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Torah Reading9th of Av - Shacharit: Deuteronomy 4:25-40
9th of Av - Shacharit: Jeremiah 8:13 - 9:23
Deuteronomy 4:25 “When you have had children and grandchildren, lived a long time in the land, become corrupt and made a carved image, a representation of something, and thus done what is evil in the sight of Adonai your God and provoked him; 26 I call on the sky and the earth to witness against you today that you will quickly disappear from the land that you are crossing the Yarden to possess. You will not prolong your days there but will be completely destroyed. 27 Adonai will scatter you among the peoples; and among the nations to which Adonai will lead you away, you will be left few in number. 28 There you will serve gods which are the product of human hands, made of wood and stone, which can’t see, hear, eat or smell. 29 However, from there you will seek Adonai your God; and you will find him if you search after him with all your heart and being. 30 In your distress, when all these things have come upon you, in the acharit-hayamim, you will return to Adonai your God and listen to what he says; 31 for Adonai your God is a merciful God. He will not fail you, destroy you, or forget the covenant with your ancestors which he swore to them.
32 “Indeed, inquire about the past, before you were born: since the day God created human beings on the earth, from one end of heaven to the other, has there ever been anything as wonderful as this? Has anyone heard anything like it? 33 Did any other people ever hear the voice of God speaking out of a fire, as you have heard, and stay alive? 34 Or has God ever tried to go and take for himself a nation from the very bowels of another nation, by means of ordeals, signs, wonders, war, a mighty hand, an outstretched arm and great terrors — like all that Adonai your God did for you in Egypt before your very eyes? 35 This was shown to you, so that you would know that Adonai is God, and there is no other beside him. 36 From heaven he caused you to hear his voice, in order to instruct you; and on earth he caused you to see his great fire; and you heard his very words coming out from the fire. 37 Because he loved your ancestors, chose their descendants after them and brought you out of Egypt with his presence and great power, 38 in order to drive out ahead of you nations greater and stronger than you, so that he could bring you in and give you their land as an inheritance, as is the case today; 39 know today, and establish it in your heart, that Adonai is God in heaven above and on earth below — there is no other. 40 Therefore, you are to keep his laws and mitzvot which I am giving you today, so that it will go well with you and with your children after you, and so that you will prolong your days in the land Adonai your God is giving you forever.”
Jeremiah 8:13 “‘I will put an end to them,’ says Adonai.
‘There are no grapes on the vine,
and no figs on the fig tree;
the leaf has withered; and what I have given them
will pass from their possession.’”
14 “Why are we sitting still? Assemble!
Let’s enter the fortified cities
and meet our doom there!
For Adonai our God has doomed us;
he has given us bitter water to drink,
because we have sinned against Adonai.
15 When we look for peace, nothing good comes;
when we seek a time of healing, instead there is terror.”
16 From Dan can be heard the snorting of his horses;
when his stallions neigh, the whole land trembles.
For they come devouring the land and all in it,
the city and those who dwell there.
17 “Yes, now I am sending snakes among you,
vipers that no one can charm,
and they will bite you,” says Adonai.
18 My grief has no cure, I am sick at heart.
19 Listen to my people’s cry of distress
out of a distant land:
“Is Adonai no longer in Tziyon?
Is her king no longer there?”
“Why do they provoke me with their idols
and their futile foreign gods?”
20 “The harvest has passed, the summer is over,
and still we are not saved.”
21 The daughter of my people is broken,
and it’s tearing me to pieces;
everything looks dark to me,
horror seizes me.
22 Has Gil‘ad exhausted its healing resin?
Is no physician there?
If there is, then why is the daughter of my people
so slow to recover her health?
23 (9:1) I wish my head were made of water
and my eyes were a fountain of tears,
so that I could cry day and night
over the slain of the daughter of my people!
9:1 (2) I wish I were out in the desert,
in some travelers’ lodge —
then I could get away from my people
and distance myself from them!
“Indeed they are all adulterers,
a band of traitors is what they are.
2 (3) They bend their tongues, their ‘bow’ of falsehood,
and hold sway in the land, but not for truth.
For they go from evil to evil,
and me they do not know,”
says Adonai.
3 (4) Everyone, be on guard against your neighbor,
don’t trust even a brother;
for every brother is out to trick you,
and every neighbor goes around gossiping.
4 (5) Everyone deceives his neighbor,
no one speaks the truth;
they have taught their tongues to lie,
they wear themselves out with sinning.
5 (6) “You inhabit a world of deceit;
deceitfully they refuse to know me,”
says Adonai.
6 (7) “Therefore,” says Adonai-Tzva’ot,
“I will refine them and test them.
What else can I do with the daughter of my people?
7 (8) Their tongues are sharpened arrows;
with their mouths they speak deceit —
they say nice words to their neighbors,
while inwardly plotting against them.
8 (9) Should I not punish them for these things?” asks Adonai.
“Should I not take vengeance on such a nation?”
9 (10) I weep and wail for the mountains
and lament over the desert pastures,
because they have been burned up;
no one passes through;
they no longer hear the sound of cattle;
the birds and wild animals have fled, are gone.
10 (11) “I will make Yerushalayim a heap of ruins,
turn it into a lair for jackals,
and make the cities of Y’hudah desolate,
with no one living there.”
11 (12) Who is wise enough to understand this?
To whom has the mouth of Adonai spoken,
so that he can proclaim it?
Why has the land perished
and been laid waste like a desert,
so that no one passes through?
12 (13) Adonai answers:
“Because they abandoned my Torah,
which I set before them,
and neither listened to what I said
nor lived accordingly,
13 (14) but have lived by their own hearts’ stubbornness
and by the ba‘alim, as their ancestors taught them —
14 (15) therefore,” says Adonai-Tzva’ot,
the God of Isra’el:
“I will feed this people bitter wormwood
and give them poisonous water to drink.
15 (16) I will scatter them among nations
that neither they nor their ancestors have known.
I will send the sword after them
until I have wiped them out.”
16 (17) Thus says Adonai-Tzva’ot:
“Mark this, then summon the mourning women,
so that they will come;
send for those who are best [at mourning],
so that they will come:
17 (18) ‘Have them hurry and wail for us,
so our eyes will be wet from crying,
and our eyelids gush with tears.’
18 (19) For the sound of wailing is heard from Tziyon:
‘We are utterly ruined,
we are completely ashamed,
because we have left the land,
and our homes have been torn down!’”
19 (20) You women, hear the word of Adonai!
Let your ears receive the words from his mouth.
Teach your daughters how to wail,
have each teach her friend how to lament:
20 (21) “Death has come up through our windows,
it has entered our palaces,
it has cut down children in the streets
and young people in the public places.”
21 (22) Say: “Here is what Adonai says:
‘The corpses of people are scattered
like dung in an open field,
like sheaves left behind by the reaper
with no one to gather them.’”
22 (23) Here is what Adonai says:
“The wise man should not boast of his wisdom,
the powerful should not boast of his power,
the wealthy should not boast of his wealth;
23 (24) instead, let the boaster boast about this:
that he understands and knows me —
that I am Adonai, practicing grace,
justice and righteousness in the land;
for in these things I take pleasure,” says Adonai.
Today's Laws & Customs:
• The Fast of Tishah B'Av
Mourning the destruction of the Temple and the exile of Israel, (see "Today in Jewish History") we abstain from eating and drinking, bathing, the wearing of leather footwear, and marital relations--for the night and day of Av 9 (i.e., from sundown on Av 8 to nightfall on Av 9). It is customary to sit on the floor or a low seat until after mid-day. Torah study is restricted to laws of mourning, passages describing the destruction of the Temple, and the like. The tefillinare worn only during the afternoon Minchah prayers. (For more laws and customs see link below.)
Mitzvah Minute: Tisha b'Av
Laws of Tishah B'Av
• Omit TachnunTachnun (confession of sins) and similar prayers are omitted.
• Sanctification of the MoonOnce a month, as the moon waxes in the sky, we recite a special blessing called Kiddush Levanah, "the sanctification of the moon," praising the Creator for His wondrous work we call astronomy.
Kiddush Levanah is recited after nightfall, usually on Saturday night. The blessing is concluded with songs and dancing, because our nation is likened to the moon—as it waxes and wanes, so have we throughout history. When we bless the moon, we renew our trust that very soon, the light of G‑d's presence will fill all the earth and our people will be redeemed from exile.
Though Kiddush Levanah can be recited as early as three days after the moon's rebirth, the kabbalah tells us it is best to wait a full week, till the seventh of the month. When sanctifying the moon of the month of Av, it is customary to wait till the night after Tishah B'Av.
Once 15 days have passed, the moon begins to wane once more and the season for saying the blessing has passed.
Brief Guide to Kiddush Levanah: Thank G‑d for the Moon!
More articles on Kiddush Levanah from our knowledgebase.
Today in Jewish History:
• Exodus Generation Condemned to Die in Desert (1312 BCE)On the Ninth of Av of the year 2449 from creation (1312 BCE), the generation of Jews who came out of Egypt under Moses' leadership 16 months earlier were condemned to die in the desert and the entry into the Land of Israel was delayed for 40 years.
As related in Numbers 14, when the Spies that Moses sent to the Land of Canaan returned with their disheartening report (see "Today in Jewish History" for yesterday, Av 8), the people wept all night -- the night of Av 9th -- proclaiming that they'd rather return to Egypt than attempt to conquer and settle it; G-d decreed that the entire generation would wander in the desert for 40 years until the last of them died out, and that their children, under the leadership of Joshua, will enter the land He promised as Israel's heritage.
This is the first of five national tragedies that occurred on Av 9 listed by the Talmud (Taanit 4:6), due to which the day was designated as a fast day. The other four are: the destruction of the two Temples, the fall of Betar, and the plowing over of Jerusalem. (see below)
Links: The Spies
• Holy Temples Destroyed; Birth of Moshiach (423 BCE and 69 CE)Both the first and second Holy Temples which stood in Jerusalem were destroyed on Av 9: the First Temple by the Babylonians in the year 3338 from creation (423 BCE), and the second by the Romans in 3829 (69 CE).
The Temples' destruction represents the greatest tragedy in Jewish history, for it marks our descent into Galut--the state of physical exile and spiritual displacement in which we still find ourselves today. Thus the Destruction is mourned as a tragedy that affects our lives today, 2,000 years later, no less than the very generation that experienced it first hand.
Yet the Ninth of Av is also a day of hope. The Talmud relates that Moshiach ("anointed one"--the Messiah), was born at the very moment that the Temple was set aflame and the Galut began. [This is in keeping with the teachings of our sages that, "In every generation is born a descendent of Judah who is worthy to become Israel's Moshiach" (Bartinoro on Ruth); "When the time will come, G-d will reveal Himself to him and send him, and then the spirit of Moshiach, which is hidden and secreted on high, will be manifested in him" (Chattam Sofer).]
The Holy Temple: an Anthology
Moshiach: an Anthology
Moshiach and the Future Redemption
See "Laws and Customs"
• Fall of Betar (133 CE)Betar, the last stronghold in the heroic Bar Kochba rebellion, fell to the Romans on the 9th of Av of the year 3893 (133 CE) after a three-year siege. 580,000 Jews died by starvation or the sword, including Bar Kochba, the leader of the rebellion.
Link: A Talmudic account of the fall of Betar
• Expulsion from England (1290)The Jews of England were expelled by King Edward I on this date in 1290.
• The Spanish Expulsion (1492)The Jews of Spain were expelled by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella on the 9th of Av of 1492, terminating many centuries of flourishing Jewish life in that country.
Daily Quote:
Where is G-d? Where you allow Him to enter [The Rebbe of Peshischa]
Daily Torah Study:
Chumash: Va'etchanan, 3rd Portion Deuteronomy 4:41-4:49 with Rashi
• English / Hebrew Linear Translation
• Video Class
• Daily Wisdom (short insight)
Deuteronomy Chapter 4
41Then Moses decided to separate three cities on the side of the Jordan towards the sunrise, מאאָז יַבְדִּיל משֶׁה שָׁלשׁ עָרִים בְּעֵבֶר הַיַּרְדֵּן מִזְרְחָה שָׁמֶשׁ:
Then [Moses] decided to separate: Heb. אָז יַבְדִּיל [The future form יַבְדִּיל instead of the past form הִבְדִּיל is to be explained]: Moses set his heart to hasten to [implement] the matter to separate them. And even though they were not to serve as cities of refuge until those of the land of Canaan would be separated, Moses said,“Any commandment that is possible to fulfill, I will fulfill” (Makkoth 10a).
אז יבדיל: נתן לב להיות חרד לדבר שיבדילם. ואף על פי שאינן קולטות עד שיבדלו אותן שבארץ כנען, אמר משה מצוה שאפשר לקיימה אקיימנה:
on the side of the Jordan towards the sunrise: On that side which is on the east of the Jordan.
בעבר הירדן מזרחה שמש: באותו עבר שבמזרחו של ירדן:
towards the sunrise: Heb. מִזְרְחָה שָׁמֶשׁ Because the word מִזְרְחָה is in the construct state, the “reish” is punctuated with a “chataf” (vocal “sh’va”), the meaning being,“the rising of the sun,” i.e., the place of the sunrise.
מזרחה שמש: לפי שהוא דבוק נקודה רי"ש בחטף, מזרח של שמש, מקום זריחת השמש:
42so that a murderer might flee there, he who murders his fellow man unintentionally, but did not hate him in time past, that he may flee to one of these cities, so that he might live: מבלָנֻס שָׁמָּה רוֹצֵחַ אֲשֶׁר יִרְצַח אֶת רֵעֵהוּ בִּבְלִי דַעַת וְהוּא לֹא שׂנֵא לוֹ מִתְּמֹל שִׁלְשֹׁם וְנָס אֶל אַחַת מִן הֶעָרִים הָאֵל וָחָי:
43Bezer in the desert, in the plain country of the Reubenites, Ramoth in Gilead of the Gadites, and Golan in the Bashan of the Menassites. מגאֶת בֶּצֶר בַּמִּדְבָּר בְּאֶרֶץ הַמִּישֹׁר לָראוּבֵנִי וְאֶת רָאמֹת בַּגִּלְעָד לַגָּדִי וְאֶת גּוֹלָן בַּבָּשָׁן לַמְנַשִּׁי:
44And this is the teaching which Moses set before the children of Israel: מדוְזֹאת הַתּוֹרָה אֲשֶׁר שָׂם משֶׁה לִפְנֵי בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל:
And this is the teaching: This one which he is about to set down after this chapter.
וזאת התורה: זו שהוא עתיד לסדר אחר פרשה זו:
45These are the testimonies, statutes and ordinances, which Moses spoke to the children of Israel when they went out of Egypt, מהאֵלֶּה הָעֵדֹת וְהַחֻקִּים וְהַמִּשְׁפָּטִים אֲשֶׁר דִּבֶּר משֶׁה אֶל בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל בְּצֵאתָם מִמִּצְרָיִם:
These are the testimonies… which [Moses] spoke: They are the very same ones that he spoke when they went out of Egypt, and he taught it to them again in the plains of Moab.
אלה העדות וגו' אשר דבר: הם הם אשר דבר בצאתם ממצרים חזר ושנאה להם בערבות מואב:
46on the side of the Jordan in the valley, opposite Beth Peor, in the land of Sihon, king of the Amorites, who dwelt in Heshbon, whom Moses and the children of Israel smote, after they went out of Egypt. מובְּעֵבֶר הַיַּרְדֵּן בַּגַּיְא מוּל בֵּית פְּעוֹר בְּאֶרֶץ סִיחֹן מֶלֶךְ הָאֱמֹרִי אֲשֶׁר יוֹשֵׁב בְּחֶשְׁבּוֹן אֲשֶׁר הִכָּה משֶׁה וּבְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל בְּצֵאתָם מִמִּצְרָיִם:
47And they possessed his land and the land of Og, king of the Bashan, the two kings of the Amorites, who were on the side of the Jordan, towards the sunrise, מזוַיִּירְשׁוּ אֶת אַרְצוֹ וְאֶת אֶרֶץ | עוֹג מֶלֶךְ הַבָּשָׁן שְׁנֵי מַלְכֵי הָאֱמֹרִי אֲשֶׁר בְּעֵבֶר הַיַּרְדֵּן מִזְרַח שָׁמֶשׁ:
who were on the side of the Jordan: which is in the east, because the other side was in the west. [That means on the side opposite the western side.]
