of the two kings of the Amorites who were on that side of the Jordan, from the brook of Arnon to Mount Hermon. חוַנִּקַּח בָּעֵת הַהִוא אֶת הָאָרֶץ מִיַּד שְׁנֵי מַלְכֵי הָאֱמֹרִי אֲשֶׁר בְּעֵבֶר הַיַּרְדֵּן מִנַּחַל אַרְנֹן עַד הַר חֶרְמוֹן:
out of the hand: [I.e.,] from the possession.
מיד: מרשות:
9The Sidonians call Hermon Sirion; and the Amorites call it Senir. טצִידֹנִים יִקְרְאוּ לְחֶרְמוֹן שִׂרְיֹן וְהָאֱמֹרִי יִקְרְאוּ לוֹ שְׂנִיר:
The Sidonians call Hermon, etc.: But in another passage, it states, “Until Mount Sion, which is Hermon” (Deut. 4:48). So we see that it had four names [Hermon, Sirion, Senir, and Sion]. Why was it necessary for all of them to be written [in the Scriptures]? To extol the praise of the land of Israel, that there were four kingdoms priding themselves in it-one saying, “It shall be called by my name,” and another saying, “It shall be called by my name.”
צידנים יקראו לחרמון וגו': ובמקום אחר הוא אומר (דברים ד, מח) ועד הר שיאון הוא חרמון, הרי לו ארבעה שמות למה הוצרכו ליכתב, להגיד שבח ארץ ישראל, שהיו ארבעה מלכיות מתפארות בכך, זו אומרת על שמי יקרא, וזו אומרת על שמי יקרא:
Senir: This means “snow” in German and Slavish. (See Berliner, p. 427.)
שניר: הוא שלג בלשון אשכנז [שנעע] ובלשון כנען:
10All the cities of the plain, and all Gilead, and all Bashan, to Salchah and Edrei, cities of the kingdom of Og in Bashan. יכֹּל | עָרֵי הַמִּישֹׁר וְכָל הַגִּלְעָד וְכָל הַבָּשָׁן עַד סַלְכָה וְאֶדְרֶעִי עָרֵי מַמְלֶכֶת עוֹג בַּבָּשָׁן:
11For only Og, king of Bashan, was left from the remnant of the Rephaim. His bedstead was a bedstead of iron; is it not in Rabbah of the children of Ammon? Nine cubits was its length, and four cubits its breadth, according to the cubit of a man. יאכִּי רַק עוֹג מֶלֶךְ הַבָּשָׁן נִשְׁאַר מִיֶּתֶר הָרְפָאִים הִנֵּה עַרְשׂוֹ עֶרֶשׂ בַּרְזֶל הֲלֹה הִוא בְּרַבַּת בְּנֵי עַמּוֹן תֵּשַׁע אַמּוֹת אָרְכָּהּ וְאַרְבַּע אַמּוֹת רָחְבָּהּ בְּאַמַּת אִישׁ:
[Only Og… was left] from the remnant of the Rephaim: whom Amraphel and his allies killed in Ashteroth-Karnaim [see Gen. 14:5], and he [Og] escaped from the battle, as it is said, “And the fugitive came” (Gen. 14:13), and this is Og. — [Niddah 61a]
מיתר הרפאים: שהרגו אמרפל וחביריו בעשתרות קרנים והוא פלט מן המלחמה שנאמר (בראשית יד, יג) ויבא הפליט זהו עוג:
according to the cubit of a man: I.e., according to the cubit of Og [from the elbow to the end of the middle finger].
באמת איש: באמת עוג:
12And this land, which we possessed at that time; from Aro'er, which is by the brook of Arnon, and half of Mount Gilead and its cities, I gave to the Reubenites and to the Gadites. יבוְאֶת הָאָרֶץ הַזֹּאת יָרַשְׁנוּ בָּעֵת הַהִוא מֵעֲרֹעֵר אֲשֶׁר עַל נַחַל אַרְנֹן וַחֲצִי הַר הַגִּלְעָד וְעָרָיו נָתַתִּי לָראוּבֵנִי וְלַגָּדִי:
And this land, which we possessed at that time: The one mentioned above, “from the brook of Arnon to Mount Hermon” (verse 8).
ואת הארץ הזאת ירשנו בעת ההוא: האמורה למעלה, (פסוק ח) מנחל ארנון ועד הר חרמון:
from Aro’er, which is by the brook Arnon: This is not to be connected with the beginning of the verse [defining “this land”], but with its conclusion, [namely,] “I gave to the Reubenites and to the Gadites.” Regarding the possession, however, that was“[from the brook of Arnon] to Mount Hermon” (verse 8).
מערער אשר על נחל ארנון: אינו מחובר לראשו של מקרא אלא לסופו, על נתתי לראובני ולגדי. אבל לענין ירושה עד הר חרמון היה:
13And the rest of Gilead, and all Bashan, the kingdom of Og, I gave to the half tribe of Manasseh; all the territory of Argob, all of Bashan; that is called the land of Rephaim. יגוְיֶתֶר הַגִּלְעָד וְכָל הַבָּשָׁן מַמְלֶכֶת עוֹג נָתַתִּי לַחֲצִי שֵׁבֶט הַמְנַשֶּׁה כֹּל חֶבֶל הָאַרְגֹּב לְכָל הַבָּשָׁן הַהוּא יִקָּרֵא אֶרֶץ רְפָאִים:
that is called the land of Rephaim: That is what I gave to Abraham.
ההוא יקרא ארץ רפאים: היא אותה שנתתי לאברהם:
14Jair the son of Manasseh took all the territory of Argob to the boundaries of the Geshurites and the Maachathites, and he called them, even Bashan, after his own name, villages of Jair, to this day. ידיָאִיר בֶּן מְנַשֶּׁה לָקַח אֶת כָּל חֶבֶל אַרְגֹּב עַד גְּבוּל הַגְּשׁוּרִי וְהַמַּעֲכָתִי וַיִּקְרָא אֹתָם עַל שְׁמוֹ אֶת הַבָּשָׁן חַוֹּת יָאִיר עַד הַיּוֹם הַזֶּה:
Tehillim: Psalms Chapters 29 - 34• Hebrew text
• English text
Chapter 29
The Name of God appears eighteen times in this psalm, corresponding to which our Sages established eighteen blessings-the Amidah. The entire psalm can be interpreted as referring to the giving of the Torah and the ingathering of the exiles.
1. A psalm by David. Render to the Lord, children of the mighty, render to the Lord honor and strength.
2. Render to the Lord the honor due to His Name; bow down to the Lord in resplendent holiness.
3. The voice of the Lord is over the waters, the God of glory thunders; the Lord is over mighty waters.
4. The voice of the Lord resounds with might; the voice of the Lord resounds with majesty.
5. The voice of the Lord breaks cedars; the Lord shatters the cedars of Lebanon.
6. He makes them leap like a calf, Lebanon and Sirion like a young wild ox.
7. The voice of the Lord strikes flames of fire.
8. The voice of the Lord makes the desert tremble; the Lord causes the desert of Kadesh to tremble.
9. The voice of the Lord causes the does to calve, and strips the forests bare; and in His Sanctuary all proclaim His glory.
10. The Lord sat [as King] at the Flood; the Lord will sit as King forever.
11. The Lord will give strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace.
Chapter 30
This psalm teaches one not to be distressed if God visits suffering upon him in this world, for only through suffering can one enter the World to Come. Even one of great spiritual stature should realize that his stability is not guaranteed, but that all is in the hands of God.
1. A psalm, a song of dedication of the House, by David.
2. I exalt You, Lord, for You have uplifted me, and did not allow my enemies to rejoice over me.
3. Lord, my God, I cried out to You, and You healed me.
4. Lord, You have brought up my soul from the grave; You have kept me alive, that I should not descend to the pit.
5. Sing to the Lord, you His pious ones, and praise His holy Name.
6. For His wrath endures but for a moment, when He is conciliated there is [long] life; when one retires at night weeping, joy will come in the morning.
7. In my security I thought, "I shall never falter.”
8. Lord, by Your favor You have made my mountain stand strong; when You concealed Your countenance I was alarmed.
9. I called to You, O Lord, and I made supplication to my Lord:
10. What profit is there in my death, in my going down to the grave? Can dust praise You? Can it proclaim Your truth
11. Lord, hear and be gracious to me; Lord, be a help to me.
12. You have turned my mourning into dancing; You have undone my sackcloth and girded me with joy.
13. Therefore my soul shall sing to You, and not be silent; Lord my God, I will praise You forever.
Chapter 31
Composed by a destitute and oppressed David, running from Saul while placing his trust in God, this psalm instructs man to put his trust in God alone.
1. For the Conductor, a psalm by David.
2. In You I have taken shelter, O Lord, I shall never be shamed; rescue me in Your righteousness.
3. Turn Your ear to me, save me quickly; be to me a rock of refuge, a fortress to deliver me.
4. For You are my rock and my fortress; for the sake of Your Name, direct me and lead me.
5. Remove me from the net they planted for me, for You are my stronghold.
6. I entrust my spirit into Your hand; You will redeem me, Lord, God of truth.
7. I despise those who anticipate worthless vanities; but I trust in the Lord.
8. I will rejoice and delight in Your kindness, for You have seen my affliction; You know the troubles of my soul.
9. You have not delivered me into the hand of the enemy; You have set my feet on spacious ground.
10. Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am in distress; my eye wastes away from vexation-my soul and my stomach.
11. For my life is spent in sorrow, my years in sighing; my strength fails because of my iniquity, and my bones are wasted away.
12. Because of my adversaries I have become a disgrace-exceedingly to my neighbors, and a dread to my friends; those who see me outside flee from me.
13. Like a dead man, I was forgotten from the heart; I became like a lost vessel.
14. For I have heard the slander of many, terror on every side, when they assembled together against me and plotted to take my life.
15. But I trusted in You, O Lord; I said, "You are my God.”
16. My times are in Your hand; save me from the hands of my enemies and pursuers.
17. Shine Your countenance upon Your servant; deliver me in Your kindness.
18. O Lord, let me not be ashamed, for I have called You; let the wicked be shamed, let them be silent to the grave.
19. Let the lips of falsehood-which speak insolently against the righteous, with arrogance and contempt-be struck dumb.
20. How abundant is Your good that You have hidden for those who fear You; in the presence of man, You have acted for those who take refuge in You.
21. Conceal them from the haughtiness of man, in the shelter of Your countenance; hide them in a shelter from the strife of tongues.
22. Blessed is the Lord, for He has been wondrous in His kindness to me in a besieged city.
23. I said in my panic, "I am cut off from before Your eyes!" But in truth, You heard the voice of my pleas when I cried to You.
24. Love the Lord, all His pious ones! The Lord preserves the faithful, and repays with exactness those who act haughtily.
25. Be strong and fortify your hearts, all who put their hope in the Lord!
Chapter 32
This psalm speaks of forgiveness of sin, and of the good fortune of one who repents and confesses to God wholeheartedly.
1. By David, a maskil.1Fortunate is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
2. Fortunate is the man to whom the Lord does not reckon his sin, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
3. When I was silent, my limbs wore away through my wailing all day long.
4. For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me; my marrow became [dry] as the droughts of summer, Selah.
5. My sin I made known to You, my iniquity I did not cover. I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord," and You have forgiven the iniquity of my transgression forever.
6. For this let every pious man pray to You, at a time when You may be found; indeed, the flood of many waters will not reach him.
7. You are a refuge to me; protect me from distress; surround me with songs of deliverance forever.
8. I will enlighten you and educate you in the path you should go; I will advise you with what I have seen.
9. Be not like a horse, like a mule, senseless, that must be muzzled with bit and bridle when being adorned, so that it not come near you.
10. Many are the agonies of the wicked, but he who trusts in the Lord is surrounded by kindness.
11. Rejoice in the Lord and exult, you righteous ones! Sing joyously, all you upright of heart!
1.A psalm intended to enlighten and impart knowledge(Metzudot).
Chapter 33
This psalm teaches the righteous and upright to praise God. For the more one knows of the Torah's wisdom, the more should he praise God, for he knows and understands His greatness.
1. Sing joyously to the Lord, you righteous ones; it is fitting for the upright to offer praise.
2. Extol the Lord with a harp; sing to Him with a ten-stringed lyre.
3. Sing to Him a new song; play well with sounds of jubilation.
4. For the word of the Lord is just; all His deeds are done in faithfulness.
5. He loves righteousness and justice; the kindness of the Lord fills the earth.
6. By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of His mouth all their hosts.
7. He gathers the waters of the sea like a mound; He places the deep waters in vaults.
8. Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world tremble before Him.
9. For He spoke, and it came to be; He commanded, and it endured.
10. The Lord has annulled the counsel of nations; He has foiled the schemes of peoples.
11. The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the thoughts of His heart throughout all generations.
12. Fortunate is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose as a heritage for Himself.
13. The Lord looks down from heaven; He beholds all mankind.
14. From His dwelling-place He looks intently upon all the inhabitants of the earth.
15. It is He Who fashions the hearts of them all, Who perceives all their actions.
16. The king is not saved by a great army, nor a warrior rescued by great might.
17. The horse is a false guarantee for victory; with all its great strength it offers no escape.
18. But the eye of the Lord is directed toward those who fear Him, toward those who hope for His kindness,
19. to save their soul from death and to sustain them during famine.