אשר בעבר הירדן: שהוא במזרח שהעבר השני היה במערב:
48from Aroer, which is by the bank of the river Arnon, to Mount Sion, which is Hermon, מחמֵעֲרֹעֵר אֲשֶׁר עַל שְׂפַת נַחַל אַרְנֹן וְעַד הַר שִׂיאֹן הוּא חֶרְמוֹן:
49and all the plain across the Jordan eastward as far as the sea of the plain, under the waterfalls of the hill. מטוְכָל הָעֲרָבָה עֵבֶר הַיַּרְדֵּן מִזְרָחָה וְעַד יָם הָעֲרָבָה תַּחַת אַשְׁדֹּת הַפִּסְגָּה:
Tehillim: Psalms Chapters 49 - 54
• Hebrew text
• English text
Chapter 49
This psalm is a strong message and inspiration for all, rich and poor alike, rebuking man for transgressions which, owing to habit, he no longer considers sinful; yet, these sins incriminate man on the Day of Judgement. The psalm speaks specifically to the wealthy, who rely not on God but on their wealth.
1. For the Conductor, by the sons of Korach, a psalm.
2. Hear this, all you peoples; listen, all you inhabitants of the world;
3. sons of common folk and sons of nobility, rich and poor alike.
4. My mouth speaks wisdom, and the thoughts of my heart are understanding.
5. I incline my ear to the parable; I will unravel my riddle upon the harp.
6. Why am I afraid in times of trouble? [Because] the sins I trod upon surround me.
7. There are those who rely on their wealth, who boast of their great riches.
8. Yet a man cannot redeem his brother, nor pay his ransom to God.
9. The redemption of their soul is too costly, and forever unattainable.
10. Can one live forever, never to see the grave?
11. Though he sees that wise men die, that the fool and the senseless both perish, leaving their wealth to others-
12. [nevertheless,] in their inner thoughts their houses will last forever, their dwellings for generation after generation; they have proclaimed their names throughout the lands.
13. But man will not repose in glory; he is likened to the silenced animals.
14. This is their way-their folly remains with them, and their descendants approve of their talk, Selah.
15. Like sheep, they are destined for the grave; death shall be their shepherd, and the upright will dominate them at morning; their form will rot in the grave, away from its abode.
16. But God will redeem my soul from the hands of the grave, for He will take me, Selah.
17. Do not fear when a man grows rich, when the glory of his house is increased;
18. for when he dies he will take nothing, his glory will not descend after him.
19. For he [alone] praises himself in his lifetime; but [all] will praise you if you better yourself.
20. He will come to the generation of his forefathers; they shall not see light for all eternity.
21. Man [can live] in glory but does not understand; he is likened to the silenced animals.
Chapter 50
This psalm speaks of many ethics and morals. The psalmist rebukes those who fail to repent humbly and modestly. He also admonishes those who do not practice that which they study, and merely appear to be righteous; they sin and cause others to sin.
1. A psalm by Asaph. Almighty God, the Lord, spoke and called to the earth, from the rising of the sun to its setting.
2. Out of Zion, the place of perfect beauty, God appeared.
3. Our God will come and not be silent; a fire will consume before Him, His surroundings are furiously turbulent.
4. He will call to the heavens above, and to the earth, to avenge His people:
5. "Gather to Me My pious ones, those who made a covenant with me over a sacrifice.”
6. Then the heavens declared His righteousness, for God is Judge forever.
7. Listen, my people, and I will speak; O Israel, and I will testify against you-I am God your God.
8. Not for [the lack of] your sacrifices will I rebuke you, nor for [the lack of] your burnt offerings which ought to be continually before Me.
9. I do not take oxen from your house, nor goats from your pens;
10. for every beast of the forest is Mine, the cattle of a thousand mountains.
11. I know every bird of the mountains, and the crawling creatures of the field are in My possession.
12. Were I hungry, I would not tell you, for the world and everything in it is mine.
13. Do I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats?
14. Offer confession as a sacrifice to God, and fulfill your vows to the Most High,
15. and call to Me on the day of distress; I will free you, and you will honor Me.
16. But to the wicked, God said, "What does it help you to discuss My laws, and bear My covenant upon your lips?
17. For you hate discipline, and throw My words behind you.
18. When you see a thief you run with him, and your lot is with adulterers.
19. You sent forth your mouth for evil, and attach your tongue to deceit.
20. You sit down to talk against your brother; your mother's son you defame.
21. You have done these things and I kept silent, so you imagine that I am like you-[but] I will rebuke you and lay it clearly before your eyes.
22. Understand this now, you who forget God, lest I tear you apart and there be none to save you.
23. He who offers a sacrifice of confession honors Me; and to him who sets right his way, I will show the deliverance of God."
Chapter 51
This psalm speaks of when Nathan the prophet went to David's palace, and rebuked him for his sin with Bathsheba. David then secluded himself with God, offering awe-inspiring prayers and begging forgiveness. Every person should recite this psalm for his sins and transgressions.
1. For the Conductor, a psalm by David,
2. when Nathan the prophet came to him after he had gone to Bathsheba.
3. Be gracious to me, O God, in keeping with Your kindness; in accordance with Your abounding compassion, erase my transgressions.
4. Cleanse me thoroughly of my wrongdoing, and purify me of my sin.
5. For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is always before me.
6. Against You alone have I sinned, and done that which is evil in Your eyes; [forgive me] so that You will be justified in Your verdict, vindicated in Your judgment.
7. Indeed, I was begotten in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.
8. Indeed, You desire truth in the innermost parts; teach me the wisdom of concealed things.
9. Purge me with hyssop and I shall be pure; cleanse me and I shall be whiter than snow.
10. Let me hear [tidings of] joy and gladness; then the bones which You have shattered will rejoice.
11. Hide Your face from my sins, and erase all my trespasses.
12. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew within me an upright spirit.
13. Do not cast me out of Your presence, and do not take Your Spirit of Holiness away from me.
14. Restore to me the joy of Your deliverance, and uphold me with a spirit of magnanimity.
15. I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will return to You.
16. Save me from bloodguilt, O God, God of my deliverance; my tongue will sing Your righteousness.
17. My Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare Your praise.
18. For You do not desire that I bring sacrifices, nor do You wish burnt offerings.
19. The offering [desirable] to God is a contrite spirit; a contrite and broken heart, God, You do not disdain.
20. In Your goodwill, bestow goodness upon Zion; rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
21. Then will You desire sacrifices [offered in] righteousness, olah and other burnt offerings; then they will offer bullocks upon Your altar.
Chapter 52
David laments his suffering at the hands of Doeg, and speaks of Doeg's boasts about the evil he committed. David asks, "What does he think? Does he consider the doing of evil a mark of strength?" David also curses Doeg and those like him.
1. For the Conductor, a maskil by David,
2. when Doeg the Edomite came and informed Saul, saying to him, "David has come to the house of Achimelech.”
3. Why do you boast with evil, O mighty one? God's kindness is all day long.
4. Your tongue devises treachery; like a sharpened razor it works deceit.
5. You love evil more than good, falsehood more than speaking righteousness, Selah.
6. You love all devouring words, a deceitful tongue.
7. God will likewise shatter you forever; He will excise and pluck you from the tent, and uproot you from the land of the living forever.
8. The righteous will see it and be awed, and they will laugh at him:
9. "Here is the man who did not make God his stronghold, but trusted in his great wealth, and drew strength from his treachery.”
10. But I am like a fresh olive tree in the house of God; I trust in God's kindness forever and ever.
11. I will thank you forever for what You have done; I will hope in Your Name, for You are good to Your pious ones.
Chapter 53
This psalm speaks of when Titus pierced the curtain of the Holy of Holies with his sword, and thought he had killed "himself" (a euphemism for God).
1. For the Conductor, on the machalat,1 a mas-kil2 by David.
2. The fool says in his heart, "There is no God!" They have acted corruptly and committed abominable deeds; not one does good.
3. God looked down from heaven upon mankind, to see if there was any man of intelligence who searches for God.
4. But they all regressed together; they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one.
5. Indeed, the evildoers who devour My people as they devour bread, who do not call upon God, will come to realize.
6. There they will be seized with fright, a fright such as never was; for God scatters the bones of those encamped against you. You shamed them, for God rejected them.
7. O that out of Zion would come Israel's deliverance! When God returns the captivity of His people, Jacob will exult, Israel will rejoice.
1.A musical instrument (Rashi).
2.A psalm intended to enlighten and impart knowledge(Metzudot).
Chapter 54
A prayer to God asking that in His might He save all who hope for His kindness. Read, and you will discover an awe-inspiring and wondrous prayer that should be said by all in the appropriate time.
1. For the Conductor, with instrumental music, a maskil by David,
2. when the Ziphites came and said to Saul, "Behold, David is hiding among us!”
3. O God, deliver me by Your Name, and vindicate me by Your might.
4. God, hear my prayer, listen to the words of my mouth.
5. For strangers have risen against me, and ruthless men have sought my soul; they are not mindful of God, Selah.
6. Behold, God is my helper; my Lord is with those who support my soul.
7. He will repay the evil of my watchful enemies; destroy them by Your truth.
8. With a free-will offering I will sacrifice to You; I will offer thanks to Your Name, O Lord, for it is good.
9. For He has saved me from every trouble, and my eye has seen [the downfall of] my enemy.
Tanya: Iggeret HaKodesh, beginning of Epistle 4
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Tuesday, Menachem Av 9, 5777 · August 1, 2017
Today's Tanya Lesson
Iggeret HaKodesh, beginning of Epistle 4
• VIDEO CLASS: Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon Watch • Listen
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“Israel shall be redeemed only by virtue of tzedakah,”1 as it is written,2 “And her repatriates [shall be redeemed] through tzedakah.”
Tzedakah, whose root connotes both “righteousness” and “charity”, thus brings about the redemption of the Jewish people from exile and their ultimate return to Zion. The same root appears in the next verse to be quoted:
כתיב: צדק לפניו יהלך
It is written:3 “Tzedek shall go (yehaleich) before Him.”
והוה ליה למימר: ילך
Now, one should have expected the verse to say yeileich.
Yehaleich, by contrast, is a causative form of the verb, seeming to imply that righteousness or charity causes some other entity to “go before Him.”
אך הענין על פי מה שכתוב: לך אמר לבי, בקשו פני
This concept may be understood by considering the verse,4 “In Your behalf my heart says, ‘Seek My face.’”
As Rashi explains it, the simple meaning of the verse is that “On Your behalf and as Your messenger my heart tells me to seek out Your face” (i.e., G‑d’s inwardness, or innermost essence, for the word פנים is related to both meanings, “face” and “interior”). And in this spirit the verse concludes: “Your countenance, G‑d, do I seek”; i.e., “I am indeed doing so: I am seeking Your countenance.”
However, if panai does in fact refer to G‑d’s countenance and inwardness, why would it be necessary to conclude, “Your countenance, G‑d, do I seek”? Surely it would suffice to say, “Your countenance do I seek,” since we have already been informed that we are speaking of G‑d’s countenance.
The Alter Rebbe therefore explains that the word panai (“my face”) refers to the inwardness of the Jewish heart, while panecha (“Your countenance”) refers to the inwardness of G‑d.
פירוש: בקשו פנימית הלב
This means [that man is being urged to] “seek the inwardness of the heart,” that hidden element within his own heart that must be sought after if it is to be revealed.
כי הנה בלהב יסוד האש האלקית שבלב
For in the flame of the Element of the Divine Fire that is in the heart, i.e., within the soul’s ardent love of G‑d which derives from the Element of Fire within the soul, as mentioned inTanya, Part I, ch. 3,
(נוסח אחר: הנה בהלב [יסוד האש האלקית שבלב])
(5A variant reading: “For in the heart, the Element of Divine Fire within the heart,”)
יש ב׳ בחינות: בחינת חיצוניות ובחינת פנימיות
there are two aspects: the aspect of chitzoniyut (“outwardness”, i.e., externality, as opposed to essence) and the aspect of pnimiyut (“inwardness”).
חיצוניות הלב היא התלהבות, המתלהבת מבחינת הבינה והדעת בגדולת ה׳ אין סוף ברוך הוא
The chitzoniyut of the heart is the ardent [love] that flares up on account of one’s understanding and knowledge of the greatness of G‑d, the blessed Ein Sof,
[להתבונן] בגדולתו, ולהוליד מתבונה זו אהבה עזה כרשפי אש וכו׳
by meditating6 on His greatness, and from this contemplation giving birth to a strong love resembling7 “flashes of fire.”
This, then, is the chitzoniyut, the external level, of the G‑dly soul: a revealed love of G‑d in one’s heart which results from meditation on G‑d’s greatness.
ופנימיות הלב היא הנקודה שבפנימיות הלב ועומקא דליבא
And the pnimiyut of the heart is the innermost point in the heart — the depth of the heart,
שהיא למעלה מעלה מבחינת הדעת והתבונה, שיוכל האדם להתבונן בלבו בגדולת ה׳
which transcends by far the categories of knowledge and understanding with which man can meditate in his heart on G‑d’s greatness.
Unaided, man would never be able to achieve such a profound love through meditation alone; it is granted to the soul as a gift, as will soon be explained, and man’s task is to search and discover it within himself.
וכמו שכתוב: ממעמקים קראתיך ה׳, מעומקא דליבא
As it is written:8 “From out of the depths do I call unto You, O G‑d”; [i.e.,] from the depths of the heart.9
“Depths” appears in the plural, for the heart harbors depths, with yet profounder depths beyond.
(ועל דרך משל: כמו במילי דעלמא, לפעמים יש ענין גדול מאד מאד, שכל חיות האדם תלוי בו, ונוגע עד נקודת פנימיות הלב, ועד בכלל
(By way of analogy, there is a parallel in worldly matters. Sometimes there is an extremely important matter upon which a man’s entire vitality hinges; it touches him as far as — and including — the innermost point of his heart,
וגורם לו לפעמים לעשות מעשים ולדבר דברים שלא בדעת כלל)
causing him to do things and say things without any reason whatever),10 for it touches the essence of his soul that transcends logic and reason.
וזה לעומת זה
And11 “the one corresponds to the other”:
The spiritual realm corresponds to the physical. Just as worldly affairs sometimes touch a person so strongly that he acts without reason:
ככה הוא ממש בעבודה שבלב
It is precisely so with the “service of the heart.” A Jew’s love for G‑d may be so great that it touches his soul’s essence which utterly transcends logic and reason.
והיינו לפי שבחינת נקודת פנימית הלב היא למעלה מבחינת הדעת המתפשט ומתלבש במדות שנולדו מחב״ד, כנודע
As is known, this is because the innermost point of the heart transcends the faculty of reason which extends and vests itself in the emotive attributes born of ChaBaD, i.e., born of the three intellectual stages — wisdom, understanding, knowledge — that together constitute the intellectual process called ChaBaD.
רק היא בחינת הארת חכמה עליונה, שלמעלה מהבינה והדעתת
Rather, [the pnimiyut of the heart] is a radiation from the supreme Chochmah, which transcends Binah and Daat,
והמלובש וגנוז אור ה׳ ממש
and in this [supreme Chochmah] there is vested and concealed the actual light of G‑d;
כמו שכתוב: ה׳ בחכמה גו׳
as it is written,12 “By wisdom (Chochmah) G‑d [founded the earth].”
The two quoted Hebrew words literally mean, “G‑d [is] in Chochmah”; i.e., G‑d’s infinite light is clothed in Chochmah.
והיא היא בחינת ניצוץ אלקות שבכל נפש מישראל
And this is precisely the spark of Divinity in every soul of Israel.13
It is this Divine spark, utterly transcending reason, that gives birth to the love of G‑d in the pnimiyut of the heart, that likewise transcends all reason.14
A question arises: Since this love emanates from the Divine spark found within the soul of all Jews, why do they not all attain this level of Divine service?
1. Rambam, Hilchot Matnot Aniyim, beginning of ch. 10. On the source and wording of this teaching, see the note of the Rebbe at the conclusion of Epistle 9.
2. Yeshayahu 1:27.
3. Tehillim 85:14.
4. Ibid. 27:8.
5. Parentheses and brackets are in the original text.
6. According to a variant reading, להתבוננן would mean “by making them meditate.”
7. Cf. Shir HaShirim 8:6.
8. Tehillim 130:1.
9. Zohar II, 63b.
10. The parentheses close here in the original text. However, the Rebbe points out that they should in fact close further on, after the words, “in every soul of Israel.”
11. Kohelet 7:14.
12. Mishlei 3:19.
13. See note 10, above.
14. “Cf. Tanya, Part I, ch. 19.” ( — Note of the Rebbe.)
• Sefer Hamitzvot:
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Today's Mitzvah
Tuesday, Menachem Av 9, 5777 · August 1, 2017
daily digest of Maimonides’ classic work "Sefer Hamitzvot"
• VIDEO CLASS: Rabbi Mendel Kaplan Watch • Listen
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Important Message Regarding This Lesson
The Daily Mitzvah schedule runs parallel to the daily study of 3 chapters of Maimonides' 14-volume code. There are instances when the Mitzvah is repeated a few days consecutively while the exploration of the same Mitzvah continues in the in-depth track.
Positive Commandment 245
"And if you sell something to your neighbor..."—Leviticus 25:14.
We are commanded regarding the various methods that effect transactions, i.e., the ways to transfer property from one individual to another (or, in the case of a guardian of an object, the transfer of jurisdiction).
Full text of this Mitzvah »
Positive Commandment 245
Translated by Berel Bell
The 245th mitzvah is that we are commanded regarding the laws of buying and selling, i.e. the ways in which purchases and sales between the buyers and the sellers become legally binding.
The Torah taught about one method in G‑d's statement1 (exalted be He), "When you sell something to your neighbor, [or buy something from your neighbor's hand...]" Our Sages said,2 "[The word 'hand' teaches that the sale] refers to something which can pass from one hand to another," i.e. meshichah [physically moving the object].
It is explained that in Biblical law, transfer of money is sufficient to complete the transaction, and meshichah is necessary only by Rabbinic decree, as is mesirah [giving the vehicle of control, e.g. the reins of a horse, to the buyer] and hagba'ah [lifting the object].
The Gemara3 explicitly says, "Just as our Sages enacted a requirement of meshichah in order for a sale to be valid, so too they required meshichah in order for a watchman relationship to become valid." It is therefore clear that the requirement of meshichah in buying and selling is of Rabbinic origin, as explained in the relevant place.
However, other methods of acquiring land, etc., i.e. by means of a document or chazakah4 are traced5 to Biblical verses [and are therefore of Biblical, not Rabbinic, origin].
The details of this mitzvah — i.e. the manners of finalizing a sale in each category — are explained in the 1st chapter of tractate Kiddushin, the 4th and 8th chapters of Bava Metzia, and the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th chapters of Bava Basra.
1.Lev. 25:14.
2.Bava Metzia 47b.
3.Ibid., 99a.
4.Such as building something on the land.
5.See Kiddushin 26a.
• 1 Chapter A Day: Sanhedrin veha`Onashin haMesurin lahem Sanhedrin veha`Onashin haMesurin lahem - Chapter 25
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Sanhedrin veha`Onashin haMesurin lahem - Chapter 25
It is forbidden for a judge to assert himself in a lordly and haughty manner over his community. Instead, he should conduct himself with humility and awe. Any leader who casts unnecessary fear upon the community not for the sake of heaven will be punished. And he will not see a son who is a Torah scholar, as implied by a non-literal reading of Job 37:24: "Therefore people fear him - he will never see anyone with a wise heart."
אסור לאדם לנהוג בשררה על הצבור ובגסות הרוח אלא בענוה ויראה וכל פרנס המטיל אימה יתירה על הצבור שלא לשם שמים נענש ואינו רואה לו בן תלמיד חכם שנאמר לכן יראוהו אנשים לא יראה כל חכמי לב:
Similarly, a judge may not treat them with capriciousness even though they are common people. He should not step over the heads of the holy people. Even though they are simple people and lowly, they are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the hosts of God whom He led out of Egypt with great power and a strong hand. He should patiently bear the difficulty of the community and their burden like Moses our teacher, as Numbers 11:12 states concerning him: "As a nursemaid will carry an infant." And Deuteronomy 1:16 states: "And I commanded your judges." This is a admonition to the judges to bear the community like a nursemaid carries an infant.
Take an example from Moses, the master of all prophets whom the Holy One, blessed be He, sent to Egypt, about whom Exodus 6:12 states: "And I commanded them concerning the children of Israel." The Oral Tradition relates that God told Moses and Aaron to accept this mission even though the people would curse them and stone them.
וכן אסור לו לנהוג בהן קלות ראש אף על פי שהן עמי הארץ ולא יפסיע על ראשי עם הקדש אע"פ שהן הדיוטות ושפלים בני אברהם יצחק ויעקב הם וצבאות השם שהוציא מארץ מצרים בכח גדול וביד חזקה וסובל טורח הצבור ומשאן כמשה רבינו שנאמר בו כאשר ישא האומן את היונק והרי הוא אומר ואצוה את שופטיכם זו אזהרה לדיין שיסבול את הצבור כאשר ישא האומן את היונק צא ולמד ממשה רבן של כל הנביאים כיון ששלחו הקב"ה במצרים ונאמר ויצום אל בני ישראל אמרו מפי הקבלה שאמר להם למשה ולאהרן על מנת שיהיו מקללים אתכם וסוקלין אתכם באבנים:
Just as a judge is commanded to fulfill this mitzvah; so, too, the community is commanded to show honor to a judge, as Deuteronomy 1:18 states: "And I commanded you...." This is a command to the community that they should treat a judge with awe. He should not act in a demeaning manner in their presence, nor should he conduct himself in a frivolous manner.
כדרך שנצטוה הדיין לנהוג במצוה זו כך נצטוו הצבור לנהוג כבוד בדיין שנאמר ואצוה אתכם זו אזהרה לצבור שתהיה אימת הדיין עליהן ולא יתבזה בפניהם ולא ינהוג קלות ראש בעצמו:
When a person is given a position of leadership over the community, he is forbidden to perform work in the presence of three people, lest he be demeaned in their eyes. Now if performing work in public is forbidden to him, certainly, it is forbidden for him to eat and drink or to become intoxicated in the presence of people at large and in the gatherings of the common people and in friendly get-togethers. Woe to those judges who conduct themselves in this manner, disgracing the Torah of Moses. They debase its judgments and lower them to the earth, casting them in the dust, bringing about harm to them and their descendants in this world and in the world to come.
כיון שנתמנה אדם פרנס על הצבור אסור בעשיית מלאכה בפני שלשה כדי שלא יתבזה בפניהם אם המלאכה ברבים אסורה עליו קל וחומר לאכול ולשתות ולהשתכר בפני רבים ובכניסת עמי הארץ ובסעודת מרעות אוי להם לאותן הדיינים שנהגו בכך מעלבון תורת משה שבזו דיניה והשפילוה עד ארץ והגיעוה עד עפר וגרמו רעה להן ולבני בניהם בעולם הזה ולעולם הבא:
It is forbidden to conduct oneself capriciously in relation to the agent sent by the court. For the word of the court's agent is accepted as that of two witnesses with regard to the question of ostracism. Were he to say: "So-and-so disgraced me," "...disgraced the judge," or "...refused to appear in court," that person is ostracized on the basis of his statements. We do not, however, have a document recording the ban of ostracism composed until two witness come and testify that he refused to appear in the court.
אסור לנהוג קלות ראש בשליח בית דין והרי השליח נאמן כשנים לענין הנידוי שאם אמר פלוני הקלני או הקלה הדיין או לא רצה לבא לדין משמתין אותו על פיו אבל אין כותבין פיתחא עליו עד שיבאו שנים ויעידו עליו שנמנע לבא לבית דין:
An agent of the court is not liable for relating unfavorable gossip for telling the court about these matters. Whenever anyone causes aggravation to the agent of the court, the court has the license to have "stripes for rebellious conduct" administered to him.
אין שליח בית דין חייב באמירת דברים משום לשון הרע וכל המצער שליח בית דין יש לבית דין רשות להכותו מכת מרדות:
When the agent of the court orders a person to appear in court, saying: "So-and-so sent me," and mentioning the name of only one of the judges, a document declaring his ostracism cannot be composed against the litigant unless the agent summons him in the name of all three judges.
When does the above apply? When the agent went and conveyed this message on a day on which it was not known that the court to hold session. On a day on which it is known to hold session, by contrast, everyone knows that all of the judges gather together. Even though the agent came and conveyed the message in the name of only one judge, it is as if he came in the name of all three.
שליח שאמר פלוני שלחני בשם אחד מן הדיינים ולא רצה בעל דין לבא אין כותבין עליו פיתחא של שמתא עד שיאמר משם שלשתן בד"א שהלך השליח ביום שאינו ידוע לישיבת הדיינים אבל ביום הידוע שהדיינים יושבים בו לדין הכל יודעים שכל הדיינים מקובצין ואף על פי שבא השליח בשם אחד כאילו בא בשם שלשתן:
When a person is summoned by the court and does not appear in court, a ban of ostracism is pronounced against him. This ban is recorded in a legal document; he is liable to pay the fee of the scribe who composes the document. When he comes to court, this document is torn.
If such a document was composed because a litigant did not accept a judgment, it may be torn up when he states that he is willing to accept it. When a court summons a litigant to appear on a certain day and he does not appear at all that day, a document recording the ban of ostracism is composed that evening.
When does the above apply? When he lived in the city and stubbornly refused to come. If, however, he lived in the outlying villages and would go in and go out from the city at times, we summon him to appear in court on Monday, Thursday, and the following Monday. If the second Monday passes without him appearing, we do not compose a ban of ostracism until the following day.
מי ששלחו לו בית דין לבוא ולא בא לדין מנדין אותו וכותבין עליו פיתחא ונותן שכר הסופר ובעת שיבא קורעין הפיתחא כתבו לו פיתחא מפני שלא קבל הדין כיון שאמר הריני מקבל הדין קורעין נידויו קבעו לו בית דין זמן שיבא היום ולא בא כל אותו היום כותבין עליו פיתחא לערב במה דברים אמורים כשהיה במדינה ומרד ולא בא אבל אם היה בכפרים ויוצא ונכנס קובעים לו זמן שני וחמישי ושני ואם שלם יום שני ולא בא אין כותבין עליו פיתחא עד למחר:
We do not summon a person to court during the month of Nissan, nor during the month of Tishrei, because the people are occupied with the preparations for the festivals. Nor is a summons issued for Friday, or for the day preceding a festival. We do, however, issue a summons in Nissan, for him to appear after Nissan, and a summons in Tishrei, for him to appear after Tishrei. We do not, however, issue a summons on Friday for a litigant to appear after the Sabbath. The rationale is that everyone is busy on Friday.
אין קובעין זמן לא בימי ניסן ולא בימי תשרי מפני שהעם טרודין במועדות ולא בערב שבת ולא בערב יום טוב אבל קובעין בניסן שיבוא אחר ניסן ובתשרי שיבוא אחר תשרי אבל לא קובעין בערב שבת שיבוא אחר שבת מפני שהכל טרודין בערב שבת:
When a person was located in a city and the agent of the court went to summon him, but could not find him, a court date is not set until the agent finds him and conveys this information.
Different rules apply if he lives in a village outside the city. If he is accustomed to coming on that day, the agent may tell one of his neighbors, even a woman: "If so-and-so comes, inform him that the court summoned him to appear at this time." If he does not come that day, he is placed under a ban of ostracism that evening.
When does the above apply? When the way which he is wont to follow does not pass the place of the court. If, however, his path passes the court, he is not placed under a ban of ostracism until the agent notifies him himself. For perhaps the neighbors will not notify him. For they will rationalize: "His path passes past the entrance to the court. Certainly, he visited them and was released." Similarly, if he will not come into the city until the following day, we do not rely on the neighbors, for perhaps they will forget and fail to notify him.
מי שהוא במדינה והלך שליח בית דין ולא מצאו אין קובעין לו זמן עד שימצא אותו השליח ויאמר לו היה בכפר חוץ למדינה אם דרכו לבוא באותו היום אומר השליח אפילו לאחד מן השכנים אפילו לאשה אם יבא פלוני הודיעוהו שבית דין קבעו לו זמן שיבוא לבית דין ואם לא בא מנדין אותו לערב בד"א כשאין הדרך שדרכו לילך בה על מקום בית דין אבל אם דרכו עליהן אין מנדין אותו עד שיודיעו השליח בעצמו שמא לא אמרו לו השכנים שהרי הם אומרין דרכו על פתח בית דין וכבר הלך אליהם ונפטר וכן אם לא בא במדינה עד למחר אין סומכין על השכנים שמא שכחו ולא אמרו לו:
The following laws apply when a person comes to the court and accepts the judgment issued against him, he is told to make financial restitution, but does not do so. He is not placed under a ban of ostracism until he is given a warning on Monday, Thursday, and the following Monday. If he does not pay by that time, he is placed under a ban of ostracism until he pays what he is liable. If he waits 30 days and does not seek to have the ban of ostracism lifted, he is excommunicated.
מי שבא לבית דין וקבל הדין ואמרו לו לשלם והלך ולא שלם אין מנדין אותו עד שיתרו בו שני וחמישי ושני ואח"כ מנדין אותו עד שיתן מה שהוא חייב ואם עמד שלשים יום ולא תבע להתיר נדויו מחרימין אותו:
• 3 Chapters A Day: Sheluchin veShuttafin Sheluchin veShuttafin - Chapter Five, Sheluchin veShuttafin Sheluchin veShuttafin - Chapter Six, Sheluchin veShuttafin Sheluchin veShuttafin - Chapter Seven
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Sheluchin veShuttafin - Chapter Five
When a person enters into a partnership agreement without making any stipulations, he should not deviate from the local custom followed with regard to that merchandise. He should not take the merchandise and travel to another place, enter into a partnership with other individuals, be involved with other merchandise, sell it on an extended payment plan unless it is ordinarily sold in such a manner, nor should it be entrusted to others unless a stipulation to that effect was made at the outset or he did so with the consent of his colleague.
If a partner transgresses, and performs one of the above activities without the knowledge of his colleague, but when he informs him afterwards of what he did the other partner agrees, he is not liable. A kinyan is not necessary to formalize a partner's consent to any of the above matters; a verbal commitment is sufficient.
המשתתף עם חבירו בסתם לא ישנה ממנהג המדינה באותה הסחורה ולא ילך למקום אחר ולא ישתתף בה עם אחרים ולא יתעסק בסחורה אחרת ולא ימכור בהקפה אלא דבר שדרכו להמכר תמיד בהקפה ולא יפקיד ביד אחרים אא"כ התנו בתחלה או שעשה מדעת חבירו עבר ועשה שלא מדעת חבירו ואח"כ הודיעו ואמר לו עשיתי כך וכך והסכים למעשיו הרי זה פטור ואין כל הדברים האלו צריכין קניין אלא בדברים בלבד:
When one of the partners transgresses and sells merchandise on credit, takes it on a sea voyage, travels with it to another place, does business with other merchandise at the same time, or the like, he alone is liable to pay for any loss that occurs because of his activity. If he profits from his activity, the profit should be split between the partners according to their stipulations regarding profit.
For this reason, the following rules apply when a person gives a colleague money to purchase wheat as part of a partnership agreement and the partner purchases barley, or he gives him money to purchase barley and he purchases wheat: if there is a loss, it is suffered by the one who transgressed. If there is a profit, it is split.