20. Our soul yearns for the Lord; He is our help and our shield.
21. For our heart shall rejoice in Him, for we have put our trust in His Holy Name.
22. May Your kindness, Lord, be upon us, as we have placed our hope in You.
Chapter 34
This psalm tells of when David was in grave danger while at the palace of Achish, brother of Goliath. David acted like a madman, letting spittle run down his beard, and writing on the doors: "Achish, king of Gath, owes me one hundred thousand gold coins," leading Achish to eject him from the palace. In his joy, David composed this psalm in alphabetical sequence.
1. By David, when he feigned insanity before Avimelech,1 who then drove him away, and he left.
2. I bless the Lord at all times; His praise is always in my mouth.
3. My soul glories in the Lord; let the humble hear it and rejoice.
4. Exalt the Lord with me, and let us extol His Name together.
5. I sought the Lord and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears.
6. Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never humiliated.
7. This poor man called, and the Lord heard; He delivered him from all his tribulations.
8. The angel of the Lord camps around those who fear Him, and rescues them.
9. Taste and see that the Lord is good; fortunate is the man who trusts in Him.
10. Fear the Lord, you His holy ones, for those who fear Him suffer no want.
11. Young lions may want and hunger, but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.
12. Come, children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
13. Who is the man who desires life, who loves long life wherein to see goodness?
14. Guard your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit.
15. Turn away from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it.
16. The eyes of the Lord are directed toward the righteous, and His ears toward their cry.
17. The wrath of the Lord is upon the evildoers, to excise their memory from the earth.
18. But when they [repent and] cry out, the Lord hears, and saves them from all their troubles.
19. The Lord is close to the broken-hearted, and saves those with a crushed spirit.
20. Many are the afflictions of a righteous person, but the Lord rescues him from them all.
21. He protects all his bones; not one of them is broken.
22. Evil brings death upon the wicked, and the enemies of the righteous are condemned.
23. The Lord redeems the soul of His servants; all who take shelter in Him are not condemned.
1.All Philistine kings are referred to by the name Avimelech (Rashi).
Tanya: Iggeret HaKodesh, end of Epistle 1• English Text (Lessons in Tanya)
• Hebrew Text
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Friday, Menachem Av 5, 5777 · July 28, 2017
Today's Tanya Lesson
Iggeret HaKodesh, end of Epistle 1
• VIDEO CLASS: Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon Watch • Listen
• AUDIO CLASS: Rabbi Manis Freidman Listen • Download MP3
ועתה הפעם הנני יוסיף שנית ידי בתוספת ביאור ובקשה כפולה, שטוחה ופרושה לפני כל אנשי שלומים הקרובים והרחוקים, לקיים עליהם
And now once more I put forth my hand a second time with an additional explanation and a twofold request, extended and proposed to all men of the chassidic brotherhood, those who are near and those who are far, to undertake the following:
שכל ימי החול לא ירדו לפני התיבה הבעלי עסקים, שאין להם פנאי כל כך
On all weekdays, businessmen — who do not have so much time — should not step down before the Ark [to lead the congregation in prayer].
רק אותם שיש להם פנאי, או המלמדים או הסמוכים על שולחן אביהם
Only those who have the time [should lead the prayers], such as teachers or those who are supported by their parents,
שיכולים להאריך בתפלת השחר ערך שעה ומחצה לפחות, כל ימות החול
who at the morning service are able to pray at length for at least about an hour and a half1 on all weekdays.2
מהם יהיה היורד לפני התיבה, על פי הגורל או על פי ריצוי הרוב
One of them should step down before the Ark, chosen by lot or by consent of the majority [of the congregants].
והוא יאסוף אליו בסביב לו כל הסמוכים על שולחן אביהם או המלמדים, שיוכלו להאריך כמוהו
He should gather around him all those who are supported by their parents, or teachers, who are able to pray at length like himself, and will thus not be distracted by the haste of others.
בבל ישונה, נא ונא
[This arrangement is] not to be changed, I beg and beseech you!
* * *
אך בשבתות וימים טובים, שגם כל בעלי עסקים יש להם פנאי ושעת הכושר להאריך בתפלתם בכוונת לבם ונפשם לה׳On the Sabbaths and festivals, however, when all the businessmen, too, have the time and opportunity to pray at length, devoutly concentrating their heart and soul to G‑d, —
ואדרבה, עליהם מוטל ביתר שאת ויתר עז, כמו שכתוב בשולחן ערוך, אורח חיים
moreover, their duty to do so is much greater, as is stated in Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim,3
וכמו שכתוב בתורת משה: ששת ימים תעבוד גו׳, ויום השביעי שבת לה׳ אלקיך
and as is written in the Torah of Moses:4 “Six days shall you work and the seventh day is a Sabbath unto the L‑rd your G‑d,”
דייקא: כולו לה׳
stating clearly that the Sabbath is to be devoted wholly unto G‑d, —
Unlike the festivals which are “partially unto G‑d and partially unto you,” the Sabbath ought to be wholly dedicated to spiritual matters. Since the reason for this is that it was preceded by six mundane days of labor, it follows that those who were engaged in this labor during the weekdays — businessmen and the like — should surely utilize the Sabbath “wholly unto G‑d.”
ולזאת גם הם ירדו לפני התיבה בשבת ויום טוב
on Sabbaths and festivals, therefore, they too can step down before the Ark,
על פי הגורל או בריצוי הרוב, כמו שכתבתי אשתקד
according to lot or by assent of the majority, as I wrote last year.
* * *
וכגון דא צריך לאודועי שבדעתי, אם ירצה השם, לשלוח לכל המנינים מרגלים בסתרMoreover, it should be made known that, G‑d willing, it is my intention to send spies secretly to all congregations,5
לידע ולהודיע כל מי שאפשר לו וכל מי שיש לו פנאי להאריך ולעיין בתפלה, ומתעצל
to find out and to notify about anyone who has the ability and the time to worship at length and to meditate while at prayer, but is slothful.
יהיה נידון בריחוק מקום, להיות נדחה בשתי ידים בבואו לפה לשמוע דברי אלקים חיים
He shall be punished by estrangement, being distanced by both hands when he comes here to hear chassidic teachings.6
ומכלל לאו אתה שומע הן
And from the negative you may infer the positive7 — that those who are more generous in the time they devote to their prayers will be assured of a warm welcome.
ולשומעים יונעם, ותבא עליהם ברכת טוב
Pleasant be the lot of those who hearken; may the blessing of goodness light upon them,
ואין טוב אלא תורה וכו׳
— and8 “there is no ‘good’ but Torah.”
——— ● ———
FOOTNOTES1. “Cf. Zohar I, 62b and its commentaries; the letter published in the anthology entitled Me’ah She’arim 2b, and the sources indicated in the footnote there. See also op. cit., 9b.” ( — Note of the Rebbe.)
2. “The statement (Berachot 32b) that even the early chassidim [of Talmudic times] would devote one hour to the prayer itself, refers to the Amidah [alone].” ( — Note of the Rebbe.)
3. Gloss to 290:2; see also Shulchan Aruch HaRav, Orach Chayim 290:5. Note of the Rebbe: “See also the maamar entitled Mi Yitencha, in Torah Or.”
4. Shmot 20:9.
5. In the original, minyanim; a minyan is a group of at least ten men constituting a congregation, and, by extension, signifies a place of communal prayer.
6. Lit., “the words of the living G‑d.”
7. A Talmudic term; cf. Nedarim 11a.
8. Avot 6:3.
• Sefer Hamitzvot:
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Today's Mitzvah
Friday, Menachem Av 5, 5777 · July 28, 2017
A daily digest of Maimonides’ classic work "Sefer Hamitzvot"
• VIDEO CLASS: Rabbi Mendel Kaplan Watch • Listen
• AUDIO CLASS: Rabbi Berel Bell Listen • MP3 Download
Important Message Regarding This Lesson
The Daily Mitzvah schedule runs parallel to the daily study of 3 chapters of Maimonides' 14-volume code. There are instances when the Mitzvah is repeated a few days consecutively while the exploration of the same Mitzvah continues in the in-depth track.
Positive Commandment 236
Personal Injury
"If men quarrel, and one strikes the other..."—Exodus 21:18.
The courts are commanded to adjudicate cases that involve personal injury cause by one person to another. [Monetary penalties are assessed to compensate for devaluation of the injured individual, pain sustained, medical bills, unemployment due to the injury, and shame incurred.]
Only an ordained court in the Land of Israel can adjudicate such cases [with the exception of medical bills and unemployment, that can be adjudicated by all rabbinical courts no matter the location].
Full text of this Mitzvah »
Personal Injury
Positive Commandment 236
Translated by Berel Bell
The 236th mitzvah is that we are commanded regarding someone who wounds another person.
The source of this commandment is G‑d's statement1 (exalted be He), "[This is the law] when two men fight, and one hits the other..." These laws are called dinei k'nasos ["the laws of fines"].
There is one general verse which includes all these laws, namely G‑d's statement2 (exalted be He), "[If one maims his neighbor,] whatever he did must be done to him in return." The Oral Tradition explains that [it does not mean that he is literally to be harmed in return, but that] he must pay the monetary equivalent of the damage he has caused to the other person. Even if he merely shamed him, he must pay appropriate damages.
You should be aware that all these laws involve damage that one person causes to another. They may be judged and determined only by a High Court which was ordained in Israel. The same applies for cases when an animal damages a person or another animal.
The details of this mitzvah are explained in the 8th chapter of tractate Bava Kama.
1.Ex. 21:18.
2.Lev. 24:19.
• 1 Chapter A Day: Sanhedrin veha`Onashin haMesurin lahem Sanhedrin veha`Onashin haMesurin lahem - Chapter 21
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Sanhedrin veha`Onashin haMesurin lahem - Chapter 21
It is a positive commandment for a judge to adjudicate righteously, as Leviticus 19:15 states: "Judge your colleagues with righteousness."
What is meant by a righteous judgment? Equating the litigants with regard to all matters. One should not be allowed to speak to the full extent he feels necessary while the other is told to speak concisely. One should not treat one favorably and speak gently to him and treat the other harshly and speak sternly to him.א
מצות עשה לשפוט השופט בצדק שנאמר בצדק תשפוט עמיתך אי זהו צדק המשפט זו השויית שני בעלי דינין בכל דבר לא יהא אחד מדבר כל צרכו ואחד אומר לו קצר דבריך ולא יסביר פנים לאחד וידבר לו רכות וירע פניו לאחר וידבר לו קשות:
When there are two litigants, one wearing precious garments and the other degrading garments, we tell the litigant who carries himself honorably: "Either clothe him as you are clothed for the duration of your judgment or dress like him, so that you will be equal. Afterwards, stand judgment."ב
שני בעלי דינין שהיה אחד מהם מלובש בגדים יקרים והשני מלובש בגדים בזויין אומר למכובד או הלבישהו כמותך עד שתדון עמו או לבוש כמותו עד שתהיו שוין אחר כך תעמדו בדין:
One of the litigants should not be allowed to sit, while the other stands. Instead, they both should stand. If the court desires to seat both of them, they may. One should not be seated on a higher plane than the other. Instead, they should sit on the same level.
When does this apply? During the give and take of the arguments. When, however, the judgment is being delivered, both litigants must stand, as Exodus 18:13 states: "And the people stood before Moses."
What is meant by the delivery of the judgment? The announcement: "So and so, you are vindicated? So and so, you are liable."
When does the above apply? To the litigants. The witnesses, by contrast, must always stand, as Deuteronomy 19:17 states: "And the two men shall stand."ג
לא יהיה אחד יושב ואחד עומד אלא שניהם עומדים ואם רצו בית דין להושיב את שניהם מושיבין ולא ישב אחד למעלה ואחד למטה אלא זה בצד זה במה דברים אמורים בשעת משא ומתן אבל בשעת גמר דין שניהם בעמידה שנאמר ויעמוד העם על משה ואי זהו גמר דין איש פלוני אתה זכאי איש פלוני אתה חייב במה דברים אמורים בבעלי דינין אבל העדים לעולם בעמידה שנאמר ועמדו שני האנשים:
When a Torah scholar and a common person come to adjudicate a dispute, the Torah scholar is seated. And the common person is instructed to sit. If, however, he does not sit, it is of no consequence.
A student who wishes to have a dispute adjudicated should not come early and sit before his teacher if he desires to have him adjudicate the case. If, however, each one of the judge's students had a fixed time to read before the judge and one of them came to read at the time of his judgment, it is permitted for the judge to hear the case.ד
תלמיד חכם ועם הארץ שבאו לדין מושיבין את החכם ואומרים לעם הארץ שב אם לא ישב אין מקפידין על כך ולא יקדים התלמיד כשיבא לדין וישב לפני רבו כרוצה לדון לפניו ואם היה קובע לו זמן לקרות ובא זמנו מותר:
It has already become customary in all the courts throughout Israel after the era of Talmud, in all the yeshivot, to have the litigants and the witnesses sit so that there will be no controversy. For we do not have the power to establish the judgments of our faith in a firm manner.ה
כבר נהגו כל בתי דיני ישראל מאחר הגמרא בכל הישיבות שמושיבין בעלי דינין ומושיבין העדים כדי לסלק המחלוקת שאין בנו כח להעמיד משפטי הדת על תלם:
If there were many litigants before the judges, precedence should be give to a case involving an orphan to one involving a widow, as implied by Isaiah 1:17: "Judge an orphan, enter in a dispute on behalf of a widow." A case involving a widow receives precedence over a case involving a Torah scholar. A case involving a Torah scholar takes precedence over a case involving a common person. And a case involving a woman takes precedence over one involving a man, because the shame felt by a woman is greater.ו
היו לפני הדיינים בעלי דין הרבה מקדימין את דין היתום לדין האלמנה שנאמר שפטו יתום ריבו אלמנה ודין אלמנה קודם לדין תלמיד חכם ודין תלמיד חכם קודם לדין עם הארץ ודין האשה קודם לדין האיש שבשת האשה מרובה:
It is forbidden for a judge to hear the words of one of the litigants before the other comes or outside the other's presence. Even hearing one word is forbidden, as implied by Deuteronomy 1:16: "Listen among your brethren." A judge who listens to only one litigant violates a negative commandment, as Exodus 23:1 states: "Do not bear a false report." Included in this prohibition is a warning to a person who listens to malicious gossip, one who speaks malicious gossip, and one who bears false testimony.