Similarly, if a partner entered into partnership with another person using funds belonging to the partnership, if there is a loss, the persons suffers it alone. If there is a profit, it is split. If, however, he entered into a partnership with another person with his own money: if there is a loss, the persons suffers it alone. If there is a profit, he alone receives the profit. If a stipulation was made between the partners, everything is concluded according to that stipulation.
אחד מן השותפין שעבר ומכר בהקפה או פירש בים או הלך למקום אחר או שנשא ונתן בסחורה אחרת וכן כל כיוצא באלו הדברים כל פחת שיבא מחמת שעבר חייב לשלם לבדו ואם היה שם שכר השכר לאמצע כמו שהתנו ביניהם בשכר לפיכך הנותן מעות לחבירו בתורת שותפות ליקח בהן חטים לסחורה והלך וקנה שעורים או שנתן לו מעות לקנות שעורים וקנה חטים אם פחתו פחתו לזה שעבר ואם הותירו הותירו לאמצע וכן אם הלך ונשתתף עם אחר בממון השותפות אם הפסיד הפסיד לעצמו ואם נשתכר השכר לאמצע אבל אם נשתתף עם אחר בממון עצמו אם פחתו פחת לעצמו ואם הרויח הרויח לעצמו ואם התנו ביניהן הכל לפי התנאי:
When a person gives a colleague money to purchase produce with the profits to be divided in half, the person given the money is permitted to purchase more of that produce for himself. When he sells the produce, he should not sell the two together. Instead, he should sell the produce owned jointly separately, and his own produce separately.
Similarly, he should not purchase wheat for himself and barley for his colleague.Instead, he should purchase wheat for the entire amount, or barley for the entire amount, so that the funds of them both should be equal in case of loss.
הנותן מעות לחבירו ליקח בהן פירות למחצית שכר רשאי ליקח לעצמו מאותו המין וכשהוא מוכר לא ימכור שניהם כאחד אלא מוכר אלו בפני עצמן [ואלו בפני עצמן] ולא יקח לעצמו חטים ולחבירו שעורים אלא בכולן חטים או בכולן שעורים כדי שיהיו מעות שניהם שוין בחבלה:
When one of the partners says: "Let's take the merchandise to this and this place, where it is highly priced, and sell it there," the other partner may prevent him from doing so even if the first partner accepts responsibility for any loss by factors beyond his control or depreciation that may occur. The rationale is that the second partner may tell the first: "I do not desire to give you the money that is in my possession and then have to pursue you and bring you to court to expropriate it from you." Similar laws apply in all analogous situations.
אחד מן השותפין שאמר נוליך הסחורה למקום פלוני שהיא ביוקר ונמכור שם אף על פי שקיבל עליו כל אונס או כל פחת שיבא הרי חבירו מעכב עליו שהרי אומר לו אין רצוני שאתן מעות שבידי ואהיה רודף אחריך לדין להוציא ממך וכן כל כיוצא בזה:
If one of the partners desires to let the produce age until the time when it is known to sell that produce, his colleague cannot prevent him from doing so. If there is no set time to sell this type of produce, his colleague can prevent him from aging the produce.
אחד מן השותפין שבא ליישן את הפירות עד זמן הידוע אין חבירו מעכב עליו ואם אין זמן לאותן פירות חבירו מעכב עליו:
When partners evaluated their produce, and then established a partnership with them, the laws of ona'ah apply to each of them. If they mixed their produce together without evaluating it, sold it, and then did business with the profits, they should evaluate the worth of the produce at the time the partnership was established, and appraise the profit or the loss accordingly.
שותפין ששמו פירותיהן ונשתתפו בהן יש להן אונייה זה על זה ערבו פירות בלא שומא ומכרום ונשאו ונתנו בדמיהן הרי אלו מחשבין את הפירות כמה היו שוין בעת שנשתתפו ומחשבין את השכר או ההפסד:
When custom collectors waived a fee from partners, each is granted an equal share. If the collectors say: "We waived the fee because of so and so," he alone is granted the value of the waiver.
The following rules apply when partners were traveling on the road and were attacked by thieves, who sought to steal the merchandise carried by the caravan.If one of the partners saved the goods from being taken, all the partners receive an equal share in what he saved. If he says: "I am saving it for myself," he has saved it for himself alone.
שותפין שמחלו להם מוכסין מחלו לאמצע ואם אמרו משום פלוני מחלנו מה שמחלו מחלו לו היו באין בדרך ועמדו עליהן לסטים וגזלו את השיירא והציל אחד מן השותפין הציל לאמצע (אפילו אין יכולים חבריו להציל דלא פלג כיון דלא אמר כלום) ואם אמר לעצמי אני מציל (אם יכולים להציל הציל עד כדי חלקו לעצמו והיותר שלהם ואם אין יכולין להציל) הציל לעצמו:
When property is known to belong to the partnership, it is assumed that both partners have a share in its ownership throughout the entire duration of the partnership. This applies even though the property was located in the domain of only one of the partners. The partner in whose domain it is located may not claim that he purchased it from the other partner, or that he gave it to him as a present. In such an instance, we do not follow the principle: When a person desires to expropriate property from a colleague the burden of proof is on him. Instead, the property is assumed to belong to both partners unless one of them brings proof otherwise.
דבר הידוע לשני שותפין אע"פ שהוא ברשות אחד מהן אינו יוצא מחזקתו של שני כל ימי השותפות ואינו יכול לטעון שלקחו ממנו או שנתנו לו במתנה ונאמר לאחר שהמוציא מחבירו עליו הראיה אלא הרי הוא בחזקת שניהם עד שיביא האחר ראיה:
When one of the partners desires to dissolve the partnership without the knowledge of his partner, he should divide the assets in the presence of three people. They may even be unlearned people, provided they are trustworthy and able to evaluate property. If a partner divides the assets in the presence of fewer than three people, his actions are of no consequence.
When does the above apply? When he divides produce. If, however, the partnership's assets were money, the money is considered as if it had been already divided. The partner may therefore divide the money outside the presence of a court and then deposit his colleague's share with the court for safe-keeping.
When does the above apply? When all the money is of one currency and of equal value. If, however, some coins are new and others old - and needless to say if some are considered desirable and others considered undesirable - the money is also considered as produce and should not be divided outside the presence of a court of three.
אחד מן השותפין שבא לחלוק שלא מדעת חבירו חולק בפני שלשה ואפילו הן הדיוטות ובלבד שיהו נאמנין ויודעין בשומא ואם חלק לה בפחות משלשה לא עשה כלום במה דברים אמורים בשחלקו פירות אבל אם היו מעות המעות כחלוקים הם ויש לו לחלק שלא בפני ב"ד ומניח חלק חבירו בב"ד בד"א כשהיו המעות כולן מטבע אחד ושוין אבל אם היו מקצתן חדשים ומקצתן ישנים ואין צריך לומר אם היו מקצתן יפות ומקצתן רעות הרי הן כפירות ואין חולקין אותם אלא בב"ד:
It is forbidden for a person to enter into partnership with a gentile, lest his colleague be obligated to take an oath to him and he swear in the name of his false deity.
We have already explained in the appropriate place that it is forbidden to do business with produce that grows in the Sabbatical year, nor with firstborn animals, nor with animals that are trefah, nor with meat from dead animals, nor with produce that is terumah, nor with crawling or teeming animals. If a person transgresses and invests money belonging to a partnership in these, the profit should be divided among the partners. It appears to me that if he loses, he must bear the loss himself. This ruling is granted because he transgressed.
אסור להשתתף עם עכו"ם שמא יתחייב לו חבירו שבועה וישביעו ביראתו וכבר ביארנו במקומו שאסור לעשות סחורה בפירות שביעית [ולא בבכורות] ולא בטריפות ולא בנבילות ולא בתרומות ולא בשקצים ורמשים ואם עבר ועשה השכר לאמצע ונראה לי שאם הפסיד הפסיד לעצמו מפני שעבר:
When one of the members of a partnership or an investment agreement dies, the partnership or the investment agreement is nullified. This applies even if the agreement was originally made for a specific time. The rationale is that the money has already been transferred to the domain of the heirs. The Geonim ruled in accordance with this decision.
אחד מן השותפין או מן המתעסקין שמת בטלה השותפות או העסק אף על פי שהתנו לזמן קבוע שכבר יצא הממון לרשות היורשים וכזה הורו הגאונים:
Sheluchin veShuttafin - Chapter Six
When two partners both do business with the money belonging to the partnership, even if the money was originally invested by only one of them, their relationship is referred to as a partnership. If they lose or they profit, the loss or the profit is divided equally, or they may stipulate any other division of the profits or the losses, as we have explained.
If, however, only one of the partners was doing business with the money belonging to the partnership, even if the money was originally invested by both of them, this type of partnership is called an esek (an investment agreement). The person who does the buying and selling is called an administrator, for he alone is the one involved in the transactions. And the partner who is not involved in the business dealings is referred to as the investor.
שנים שהן נושאין ונותנין בממון השותפות אע"פ שהממון של אחד מהן הרי זה נקראת שותפות ואם פחתו או הותירו הרי הוא לאמצע ויש להם להתנות בשכר ובהפסד כל מה שירצו כמו שביארנו אבל אם היה האחד בלבד הוא שנושא ונותן בממון השתוף אף על פי שהממון משל שניהם הרי זו השותפות נקראת עסק וזה הנושא ונותן נקרא מתעסק שהרי הוא לבדו מתעסק במשא ומתן ושותפו שאינו נושא ונותן נקרא בעל המעות:
Our Sages ordained that whenever a person entrusts money to a colleague to use for business purposes, half of the money should be considered a loan. The administrator is responsible for this money even if it is destroyed by forces beyond his control. The second half is considered an entrusted object, and the investor is responsible for it. If the half that is considered an entrusted article is stolen or lost, the administrator is not liable to pay. Therefore, any profit that is earned by this half of the investment will belong to the investor.
According to this construct, the profit or the loss of the entire investment should not be equally divided between the investor and the administrator. For if this were the case, the investor would receive a profit for the half of his money that is an entrusted object without doing anything for it. The administrator is working for the sake of the half of the investment that was an entrusted article, because of the money that he was lent. Thus, this brings the two to avak ribit, the shade of interest.
What should be done if they desire that the profit or the loss be equally shared? The investor should pay the administrator the wages to be paid to an unemployed laborer of the profession in which he was involved. If the administrator has any other occupation in which he is involved aside from caring for this investment, the investor does not have to pay him a daily wage. Instead, even if he paid him only one dinar for the entire time of the partnership, this is sufficient. If the partnership lost or gained, the loss or profit should be divided equally.
Similarly, if the investor told the administrator: "In addition to the portion that is divided, you will receive one third or one tenth of the profit," since he has another occupation, it is permitted. If there is a loss, the loss is divided equally.
If the administrator is a sharecropper working the fields of the investor, and he has another business, he is not required to pay him any other wage at all. For a sharecropper is obligated to take care of the interests of the owner of the field.
תקנו חכמים שכל הנותן מעות לחבירו להתעסק בהן יהיה חצי הממון בתורת הלואה והרי המתעסק חייב באחריותו אע"פ שאבד באונס והחצי האחר בתורת פקדון והרי הוא באחריות בעל המעות ואם נגנב או אבד החצי של פקדון אין המתעסק חייב לשלם ולפיכך יהיה שכר זו החצי אם הרויח של בעל המעות ולפי תקנה זו אי אפשר שיהיה השכר או ההפסד של כל הממון לאמצע בשוה שאם אתה אומר כן נמצא בעל הממון נוטל שכר חצי מעותיו שהן פקדון ואינו עושה כלום אלא זה המתעסק טורח לו בחצי של פקדון מפני מעותיו שהלוהו ונמצא באין לידי אבק רבית והיאך יעשו אם רוצה להיות השכר או ההפסד לאמצע בשוה יתן למתעסק שכרו שבכל יום ויום מימי השותפות בפועל בטל של אותה מלאכה שבטל ממנה ואם היה לו עסק אחר כל שהוא להתעסק בו עם מעותיו של זה אינו צריך להעלות לו שכר של כל יום ויום אלא אפילו העלה לו דינר בכל ימי השותפות דיו ואם פחתו או הותירו יהיה לאמצע בשוה וכן אם אמר לו כל הריוח יהיה לך שלישו או עשיריתו בשכרך הואיל ויש לו עסק אחר הרי זה מותר ואם הפסידו יפסיד מחצה ואם היה זה המתעסק אריסו והיה לו עסק אחר אינו צריך להעלות לו שכר אחר כלל שהאריס משועבד הוא לבעל השדה:
Our Sages also ordained that whenever a person gives a colleague money to use for a business and the investor did not desire to pay the administrator a wage, and they did not make any stipulation with regard to the division of the profits and the losses, the profit or the loss should be divided as follows: The wage of the administrator for handling the half of the investment that is considered an entrusted article is one third of the profit of that half, which is one sixth of the profit of the entire investment.
Therefore, if a profit is made, the administrator should receive two thirds of the profit: half of the profit stemming from the half of the investment that was a loan, and the sixth of the profit that is his wages for handling the money considered as an entrusted article. Thus, he receives two thirds of the profit.
If there is a loss, the administrator should bear a third of the loss. This figure is reached as follows: He is liable for half the loss because of the half [of the original investment that was a loan. He deserves a sixth of the loss as his wage for handling the half of the investment that was considered an entrusted article. Thus, his responsibility is one third of the loss. The investor must bear two thirds of the loss.
ועוד תקנו חכמים שכל הנותן מעות לחבירו להתעסק בהן ופחתו או הותירו ולא רצה ליתן לו שכר עמלו בכל יום ולא התנו ביניהן שום תנאי שיהיה שכר המתעסק באותו חצי של פקדון שליש ריוח הפקדון שהוא שתות ריוח כל הממון לפיכך אם הרויחו יטול המתעסק שני שלישי הריוח חצי הריוח של חצי המעות שהן מלוה ושתות הריוח בשכר שנתעסק בפקדון נמצא הכל שני שלישי הריוח: ויטול בעל המעות שליש הריוח:
ואם פחתו יפסיד המתעסק שליש הפחת שהרי הוא חייב בחצי הפחת מפני שחצי המעות מלוה ויש לו שתות בשכרו באותו החצי של פקדון ונמצא שנשאר עליו מן הפחת שלישו ובעל המעות יפסיד שני שלישי הפחת:
There is an opinion that makes an error, maintaining that when a person makes an investment without making any stipulations with regard to the division of profits and losses, they should be divided as follows: If there is a profit, the administrator should receive half, but if there is a loss, he must bear only a third of the loss. This is not the rule unless they made an explicit stipulation to this effect.
Similarly, if they stipulated that if there be a loss the administrator should suffer half the loss, and if there be a profit he should be granted two thirds of the profit, this is permitted. Similarly, if they stipulated that if there be a profit, the administrator should receive one ninth and if there be a loss, he should lose one tenth, this stipulation is binding. The rationale is that they made a stipulation that the administrator should receive a greater share of the profit than his share of the loss, and he is granted this additional amount because of his work.
My teachers ruled that such a conditional agreement is not effective unless the administrator has another occupation. If he does not have another occupation, the profit that the administrator can receive must be at least a sixth more than the loss he could suffer, as we have explained. They maintain that a prohibition is involved, and the stipulation cannot supersede it. This ruling does not appear correct to me.