Similarly, each litigant is warned not to tell his arguments to a judge before the other litigant comes. With regard to this and similar matters, Exodus 23:7 states: "Keep distant from words of falsehood."ז
אסור לדיין לשמוע דברי אחד מבעלי דינין קודם שיבא חבירו או שלא בפני חבירו ואפילו דבר אחד אסור שנאמר שמוע בין אחיכם וכל השומע מאחד עובר בלא תעשה שנאמר לא תשא שמע שוא ובכלל לאו זה אזהרה למקבל לשון הרע ומספר לשון הרע ומעיד עדות שקר וכן בעל דין מוזהר שלא ישמיע דבריו לדיין קודם שיבא בעל דין חבירו וגם על זה וכיוצא בו נאמר מדבר שקר תרחק:
A judge should not hear from a translator. If he understands the language of the litigants and listens to their arguments, but is not fluent in their language in order to respond to them, he should appoint a translator to inform them of the ruling and the rationale why this person's claim was vindicated and the other was held liable.ח
לא יהיה הדיין שומע מפי התורגמן אלא אם כן היה מכיר לשון בעלי דינין ושומע טענותיהם ואם אינו מהיר בלשונם כדי להשיב להם יעמוד התורגמן להודיע אותם פסק הדין ומאי זה טעם חייב זה וזכה זה:
A judge must listen to the arguments of the litigants and restate their claims, as evident from I Kings 3:23 which states: "And the king said: 'This one says: "Mine is the son who lives and your son is the one who is dead."...'"
He should determine the just resolution of the judgment in his heart and then pronounce judgment.ט
צריך הדיין לשמוע טענות בעלי דינין ולשנות טענותיהן שנאמר ויאמר המלך זאת אומרת זה בני החי ובנך המת ומצדק את הדין בלבו ואח"כ חותכו:
What is the source which teaches that a judge should not justify the arguments of one of the litigants? "Keep distant from words of falsehood." Instead, the litigant should tell the judge what appears correct to him and the judge should remain silent.
He should not teach one of the litigants an argument at all. Even if the plaintiff brings only one witness, the judge should not say: "We do not accept the testimony of one witness." Instead, he should tell the defendant: "See, he has testified against you." Preferably, he will acknowledge the other's claim, saying: "He testified truthfully." The judge should not ignore the witness's testimony unless the other litigant says: "He is only one witness and I do not accept his testimony." Similar principles apply in all analogous situations.י
מנין לדיין שלא יעשה מליץ לדבריו של בעל דין שנאמר מדבר שקר תרחק אלא יאמר מה שנראה לו וישתוק ולא ילמד אחד מבעלי דינין טענה כלל אפילו הביא עד אחד לא יאמר לו אין מקבלין עד אחד אלא יאמר לנטען הרי זה העיד עליך הלואי שיודה ויאמר אמת העיד עד שיטעון הוא ויאמר עד אחד הוא ואינו נאמן עלי וכן כל כיוצא בזה:
If a judge sees a vindicating argument for one of the litigants and realizes that the litigant is seeking to state it, but does not know how to articulate the matter, sees that one was painfully trying to extricate himself with a true claim, but because of his anger and rage, he lost touch of the argument, or sees that one became confused because of his intellectual inadequacy, he may assist him somewhat to grant him an initial understanding of the matter, as indicated by Proverbs 31:8: "Open your mouth for the dumb person." One must reconsider the matter amply, lest one become like a legal counselor.יא
ראה הדיין זכות לאחד מהן ובעל דין מבקש לאמרה ואינו יודע לחבר הדברים או שראהו מצטער להציל עצמו בטענת אמת ומפני החימה והכעס נסתלק ממנו או נשתבש מפני הסכלות הרי זה מותר לסעדו מעט להבינו תחלת הדבר משום פתח פיך לאלם וצריך להתיישב בדבר זה הרבה שלא יהיה כעורכי הדיינין:
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Sanhedrin veha`Onashin haMesurin lahem - Chapter 21
It is a positive commandment for a judge to adjudicate righteously, as Leviticus 19:15 states: "Judge your colleagues with righteousness."
What is meant by a righteous judgment? Equating the litigants with regard to all matters. One should not be allowed to speak to the full extent he feels necessary while the other is told to speak concisely. One should not treat one favorably and speak gently to him and treat the other harshly and speak sternly to him.א
מצות עשה לשפוט השופט בצדק שנאמר בצדק תשפוט עמיתך אי זהו צדק המשפט זו השויית שני בעלי דינין בכל דבר לא יהא אחד מדבר כל צרכו ואחד אומר לו קצר דבריך ולא יסביר פנים לאחד וידבר לו רכות וירע פניו לאחר וידבר לו קשות:
When there are two litigants, one wearing precious garments and the other degrading garments, we tell the litigant who carries himself honorably: "Either clothe him as you are clothed for the duration of your judgment or dress like him, so that you will be equal. Afterwards, stand judgment."ב
שני בעלי דינין שהיה אחד מהם מלובש בגדים יקרים והשני מלובש בגדים בזויין אומר למכובד או הלבישהו כמותך עד שתדון עמו או לבוש כמותו עד שתהיו שוין אחר כך תעמדו בדין:
One of the litigants should not be allowed to sit, while the other stands. Instead, they both should stand. If the court desires to seat both of them, they may. One should not be seated on a higher plane than the other. Instead, they should sit on the same level.
When does this apply? During the give and take of the arguments. When, however, the judgment is being delivered, both litigants must stand, as Exodus 18:13 states: "And the people stood before Moses."
What is meant by the delivery of the judgment? The announcement: "So and so, you are vindicated? So and so, you are liable."
When does the above apply? To the litigants. The witnesses, by contrast, must always stand, as Deuteronomy 19:17 states: "And the two men shall stand."ג
לא יהיה אחד יושב ואחד עומד אלא שניהם עומדים ואם רצו בית דין להושיב את שניהם מושיבין ולא ישב אחד למעלה ואחד למטה אלא זה בצד זה במה דברים אמורים בשעת משא ומתן אבל בשעת גמר דין שניהם בעמידה שנאמר ויעמוד העם על משה ואי זהו גמר דין איש פלוני אתה זכאי איש פלוני אתה חייב במה דברים אמורים בבעלי דינין אבל העדים לעולם בעמידה שנאמר ועמדו שני האנשים:
When a Torah scholar and a common person come to adjudicate a dispute, the Torah scholar is seated. And the common person is instructed to sit. If, however, he does not sit, it is of no consequence.
A student who wishes to have a dispute adjudicated should not come early and sit before his teacher if he desires to have him adjudicate the case. If, however, each one of the judge's students had a fixed time to read before the judge and one of them came to read at the time of his judgment, it is permitted for the judge to hear the case.ד
תלמיד חכם ועם הארץ שבאו לדין מושיבין את החכם ואומרים לעם הארץ שב אם לא ישב אין מקפידין על כך ולא יקדים התלמיד כשיבא לדין וישב לפני רבו כרוצה לדון לפניו ואם היה קובע לו זמן לקרות ובא זמנו מותר:
It has already become customary in all the courts throughout Israel after the era of Talmud, in all the yeshivot, to have the litigants and the witnesses sit so that there will be no controversy. For we do not have the power to establish the judgments of our faith in a firm manner.ה
כבר נהגו כל בתי דיני ישראל מאחר הגמרא בכל הישיבות שמושיבין בעלי דינין ומושיבין העדים כדי לסלק המחלוקת שאין בנו כח להעמיד משפטי הדת על תלם:
If there were many litigants before the judges, precedence should be give to a case involving an orphan to one involving a widow, as implied by Isaiah 1:17: "Judge an orphan, enter in a dispute on behalf of a widow." A case involving a widow receives precedence over a case involving a Torah scholar. A case involving a Torah scholar takes precedence over a case involving a common person. And a case involving a woman takes precedence over one involving a man, because the shame felt by a woman is greater.ו
היו לפני הדיינים בעלי דין הרבה מקדימין את דין היתום לדין האלמנה שנאמר שפטו יתום ריבו אלמנה ודין אלמנה קודם לדין תלמיד חכם ודין תלמיד חכם קודם לדין עם הארץ ודין האשה קודם לדין האיש שבשת האשה מרובה:
It is forbidden for a judge to hear the words of one of the litigants before the other comes or outside the other's presence. Even hearing one word is forbidden, as implied by Deuteronomy 1:16: "Listen among your brethren." A judge who listens to only one litigant violates a negative commandment, as Exodus 23:1 states: "Do not bear a false report." Included in this prohibition is a warning to a person who listens to malicious gossip, one who speaks malicious gossip, and one who bears false testimony.
Similarly, each litigant is warned not to tell his arguments to a judge before the other litigant comes. With regard to this and similar matters, Exodus 23:7 states: "Keep distant from words of falsehood."ז
אסור לדיין לשמוע דברי אחד מבעלי דינין קודם שיבא חבירו או שלא בפני חבירו ואפילו דבר אחד אסור שנאמר שמוע בין אחיכם וכל השומע מאחד עובר בלא תעשה שנאמר לא תשא שמע שוא ובכלל לאו זה אזהרה למקבל לשון הרע ומספר לשון הרע ומעיד עדות שקר וכן בעל דין מוזהר שלא ישמיע דבריו לדיין קודם שיבא בעל דין חבירו וגם על זה וכיוצא בו נאמר מדבר שקר תרחק:
A judge should not hear from a translator. If he understands the language of the litigants and listens to their arguments, but is not fluent in their language in order to respond to them, he should appoint a translator to inform them of the ruling and the rationale why this person's claim was vindicated and the other was held liable.ח
לא יהיה הדיין שומע מפי התורגמן אלא אם כן היה מכיר לשון בעלי דינין ושומע טענותיהם ואם אינו מהיר בלשונם כדי להשיב להם יעמוד התורגמן להודיע אותם פסק הדין ומאי זה טעם חייב זה וזכה זה:
A judge must listen to the arguments of the litigants and restate their claims, as evident from I Kings 3:23 which states: "And the king said: 'This one says: "Mine is the son who lives and your son is the one who is dead."...'"
He should determine the just resolution of the judgment in his heart and then pronounce judgment.ט
צריך הדיין לשמוע טענות בעלי דינין ולשנות טענותיהן שנאמר ויאמר המלך זאת אומרת זה בני החי ובנך המת ומצדק את הדין בלבו ואח"כ חותכו:
What is the source which teaches that a judge should not justify the arguments of one of the litigants? "Keep distant from words of falsehood." Instead, the litigant should tell the judge what appears correct to him and the judge should remain silent.
He should not teach one of the litigants an argument at all. Even if the plaintiff brings only one witness, the judge should not say: "We do not accept the testimony of one witness." Instead, he should tell the defendant: "See, he has testified against you." Preferably, he will acknowledge the other's claim, saying: "He testified truthfully." The judge should not ignore the witness's testimony unless the other litigant says: "He is only one witness and I do not accept his testimony." Similar principles apply in all analogous situations.י
מנין לדיין שלא יעשה מליץ לדבריו של בעל דין שנאמר מדבר שקר תרחק אלא יאמר מה שנראה לו וישתוק ולא ילמד אחד מבעלי דינין טענה כלל אפילו הביא עד אחד לא יאמר לו אין מקבלין עד אחד אלא יאמר לנטען הרי זה העיד עליך הלואי שיודה ויאמר אמת העיד עד שיטעון הוא ויאמר עד אחד הוא ואינו נאמן עלי וכן כל כיוצא בזה:
If a judge sees a vindicating argument for one of the litigants and realizes that the litigant is seeking to state it, but does not know how to articulate the matter, sees that one was painfully trying to extricate himself with a true claim, but because of his anger and rage, he lost touch of the argument, or sees that one became confused because of his intellectual inadequacy, he may assist him somewhat to grant him an initial understanding of the matter, as indicated by Proverbs 31:8: "Open your mouth for the dumb person." One must reconsider the matter amply, lest one become like a legal counselor.יא
ראה הדיין זכות לאחד מהן ובעל דין מבקש לאמרה ואינו יודע לחבר הדברים או שראהו מצטער להציל עצמו בטענת אמת ומפני החימה והכעס נסתלק ממנו או נשתבש מפני הסכלות הרי זה מותר לסעדו מעט להבינו תחלת הדבר משום פתח פיך לאלם וצריך להתיישב בדבר זה הרבה שלא יהיה כעורכי הדיינין:
• 3 Chapters A Day: Shechenim Shechenim - Chapter Seven, Shechenim Shechenim - Chapter Eight, Shechenim Shechenim - Chapter Nine
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Shechenim - Chapter Seven
When a person has a window in his wall and a colleague comes and builds a courtyard next to it, the owner of the courtyard cannot tell the owner of the window: "Close this window, so that you will not look at me," for the owner of the window has established his right to maintain the window even though it is a source of damage.
If his colleague desires to build a wall opposite the window to block the invasion of his privacy, he must leave a space of four cubits next to the window, to avoid casting a shadow upon it.א
מי שהיתה לו חלון בכותלו ובא חבירו ועשה חצר בצדו אינו יכול לומר לבעל החלון סתום חלון זה כדי שלא תביט בי שהרי החזיק בהיזק זה ואם בא חבירו לבנות כותלו כנגד החלון כדי שיסור היזק ראייתו צריך להרחיק את כותלו מכנגד החלון ארבע אמות כדי שלא יאפיל עליו:
If the window was positioned low in the wall, the owner of the window may force the owner of the courtyard to build the wall four cubits away from the window and build it at least four cubits high, so that the owner of the courtyard cannot look through the window and watch the owner of the window.ב
היתה החלון למטה בכותל כופה את חבירו לבנות כנגדה ברחוק ארבע אמות ולהגביה הבנין ארבע אמות כדי שלא יביט בו מן החלון:
The following rules apply when the window was positioned high on the wall and the owner of the courtyard built a wall below the window. If there were more than four cubits from the top of the wall to the window, the owner of the window may not prevent the owner of the courtyard from building the wall even though he does not leave any space between his wall and the wall in which the window is located. For the new wall is not casting a shadow over his window, nor does it invade the privacy of the owner of the window.
If, however, there is less than four cubits between the top of the wall and the window, the owner of the window may force the owner of the wall either to lower the wall so that the owner of the courtyard will not be able to stand on the wall and look through the window; or he may force the owner of the courtyard to build his wall four cubits from the window, and build it more than four cubits higher than the wall. In this way, it will not cast a shadow, nor will the owner of the courtyard be able to look in and see him.ג
היתה החלון למעלה בכותל ובנה חבירו כותל כנגד החלון מלמטה אם היה מראש הכותל שבנה עד החלון גובה ארבע אמות או יותר אינו יכול למנעו אע"פ שלא הרחיק מכותל החלון כלום שהרי לא האפיל עליו ואינו מזיקו בראייה אבל אם נשאר גובה מראש הכותל עד החלון פחות מארבע אמות כופהו למעט הכותל כדי שלא יעמוד על ראש הכותל וישקיף מן החלון או יגביה הכותל על החלון ארבע אמות ויהיה הכותל רחוק מן החלון ארבע אמות כדי שלא יאפיל ולא יציץ ויראה:
When the owner of the courtyard builds one wall next to the window, he must build the wall at least a handbreadth away from the window, and must build the wall at least four cubits higher than the window or make the wall narrow on top, so that he will not sit on it, and look into the window and watch his neighbor.ד
בנה כותל אחד בצד החלון צריך להרחיק מן החלון טפח ומגביה הכותל ארבע אמות על החלון או כונס ראש הכותל כדי שלא ישב עליו ויציץ ויראה:
When a person builds two walls, one on either side of the window, there must be at least four cubits between them, and the window must be situated in the center of those four cubits. The owner of the courtyard may not place s'chach over the space between the walls, unless he leaves a space of four cubits between the s'chach and the wall where the window is located, so that it will not cast a shadow over it.
Accordingly, if a person comes to open a window - whether a large window or a small window - overlooking a courtyard belonging to a colleague, that colleague may prevent him from doing so, for he can tell the owner of the window: "You will be invading my privacy by looking at me. " Even if the window is located high on the inner wall, the owner of the courtyard may protest, saying: "You will climb up on a ladder and look at me."ה
בנה שני כותלין משני צידי החלון צריך להיות ביניהן רחב ארבע אמות והחלון באמצע הארבע ולא יסכך על גביהן אא"כ הרחיק הסיכוך מן הכותל שיש בו החלון ארבע אמות כדי שלא יאפיל עליו לפיכך מי שבא לפתוח חלון לחצר חבירו בין חלון גדולה בין חלון קטנה בין למעלה בין למטה בעל החצר מעכב עליו שהרי אומר לו תזיק לי בראייה ואף על פי שהיא גבוהה תעלה בסולם ותראה:
If a person has opened a window overlooking a courtyard belonging to a colleague, and the owner of the courtyard waived his right to protest or displayed his willingness to consent - e.g., he helped him in the window's construction or he knew about this source of damage and did not protest - the owner of the window has established his right to the window. The owner of the courtyard cannot come at a later date and protest that he must close it.
What are the laws that apply with regard to this window that he was allowed to open? If it is large enough for a person to insert his head, or it is less than four cubits high, even if it is not large enough for a person to insert his head into it, the owner of the courtyard may not build a wall opposite or at its side unless he moves four cubits away, as explained in the previous halachah.ו
הרי שפתח חלון לחצר חבירו ומחל לו בעל החצר או שגילה דעתו שהניחו כגון שבא וסייע עמו או שידע הנזק ולא ערער הרי זה החזיק בחלון ואינו יכול אח"כ לחזור ולערער עליו לסתום וכיצד דינה של חלון זה שהניחה לפתחה אם ראשו של אדם יכול ליכנס ממנה או שהיתה למטה מארבע אמות אע"פ שאין ראשו נכנס ממנה אין בעל החצר יכול לבנות כנגדה או מצדיה אלא א"כ הרחיק ארבע אמות כמו שביארנו:
If, however, the window was too small for the head of a person to be inserted, and it is more than four cubits high, the owner of the courtyard may build a wall opposite it or at its sides. For he can claim: "I allowed you to open the window only because it is small and high, but it was not my intent to give you a right that would require me to move away my building."
When does the above apply? When the window was opened to be used or to allow air to enter. If, however, the window was opened so that light could enter, even if it was very small and very high, since the owner of the courtyard did not protest at the time of its construction, the owner of the window is granted a right to it. The owner of the courtyard may not build a structure opposite it or at its side unless he moves four cubits away, so that he does not cast a shadow against it, for he granted him the right to the light.
Similarly, if a person had a window for which he established a right, and the owner of the courtyard built opposite it or at its side without moving away, or he closed the window, and the owner of the window did not protest, the owner of the window cannot come at a later time protesting and demanding that the window be opened or that the structure be moved. Since he remained silent, he waived his right to protest. For a person will not remain silent while another person blocks his light unless he relinquishes his right.ז
היתה חלון קטנה שאין ראשו של אדם נכנס ממנה והיתה למעלה מארבע אמות בעל החצר יכול לבנות כנגדה ובצדדיה שהרי טוען ואומר לא הנחתיך לפתוח אלא מפני שהיא קטנה וגבוהה אבל שתחזיק עלי עד שארחיק הבנין לא הנחתי במה דברים אמורים בשפתחה לתשמיש או כדי שיכנס בה הרוח אבל אם פתחה לאורה אפילו היתה קטנה ביותר וגבוהה ביותר הואיל ולא ערער החזיק ואין בעל החצר יכול לבנות כנגדה או מצדדיה עד שירחיק ארבע אמות כדי שלא יאפיל עליו שהרי מחל לו על האורה וכן מי שהיתה לו חלון מוחזקת ובא חבירו ובנה כנגדה או מצדדיה בלא הרחקה או סתמה ושתק בעל החלון אינו יכול לחזור ולערער לפתוח החלון או להרחיק הבנין שכיון ששתק מחל שאין אדם עשוי שסותמין אורו בפניו ושותק אא"כ מחל:
When a person has windows on the lower portion of his wall, and a person who owns an adjoining property desires to erect a building that would block them he is not permitted to do so. Even if he proposes: "I will open up new windows for you in this wall above these others, " the owner of the windows may prevent him from doing so, explaining "When you open the windows, you will shake the foundations of the wall and ruin it."
Even if the person who desires to build offers: "I will tear down your wall and rebuild it for you with windows higher up. And I will rent a home for you to live in until I build it, " the owner of the home can still prevent him. For he may say: "I do not want the trouble moving from one place to another."
Therefore, if there is no difficulty involved at all, and it is not necessary for him to leave his home, he cannot prevent him from performing this construction. We compel him to allow his friend to close the window below and build a new window for him higher up. Not to allow this would be following the traits of Sodom. Similarly, whenever there is a situation where one person will benefit and his colleague will not lose nor be lacking anything, we compel that person to cooperate.ח
מי שהיו לו חלונות למטה בכותלו ובא חבירו לבנות בפניהן ואמר לו אני אפתח לך חלונות אחרות בכותל זה עצמו למעלה מאלו הרי זה מעכב עליו ואומר לו בעת שתפתח החלונות תרעיד את הכותל ותקלקל אותו ואפילו אמר אני אסתור כל הכותל ואבנה אותו לך חדש ואעשה בו חלונות למעלה ואשכור לך בית שתדור בו עד שאבנה יכול לעכב עליו ואומר לו אין רצוני שאטרח ממקום למקום לפיכך אם לא היה שם טורח כלל ואין צריך לפנות אינו יכול לעכב עליו וכופין אותו שיהיה חבירו סותם חלון זה שלמטה ממנו ועושה לו חלון מלמעלה שזו מדת סדום וכן כל דבר שזה נהנה בו ואין חבירו מפסיד ואין חסר כלום כופין עליו:
When, by contrast, the owner of a window desires to change the location of his window, whether to raise it or lower it, the owner of the adjoining courtyard can prevent him from doing so. This applies even if the window was large, and its owner says: "I will open only a small window in another place, and close this one. " Needless to say, he cannot make the window larger.ט
אבל בעל החלונות שרצה לשנות מקום חלונו בין למעלה בין למטה אפילו היתה גדולה ואמר אפתח אחרת קטנה ואסתום זו בעל החצר מעכב עליו וכן אינו יכול להרחיב בחלון כל שהוא:
The following rule applies when two brothers divide a courtyard that they received as an inheritance on their own accord, evaluating the building and the trees in each other's portion, but failing to pay attention to the value of the open space. Thus, one received the garden of the courtyard, and one received an excedra. If the brother who received the garden in the courtyard desires to build a wall at the end of his portion, in front of his brother's excedra, he may do so, even though he casts a shadow over it. For when dividing the estate, they did not pay attention to the value of the open space.י
שני אחין שחלקו חצר מדעתן ושמו הבנין והעצים זה כנגד זה ולא השגיחו על שומת האויר והגיע לאחד מהן בחלקו תרבץ החצר ולשני האכסדרה אם רצה בעל החצר לבנות כותל בסוף חלקו בונה בפני האכסדרה ואף על פי שמאפיל עליו שהרי לא שמו האויר:
Shechenim - Chapter Eight
When a person desires to build a projection from his property - regardless of its size - extending over the space above a courtyard belonging to his colleague, his colleague may prevent him from doing so, for he will invade his privacy by looking at him when he hangs articles on the projection or uses it in any way.
If he built the projection and the owner of courtyard did not protest immediately, the builder of the projection establishes his right to it.א
המבקש להוציא זיז מכותלו על אויר חצר חבירו כל שהוא בעל החצר מעכב עליו שהרי מזיקו בראייה בעת שתולה בו ומשתמש בו הוציא את הזיז ולא מיחה בו לאלתר בעל החצר הרי החזיק בעל הזיז:
If the projection was a handbreadth wide, the owner of the projection has established his right to the empty space of the courtyard. If the owner of the courtyard desires to build under the projection and as a result nullify its usefulness, the owner of the projection may prevent him from doing so.
If the projection is not a square handbreadth, the owner of the projection does not establish his right to the empty space of the courtyard. Whenever the owner of the courtyard desires, he may build under the projection and as a result nullify its usefulness. The owner of the projection may not prevent him from doing so.ב
היה הזיז טפח החזיק באויר החצר כנגדו ואם רצה בעל החצר לבנות תחת הזיז ולבטל תשמישו בעל הזיז מעכב עליו ואם אין בזיז טפח לא החזיק באויר החצר וכל עת שירצה בעל החצר לבנות תחתיו ולבטל תשמישו של זיז אין בעל הזיז יכול לעכב עליו:
When the projection that was constructed was one handbreadth wide and extended out four handbreadths into the space of his colleague's courtyard, and the owner of the courtyard did not protest against this, the owner of the projection establishes the right to a space four handbreadths by four handbreadths. If the owner of the projection desires, he may widen the projection until it is four handbreadths by four handbreadths.
The owner of the courtyard may not build anything in the space of his courtyard below the projection unless he leaves a space of ten handbreadths below the projection so that the owner of the projection may make use of it.ג
היה הזיז שהוציא רחבו טפח ומשוך באויר חצרו של חבירו ארבעה טפחים ולא מיחה בו החזיק בו בארבעה על ארבעה ואם רצה להרחיב את הזיז עד שיעשה ארבעה על ארבעה הרי זה מרחיב ואין בעל החצר יכול לבנות באויר חצירו תחת הזיז כלום אלא א"כ הניח לו תחתיו גובה אויר עשרה טפחים כדי שישתמש בזיז:
When a person sets up a small ladder that has fewer than four rungsin a courtyard or a field belonging to a colleague next to his own wall, he has not established a right to use his colleague's property in this manner. Whenever the owner of the courtyard desires, he may build next to the ladder and nullify its usefulness.