יש מי שטועה ואומר שהנותן עסק סתם אם יהיה שם שכר יטול המתעסק חציו ואם היה שם הפסד יפסיד שליש ואין הדבר כן אא"כ התנו על דבר זה בפירוש וכן אם התנו שיפסיד המתעסק מחצה ואם יהיה שם שכר יטול שני שלישי הריוח הרי זה מותר וכן אם התנו שאם יהיה שם שכר יטול המתעסק תשיעיתו ואם יהיה שם הפסד יפסיד עשיריתו הואיל והתנו שיהיה ריוח המתעסק יותר על הפסדו תנאו קיים ותוספת זו כנגד עמלו ורבותי הורו שאין התנאי זה מועיל אלא אם כן היה למתעסק עסק אחר אבל אם אין לו עסק אחר צריך שיהא שכר המתעסק יתר על הפסדו בשתות כמו שביארנו שזה דבר אסור הוא ואין התנאי מועיל בו ולא יראה לי זה:
My teachers ruled that if a stipulation was made that the administrator should receive three fourths of the profit and the investor only one portion, only one fourth of the money will be considered an entrusted article and three fourths will be considered a loan. Therefore, if there is a loss, the administrator should bear three fourths of the loss, minus a twelfth. The investor should suffer a fourth of the loss plus a twelfth - i.e., one third of the entire loss.
What is implied? The investor gave the administrator 100 dinarim according to this stipulation, and they lost 24 dinarim, the investor should lose eight, and the administrator sixteen.
These ratios should be followed at all times. Whenever there is a profit, the investor should receive the share of the profit that was stipulated. If there is a loss, he should bear that same proportion of the loss, but should be given one third of the investor's portion. Thus, according to this approach, if it was agreed that the administrator would receive a fourth of the profits, he does not lose anything if there is a loss. For in place of the fourth of the loss that he is required to bear, he is due one third of the portion of the owner - i.e., one fourth. And so, one cancels out the other.
These authorities maintain that similar principles apply if a stipulation was made regarding losses without mentioning profits. If a loss was incurred, the administrator must bear the loss as stipulated. If a profit was made, the administrator should receive the share of the loss that he was supposed to bear, plus one third of the portion to be received by the investor.
What is implied? If a stipulation was made that in the event of a loss, the administrator should bear one fourth of the loss. If there is a loss, he must pay the investor one fourth. If there is a profit, the administrator receives half the profit.
Although the rules that they issued are words of logic, if these principles are followed, it is possible for the administrator to cause a loss and yet receive profit.
What is implied? It was stipulated that the administrator should receive one seventh of the profit. A loss was incurred. Thus, the administrator should receive as a wage one seventh in addition to this loss.
How is this illustrated? They suffered a loss of seven dinarim. The administrator will tell the investor: "I owe you one dinar according to our stipulation, but you owe me two dinarim, which is one third of the portion of the entrusted article." Thus, the investor is obligated to pay him a dinar as wages for losing seven dinarim. And if he had lost fourteen dinarim, the investor would have to pay him two dinarim as wages. This is an unfathomable matter, which cannot be accepted by logic. To me, it appears like a dream.
Instead, the proper approach and the true law appears to me as follows: If there is a loss, the administrator should bear as a loss two thirds of the percentage he would receive if there were a profit. Similarly, if they made a stipulation concerning a loss and they profited, the administrator should receive the portion he would lose in the event of a loss, plus a third of the share of his colleague. Thus, according to this approach, if a stipulation was made that the administrator should receive one fourth of the profit and he incurred a loss, he should pay one sixth of the loss. And if a stipulation was made that he should lose a fourth and he profited, he should receive a half. Following this approach will not lead to unthinkable results, and there will be expressed a law that is just.
הורו רבותי שאם התנו שיטול המתעסק שלשה חלקים מהשכר ובעל המעות רביע השכר נמצא רביע המעות בלבד בתורת פקדון ושלשה רביעים בתורת הלואה לפיכך אם היה שם הפסד יפסיד המתעסק שלשה רביעי הפסד פחות שליש הרביע ויפסיד בעל המעות רביע ושליש רביע שהוא שליש כל ההפסד כיצד נתן לו מאה דינרים על תנאי זה וחסרו ארבעה ועשרים בעל המעות מפסיד שמנה והמתעסק משלם ששה עשר ועל דרך זו לעולם כל חלק שיש לבעל המעות בשכר אם יהיה שם ריוח נוטל כמו שהתנו ואם יהיה שם הפסד יפסיד אותו החלק ותוספת שלישו נמצאת למד לפי מדה זו שאם התנו שיטול המתעסק רביע השכר אם פחת לא ישלם המתעסק כלום שהרי רביע ההפסד שהוא חייב לשלם מפני המלוה יש לו כנגדו שליש מה שיטול בעל המעות שהוא רביע ונמצא זה כנגד זה:
וכן אם התנו על הפחת ולא הזכירו הריוח אם פחתו פחת המתעסק כפי מה שהתנו ואם הוסיפו נוטל המתעסק כמו אותו החלק שהיה מפסיד ותוספת שליש מה שנטל בעל המעות כיצד התנו שאם היה שם הפסד יפחות המתעסק רביע והפחיתו משלם רביע הפחת ואם הותירו נוטל מחצה ואף על פי שדברים אלו שהורו דברי טעם הם אם תלך על דרך זו שמא המתעסק אפשר שיפחות ויטול שכר כיצד כגון שהתנה עמו שיטול המתעסק אחד משבע' בשכר ופחתו נמצא נוטל המתעסק אחד משבעה יתר על זה ההפסד כיצד כגון שפחתו שבעה דינרים הרי המתעסק אומר לו אני חייב לך דינר אחד כפי התנאי ואתה חייב לשלם לי שנים שהן שליש חלק הפקדון נמצא בעל המעות חייב ליתן לו דינר בשכר שהפסיד שבעה ואילו הפסיד ארבעה עשר היה חייב בעל המעות ליתן לו שני דינרין וזה תימה גדול ודבר שאין הדעת סובלת אותו ואין זה אצלי אלא כמו דברי החלום אבל הדרך והדין האמת שיראה לי שכל שירויח המתעסק אם יהיה שם הפסד יפסיד שני שלישי החלק שהיה מרויח וכן אם התנו על ההפסד והרויחו יטול כמו אותו החלק שהיה מפסיד ותוספת שליש חלק חבירו נמצאת אתה אומר לפי מדה זו שאם התנו שיטול המתעסק רביע השכר והפסיד הרי זה משלם שתות ואם התנו שיפסיד רביע והרויח נוטל מחצה ועל דרך זה לא תמצא תימה ויצא הדין בקו הצדק:
Sheluchin veShuttafin - Chapter Seven
When a person gives money to a colleague to use for business purposes without making any stipulation, or explicitly states that they will share the profit and the losses equally, and the money is lost, there is an opinion that states that if only a portion of the money is lost, the administrator should pay the investor one third, as we have explained. It appears to me, however, that the administrator should pay the half that is a loan. Our Sages' statement that he should bear one third of the loss applies when the loss is not great enough for the investor to receive less than half of his money.
What is implied? Reuven gave Shimon 120 dinarim to invest in a business. Shimon did business with the money and lost ninety dinarim. Shimon should pay 30. Thus, Reuven receives 60.
If, however, Shimon lost 105 dinarim, we do not say that Shimon must pay only 35 dinarim. For if so, Reuven will receive only 50, and Reuven should never receive less than 60.
For this reason, if a legal document recording an investment contract involving the deceased father of orphans was presented against them, the possessor of the contract must take an oath. Afterwards, he is entitled to collect the half that is a loan. This applies even though we always advance arguments in support of an heir. Thus, we can derive from this that an investor never receives less than half.
Why do I not say that the extent of the loss the administrator must bear should be reduced in consideration of his wage for taking care of the portion of the investment considered as an entrusted article? Because the entire half considered as an entrusted article was lost, and no portion remained. Hence, it is not appropriate to say that if he does not receive a wage, his efforts will appear as interest. For all that he receives is the portion that he gave as a loan.
Similarly, if it is stipulated that the administrator would receive one fourth of the profit, in the event of the loss of the entire investment, he must pay the entire fourth that was given to him as a loan. If, however, enough of the money remains so that if the administrator adds one sixth of the loss to the small portion that remains, the investor would receive a fourth or more of his original investment, the administrator is required to pay only one sixth of the loss, because of the reasons we have explained.
הנותן מעות לחבירו סתם להתעסק בהן או שהתנו בפירוש שיהיה השכר וההפסד ביניהם בשוה ונאבד הממון יש מי שהורה שישלם המתעסק שליש כמו שביארנו אם אבד מקצת הממון ויראה לי שהוא משלם מחצה שהוא בתורת מלוה וזה שאמרו חכמים משלם שליש בהפסד בשלא הגיע ההפסד ליטול בעל המעות פחות מחצי ממונו כיצד ראובן שנתן לשמעון מאה ועשרים דינר ונשא ונתן ופחת תשעים הרי שמעון משלם שלשים ונמצא ראובן נוטל ששים אבל פחת שמעון מאה וחמשה אין אומרים יפסיד שמעון חמשה ושלשים שאם אתה אומר כן נמצא ראובן נוטל חמשים ולעולם לא יטול ראובן פחות מששים לפיכך שטר עסק היוצא על היתומים שהיה אביהן מתעסק בו נשבע בעל השטר וגובה מחצה שהוא בתורת מלוה אף על פי שלעולם טוענין ליורש הנה למדת שאינו נוטל לעולם פחות ממחצה ולמה אני אומר שאין פוחתין לו כאן כנגד שכרו שנתעסק בפקדון שהרי אבד כל החצי של פקדון ולא נשאר כאן פקדון כלל שנאמר אם לא יטול שכרו יראה כרבית שהרי חצי המלוה בלבד נוטל וכן אם התנו שיטול המתעסק רביע השכר ואבד הממון כולו משלם הרביע כולו שהוא בתורת מלוה אבל אם נשאר מן הממון מעט כדי שאם תוסיף על אותו המעט שתות ההפסד שפחתו יבא הכל רביע הממון או יתר ה"ז משלם שתות בלבד מן הטעם שכבר ביארנו:
When an administrator loses money and then labors until he profits, he cannot tell the investor: "Let us first calculate the loss that we suffered originally, of which you will bear two thirds. And then we will calculate the profit that we accrued at the end, of which you will receive only a third." Instead, we calculate only the profit or the loss that was ultimately arrived at. And the administrator receives only a share of the profit that he gained beyond the principal.
המתעסק שהפסיד וחזר וטרח עד שהרויח אינו יכול לומר לבעל המעות בוא ונחשוב ההפסד שהפסדנו תחלה ותפסיד שני שלישים ונחשוב הריוח שהרווחנו באחרונה ותטול שליש אלא מחשב באחרונה בלבד על הריוח או על ההפסד ואין לו אלא בריוח שהוסיף על הקרן:
When an investor gives an administrator 200 curtains for 200 dinarim in an iska agreement, and composes two separate legal documents concerning the partnership, the administrator may calculate each legal document as a separate investment. The investor caused himself a loss.
If he gave him 100 curtains for 100 dinarim and then gave him another investment of 100 barrels of wine for 100 dinarim, but wrote one investment contract for 200 dinarim, they must consider it a single contract. The administrator caused himself a loss.
What is implied? If he sold the 100 curtains for 130 dinarim and the hundred barrels for 70, the investor receives the entire amount, because one contract was composed, and the administrator did not make any profit. If, however, he had left them as two separate investments as they originally were, the administrator would have earned a profit of 20 dinarim in the deal involving the cloth, and would have lost 10 in the deal involving the barrels. Thus, he would have earned a total profit of 10 dinarim. The same principles apply in all analogous situations.
נתן לו מאתים יריעות במאתים דינרים בעסק וכתבן שני שטרות מאה בכל שטר מחשב לו על כל שטר בפני עצמו ובעל המעות הוא שהפסיד על עצמו נתן לו מאה יריעות במאה דינרים וחזר ונתן לו בעסק אחר מאה חביות של יין במאה דינרין וכתב לו שטר עסק במאתים דינרין אינו מחשב לו אלא בשטר אחד הוא שהפסיד על עצמו כיצד שאם מכר המאה והמתעסק יריעות במאה ושלשים והמאה החביות בשבעים בעל המעות נוטל הכל מפני שעשה שטר אחד הרי הכל מאתים ולא הרויח כלום אבל אילו הניחם שני עסקים כשהיו היה מרויח המתעסק בחלקו בבגדים עשרים ומפסיד בחלקו בחביות עשרה והיה נוטל עשרה וכן כל כיוצא בזה:
An administrator may not divide the money or the merchandise he was entrusted, saying; "I will take the half that I was given as a loan for myself and do business with it, and I will place the half that is considered an entrusted object in the court for safekeeping." For he was given this money solely with the intent that he do business with the entire amount. If he dissolved the investment contract and did the above, even if he entrusted the money to the nation's highest court, his actions are of no consequence. The profit or the loss should be divided among them according to the principles we have explained.
אין המתעסק יכול לחלוק המעות של עסק או סחורה ולומר אטול את החצי שבתורת מלוה לעצמי ואשא ואתן בו ואניח החצי שבתורת פקדון בב"ד שלא נתן לו ממון זה אלא להתעסק בכולו ואם חלק ועשה זה אפילו בבית דין הגדול לא עשה כלום אלא השכר או ההפסד ביניהן על אותן הדרכים שביארנו:
When an administrator gives other people a present from movable property belonging to the investment agreement or from money belonging to the investment, and the investor brings clear proof that this movable property or this money belongs to the investment, it may be expropriated from the recipient. Even if the recipient changed it, sold it or gave it away as a present to others, or destroyed it, the administrator is obligated to pay for it, provided the investor brings definite proof that the recipient was given property or funds belonging to the investment.
We have already explained that if the administrator dies, the investor may take an oath and collect half of the money invested. If there are witnesses who testify that merchandise was purchased with the money of the investment, the investor may take it without taking an oath. Similarly, no other creditors or wives of the administrator may expropriate anything from these goods unless there was a profit. For the portion of the profit belonging to the deceased belongs to his heirs, and from that portion, his creditors and wives may expropriate money that is due them.
המתעסק שנתן מתנה לאחרים מן המטלטלין של עסק או ממעות העסק והביא בעל המעות ראיה ברורה שאלו המלטלין או המעות משל עסק הן מוציאין אותן מידו ואפילו שינה המקבל אותם ומכרם ונתנם מתנה לאחרים או הפסיד חייב לשלם והכל בראיה ברורה כבר ביארנו שהמתעסק שמת נשבע בעל המעות וגובה מחצה ואם יש שם עדים שהמטלטלין אלו מן המעות של עסק הם נוטל אותם בעל המעות בלא שבועה ואין בעל חוב ולא אשה נוטלים מהם כלום אלא א"כ היה בהם ריוח הרי חלק הריוח של מת של יורשיו ויטול באותו חלק בעל חוב והאשה:
When a person gives a colleague money to purchase produce, with the profits to be split among them, and the colleague fails to do so, all the investor has against him are complaints. If he has definite proof that he purchased produce and then sold it, he may expropriate the profit from him against his will.
הנותן מעות לחבירו ליקח בהם פירות למחצית שכר ולא לקח אין לו עליו אלא תרעומת ואם נודע בראיה ברורה שלקח ומכר הרי זה מוציא ממנו השכר בעל כרחו:
When a person gives a colleague money to purchase produce with the profits to be split among them, the colleague may purchase any type that he desires. He should not, however, buy garments, wood or the like.
When a person hires a colleague to run a store with the profits to be split among them, if the person hired as the storekeeper is a craftsman, he should not work at his craft, for his attention is not focused on the store while he is working at his craft. If, however, his partner was present in the courtyard at that time, it is permitted. The person hired as the storekeeper should not purchase and sell other merchandise. If he does, the profit should be split.
נתן לו מעות ליקח בהן פירות למחצית שכר לוקח בהן מכל מין שירצה ולא יקח לא כסות ולא עצים וכן כל כיוצא בזה המושיב את חבירו בחנות למחצית שכר אם היה אומן לא יעסוק באומנותו לפי שאין עיניו על החנות בשעה שעוסק באומנותו ואם היה שותף עמו בחצר מותר ולא יהיה לוקח ומוכר דברים אחרים ואם לקח ומכר השכר לאמצע:
Hayom Yom:
• English Text | Video Class
Tuesday, Menachem Av 9, 5777 · 01 August 2017
"Today's Day"
Tuesday, Menachem Av 9, 5703
At Mincha: Sh'ma, Song of the Day (p. 76), Ein k'Elokeinu (p. 81), all the studies relevant to Shacharit, then the Order of Mincha (p. 96). The b'racha, she'assa li kol tzorki ("Who has provided me with every need," p. 8) is not said until tomorrow.
Torah lessons: Chumash: Va'etchanan, Shlishi with Rashi.
Tehillim: 49-54.
Tanya: And now once more (p. 393) ...but Torah..." (p. 393).
Every year on Tisha B'Av my father studied Eicha Raba and the section of R. Yochanan in chapter Hanizakin.1
the morning, after kinot - and he would say them all - he said Eicha. He was called to the Torah for maftir, sometimes both at Shacharit and Mincha.
1.Tractate Gittin, page 55b. The section deals with the destruction of the Jerusalem sanctuary.
Daily Thought:
Who Is Doing What?
G‑d wanted a being—a somebody—not a puppet. A creature that would decide, “This is how it should be done, using such-and-such and in such a way with such a feeling—this is what my Creator wants from me.”
The score is handed to us, but the music comes from our own souls.
9th of Av - Shacharit: Jeremiah 8:13 - 9:23
Deuteronomy 4:25 “When you have had children and grandchildren, lived a long time in the land, become corrupt and made a carved image, a representation of something, and thus done what is evil in the sight of Adonai your God and provoked him; 26 I call on the sky and the earth to witness against you today that you will quickly disappear from the land that you are crossing the Yarden to possess. You will not prolong your days there but will be completely destroyed. 27 Adonai will scatter you among the peoples; and among the nations to which Adonai will lead you away, you will be left few in number. 28 There you will serve gods which are the product of human hands, made of wood and stone, which can’t see, hear, eat or smell. 29 However, from there you will seek Adonai your God; and you will find him if you search after him with all your heart and being. 30 In your distress, when all these things have come upon you, in the acharit-hayamim, you will return to Adonai your God and listen to what he says; 31 for Adonai your God is a merciful God. He will not fail you, destroy you, or forget the covenant with your ancestors which he swore to them.
32 “Indeed, inquire about the past, before you were born: since the day God created human beings on the earth, from one end of heaven to the other, has there ever been anything as wonderful as this? Has anyone heard anything like it? 33 Did any other people ever hear the voice of God speaking out of a fire, as you have heard, and stay alive? 34 Or has God ever tried to go and take for himself a nation from the very bowels of another nation, by means of ordeals, signs, wonders, war, a mighty hand, an outstretched arm and great terrors — like all that Adonai your God did for you in Egypt before your very eyes? 35 This was shown to you, so that you would know that Adonai is God, and there is no other beside him. 36 From heaven he caused you to hear his voice, in order to instruct you; and on earth he caused you to see his great fire; and you heard his very words coming out from the fire. 37 Because he loved your ancestors, chose their descendants after them and brought you out of Egypt with his presence and great power, 38 in order to drive out ahead of you nations greater and stronger than you, so that he could bring you in and give you their land as an inheritance, as is the case today; 39 know today, and establish it in your heart, that Adonai is God in heaven above and on earth below — there is no other. 40 Therefore, you are to keep his laws and mitzvot which I am giving you today, so that it will go well with you and with your children after you, and so that you will prolong your days in the land Adonai your God is giving you forever.”
Jeremiah 8:13 “‘I will put an end to them,’ says Adonai.
‘There are no grapes on the vine,
and no figs on the fig tree;
the leaf has withered; and what I have given them
will pass from their possession.’”
14 “Why are we sitting still? Assemble!
Let’s enter the fortified cities
and meet our doom there!
For Adonai our God has doomed us;
he has given us bitter water to drink,
because we have sinned against Adonai.
15 When we look for peace, nothing good comes;
when we seek a time of healing, instead there is terror.”
16 From Dan can be heard the snorting of his horses;
when his stallions neigh, the whole land trembles.
For they come devouring the land and all in it,
the city and those who dwell there.
17 “Yes, now I am sending snakes among you,
vipers that no one can charm,
and they will bite you,” says Adonai.
18 My grief has no cure, I am sick at heart.
19 Listen to my people’s cry of distress
out of a distant land:
“Is Adonai no longer in Tziyon?
Is her king no longer there?”
“Why do they provoke me with their idols
and their futile foreign gods?”
20 “The harvest has passed, the summer is over,
and still we are not saved.”
21 The daughter of my people is broken,
and it’s tearing me to pieces;
everything looks dark to me,
horror seizes me.
22 Has Gil‘ad exhausted its healing resin?
Is no physician there?
If there is, then why is the daughter of my people
so slow to recover her health?
23 (9:1) I wish my head were made of water
and my eyes were a fountain of tears,
so that I could cry day and night
over the slain of the daughter of my people!
9:1 (2) I wish I were out in the desert,
in some travelers’ lodge —
then I could get away from my people
and distance myself from them!
“Indeed they are all adulterers,
a band of traitors is what they are.
2 (3) They bend their tongues, their ‘bow’ of falsehood,
and hold sway in the land, but not for truth.
For they go from evil to evil,
and me they do not know,”
says Adonai.
3 (4) Everyone, be on guard against your neighbor,
don’t trust even a brother;
for every brother is out to trick you,
and every neighbor goes around gossiping.
4 (5) Everyone deceives his neighbor,
no one speaks the truth;
they have taught their tongues to lie,
they wear themselves out with sinning.
5 (6) “You inhabit a world of deceit;
deceitfully they refuse to know me,”
says Adonai.
6 (7) “Therefore,” says Adonai-Tzva’ot,
“I will refine them and test them.
What else can I do with the daughter of my people?
7 (8) Their tongues are sharpened arrows;
with their mouths they speak deceit —
they say nice words to their neighbors,
while inwardly plotting against them.
8 (9) Should I not punish them for these things?” asks Adonai.
“Should I not take vengeance on such a nation?”
9 (10) I weep and wail for the mountains
and lament over the desert pastures,
because they have been burned up;
no one passes through;
they no longer hear the sound of cattle;
the birds and wild animals have fled, are gone.
10 (11) “I will make Yerushalayim a heap of ruins,
turn it into a lair for jackals,
and make the cities of Y’hudah desolate,
with no one living there.”
11 (12) Who is wise enough to understand this?
To whom has the mouth of Adonai spoken,
so that he can proclaim it?
Why has the land perished
and been laid waste like a desert,
so that no one passes through?
12 (13) Adonai answers:
“Because they abandoned my Torah,
which I set before them,
and neither listened to what I said
nor lived accordingly,
13 (14) but have lived by their own hearts’ stubbornness
and by the ba‘alim, as their ancestors taught them —
14 (15) therefore,” says Adonai-Tzva’ot,
the God of Isra’el:
“I will feed this people bitter wormwood
and give them poisonous water to drink.
15 (16) I will scatter them among nations
that neither they nor their ancestors have known.
I will send the sword after them
until I have wiped them out.”
16 (17) Thus says Adonai-Tzva’ot:
“Mark this, then summon the mourning women,
so that they will come;
send for those who are best [at mourning],
so that they will come:
17 (18) ‘Have them hurry and wail for us,
so our eyes will be wet from crying,
and our eyelids gush with tears.’
18 (19) For the sound of wailing is heard from Tziyon:
‘We are utterly ruined,
we are completely ashamed,
because we have left the land,
and our homes have been torn down!’”
19 (20) You women, hear the word of Adonai!
Let your ears receive the words from his mouth.
Teach your daughters how to wail,
have each teach her friend how to lament:
20 (21) “Death has come up through our windows,
it has entered our palaces,
it has cut down children in the streets
and young people in the public places.”
21 (22) Say: “Here is what Adonai says:
‘The corpses of people are scattered
like dung in an open field,
like sheaves left behind by the reaper
with no one to gather them.’”
22 (23) Here is what Adonai says:
“The wise man should not boast of his wisdom,
the powerful should not boast of his power,
the wealthy should not boast of his wealth;
23 (24) instead, let the boaster boast about this:
that he understands and knows me —
that I am Adonai, practicing grace,
justice and righteousness in the land;
for in these things I take pleasure,” says Adonai.
Today's Laws & Customs:
• The Fast of Tishah B'Av
Mourning the destruction of the Temple and the exile of Israel, (see "Today in Jewish History") we abstain from eating and drinking, bathing, the wearing of leather footwear, and marital relations--for the night and day of Av 9 (i.e., from sundown on Av 8 to nightfall on Av 9). It is customary to sit on the floor or a low seat until after mid-day. Torah study is restricted to laws of mourning, passages describing the destruction of the Temple, and the like. The tefillinare worn only during the afternoon Minchah prayers. (For more laws and customs see link below.)
Mitzvah Minute: Tisha b'Av
Laws of Tishah B'Av
• Omit TachnunTachnun (confession of sins) and similar prayers are omitted.
• Sanctification of the MoonOnce a month, as the moon waxes in the sky, we recite a special blessing called Kiddush Levanah, "the sanctification of the moon," praising the Creator for His wondrous work we call astronomy.
Kiddush Levanah is recited after nightfall, usually on Saturday night. The blessing is concluded with songs and dancing, because our nation is likened to the moon—as it waxes and wanes, so have we throughout history. When we bless the moon, we renew our trust that very soon, the light of G‑d's presence will fill all the earth and our people will be redeemed from exile.
Though Kiddush Levanah can be recited as early as three days after the moon's rebirth, the kabbalah tells us it is best to wait a full week, till the seventh of the month. When sanctifying the moon of the month of Av, it is customary to wait till the night after Tishah B'Av.
Once 15 days have passed, the moon begins to wane once more and the season for saying the blessing has passed.
Brief Guide to Kiddush Levanah: Thank G‑d for the Moon!
More articles on Kiddush Levanah from our knowledgebase.
Today in Jewish History:
• Exodus Generation Condemned to Die in Desert (1312 BCE)On the Ninth of Av of the year 2449 from creation (1312 BCE), the generation of Jews who came out of Egypt under Moses' leadership 16 months earlier were condemned to die in the desert and the entry into the Land of Israel was delayed for 40 years.
As related in Numbers 14, when the Spies that Moses sent to the Land of Canaan returned with their disheartening report (see "Today in Jewish History" for yesterday, Av 8), the people wept all night -- the night of Av 9th -- proclaiming that they'd rather return to Egypt than attempt to conquer and settle it; G-d decreed that the entire generation would wander in the desert for 40 years until the last of them died out, and that their children, under the leadership of Joshua, will enter the land He promised as Israel's heritage.
This is the first of five national tragedies that occurred on Av 9 listed by the Talmud (Taanit 4:6), due to which the day was designated as a fast day. The other four are: the destruction of the two Temples, the fall of Betar, and the plowing over of Jerusalem. (see below)
Links: The Spies
• Holy Temples Destroyed; Birth of Moshiach (423 BCE and 69 CE)Both the first and second Holy Temples which stood in Jerusalem were destroyed on Av 9: the First Temple by the Babylonians in the year 3338 from creation (423 BCE), and the second by the Romans in 3829 (69 CE).
The Temples' destruction represents the greatest tragedy in Jewish history, for it marks our descent into Galut--the state of physical exile and spiritual displacement in which we still find ourselves today. Thus the Destruction is mourned as a tragedy that affects our lives today, 2,000 years later, no less than the very generation that experienced it first hand.
Yet the Ninth of Av is also a day of hope. The Talmud relates that Moshiach ("anointed one"--the Messiah), was born at the very moment that the Temple was set aflame and the Galut began. [This is in keeping with the teachings of our sages that, "In every generation is born a descendent of Judah who is worthy to become Israel's Moshiach" (Bartinoro on Ruth); "When the time will come, G-d will reveal Himself to him and send him, and then the spirit of Moshiach, which is hidden and secreted on high, will be manifested in him" (Chattam Sofer).]
The Holy Temple: an Anthology
Moshiach: an Anthology
Moshiach and the Future Redemption
See "Laws and Customs"
• Fall of Betar (133 CE)Betar, the last stronghold in the heroic Bar Kochba rebellion, fell to the Romans on the 9th of Av of the year 3893 (133 CE) after a three-year siege. 580,000 Jews died by starvation or the sword, including Bar Kochba, the leader of the rebellion.
Link: A Talmudic account of the fall of Betar
• Expulsion from England (1290)The Jews of England were expelled by King Edward I on this date in 1290.
• The Spanish Expulsion (1492)The Jews of Spain were expelled by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella on the 9th of Av of 1492, terminating many centuries of flourishing Jewish life in that country.
Daily Quote:
Where is G-d? Where you allow Him to enter [The Rebbe of Peshischa]
Daily Torah Study:
Chumash: Va'etchanan, 3rd Portion Deuteronomy 4:41-4:49 with Rashi
• English / Hebrew Linear Translation
• Video Class
• Daily Wisdom (short insight)
Deuteronomy Chapter 4
41Then Moses decided to separate three cities on the side of the Jordan towards the sunrise, מאאָז יַבְדִּיל משֶׁה שָׁלשׁ עָרִים בְּעֵבֶר הַיַּרְדֵּן מִזְרְחָה שָׁמֶשׁ:
Then [Moses] decided to separate: Heb. אָז יַבְדִּיל [The future form יַבְדִּיל instead of the past form הִבְדִּיל is to be explained]: Moses set his heart to hasten to [implement] the matter to separate them. And even though they were not to serve as cities of refuge until those of the land of Canaan would be separated, Moses said,“Any commandment that is possible to fulfill, I will fulfill” (Makkoth 10a).
אז יבדיל: נתן לב להיות חרד לדבר שיבדילם. ואף על פי שאינן קולטות עד שיבדלו אותן שבארץ כנען, אמר משה מצוה שאפשר לקיימה אקיימנה:
on the side of the Jordan towards the sunrise: On that side which is on the east of the Jordan.
בעבר הירדן מזרחה שמש: באותו עבר שבמזרחו של ירדן:
towards the sunrise: Heb. מִזְרְחָה שָׁמֶשׁ Because the word מִזְרְחָה is in the construct state, the “reish” is punctuated with a “chataf” (vocal “sh’va”), the meaning being,“the rising of the sun,” i.e., the place of the sunrise.
מזרחה שמש: לפי שהוא דבוק נקודה רי"ש בחטף, מזרח של שמש, מקום זריחת השמש:
42so that a murderer might flee there, he who murders his fellow man unintentionally, but did not hate him in time past, that he may flee to one of these cities, so that he might live: מבלָנֻס שָׁמָּה רוֹצֵחַ אֲשֶׁר יִרְצַח אֶת רֵעֵהוּ בִּבְלִי דַעַת וְהוּא לֹא שׂנֵא לוֹ מִתְּמֹל שִׁלְשֹׁם וְנָס אֶל אַחַת מִן הֶעָרִים הָאֵל וָחָי:
43Bezer in the desert, in the plain country of the Reubenites, Ramoth in Gilead of the Gadites, and Golan in the Bashan of the Menassites. מגאֶת בֶּצֶר בַּמִּדְבָּר בְּאֶרֶץ הַמִּישֹׁר לָראוּבֵנִי וְאֶת רָאמֹת בַּגִּלְעָד לַגָּדִי וְאֶת גּוֹלָן בַּבָּשָׁן לַמְנַשִּׁי:
44And this is the teaching which Moses set before the children of Israel: מדוְזֹאת הַתּוֹרָה אֲשֶׁר שָׂם משֶׁה לִפְנֵי בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל:
And this is the teaching: This one which he is about to set down after this chapter.
וזאת התורה: זו שהוא עתיד לסדר אחר פרשה זו:
45These are the testimonies, statutes and ordinances, which Moses spoke to the children of Israel when they went out of Egypt, מהאֵלֶּה הָעֵדֹת וְהַחֻקִּים וְהַמִּשְׁפָּטִים אֲשֶׁר דִּבֶּר משֶׁה אֶל בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל בְּצֵאתָם מִמִּצְרָיִם:
These are the testimonies… which [Moses] spoke: They are the very same ones that he spoke when they went out of Egypt, and he taught it to them again in the plains of Moab.