If by contrast the ladder is large - possessing four rungs or more - the owner of the ladder establishes his right to maintain it. If the owner of the courtyard desires to build a structure that would nullify its usefulness, the owner of the ladder may prevent him from doing so unless he moves a sufficient distance away. For he granted him the right of constructing a large ladder.
For this reason, if an owner of a roof comes to set up a large ladder in an adjacent courtyard, the owner of the courtyard may protest and prevent him from doing so, so that he does not establish this right. If, however, he sets up a small ladder, the owner of the courtyard may not prevent him from doing so. For we tell him: "You are losing nothing from this. Whenever you desire, you may move it away."ד
המעמיד סולם קטן שאין לו ארבעה חוזקין בצד כותלו בתוך חצר של חבירו או בתוך שדהו לא החזיק בנזק זה וכל זמן שירצה בעל החצר בונה בצד סולם ומבטל תשמישו ואם היה סולם גדול שיש לו ארבעה חוזקין או יתר החזיק ואם בא לבנות ולבטלו בעל הסולם מעכב עליו עד שירחיק כשיעור שהרי מחל לו להעמיד סולם גדול לפיכך כשיבא בעל הגג להעמיד סולם גדול בעל החצר יכול למחות כדי שלא יחזיק עליו אבל אם העמיד סולם קטן אינו יכול למנעו שהרי אומרין לו אין עליך הפסד בזה כל זמן שתרצה תטלנו:
The following rules apply when a person desires to extend a drainpipe from his roof over a courtyard belonging to a colleague so that water will flow unto his colleague's property, or he made a gutter on his wall, so that the water will drain off and descend into his colleague's courtyard. The owner of the courtyard can prevent him from doing so. If the owner of the courtyard does not protest, the neighbor establishes his right to the drainpipe.
If, afterwards, the owner of the pipe desires to close it, the owner of the courtyard can prevent him from doing so. For just as the owner of the roof established his right to have his water flow into the courtyard belonging to his colleague, the owner of the courtyard established his right to have the water from his colleague's roof flow into his garden.
If the owner of the roof desired to move the drainpipe from one corner of the roof to the other or the drainpipe was long and he desired to shorten it, the owner of the courtyard may not prevent him from doing so. For the right that he established was merely that the water flow into his property.
Similarly, if the owner of the courtyard desires to build under the drainpipe, the owner of the projection may not prevent him from doing so. For a drain pipe is not made for use like a projection, so that it could be said that the owner of the roof has established his right to the open space of the courtyard. For a drainpipe is made only for the purpose of letting water flow through it.ה
הרוצה להוציא צינור על חצר חבירו כדי שיקלח שם המים או שעשה מזחילה על כותלו כדי שיהיו המים נזחלין ויורדין לחצר חבירו בעל החצר מעכב עליו ואם לא מיחה בו החזיק זה בצינור רצה אחר כך לסתום הצינור בעל החצר מעכב עליו שכשם שהחזיק בעל הגג לשפוך מימיו לחצר חבירו כך החזיק בעל החצר שיהיו מימי גגו של חבירו באין אצלו לרשותו רצה בעל הגג לעקור הצינור מצד זה ולהחזירו בצד אחר או שהיה ארוך ורצה לקצרו אין בעל החצר יכול לעכב עליו שלא החזיק אלא במימי הגג והרי הם באים אצלו מכל מקום וכן אם רצה בעל החצר לבנות תחת הצינור אין בעל הגג יכול לעכב עליו שאין הצינור עשוי לתשמיש כזיז כדי שיחזיר באויר החצר שאינו עשוי אלא לקלוח המים:
The following rules apply when a person caused the water from his roof to descend unto the courtyard of his colleague and established his right to this privilege. If the water was dripping in several places and he desired to have it collect to one place and make a drainpipe, he may. Similarly, if the water would descend in one place, and the owner of the roof wanted it to flow in several different places, he may.
He may even build a slanted canopy on his roof, so that the water will flow speedily into the courtyard of his colleague, for he has established the right to have water descend into the courtyard of his colleague.ו
מי שהוריד מי גגו על חצר חבירו ולא מיחה בו והחזיק בדבר זה אם המים מנטפין ורצה לקבצם למקום אחד ולעשותם צינור עושה וכן אם היו באין דרך צינור ממקום אחר וחלקן על רוחב הכותל והחזירן נוטפין עושה ואפילו לבנות על גגו כמין צריף עד שירדו המים במהרה לחצר חבירו בונה שהרי הוחזקו מימיו של זה לירד לחצר חבירו:
When there is a wall between the properties of Reuven and Shimon, and they share its ownership, both may use it. One may hollow out space from one side and insert his beams, regardless of their size, and the other may hollow out space from the other side and insert his beams.
If the wall belonged to Reuven alone, Shimon may not make use of it. If, however, Shimon hollowed out space in the wall and inserted one beam, and Reuven remained silent and did not protest, he established his right to the place of that beam. Even if his original beam was small and Shimon desired to change it to a big and thick beam, he may.
If the beam was part of a temporary sukkah, he does not establish the right to maintain it for 30 days. For Reuven will say: "I did not waive my right to protest. I allowed it merely because it was temporary." If the owner of the beam maintains the sukkah for 30 days, he establishes his right to it, for that is no longer considered temporary.
Different rules apply if he constructed a sukkah for the holiday. Within all the seven days of the holiday, he does not establish his right to maintain it. After the seven days are completed, he does establish his right.
If he joins the end of the beam to the wall with mortar, he establishes his right immediately, provided he brings proof that Reuven helped him in the construction or saw and did not protest.ז
כותל שבין ראובן ושמעון אם היו שותפין בה שניהם משתמשין בו זה חופר מצד זה ומכניס קורותיו כל שהן וזה חופר מצד זה ומכניס קורותיו היה הכותל של ראובן לבדו אין שמעון יכול להשתמש בו חפר שמעון בכותל זה והכניס בה קורה אחת ושתק ראובן ולא מיחה בו החזיק במקום הקורה אפילו היתה קטנה ורצה שמעון להחליפה בקורה גדולה ועבה מחליף היתה הקורה סוכת עראי כל שלשים יום לא החזיק בה סתם שהרי ראובן אומר לא מחלתי והנחתיך אלא מפני שהוא עראי לאחר שלשים יום החזיק שאין זה עראי ואם סוכת ימי החג היא כל שבעת ימי החג לא החזיק לאחר שבעה החזיק ואם חיבר ראש הקורה בכותל בטיט מיד החזיק והוא שיביא ראיה שראובן סייע עמו או ראה ולא מיחה:
If a person established a right to insert one beam into a wall, he does not have a right to insert a second beam. For the owner of wall waived his right to protest with regard to only one beam.
When does the above apply? When the person inserting the beam admitted that the wall did not belong to him, and the owner waived his right to protest with regard to the insertion of this beam. If, however, he claimed, "I am a partner in this wall," since he made use of it for one beam, his word is accepted and he is allowed to insert all his beams. He takes a sh'vuat hesset that he is a partner in the entire wall.ח
מי שהחזיק בכותל זה בקורה אחת אינו יכול להחזיק בקורה שנייה שהרי לא מחל לו אלא על האחת בד"א כשהודה שאין הכותל זה שלו אלא חבירו מחל לו על הכנסת קורה זו אבל אם טען שכותל זה שותף אני בה הואיל והשתמש בה בקורה אחת נאמן ומשתמש בכולן אחר שישבע שבועת היסת שהוא שותף בכל הכותל:
When one of the colleagues builds the wall without the participation of the other, only he has the right to it. If beams belonging to Reuven were placed within the wall, and there was also space hollowed out on Shimon's side for him to place his beams, Shimon has not established his right to it. Shimon may not insert his beams into the wall, nor may he claim that he is a partner in it, for he has no right to use it.
Reuven can refute Shimon's claims, stating: "Before building the wall I hollowed out these places on your side, so that they will be prepared for you so that when you will purchase a share from me, or when you will request me to waive my right to protest and allow you to insert your beams, you will be able to do so without hollowing out the wall, so that the wall will not be shaken when it is hollowed out.ט
היו קורותיו של ראובן בתוך הכותל ובצד שמעון מקומות חפורין להכניס בהן ראשי הקורות לא החזיק בהן שמעון להכניס בה קורות ואינו יכול לטעון שהוא שותף בו שהרי אין לו בית תשמיש ויכול ראובן לטעון שאני חפרתי מקומות אלו בצדך כדי שיהיו מוכנים עד שתקנה ממני או שתבקש ממני ואמחול לך ותכניס הקורות בלא חפירה בכותל כדי שלא יתמטמט כותלי בעת חפירה:
Shechenim - Chapter Nine
A person may not dig a cistern, a trench or a storage vat next to a wall belonging to a colleague unless he distances himself at least three handbreadths from the wall. Nor may he extend an irrigation ditch or make a pool for soaking clothes to be laundered near a wall, unless he makes such a separation. He must seal the wall of this cistern, water reservoir or irrigation ditch with cement on the side near his colleague, so that the water does not seep through and damage his colleague's wall.א
לא יחפור אדם בור ולא שיח ולא מערה ולא יביא אמת המים ולא יעשה בריכת המים לשרות בה בגדים לכבס בצד כתלו של חבירו אא"כ הרחיק מכותל שלשה טפחים ויסיד בסיד לכותל בור זה או מקוה המים זה או כותל האמה מצד חבירו כדי שלא יבליעו המים ויזיקו כותל חבירו:
A separation of three handbreadths must be placed between olive debris, tar, salt, lime, or flint stones and a wall belonging to one's colleague, or these substances must be coated with cement.
Similarly, a separation of three handbreadths must be made between a wall and plants, plowing, and a cesspool where urine is collected.ב
מרחיקין את הגפת ואת הזפת ואת המלח ואת הסיד ואת הסלעים מכותלו של חבירו שלשה טפחים או סד בסיד ומרחיקין את הזרעים ואת החרישה ואת הגומא שמתקבץ בה מימי רגלים מן הכותל שלשה טפחים:
A mill must be placed at a distance from a colleague's wall. The lower millstone must be separated from the wall by at least three handbreadths, causing the upper millstone to be separated by four handbreadths, so that the millstone will not cause tremors to the wall, and so that its noise will not frighten the neighbor.ג
מרחיקין את הרחיים [מן הכותל] שלשה טפחים מן הרחיים התחתונה שהן ארבעה מן העליונה כדי שלא יניד אותו או כדי שלא יבהלנו בקול הרחיים:
An oven should be separated from a wall; a separation of three handbreadths should be made between the wall and its base, resulting in a distance of four handbreadths between the wall and its upper portion, so that the wall will not become heated.ד
מרחיקין את התנור מן הכותל שלשה טפחים מקרקעיתו שהן ארבעה משפתו כדי שלא יחם הכותל:
A separation of four cubits must be made between a wall belonging to a colleague and a stone used by a launderer to beat garments until they become white. For otherwise, when the launderer beats the garments with the stone, the water will spray outward and damage the wall.ה
אבן שהכובס מכה בגדים עליה עד שיתלבנו צריך להרחיק אותה ארבע אמות מכותל של חבירו שבעת שהכובס מכה עליה המים נתזין ומזיקין לכותל:
A person should not urinate next to a wall belonging to a colleague unless he distances himself three handbreadths from it.
When does the above apply? With regard to a brick wall. With regard to a stone wall, by contrast, it is necessary to distance oneself by only one handbreadth. If the stones are marble, one may urinate on the side of the wall without making any separation.ו
לא ישתין אדם מים בצד כותלו של חבירו אלא אם כן הרחיק ממנו ג' טפחים במה דברים אמורים בכותל לבנים אבל בכותל אבנים ירחיק טפח ואם היו האבנים צחיח סלע משתין בצדו בלא הרחקה:
A ladder should be separated from a dovecote by at least four cubits, so that, when the ladder is placed down, a marten will not leap up and ascend to the dovecote and eat the doves.ז
מרחיקין את הסולם מהשובך ארבע אמות כדי שלא תקפוץ הנמיה בעת שמניח הסולם ותעלה לשובך ותאכל הגוזלות:
One should leave a space of four cubits between a wall and a drainpipe belonging to a colleague, so that the owner of the drainpipe can set up a ladder to fix his drainpipe. Since he has established his right to the drainpipe he is given this additional privilege.ח
ומרחיקין את הכותל מן המזחילה של חבירו ארבע אמות כדי שיהיה מקום לבעל המזחילה לזקוף סולם ולתקן מזחילה שלו הואיל והחזיק בה:
When a wall belonging to Reuven was joined to a wall belonging to Shimon in a L shape, and Reuven desires to build a second wall opposite Shimon's wall so that the three walls will appear as a Bet, Shimon can prevent him from doing so, and require him to leave a space of four cubits between the walls so that there will be a wide space between the walls where people can tread and strengthen the earth.