אלה העדות וגו' אשר דבר: הם הם אשר דבר בצאתם ממצרים חזר ושנאה להם בערבות מואב:
46on the side of the Jordan in the valley, opposite Beth Peor, in the land of Sihon, king of the Amorites, who dwelt in Heshbon, whom Moses and the children of Israel smote, after they went out of Egypt. מובְּעֵבֶר הַיַּרְדֵּן בַּגַּיְא מוּל בֵּית פְּעוֹר בְּאֶרֶץ סִיחֹן מֶלֶךְ הָאֱמֹרִי אֲשֶׁר יוֹשֵׁב בְּחֶשְׁבּוֹן אֲשֶׁר הִכָּה משֶׁה וּבְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל בְּצֵאתָם מִמִּצְרָיִם:
47And they possessed his land and the land of Og, king of the Bashan, the two kings of the Amorites, who were on the side of the Jordan, towards the sunrise, מזוַיִּירְשׁוּ אֶת אַרְצוֹ וְאֶת אֶרֶץ | עוֹג מֶלֶךְ הַבָּשָׁן שְׁנֵי מַלְכֵי הָאֱמֹרִי אֲשֶׁר בְּעֵבֶר הַיַּרְדֵּן מִזְרַח שָׁמֶשׁ:
who were on the side of the Jordan: which is in the east, because the other side was in the west. [That means on the side opposite the western side.]
אשר בעבר הירדן: שהוא במזרח שהעבר השני היה במערב:
48from Aroer, which is by the bank of the river Arnon, to Mount Sion, which is Hermon, מחמֵעֲרֹעֵר אֲשֶׁר עַל שְׂפַת נַחַל אַרְנֹן וְעַד הַר שִׂיאֹן הוּא חֶרְמוֹן:
49and all the plain across the Jordan eastward as far as the sea of the plain, under the waterfalls of the hill. מטוְכָל הָעֲרָבָה עֵבֶר הַיַּרְדֵּן מִזְרָחָה וְעַד יָם הָעֲרָבָה תַּחַת אַשְׁדֹּת הַפִּסְגָּה:
Tehillim: Psalms Chapters 49 - 54
• Hebrew text
• English text
Chapter 49
This psalm is a strong message and inspiration for all, rich and poor alike, rebuking man for transgressions which, owing to habit, he no longer considers sinful; yet, these sins incriminate man on the Day of Judgement. The psalm speaks specifically to the wealthy, who rely not on God but on their wealth.
1. For the Conductor, by the sons of Korach, a psalm.
2. Hear this, all you peoples; listen, all you inhabitants of the world;
3. sons of common folk and sons of nobility, rich and poor alike.
4. My mouth speaks wisdom, and the thoughts of my heart are understanding.
5. I incline my ear to the parable; I will unravel my riddle upon the harp.
6. Why am I afraid in times of trouble? [Because] the sins I trod upon surround me.
7. There are those who rely on their wealth, who boast of their great riches.
8. Yet a man cannot redeem his brother, nor pay his ransom to God.
9. The redemption of their soul is too costly, and forever unattainable.
10. Can one live forever, never to see the grave?
11. Though he sees that wise men die, that the fool and the senseless both perish, leaving their wealth to others-
12. [nevertheless,] in their inner thoughts their houses will last forever, their dwellings for generation after generation; they have proclaimed their names throughout the lands.
13. But man will not repose in glory; he is likened to the silenced animals.
14. This is their way-their folly remains with them, and their descendants approve of their talk, Selah.
15. Like sheep, they are destined for the grave; death shall be their shepherd, and the upright will dominate them at morning; their form will rot in the grave, away from its abode.
16. But God will redeem my soul from the hands of the grave, for He will take me, Selah.
17. Do not fear when a man grows rich, when the glory of his house is increased;
18. for when he dies he will take nothing, his glory will not descend after him.
19. For he [alone] praises himself in his lifetime; but [all] will praise you if you better yourself.
20. He will come to the generation of his forefathers; they shall not see light for all eternity.
21. Man [can live] in glory but does not understand; he is likened to the silenced animals.
Chapter 50
This psalm speaks of many ethics and morals. The psalmist rebukes those who fail to repent humbly and modestly. He also admonishes those who do not practice that which they study, and merely appear to be righteous; they sin and cause others to sin.
1. A psalm by Asaph. Almighty God, the Lord, spoke and called to the earth, from the rising of the sun to its setting.
2. Out of Zion, the place of perfect beauty, God appeared.
3. Our God will come and not be silent; a fire will consume before Him, His surroundings are furiously turbulent.
4. He will call to the heavens above, and to the earth, to avenge His people:
5. "Gather to Me My pious ones, those who made a covenant with me over a sacrifice.”
6. Then the heavens declared His righteousness, for God is Judge forever.
7. Listen, my people, and I will speak; O Israel, and I will testify against you-I am God your God.
8. Not for [the lack of] your sacrifices will I rebuke you, nor for [the lack of] your burnt offerings which ought to be continually before Me.
9. I do not take oxen from your house, nor goats from your pens;
10. for every beast of the forest is Mine, the cattle of a thousand mountains.
11. I know every bird of the mountains, and the crawling creatures of the field are in My possession.
12. Were I hungry, I would not tell you, for the world and everything in it is mine.
13. Do I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats?
14. Offer confession as a sacrifice to God, and fulfill your vows to the Most High,
15. and call to Me on the day of distress; I will free you, and you will honor Me.
16. But to the wicked, God said, "What does it help you to discuss My laws, and bear My covenant upon your lips?
17. For you hate discipline, and throw My words behind you.
18. When you see a thief you run with him, and your lot is with adulterers.
19. You sent forth your mouth for evil, and attach your tongue to deceit.
20. You sit down to talk against your brother; your mother's son you defame.
21. You have done these things and I kept silent, so you imagine that I am like you-[but] I will rebuke you and lay it clearly before your eyes.
22. Understand this now, you who forget God, lest I tear you apart and there be none to save you.
23. He who offers a sacrifice of confession honors Me; and to him who sets right his way, I will show the deliverance of God."
Chapter 51
This psalm speaks of when Nathan the prophet went to David's palace, and rebuked him for his sin with Bathsheba. David then secluded himself with God, offering awe-inspiring prayers and begging forgiveness. Every person should recite this psalm for his sins and transgressions.
1. For the Conductor, a psalm by David,
2. when Nathan the prophet came to him after he had gone to Bathsheba.
3. Be gracious to me, O God, in keeping with Your kindness; in accordance with Your abounding compassion, erase my transgressions.
4. Cleanse me thoroughly of my wrongdoing, and purify me of my sin.
5. For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is always before me.
6. Against You alone have I sinned, and done that which is evil in Your eyes; [forgive me] so that You will be justified in Your verdict, vindicated in Your judgment.
7. Indeed, I was begotten in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.
8. Indeed, You desire truth in the innermost parts; teach me the wisdom of concealed things.
9. Purge me with hyssop and I shall be pure; cleanse me and I shall be whiter than snow.
10. Let me hear [tidings of] joy and gladness; then the bones which You have shattered will rejoice.
11. Hide Your face from my sins, and erase all my trespasses.
12. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew within me an upright spirit.
13. Do not cast me out of Your presence, and do not take Your Spirit of Holiness away from me.
14. Restore to me the joy of Your deliverance, and uphold me with a spirit of magnanimity.
15. I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will return to You.
16. Save me from bloodguilt, O God, God of my deliverance; my tongue will sing Your righteousness.
17. My Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare Your praise.
18. For You do not desire that I bring sacrifices, nor do You wish burnt offerings.
19. The offering [desirable] to God is a contrite spirit; a contrite and broken heart, God, You do not disdain.
20. In Your goodwill, bestow goodness upon Zion; rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
21. Then will You desire sacrifices [offered in] righteousness, olah and other burnt offerings; then they will offer bullocks upon Your altar.
Chapter 52
David laments his suffering at the hands of Doeg, and speaks of Doeg's boasts about the evil he committed. David asks, "What does he think? Does he consider the doing of evil a mark of strength?" David also curses Doeg and those like him.
1. For the Conductor, a maskil by David,
2. when Doeg the Edomite came and informed Saul, saying to him, "David has come to the house of Achimelech.”
3. Why do you boast with evil, O mighty one? God's kindness is all day long.
4. Your tongue devises treachery; like a sharpened razor it works deceit.
5. You love evil more than good, falsehood more than speaking righteousness, Selah.
6. You love all devouring words, a deceitful tongue.
7. God will likewise shatter you forever; He will excise and pluck you from the tent, and uproot you from the land of the living forever.
8. The righteous will see it and be awed, and they will laugh at him:
9. "Here is the man who did not make God his stronghold, but trusted in his great wealth, and drew strength from his treachery.”
10. But I am like a fresh olive tree in the house of God; I trust in God's kindness forever and ever.
11. I will thank you forever for what You have done; I will hope in Your Name, for You are good to Your pious ones.
Chapter 53
This psalm speaks of when Titus pierced the curtain of the Holy of Holies with his sword, and thought he had killed "himself" (a euphemism for God).
1. For the Conductor, on the machalat,1 a mas-kil2 by David.
2. The fool says in his heart, "There is no God!" They have acted corruptly and committed abominable deeds; not one does good.
3. God looked down from heaven upon mankind, to see if there was any man of intelligence who searches for God.
4. But they all regressed together; they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one.
5. Indeed, the evildoers who devour My people as they devour bread, who do not call upon God, will come to realize.
6. There they will be seized with fright, a fright such as never was; for God scatters the bones of those encamped against you. You shamed them, for God rejected them.
7. O that out of Zion would come Israel's deliverance! When God returns the captivity of His people, Jacob will exult, Israel will rejoice.
1.A musical instrument (Rashi).
2.A psalm intended to enlighten and impart knowledge(Metzudot).
Chapter 54
A prayer to God asking that in His might He save all who hope for His kindness. Read, and you will discover an awe-inspiring and wondrous prayer that should be said by all in the appropriate time.
1. For the Conductor, with instrumental music, a maskil by David,
2. when the Ziphites came and said to Saul, "Behold, David is hiding among us!”
3. O God, deliver me by Your Name, and vindicate me by Your might.
4. God, hear my prayer, listen to the words of my mouth.
5. For strangers have risen against me, and ruthless men have sought my soul; they are not mindful of God, Selah.
6. Behold, God is my helper; my Lord is with those who support my soul.
7. He will repay the evil of my watchful enemies; destroy them by Your truth.
8. With a free-will offering I will sacrifice to You; I will offer thanks to Your Name, O Lord, for it is good.
9. For He has saved me from every trouble, and my eye has seen [the downfall of] my enemy.
Tanya: Iggeret HaKodesh, beginning of Epistle 4
• English Text (Lessons in Tanya)
• Hebrew Text
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• Video Class
Tuesday, Menachem Av 9, 5777 · August 1, 2017
Today's Tanya Lesson
Iggeret HaKodesh, beginning of Epistle 4
• VIDEO CLASS: Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon Watch • Listen
• AUDIO CLASS: Rabbi Manis Freidman Listen • Download MP3אין ישראל נגאלין אלא בצדקה, שנאמר: ושביה בצדקה
“Israel shall be redeemed only by virtue of tzedakah,”1 as it is written,2 “And her repatriates [shall be redeemed] through tzedakah.”
Tzedakah, whose root connotes both “righteousness” and “charity”, thus brings about the redemption of the Jewish people from exile and their ultimate return to Zion. The same root appears in the next verse to be quoted:
כתיב: צדק לפניו יהלך
It is written:3 “Tzedek shall go (yehaleich) before Him.”
והוה ליה למימר: ילך
Now, one should have expected the verse to say yeileich.
Yehaleich, by contrast, is a causative form of the verb, seeming to imply that righteousness or charity causes some other entity to “go before Him.”
אך הענין על פי מה שכתוב: לך אמר לבי, בקשו פני
This concept may be understood by considering the verse,4 “In Your behalf my heart says, ‘Seek My face.’”
As Rashi explains it, the simple meaning of the verse is that “On Your behalf and as Your messenger my heart tells me to seek out Your face” (i.e., G‑d’s inwardness, or innermost essence, for the word פנים is related to both meanings, “face” and “interior”). And in this spirit the verse concludes: “Your countenance, G‑d, do I seek”; i.e., “I am indeed doing so: I am seeking Your countenance.”
However, if panai does in fact refer to G‑d’s countenance and inwardness, why would it be necessary to conclude, “Your countenance, G‑d, do I seek”? Surely it would suffice to say, “Your countenance do I seek,” since we have already been informed that we are speaking of G‑d’s countenance.
The Alter Rebbe therefore explains that the word panai (“my face”) refers to the inwardness of the Jewish heart, while panecha (“Your countenance”) refers to the inwardness of G‑d.
פירוש: בקשו פנימית הלב
This means [that man is being urged to] “seek the inwardness of the heart,” that hidden element within his own heart that must be sought after if it is to be revealed.
כי הנה בלהב יסוד האש האלקית שבלב
For in the flame of the Element of the Divine Fire that is in the heart, i.e., within the soul’s ardent love of G‑d which derives from the Element of Fire within the soul, as mentioned inTanya, Part I, ch. 3,
(נוסח אחר: הנה בהלב [יסוד האש האלקית שבלב])
(5A variant reading: “For in the heart, the Element of Divine Fire within the heart,”)
יש ב׳ בחינות: בחינת חיצוניות ובחינת פנימיות
there are two aspects: the aspect of chitzoniyut (“outwardness”, i.e., externality, as opposed to essence) and the aspect of pnimiyut (“inwardness”).
חיצוניות הלב היא התלהבות, המתלהבת מבחינת הבינה והדעת בגדולת ה׳ אין סוף ברוך הוא
The chitzoniyut of the heart is the ardent [love] that flares up on account of one’s understanding and knowledge of the greatness of G‑d, the blessed Ein Sof,
[להתבונן] בגדולתו, ולהוליד מתבונה זו אהבה עזה כרשפי אש וכו׳
by meditating6 on His greatness, and from this contemplation giving birth to a strong love resembling7 “flashes of fire.”
This, then, is the chitzoniyut, the external level, of the G‑dly soul: a revealed love of G‑d in one’s heart which results from meditation on G‑d’s greatness.
ופנימיות הלב היא הנקודה שבפנימיות הלב ועומקא דליבא
And the pnimiyut of the heart is the innermost point in the heart — the depth of the heart,
שהיא למעלה מעלה מבחינת הדעת והתבונה, שיוכל האדם להתבונן בלבו בגדולת ה׳
which transcends by far the categories of knowledge and understanding with which man can meditate in his heart on G‑d’s greatness.
Unaided, man would never be able to achieve such a profound love through meditation alone; it is granted to the soul as a gift, as will soon be explained, and man’s task is to search and discover it within himself.
וכמו שכתוב: ממעמקים קראתיך ה׳, מעומקא דליבא
As it is written:8 “From out of the depths do I call unto You, O G‑d”; [i.e.,] from the depths of the heart.9
“Depths” appears in the plural, for the heart harbors depths, with yet profounder depths beyond.
(ועל דרך משל: כמו במילי דעלמא, לפעמים יש ענין גדול מאד מאד, שכל חיות האדם תלוי בו, ונוגע עד נקודת פנימיות הלב, ועד בכלל
(By way of analogy, there is a parallel in worldly matters. Sometimes there is an extremely important matter upon which a man’s entire vitality hinges; it touches him as far as — and including — the innermost point of his heart,
וגורם לו לפעמים לעשות מעשים ולדבר דברים שלא בדעת כלל)
causing him to do things and say things without any reason whatever),10 for it touches the essence of his soul that transcends logic and reason.
וזה לעומת זה
And11 “the one corresponds to the other”:
The spiritual realm corresponds to the physical. Just as worldly affairs sometimes touch a person so strongly that he acts without reason:
ככה הוא ממש בעבודה שבלב
It is precisely so with the “service of the heart.” A Jew’s love for G‑d may be so great that it touches his soul’s essence which utterly transcends logic and reason.