When does the above apply? With regard to a wall of a garden, or with regard to the wall of a courtyard in a new city. In an older city, by contrast, this is unnecessary, and one may build opposite the wall without making any separation. Similarly, if the length of Shimon's wall opposite which Reuven was building was less than four cubits, Reuven may build opposite it without making any separation, even though he prevents people from walking there. The rationale is that a wall that is less than four cubits long does not have to have the earth near it strengthened.ט
ראובן שהיה כותלו סמוך לכותל שמעון כמין גם ובא ראובן לעשות כותל שני כנגד כותל שמעון עד שיעשה השלשה כותלין כמין בי"ת הרי שמעון מעכב עליו עד שירחיק מכנגדו ארבע אמות כדי שיהיה המקום בין שני הכותלים רחב כדי שידושו בו רבים ותתחזק הארץ בד"א בכותל גינה או בכותל חצר בעיר חדשה אבל בעיר ישנה כבר נתחזקה ובונה כנגדו בלא הרחקה וכן אם לא היה באורך כותל שמעון שבונה כנגדו ארבע אמות אינו מרחיק אע"פ שמונע הרגל מלהלך שם שהכותל שהוא פחות מארבע אמות אינו צריך חיזוק הארץ:
The following rules apply when a person comes to dig a cistern at the end of his field, near the property boundary of a colleague. If the field belonging to the person's colleague is not appropriate to contain cisterns, the person may dig his cistern next to the boundary. The colleague may not protest against him. If the colleague changes his mind and decides to dig a cistern next to the cistern that was dug, he must separate himself three handbreadths from the wall of the cistern, so that there will be six handbreadths between the cavities of the two cisterns.
If the field belonging to the person's colleague is appropriate to contain cisterns, the person may not dig his cistern next to the boundary. Instead, he must distance himself three handbreadths from the boundary before digging. Similarly, when his colleague comes to dig a cistern, he must also make a separation, digging the cistern three handbreadths within his field.י
מי שבא לחפור בור בסוף שדהו לסמוך למצר חבירו אם שדה חבירו אינו עשוי לבורות סומך ואינו יכול למחות בידו ואם ימלך חבירו לחפור בור בצדו צריך להרחיק מן כותל הבור שלשה טפחים עד שיהא בין חלל שתי הבורות ששה טפחים ואם היתה שדה חבירו עשויה לבורות אינו סומך עד שירחיק מן המצר שלשה טפחים ויחפור וכשיבא חבירו לחפור ירחיק גם הוא שלשה טפחים בתוך שדהו ויחפור:
The following rules apply when the first storey of a house and its second storey belong to two separate individuals. The owner of the house should not build an oven in the first storey of his house unless he leaves a space of four cubits above it. The owner of the second storey may not build an oven until there is a ceiling three handbreadths thick below it. For a range, one handbreadth is sufficient. If he desires to build a baker's oven, there must be a ceiling four handbreadths thick below it. For a range belonging to a baker, three handbreadths is required.
Even if the person took the necessary precautions and separated the required distance, if a fire emanated from the oven and caused damage, he must pay for the damages, as explained in the source dealing with this subject.יא
הבית והעלייה של שנים לא יעשה בעל הבית תנור בתוך ביתו אלא א"כ יש לו על גביו גובה ארבע אמות וכן לא יעמיד בעל העלייה תנור עד שיהיו תחתיו מעזיבה שלשה טפחים ובכירה טפח ואם תנור של נחתומים הוא צריך שיהא תחתיו ארבעה טפחים ובכירה של נחתומין שלשה טפחים ואף על פי שהרחיק השיעור אם יצאת האש והזיקה משלם מה שהזיק כמו שיתבאר במקומו:
The following rules apply when a person owns a store below a storage warehouse belonging to a colleague. In the store, he should not make a bakery, a paint factory or a barn for cattle, nor should he bring in hay or other substances that generate warm air, for this will damage the produce stored in the warehouse.
For this reason, if the warehouse was used to store wine in Eretz Yisrael that is not ruined by heat, the store owner may perform any task involving fire that he desires. He should not, however, make it a barn for cattle, for this will spoil the aroma of the wine.
If the store had already been established as a barn, a bakery or the like, and afterwards the owner of the second storey desired to make his loft a warehouse for produce, he may not protest against the store owner's continued use of the premises for their original purpose.יב
מי שהיתה לו חנות תחת אוצר חבירו לא יעשה בה לא נחתום ולא צבע ולא רפת בקר ולא יכניס שם אספסתא וכיוצא בהן מדברים שעולה מהם הבל חם הרבה מפני שהחום מפסיד פירות האוצר לפיכך אם היה אוצר יין בארץ ישראל שאין החום מפסידו הרי זה עושה בחנותו כל מלאכת אש שירצה אבל לא יעשה רפת בקר מפני שמפסיד ריח היין ואם הוחזקו החנות בתחלה לרפת או לנחתום וכיוצא בו ואח"כ רצה בעל העלייה לעשות עלייתו אוצר אינו יכול למחות בידו:
If the owner of the second storey swept out his premises and sprinkled water on the floor, or made many windows so that he could use his premises as a warehouse, and the owner of the lower storey rushed and began building an oven before his colleague brought in produce to the warehouse, the owner of the second story began to store sesame seeds, pomegranates, dates and the like, and the owner of the lower storey rushed and began building an oven before his colleague brought in wheat to the warehouse, or the owner of the store built a loft on top of his store to separate between the store and the warehouse, the owner of the warehouse may prevent him from taking these actions. If, however, the owner of the store transgressed and built an oven or the like, the owner of the warehouse does not have the power to force him to remove the oven in all these situations.יג
כיבד בעל הבית ורבץ עלייתו או שרבה בה חלונות כדי לעשות בו אוצר וקדם זה ועשה תנור קודם שיכניס פירות לאוצר או שהתחיל לאצור שומשמין או רמונים או תמרים וכיוצא בהן וקדם זה ועשה התנור קודם שאצר החטין או שעשה בעל החנות מחילה על גבה להבדיל בין החנות ובין האוצר בכל אלו בעל אוצר מעכב עליו ואם עבר ועשה תנור וכיוצא בו אין בעל האוצר יכול להסיר התנור בכל אלו:
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Shechenim - Chapter Seven
When a person has a window in his wall and a colleague comes and builds a courtyard next to it, the owner of the courtyard cannot tell the owner of the window: "Close this window, so that you will not look at me," for the owner of the window has established his right to maintain the window even though it is a source of damage.
If his colleague desires to build a wall opposite the window to block the invasion of his privacy, he must leave a space of four cubits next to the window, to avoid casting a shadow upon it.א
מי שהיתה לו חלון בכותלו ובא חבירו ועשה חצר בצדו אינו יכול לומר לבעל החלון סתום חלון זה כדי שלא תביט בי שהרי החזיק בהיזק זה ואם בא חבירו לבנות כותלו כנגד החלון כדי שיסור היזק ראייתו צריך להרחיק את כותלו מכנגד החלון ארבע אמות כדי שלא יאפיל עליו:
If the window was positioned low in the wall, the owner of the window may force the owner of the courtyard to build the wall four cubits away from the window and build it at least four cubits high, so that the owner of the courtyard cannot look through the window and watch the owner of the window.ב
היתה החלון למטה בכותל כופה את חבירו לבנות כנגדה ברחוק ארבע אמות ולהגביה הבנין ארבע אמות כדי שלא יביט בו מן החלון:
The following rules apply when the window was positioned high on the wall and the owner of the courtyard built a wall below the window. If there were more than four cubits from the top of the wall to the window, the owner of the window may not prevent the owner of the courtyard from building the wall even though he does not leave any space between his wall and the wall in which the window is located. For the new wall is not casting a shadow over his window, nor does it invade the privacy of the owner of the window.
If, however, there is less than four cubits between the top of the wall and the window, the owner of the window may force the owner of the wall either to lower the wall so that the owner of the courtyard will not be able to stand on the wall and look through the window; or he may force the owner of the courtyard to build his wall four cubits from the window, and build it more than four cubits higher than the wall. In this way, it will not cast a shadow, nor will the owner of the courtyard be able to look in and see him.ג
היתה החלון למעלה בכותל ובנה חבירו כותל כנגד החלון מלמטה אם היה מראש הכותל שבנה עד החלון גובה ארבע אמות או יותר אינו יכול למנעו אע"פ שלא הרחיק מכותל החלון כלום שהרי לא האפיל עליו ואינו מזיקו בראייה אבל אם נשאר גובה מראש הכותל עד החלון פחות מארבע אמות כופהו למעט הכותל כדי שלא יעמוד על ראש הכותל וישקיף מן החלון או יגביה הכותל על החלון ארבע אמות ויהיה הכותל רחוק מן החלון ארבע אמות כדי שלא יאפיל ולא יציץ ויראה:
When the owner of the courtyard builds one wall next to the window, he must build the wall at least a handbreadth away from the window, and must build the wall at least four cubits higher than the window or make the wall narrow on top, so that he will not sit on it, and look into the window and watch his neighbor.ד
בנה כותל אחד בצד החלון צריך להרחיק מן החלון טפח ומגביה הכותל ארבע אמות על החלון או כונס ראש הכותל כדי שלא ישב עליו ויציץ ויראה:
When a person builds two walls, one on either side of the window, there must be at least four cubits between them, and the window must be situated in the center of those four cubits. The owner of the courtyard may not place s'chach over the space between the walls, unless he leaves a space of four cubits between the s'chach and the wall where the window is located, so that it will not cast a shadow over it.
Accordingly, if a person comes to open a window - whether a large window or a small window - overlooking a courtyard belonging to a colleague, that colleague may prevent him from doing so, for he can tell the owner of the window: "You will be invading my privacy by looking at me. " Even if the window is located high on the inner wall, the owner of the courtyard may protest, saying: "You will climb up on a ladder and look at me."ה
בנה שני כותלין משני צידי החלון צריך להיות ביניהן רחב ארבע אמות והחלון באמצע הארבע ולא יסכך על גביהן אא"כ הרחיק הסיכוך מן הכותל שיש בו החלון ארבע אמות כדי שלא יאפיל עליו לפיכך מי שבא לפתוח חלון לחצר חבירו בין חלון גדולה בין חלון קטנה בין למעלה בין למטה בעל החצר מעכב עליו שהרי אומר לו תזיק לי בראייה ואף על פי שהיא גבוהה תעלה בסולם ותראה:
If a person has opened a window overlooking a courtyard belonging to a colleague, and the owner of the courtyard waived his right to protest or displayed his willingness to consent - e.g., he helped him in the window's construction or he knew about this source of damage and did not protest - the owner of the window has established his right to the window. The owner of the courtyard cannot come at a later date and protest that he must close it.
What are the laws that apply with regard to this window that he was allowed to open? If it is large enough for a person to insert his head, or it is less than four cubits high, even if it is not large enough for a person to insert his head into it, the owner of the courtyard may not build a wall opposite or at its side unless he moves four cubits away, as explained in the previous halachah.ו
הרי שפתח חלון לחצר חבירו ומחל לו בעל החצר או שגילה דעתו שהניחו כגון שבא וסייע עמו או שידע הנזק ולא ערער הרי זה החזיק בחלון ואינו יכול אח"כ לחזור ולערער עליו לסתום וכיצד דינה של חלון זה שהניחה לפתחה אם ראשו של אדם יכול ליכנס ממנה או שהיתה למטה מארבע אמות אע"פ שאין ראשו נכנס ממנה אין בעל החצר יכול לבנות כנגדה או מצדיה אלא א"כ הרחיק ארבע אמות כמו שביארנו:
If, however, the window was too small for the head of a person to be inserted, and it is more than four cubits high, the owner of the courtyard may build a wall opposite it or at its sides. For he can claim: "I allowed you to open the window only because it is small and high, but it was not my intent to give you a right that would require me to move away my building."
When does the above apply? When the window was opened to be used or to allow air to enter. If, however, the window was opened so that light could enter, even if it was very small and very high, since the owner of the courtyard did not protest at the time of its construction, the owner of the window is granted a right to it. The owner of the courtyard may not build a structure opposite it or at its side unless he moves four cubits away, so that he does not cast a shadow against it, for he granted him the right to the light.
Similarly, if a person had a window for which he established a right, and the owner of the courtyard built opposite it or at its side without moving away, or he closed the window, and the owner of the window did not protest, the owner of the window cannot come at a later time protesting and demanding that the window be opened or that the structure be moved. Since he remained silent, he waived his right to protest. For a person will not remain silent while another person blocks his light unless he relinquishes his right.ז
היתה חלון קטנה שאין ראשו של אדם נכנס ממנה והיתה למעלה מארבע אמות בעל החצר יכול לבנות כנגדה ובצדדיה שהרי טוען ואומר לא הנחתיך לפתוח אלא מפני שהיא קטנה וגבוהה אבל שתחזיק עלי עד שארחיק הבנין לא הנחתי במה דברים אמורים בשפתחה לתשמיש או כדי שיכנס בה הרוח אבל אם פתחה לאורה אפילו היתה קטנה ביותר וגבוהה ביותר הואיל ולא ערער החזיק ואין בעל החצר יכול לבנות כנגדה או מצדדיה עד שירחיק ארבע אמות כדי שלא יאפיל עליו שהרי מחל לו על האורה וכן מי שהיתה לו חלון מוחזקת ובא חבירו ובנה כנגדה או מצדדיה בלא הרחקה או סתמה ושתק בעל החלון אינו יכול לחזור ולערער לפתוח החלון או להרחיק הבנין שכיון ששתק מחל שאין אדם עשוי שסותמין אורו בפניו ושותק אא"כ מחל:
When a person has windows on the lower portion of his wall, and a person who owns an adjoining property desires to erect a building that would block them he is not permitted to do so. Even if he proposes: "I will open up new windows for you in this wall above these others, " the owner of the windows may prevent him from doing so, explaining "When you open the windows, you will shake the foundations of the wall and ruin it."
Even if the person who desires to build offers: "I will tear down your wall and rebuild it for you with windows higher up. And I will rent a home for you to live in until I build it, " the owner of the home can still prevent him. For he may say: "I do not want the trouble moving from one place to another."
Therefore, if there is no difficulty involved at all, and it is not necessary for him to leave his home, he cannot prevent him from performing this construction. We compel him to allow his friend to close the window below and build a new window for him higher up. Not to allow this would be following the traits of Sodom. Similarly, whenever there is a situation where one person will benefit and his colleague will not lose nor be lacking anything, we compel that person to cooperate.ח
מי שהיו לו חלונות למטה בכותלו ובא חבירו לבנות בפניהן ואמר לו אני אפתח לך חלונות אחרות בכותל זה עצמו למעלה מאלו הרי זה מעכב עליו ואומר לו בעת שתפתח החלונות תרעיד את הכותל ותקלקל אותו ואפילו אמר אני אסתור כל הכותל ואבנה אותו לך חדש ואעשה בו חלונות למעלה ואשכור לך בית שתדור בו עד שאבנה יכול לעכב עליו ואומר לו אין רצוני שאטרח ממקום למקום לפיכך אם לא היה שם טורח כלל ואין צריך לפנות אינו יכול לעכב עליו וכופין אותו שיהיה חבירו סותם חלון זה שלמטה ממנו ועושה לו חלון מלמעלה שזו מדת סדום וכן כל דבר שזה נהנה בו ואין חבירו מפסיד ואין חסר כלום כופין עליו:
When, by contrast, the owner of a window desires to change the location of his window, whether to raise it or lower it, the owner of the adjoining courtyard can prevent him from doing so. This applies even if the window was large, and its owner says: "I will open only a small window in another place, and close this one. " Needless to say, he cannot make the window larger.ט
אבל בעל החלונות שרצה לשנות מקום חלונו בין למעלה בין למטה אפילו היתה גדולה ואמר אפתח אחרת קטנה ואסתום זו בעל החצר מעכב עליו וכן אינו יכול להרחיב בחלון כל שהוא:
The following rule applies when two brothers divide a courtyard that they received as an inheritance on their own accord, evaluating the building and the trees in each other's portion, but failing to pay attention to the value of the open space. Thus, one received the garden of the courtyard, and one received an excedra. If the brother who received the garden in the courtyard desires to build a wall at the end of his portion, in front of his brother's excedra, he may do so, even though he casts a shadow over it. For when dividing the estate, they did not pay attention to the value of the open space.י
שני אחין שחלקו חצר מדעתן ושמו הבנין והעצים זה כנגד זה ולא השגיחו על שומת האויר והגיע לאחד מהן בחלקו תרבץ החצר ולשני האכסדרה אם רצה בעל החצר לבנות כותל בסוף חלקו בונה בפני האכסדרה ואף על פי שמאפיל עליו שהרי לא שמו האויר:
Shechenim - Chapter Eight
When a person desires to build a projection from his property - regardless of its size - extending over the space above a courtyard belonging to his colleague, his colleague may prevent him from doing so, for he will invade his privacy by looking at him when he hangs articles on the projection or uses it in any way.
If he built the projection and the owner of courtyard did not protest immediately, the builder of the projection establishes his right to it.א
המבקש להוציא זיז מכותלו על אויר חצר חבירו כל שהוא בעל החצר מעכב עליו שהרי מזיקו בראייה בעת שתולה בו ומשתמש בו הוציא את הזיז ולא מיחה בו לאלתר בעל החצר הרי החזיק בעל הזיז:
If the projection was a handbreadth wide, the owner of the projection has established his right to the empty space of the courtyard. If the owner of the courtyard desires to build under the projection and as a result nullify its usefulness, the owner of the projection may prevent him from doing so.
If the projection is not a square handbreadth, the owner of the projection does not establish his right to the empty space of the courtyard. Whenever the owner of the courtyard desires, he may build under the projection and as a result nullify its usefulness. The owner of the projection may not prevent him from doing so.ב
היה הזיז טפח החזיק באויר החצר כנגדו ואם רצה בעל החצר לבנות תחת הזיז ולבטל תשמישו בעל הזיז מעכב עליו ואם אין בזיז טפח לא החזיק באויר החצר וכל עת שירצה בעל החצר לבנות תחתיו ולבטל תשמישו של זיז אין בעל הזיז יכול לעכב עליו:
When the projection that was constructed was one handbreadth wide and extended out four handbreadths into the space of his colleague's courtyard, and the owner of the courtyard did not protest against this, the owner of the projection establishes the right to a space four handbreadths by four handbreadths. If the owner of the projection desires, he may widen the projection until it is four handbreadths by four handbreadths.
The owner of the courtyard may not build anything in the space of his courtyard below the projection unless he leaves a space of ten handbreadths below the projection so that the owner of the projection may make use of it.ג
היה הזיז שהוציא רחבו טפח ומשוך באויר חצרו של חבירו ארבעה טפחים ולא מיחה בו החזיק בו בארבעה על ארבעה ואם רצה להרחיב את הזיז עד שיעשה ארבעה על ארבעה הרי זה מרחיב ואין בעל החצר יכול לבנות באויר חצירו תחת הזיז כלום אלא א"כ הניח לו תחתיו גובה אויר עשרה טפחים כדי שישתמש בזיז:
When a person sets up a small ladder that has fewer than four rungsin a courtyard or a field belonging to a colleague next to his own wall, he has not established a right to use his colleague's property in this manner. Whenever the owner of the courtyard desires, he may build next to the ladder and nullify its usefulness.
If by contrast the ladder is large - possessing four rungs or more - the owner of the ladder establishes his right to maintain it. If the owner of the courtyard desires to build a structure that would nullify its usefulness, the owner of the ladder may prevent him from doing so unless he moves a sufficient distance away. For he granted him the right of constructing a large ladder.
For this reason, if an owner of a roof comes to set up a large ladder in an adjacent courtyard, the owner of the courtyard may protest and prevent him from doing so, so that he does not establish this right. If, however, he sets up a small ladder, the owner of the courtyard may not prevent him from doing so. For we tell him: "You are losing nothing from this. Whenever you desire, you may move it away."ד
המעמיד סולם קטן שאין לו ארבעה חוזקין בצד כותלו בתוך חצר של חבירו או בתוך שדהו לא החזיק בנזק זה וכל זמן שירצה בעל החצר בונה בצד סולם ומבטל תשמישו ואם היה סולם גדול שיש לו ארבעה חוזקין או יתר החזיק ואם בא לבנות ולבטלו בעל הסולם מעכב עליו עד שירחיק כשיעור שהרי מחל לו להעמיד סולם גדול לפיכך כשיבא בעל הגג להעמיד סולם גדול בעל החצר יכול למחות כדי שלא יחזיק עליו אבל אם העמיד סולם קטן אינו יכול למנעו שהרי אומרין לו אין עליך הפסד בזה כל זמן שתרצה תטלנו:
The following rules apply when a person desires to extend a drainpipe from his roof over a courtyard belonging to a colleague so that water will flow unto his colleague's property, or he made a gutter on his wall, so that the water will drain off and descend into his colleague's courtyard. The owner of the courtyard can prevent him from doing so. If the owner of the courtyard does not protest, the neighbor establishes his right to the drainpipe.
If, afterwards, the owner of the pipe desires to close it, the owner of the courtyard can prevent him from doing so. For just as the owner of the roof established his right to have his water flow into the courtyard belonging to his colleague, the owner of the courtyard established his right to have the water from his colleague's roof flow into his garden.
If the owner of the roof desired to move the drainpipe from one corner of the roof to the other or the drainpipe was long and he desired to shorten it, the owner of the courtyard may not prevent him from doing so. For the right that he established was merely that the water flow into his property.
Similarly, if the owner of the courtyard desires to build under the drainpipe, the owner of the projection may not prevent him from doing so. For a drain pipe is not made for use like a projection, so that it could be said that the owner of the roof has established his right to the open space of the courtyard. For a drainpipe is made only for the purpose of letting water flow through it.ה
הרוצה להוציא צינור על חצר חבירו כדי שיקלח שם המים או שעשה מזחילה על כותלו כדי שיהיו המים נזחלין ויורדין לחצר חבירו בעל החצר מעכב עליו ואם לא מיחה בו החזיק זה בצינור רצה אחר כך לסתום הצינור בעל החצר מעכב עליו שכשם שהחזיק בעל הגג לשפוך מימיו לחצר חבירו כך החזיק בעל החצר שיהיו מימי גגו של חבירו באין אצלו לרשותו רצה בעל הגג לעקור הצינור מצד זה ולהחזירו בצד אחר או שהיה ארוך ורצה לקצרו אין בעל החצר יכול לעכב עליו שלא החזיק אלא במימי הגג והרי הם באים אצלו מכל מקום וכן אם רצה בעל החצר לבנות תחת הצינור אין בעל הגג יכול לעכב עליו שאין הצינור עשוי לתשמיש כזיז כדי שיחזיר באויר החצר שאינו עשוי אלא לקלוח המים:
The following rules apply when a person caused the water from his roof to descend unto the courtyard of his colleague and established his right to this privilege. If the water was dripping in several places and he desired to have it collect to one place and make a drainpipe, he may. Similarly, if the water would descend in one place, and the owner of the roof wanted it to flow in several different places, he may.
He may even build a slanted canopy on his roof, so that the water will flow speedily into the courtyard of his colleague, for he has established the right to have water descend into the courtyard of his colleague.ו
מי שהוריד מי גגו על חצר חבירו ולא מיחה בו והחזיק בדבר זה אם המים מנטפין ורצה לקבצם למקום אחד ולעשותם צינור עושה וכן אם היו באין דרך צינור ממקום אחר וחלקן על רוחב הכותל והחזירן נוטפין עושה ואפילו לבנות על גגו כמין צריף עד שירדו המים במהרה לחצר חבירו בונה שהרי הוחזקו מימיו של זה לירד לחצר חבירו:
When there is a wall between the properties of Reuven and Shimon, and they share its ownership, both may use it. One may hollow out space from one side and insert his beams, regardless of their size, and the other may hollow out space from the other side and insert his beams.
If the wall belonged to Reuven alone, Shimon may not make use of it. If, however, Shimon hollowed out space in the wall and inserted one beam, and Reuven remained silent and did not protest, he established his right to the place of that beam. Even if his original beam was small and Shimon desired to change it to a big and thick beam, he may.
If the beam was part of a temporary sukkah, he does not establish the right to maintain it for 30 days. For Reuven will say: "I did not waive my right to protest. I allowed it merely because it was temporary." If the owner of the beam maintains the sukkah for 30 days, he establishes his right to it, for that is no longer considered temporary.
Different rules apply if he constructed a sukkah for the holiday. Within all the seven days of the holiday, he does not establish his right to maintain it. After the seven days are completed, he does establish his right.
If he joins the end of the beam to the wall with mortar, he establishes his right immediately, provided he brings proof that Reuven helped him in the construction or saw and did not protest.ז
כותל שבין ראובן ושמעון אם היו שותפין בה שניהם משתמשין בו זה חופר מצד זה ומכניס קורותיו כל שהן וזה חופר מצד זה ומכניס קורותיו היה הכותל של ראובן לבדו אין שמעון יכול להשתמש בו חפר שמעון בכותל זה והכניס בה קורה אחת ושתק ראובן ולא מיחה בו החזיק במקום הקורה אפילו היתה קטנה ורצה שמעון להחליפה בקורה גדולה ועבה מחליף היתה הקורה סוכת עראי כל שלשים יום לא החזיק בה סתם שהרי ראובן אומר לא מחלתי והנחתיך אלא מפני שהוא עראי לאחר שלשים יום החזיק שאין זה עראי ואם סוכת ימי החג היא כל שבעת ימי החג לא החזיק לאחר שבעה החזיק ואם חיבר ראש הקורה בכותל בטיט מיד החזיק והוא שיביא ראיה שראובן סייע עמו או ראה ולא מיחה:
If a person established a right to insert one beam into a wall, he does not have a right to insert a second beam. For the owner of wall waived his right to protest with regard to only one beam.
When does the above apply? When the person inserting the beam admitted that the wall did not belong to him, and the owner waived his right to protest with regard to the insertion of this beam. If, however, he claimed, "I am a partner in this wall," since he made use of it for one beam, his word is accepted and he is allowed to insert all his beams. He takes a sh'vuat hesset that he is a partner in the entire wall.ח
מי שהחזיק בכותל זה בקורה אחת אינו יכול להחזיק בקורה שנייה שהרי לא מחל לו אלא על האחת בד"א כשהודה שאין הכותל זה שלו אלא חבירו מחל לו על הכנסת קורה זו אבל אם טען שכותל זה שותף אני בה הואיל והשתמש בה בקורה אחת נאמן ומשתמש בכולן אחר שישבע שבועת היסת שהוא שותף בכל הכותל:
When one of the colleagues builds the wall without the participation of the other, only he has the right to it. If beams belonging to Reuven were placed within the wall, and there was also space hollowed out on Shimon's side for him to place his beams, Shimon has not established his right to it. Shimon may not insert his beams into the wall, nor may he claim that he is a partner in it, for he has no right to use it.
Reuven can refute Shimon's claims, stating: "Before building the wall I hollowed out these places on your side, so that they will be prepared for you so that when you will purchase a share from me, or when you will request me to waive my right to protest and allow you to insert your beams, you will be able to do so without hollowing out the wall, so that the wall will not be shaken when it is hollowed out.ט
היו קורותיו של ראובן בתוך הכותל ובצד שמעון מקומות חפורין להכניס בהן ראשי הקורות לא החזיק בהן שמעון להכניס בה קורות ואינו יכול לטעון שהוא שותף בו שהרי אין לו בית תשמיש ויכול ראובן לטעון שאני חפרתי מקומות אלו בצדך כדי שיהיו מוכנים עד שתקנה ממני או שתבקש ממני ואמחול לך ותכניס הקורות בלא חפירה בכותל כדי שלא יתמטמט כותלי בעת חפירה:
Shechenim - Chapter Nine
A person may not dig a cistern, a trench or a storage vat next to a wall belonging to a colleague unless he distances himself at least three handbreadths from the wall. Nor may he extend an irrigation ditch or make a pool for soaking clothes to be laundered near a wall, unless he makes such a separation. He must seal the wall of this cistern, water reservoir or irrigation ditch with cement on the side near his colleague, so that the water does not seep through and damage his colleague's wall.א
לא יחפור אדם בור ולא שיח ולא מערה ולא יביא אמת המים ולא יעשה בריכת המים לשרות בה בגדים לכבס בצד כתלו של חבירו אא"כ הרחיק מכותל שלשה טפחים ויסיד בסיד לכותל בור זה או מקוה המים זה או כותל האמה מצד חבירו כדי שלא יבליעו המים ויזיקו כותל חבירו:
A separation of three handbreadths must be placed between olive debris, tar, salt, lime, or flint stones and a wall belonging to one's colleague, or these substances must be coated with cement.
Similarly, a separation of three handbreadths must be made between a wall and plants, plowing, and a cesspool where urine is collected.ב
מרחיקין את הגפת ואת הזפת ואת המלח ואת הסיד ואת הסלעים מכותלו של חבירו שלשה טפחים או סד בסיד ומרחיקין את הזרעים ואת החרישה ואת הגומא שמתקבץ בה מימי רגלים מן הכותל שלשה טפחים:
A mill must be placed at a distance from a colleague's wall. The lower millstone must be separated from the wall by at least three handbreadths, causing the upper millstone to be separated by four handbreadths, so that the millstone will not cause tremors to the wall, and so that its noise will not frighten the neighbor.ג
מרחיקין את הרחיים [מן הכותל] שלשה טפחים מן הרחיים התחתונה שהן ארבעה מן העליונה כדי שלא יניד אותו או כדי שלא יבהלנו בקול הרחיים:
An oven should be separated from a wall; a separation of three handbreadths should be made between the wall and its base, resulting in a distance of four handbreadths between the wall and its upper portion, so that the wall will not become heated.ד
מרחיקין את התנור מן הכותל שלשה טפחים מקרקעיתו שהן ארבעה משפתו כדי שלא יחם הכותל:
A separation of four cubits must be made between a wall belonging to a colleague and a stone used by a launderer to beat garments until they become white. For otherwise, when the launderer beats the garments with the stone, the water will spray outward and damage the wall.ה
אבן שהכובס מכה בגדים עליה עד שיתלבנו צריך להרחיק אותה ארבע אמות מכותל של חבירו שבעת שהכובס מכה עליה המים נתזין ומזיקין לכותל:
A person should not urinate next to a wall belonging to a colleague unless he distances himself three handbreadths from it.
When does the above apply? With regard to a brick wall. With regard to a stone wall, by contrast, it is necessary to distance oneself by only one handbreadth. If the stones are marble, one may urinate on the side of the wall without making any separation.ו
לא ישתין אדם מים בצד כותלו של חבירו אלא אם כן הרחיק ממנו ג' טפחים במה דברים אמורים בכותל לבנים אבל בכותל אבנים ירחיק טפח ואם היו האבנים צחיח סלע משתין בצדו בלא הרחקה:
A ladder should be separated from a dovecote by at least four cubits, so that, when the ladder is placed down, a marten will not leap up and ascend to the dovecote and eat the doves.ז
מרחיקין את הסולם מהשובך ארבע אמות כדי שלא תקפוץ הנמיה בעת שמניח הסולם ותעלה לשובך ותאכל הגוזלות:
One should leave a space of four cubits between a wall and a drainpipe belonging to a colleague, so that the owner of the drainpipe can set up a ladder to fix his drainpipe. Since he has established his right to the drainpipe he is given this additional privilege.ח
ומרחיקין את הכותל מן המזחילה של חבירו ארבע אמות כדי שיהיה מקום לבעל המזחילה לזקוף סולם ולתקן מזחילה שלו הואיל והחזיק בה:
When a wall belonging to Reuven was joined to a wall belonging to Shimon in a L shape, and Reuven desires to build a second wall opposite Shimon's wall so that the three walls will appear as a Bet, Shimon can prevent him from doing so, and require him to leave a space of four cubits between the walls so that there will be a wide space between the walls where people can tread and strengthen the earth.
When does the above apply? With regard to a wall of a garden, or with regard to the wall of a courtyard in a new city. In an older city, by contrast, this is unnecessary, and one may build opposite the wall without making any separation. Similarly, if the length of Shimon's wall opposite which Reuven was building was less than four cubits, Reuven may build opposite it without making any separation, even though he prevents people from walking there. The rationale is that a wall that is less than four cubits long does not have to have the earth near it strengthened.ט
ראובן שהיה כותלו סמוך לכותל שמעון כמין גם ובא ראובן לעשות כותל שני כנגד כותל שמעון עד שיעשה השלשה כותלין כמין בי"ת הרי שמעון מעכב עליו עד שירחיק מכנגדו ארבע אמות כדי שיהיה המקום בין שני הכותלים רחב כדי שידושו בו רבים ותתחזק הארץ בד"א בכותל גינה או בכותל חצר בעיר חדשה אבל בעיר ישנה כבר נתחזקה ובונה כנגדו בלא הרחקה וכן אם לא היה באורך כותל שמעון שבונה כנגדו ארבע אמות אינו מרחיק אע"פ שמונע הרגל מלהלך שם שהכותל שהוא פחות מארבע אמות אינו צריך חיזוק הארץ:
The following rules apply when a person comes to dig a cistern at the end of his field, near the property boundary of a colleague. If the field belonging to the person's colleague is not appropriate to contain cisterns, the person may dig his cistern next to the boundary. The colleague may not protest against him. If the colleague changes his mind and decides to dig a cistern next to the cistern that was dug, he must separate himself three handbreadths from the wall of the cistern, so that there will be six handbreadths between the cavities of the two cisterns.
If the field belonging to the person's colleague is appropriate to contain cisterns, the person may not dig his cistern next to the boundary. Instead, he must distance himself three handbreadths from the boundary before digging. Similarly, when his colleague comes to dig a cistern, he must also make a separation, digging the cistern three handbreadths within his field.י
מי שבא לחפור בור בסוף שדהו לסמוך למצר חבירו אם שדה חבירו אינו עשוי לבורות סומך ואינו יכול למחות בידו ואם ימלך חבירו לחפור בור בצדו צריך להרחיק מן כותל הבור שלשה טפחים עד שיהא בין חלל שתי הבורות ששה טפחים ואם היתה שדה חבירו עשויה לבורות אינו סומך עד שירחיק מן המצר שלשה טפחים ויחפור וכשיבא חבירו לחפור ירחיק גם הוא שלשה טפחים בתוך שדהו ויחפור:
The following rules apply when the first storey of a house and its second storey belong to two separate individuals. The owner of the house should not build an oven in the first storey of his house unless he leaves a space of four cubits above it. The owner of the second storey may not build an oven until there is a ceiling three handbreadths thick below it. For a range, one handbreadth is sufficient. If he desires to build a baker's oven, there must be a ceiling four handbreadths thick below it. For a range belonging to a baker, three handbreadths is required.
Even if the person took the necessary precautions and separated the required distance, if a fire emanated from the oven and caused damage, he must pay for the damages, as explained in the source dealing with this subject.יא
הבית והעלייה של שנים לא יעשה בעל הבית תנור בתוך ביתו אלא א"כ יש לו על גביו גובה ארבע אמות וכן לא יעמיד בעל העלייה תנור עד שיהיו תחתיו מעזיבה שלשה טפחים ובכירה טפח ואם תנור של נחתומים הוא צריך שיהא תחתיו ארבעה טפחים ובכירה של נחתומין שלשה טפחים ואף על פי שהרחיק השיעור אם יצאת האש והזיקה משלם מה שהזיק כמו שיתבאר במקומו:
The following rules apply when a person owns a store below a storage warehouse belonging to a colleague. In the store, he should not make a bakery, a paint factory or a barn for cattle, nor should he bring in hay or other substances that generate warm air, for this will damage the produce stored in the warehouse.
For this reason, if the warehouse was used to store wine in Eretz Yisrael that is not ruined by heat, the store owner may perform any task involving fire that he desires. He should not, however, make it a barn for cattle, for this will spoil the aroma of the wine.
If the store had already been established as a barn, a bakery or the like, and afterwards the owner of the second storey desired to make his loft a warehouse for produce, he may not protest against the store owner's continued use of the premises for their original purpose.יב
מי שהיתה לו חנות תחת אוצר חבירו לא יעשה בה לא נחתום ולא צבע ולא רפת בקר ולא יכניס שם אספסתא וכיוצא בהן מדברים שעולה מהם הבל חם הרבה מפני שהחום מפסיד פירות האוצר לפיכך אם היה אוצר יין בארץ ישראל שאין החום מפסידו הרי זה עושה בחנותו כל מלאכת אש שירצה אבל לא יעשה רפת בקר מפני שמפסיד ריח היין ואם הוחזקו החנות בתחלה לרפת או לנחתום וכיוצא בו ואח"כ רצה בעל העלייה לעשות עלייתו אוצר אינו יכול למחות בידו:
If the owner of the second storey swept out his premises and sprinkled water on the floor, or made many windows so that he could use his premises as a warehouse, and the owner of the lower storey rushed and began building an oven before his colleague brought in produce to the warehouse, the owner of the second story began to store sesame seeds, pomegranates, dates and the like, and the owner of the lower storey rushed and began building an oven before his colleague brought in wheat to the warehouse, or the owner of the store built a loft on top of his store to separate between the store and the warehouse, the owner of the warehouse may prevent him from taking these actions. If, however, the owner of the store transgressed and built an oven or the like, the owner of the warehouse does not have the power to force him to remove the oven in all these situations.יג
כיבד בעל הבית ורבץ עלייתו או שרבה בה חלונות כדי לעשות בו אוצר וקדם זה ועשה תנור קודם שיכניס פירות לאוצר או שהתחיל לאצור שומשמין או רמונים או תמרים וכיוצא בהן וקדם זה ועשה התנור קודם שאצר החטין או שעשה בעל החנות מחילה על גבה להבדיל בין החנות ובין האוצר בכל אלו בעל אוצר מעכב עליו ואם עבר ועשה תנור וכיוצא בו אין בעל האוצר יכול להסיר התנור בכל אלו:
Hayom Yom:
• English Text | Video ClassFriday, Menachem Av 5, 5777 · 28 July 2017
"Today's Day"
Friday, Menachem Av 5, 5703
Torah lessons: Chumash: Devarim, Shishi with Rashi.
Tehillim: 29-34.
Tanya: "My sin is (p. 383) ...are passed over. (p. 385).
Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.1
The Baal Shem Tov commented: Every physical object whose use is permissible possesses good and evil elements.* The material element is evil, and the G-dly life-force that gives life to the physical is good. The person utilizing the physical object must "turn from evil" - not desire the physical pleasure which is in its materiality, and "do good," i.e. he should desire to be nourished and supported by the G-dly vitality in that object. "Seek peace and pursue it": Whoever fulfills "turn from evil and do good" must seek and pursue means for making peace2 between the physical and the G-dly life-force that vitalizes it.
1.Tehillim 34:15.
*.See Supplementary Footnotes, (p. 128 in the printed version).
2.I.e. bringing harmony.
Daily Thought:
Strong Inside
The ego is not a source of strength. It is weakness in disguise.
Inside there is invincible strength. Remove the cloud of the mind’s ego, and the inner power will be free to shine.
• English Text | Video ClassFriday, Menachem Av 5, 5777 · 28 July 2017
"Today's Day"
Friday, Menachem Av 5, 5703
Torah lessons: Chumash: Devarim, Shishi with Rashi.
Tehillim: 29-34.
Tanya: "My sin is (p. 383) ...are passed over. (p. 385).
Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.1
The Baal Shem Tov commented: Every physical object whose use is permissible possesses good and evil elements.* The material element is evil, and the G-dly life-force that gives life to the physical is good. The person utilizing the physical object must "turn from evil" - not desire the physical pleasure which is in its materiality, and "do good," i.e. he should desire to be nourished and supported by the G-dly vitality in that object. "Seek peace and pursue it": Whoever fulfills "turn from evil and do good" must seek and pursue means for making peace2 between the physical and the G-dly life-force that vitalizes it.
1.Tehillim 34:15.
*.See Supplementary Footnotes, (p. 128 in the printed version).
2.I.e. bringing harmony.
Daily Thought:
Strong Inside
The ego is not a source of strength. It is weakness in disguise.
Inside there is invincible strength. Remove the cloud of the mind’s ego, and the inner power will be free to shine.
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