והיינו לפי שבחינת נקודת פנימית הלב היא למעלה מבחינת הדעת המתפשט ומתלבש במדות שנולדו מחב״ד, כנודע
As is known, this is because the innermost point of the heart transcends the faculty of reason which extends and vests itself in the emotive attributes born of ChaBaD, i.e., born of the three intellectual stages — wisdom, understanding, knowledge — that together constitute the intellectual process called ChaBaD.
רק היא בחינת הארת חכמה עליונה, שלמעלה מהבינה והדעתת
Rather, [the pnimiyut of the heart] is a radiation from the supreme Chochmah, which transcends Binah and Daat,
והמלובש וגנוז אור ה׳ ממש
and in this [supreme Chochmah] there is vested and concealed the actual light of G‑d;
כמו שכתוב: ה׳ בחכמה גו׳
as it is written,12 “By wisdom (Chochmah) G‑d [founded the earth].”
The two quoted Hebrew words literally mean, “G‑d [is] in Chochmah”; i.e., G‑d’s infinite light is clothed in Chochmah.
והיא היא בחינת ניצוץ אלקות שבכל נפש מישראל
And this is precisely the spark of Divinity in every soul of Israel.13
It is this Divine spark, utterly transcending reason, that gives birth to the love of G‑d in the pnimiyut of the heart, that likewise transcends all reason.14
A question arises: Since this love emanates from the Divine spark found within the soul of all Jews, why do they not all attain this level of Divine service?
1. Rambam, Hilchot Matnot Aniyim, beginning of ch. 10. On the source and wording of this teaching, see the note of the Rebbe at the conclusion of Epistle 9.
2. Yeshayahu 1:27.
3. Tehillim 85:14.
4. Ibid. 27:8.
5. Parentheses and brackets are in the original text.
6. According to a variant reading, להתבוננן would mean “by making them meditate.”
7. Cf. Shir HaShirim 8:6.
8. Tehillim 130:1.
9. Zohar II, 63b.
10. The parentheses close here in the original text. However, the Rebbe points out that they should in fact close further on, after the words, “in every soul of Israel.”
11. Kohelet 7:14.
12. Mishlei 3:19.
13. See note 10, above.
14. “Cf. Tanya, Part I, ch. 19.” ( — Note of the Rebbe.)
• Sefer Hamitzvot:
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Today's Mitzvah
Tuesday, Menachem Av 9, 5777 · August 1, 2017
daily digest of Maimonides’ classic work "Sefer Hamitzvot"
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Important Message Regarding This Lesson
The Daily Mitzvah schedule runs parallel to the daily study of 3 chapters of Maimonides' 14-volume code. There are instances when the Mitzvah is repeated a few days consecutively while the exploration of the same Mitzvah continues in the in-depth track.
Positive Commandment 245
"And if you sell something to your neighbor..."—Leviticus 25:14.
We are commanded regarding the various methods that effect transactions, i.e., the ways to transfer property from one individual to another (or, in the case of a guardian of an object, the transfer of jurisdiction).
Full text of this Mitzvah »
Positive Commandment 245
Translated by Berel Bell
The 245th mitzvah is that we are commanded regarding the laws of buying and selling, i.e. the ways in which purchases and sales between the buyers and the sellers become legally binding.
The Torah taught about one method in G‑d's statement1 (exalted be He), "When you sell something to your neighbor, [or buy something from your neighbor's hand...]" Our Sages said,2 "[The word 'hand' teaches that the sale] refers to something which can pass from one hand to another," i.e. meshichah [physically moving the object].
It is explained that in Biblical law, transfer of money is sufficient to complete the transaction, and meshichah is necessary only by Rabbinic decree, as is mesirah [giving the vehicle of control, e.g. the reins of a horse, to the buyer] and hagba'ah [lifting the object].
The Gemara3 explicitly says, "Just as our Sages enacted a requirement of meshichah in order for a sale to be valid, so too they required meshichah in order for a watchman relationship to become valid." It is therefore clear that the requirement of meshichah in buying and selling is of Rabbinic origin, as explained in the relevant place.
However, other methods of acquiring land, etc., i.e. by means of a document or chazakah4 are traced5 to Biblical verses [and are therefore of Biblical, not Rabbinic, origin].
The details of this mitzvah — i.e. the manners of finalizing a sale in each category — are explained in the 1st chapter of tractate Kiddushin, the 4th and 8th chapters of Bava Metzia, and the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th chapters of Bava Basra.
1.Lev. 25:14.
2.Bava Metzia 47b.
3.Ibid., 99a.
4.Such as building something on the land.
5.See Kiddushin 26a.
• 1 Chapter A Day: Sanhedrin veha`Onashin haMesurin lahem Sanhedrin veha`Onashin haMesurin lahem - Chapter 25
English Text | Hebrew Text
Sanhedrin veha`Onashin haMesurin lahem - Chapter 25
It is forbidden for a judge to assert himself in a lordly and haughty manner over his community. Instead, he should conduct himself with humility and awe. Any leader who casts unnecessary fear upon the community not for the sake of heaven will be punished. And he will not see a son who is a Torah scholar, as implied by a non-literal reading of Job 37:24: "Therefore people fear him - he will never see anyone with a wise heart."
אסור לאדם לנהוג בשררה על הצבור ובגסות הרוח אלא בענוה ויראה וכל פרנס המטיל אימה יתירה על הצבור שלא לשם שמים נענש ואינו רואה לו בן תלמיד חכם שנאמר לכן יראוהו אנשים לא יראה כל חכמי לב:
Similarly, a judge may not treat them with capriciousness even though they are common people. He should not step over the heads of the holy people. Even though they are simple people and lowly, they are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the hosts of God whom He led out of Egypt with great power and a strong hand. He should patiently bear the difficulty of the community and their burden like Moses our teacher, as Numbers 11:12 states concerning him: "As a nursemaid will carry an infant." And Deuteronomy 1:16 states: "And I commanded your judges." This is a admonition to the judges to bear the community like a nursemaid carries an infant.
Take an example from Moses, the master of all prophets whom the Holy One, blessed be He, sent to Egypt, about whom Exodus 6:12 states: "And I commanded them concerning the children of Israel." The Oral Tradition relates that God told Moses and Aaron to accept this mission even though the people would curse them and stone them.
וכן אסור לו לנהוג בהן קלות ראש אף על פי שהן עמי הארץ ולא יפסיע על ראשי עם הקדש אע"פ שהן הדיוטות ושפלים בני אברהם יצחק ויעקב הם וצבאות השם שהוציא מארץ מצרים בכח גדול וביד חזקה וסובל טורח הצבור ומשאן כמשה רבינו שנאמר בו כאשר ישא האומן את היונק והרי הוא אומר ואצוה את שופטיכם זו אזהרה לדיין שיסבול את הצבור כאשר ישא האומן את היונק צא ולמד ממשה רבן של כל הנביאים כיון ששלחו הקב"ה במצרים ונאמר ויצום אל בני ישראל אמרו מפי הקבלה שאמר להם למשה ולאהרן על מנת שיהיו מקללים אתכם וסוקלין אתכם באבנים:
Just as a judge is commanded to fulfill this mitzvah; so, too, the community is commanded to show honor to a judge, as Deuteronomy 1:18 states: "And I commanded you...." This is a command to the community that they should treat a judge with awe. He should not act in a demeaning manner in their presence, nor should he conduct himself in a frivolous manner.
כדרך שנצטוה הדיין לנהוג במצוה זו כך נצטוו הצבור לנהוג כבוד בדיין שנאמר ואצוה אתכם זו אזהרה לצבור שתהיה אימת הדיין עליהן ולא יתבזה בפניהם ולא ינהוג קלות ראש בעצמו:
When a person is given a position of leadership over the community, he is forbidden to perform work in the presence of three people, lest he be demeaned in their eyes. Now if performing work in public is forbidden to him, certainly, it is forbidden for him to eat and drink or to become intoxicated in the presence of people at large and in the gatherings of the common people and in friendly get-togethers. Woe to those judges who conduct themselves in this manner, disgracing the Torah of Moses. They debase its judgments and lower them to the earth, casting them in the dust, bringing about harm to them and their descendants in this world and in the world to come.
כיון שנתמנה אדם פרנס על הצבור אסור בעשיית מלאכה בפני שלשה כדי שלא יתבזה בפניהם אם המלאכה ברבים אסורה עליו קל וחומר לאכול ולשתות ולהשתכר בפני רבים ובכניסת עמי הארץ ובסעודת מרעות אוי להם לאותן הדיינים שנהגו בכך מעלבון תורת משה שבזו דיניה והשפילוה עד ארץ והגיעוה עד עפר וגרמו רעה להן ולבני בניהם בעולם הזה ולעולם הבא:
It is forbidden to conduct oneself capriciously in relation to the agent sent by the court. For the word of the court's agent is accepted as that of two witnesses with regard to the question of ostracism. Were he to say: "So-and-so disgraced me," "...disgraced the judge," or "...refused to appear in court," that person is ostracized on the basis of his statements. We do not, however, have a document recording the ban of ostracism composed until two witness come and testify that he refused to appear in the court.
אסור לנהוג קלות ראש בשליח בית דין והרי השליח נאמן כשנים לענין הנידוי שאם אמר פלוני הקלני או הקלה הדיין או לא רצה לבא לדין משמתין אותו על פיו אבל אין כותבין פיתחא עליו עד שיבאו שנים ויעידו עליו שנמנע לבא לבית דין:
An agent of the court is not liable for relating unfavorable gossip for telling the court about these matters. Whenever anyone causes aggravation to the agent of the court, the court has the license to have "stripes for rebellious conduct" administered to him.
אין שליח בית דין חייב באמירת דברים משום לשון הרע וכל המצער שליח בית דין יש לבית דין רשות להכותו מכת מרדות:
When the agent of the court orders a person to appear in court, saying: "So-and-so sent me," and mentioning the name of only one of the judges, a document declaring his ostracism cannot be composed against the litigant unless the agent summons him in the name of all three judges.
When does the above apply? When the agent went and conveyed this message on a day on which it was not known that the court to hold session. On a day on which it is known to hold session, by contrast, everyone knows that all of the judges gather together. Even though the agent came and conveyed the message in the name of only one judge, it is as if he came in the name of all three.
שליח שאמר פלוני שלחני בשם אחד מן הדיינים ולא רצה בעל דין לבא אין כותבין עליו פיתחא של שמתא עד שיאמר משם שלשתן בד"א שהלך השליח ביום שאינו ידוע לישיבת הדיינים אבל ביום הידוע שהדיינים יושבים בו לדין הכל יודעים שכל הדיינים מקובצין ואף על פי שבא השליח בשם אחד כאילו בא בשם שלשתן:
When a person is summoned by the court and does not appear in court, a ban of ostracism is pronounced against him. This ban is recorded in a legal document; he is liable to pay the fee of the scribe who composes the document. When he comes to court, this document is torn.
If such a document was composed because a litigant did not accept a judgment, it may be torn up when he states that he is willing to accept it. When a court summons a litigant to appear on a certain day and he does not appear at all that day, a document recording the ban of ostracism is composed that evening.
When does the above apply? When he lived in the city and stubbornly refused to come. If, however, he lived in the outlying villages and would go in and go out from the city at times, we summon him to appear in court on Monday, Thursday, and the following Monday. If the second Monday passes without him appearing, we do not compose a ban of ostracism until the following day.
מי ששלחו לו בית דין לבוא ולא בא לדין מנדין אותו וכותבין עליו פיתחא ונותן שכר הסופר ובעת שיבא קורעין הפיתחא כתבו לו פיתחא מפני שלא קבל הדין כיון שאמר הריני מקבל הדין קורעין נידויו קבעו לו בית דין זמן שיבא היום ולא בא כל אותו היום כותבין עליו פיתחא לערב במה דברים אמורים כשהיה במדינה ומרד ולא בא אבל אם היה בכפרים ויוצא ונכנס קובעים לו זמן שני וחמישי ושני ואם שלם יום שני ולא בא אין כותבין עליו פיתחא עד למחר:
We do not summon a person to court during the month of Nissan, nor during the month of Tishrei, because the people are occupied with the preparations for the festivals. Nor is a summons issued for Friday, or for the day preceding a festival. We do, however, issue a summons in Nissan, for him to appear after Nissan, and a summons in Tishrei, for him to appear after Tishrei. We do not, however, issue a summons on Friday for a litigant to appear after the Sabbath. The rationale is that everyone is busy on Friday.
אין קובעין זמן לא בימי ניסן ולא בימי תשרי מפני שהעם טרודין במועדות ולא בערב שבת ולא בערב יום טוב אבל קובעין בניסן שיבוא אחר ניסן ובתשרי שיבוא אחר תשרי אבל לא קובעין בערב שבת שיבוא אחר שבת מפני שהכל טרודין בערב שבת:
When a person was located in a city and the agent of the court went to summon him, but could not find him, a court date is not set until the agent finds him and conveys this information.
Different rules apply if he lives in a village outside the city. If he is accustomed to coming on that day, the agent may tell one of his neighbors, even a woman: "If so-and-so comes, inform him that the court summoned him to appear at this time." If he does not come that day, he is placed under a ban of ostracism that evening.
When does the above apply? When the way which he is wont to follow does not pass the place of the court. If, however, his path passes the court, he is not placed under a ban of ostracism until the agent notifies him himself. For perhaps the neighbors will not notify him. For they will rationalize: "His path passes past the entrance to the court. Certainly, he visited them and was released." Similarly, if he will not come into the city until the following day, we do not rely on the neighbors, for perhaps they will forget and fail to notify him.
מי שהוא במדינה והלך שליח בית דין ולא מצאו אין קובעין לו זמן עד שימצא אותו השליח ויאמר לו היה בכפר חוץ למדינה אם דרכו לבוא באותו היום אומר השליח אפילו לאחד מן השכנים אפילו לאשה אם יבא פלוני הודיעוהו שבית דין קבעו לו זמן שיבוא לבית דין ואם לא בא מנדין אותו לערב בד"א כשאין הדרך שדרכו לילך בה על מקום בית דין אבל אם דרכו עליהן אין מנדין אותו עד שיודיעו השליח בעצמו שמא לא אמרו לו השכנים שהרי הם אומרין דרכו על פתח בית דין וכבר הלך אליהם ונפטר וכן אם לא בא במדינה עד למחר אין סומכין על השכנים שמא שכחו ולא אמרו לו:
The following laws apply when a person comes to the court and accepts the judgment issued against him, he is told to make financial restitution, but does not do so. He is not placed under a ban of ostracism until he is given a warning on Monday, Thursday, and the following Monday. If he does not pay by that time, he is placed under a ban of ostracism until he pays what he is liable. If he waits 30 days and does not seek to have the ban of ostracism lifted, he is excommunicated.
מי שבא לבית דין וקבל הדין ואמרו לו לשלם והלך ולא שלם אין מנדין אותו עד שיתרו בו שני וחמישי ושני ואח"כ מנדין אותו עד שיתן מה שהוא חייב ואם עמד שלשים יום ולא תבע להתיר נדויו מחרימין אותו:
• 3 Chapters A Day: Sheluchin veShuttafin Sheluchin veShuttafin - Chapter Five, Sheluchin veShuttafin Sheluchin veShuttafin - Chapter Six, Sheluchin veShuttafin Sheluchin veShuttafin - Chapter Seven
English Text | Hebrew Text
Sheluchin veShuttafin - Chapter Five
When a person enters into a partnership agreement without making any stipulations, he should not deviate from the local custom followed with regard to that merchandise. He should not take the merchandise and travel to another place, enter into a partnership with other individuals, be involved with other merchandise, sell it on an extended payment plan unless it is ordinarily sold in such a manner, nor should it be entrusted to others unless a stipulation to that effect was made at the outset or he did so with the consent of his colleague.
If a partner transgresses, and performs one of the above activities without the knowledge of his colleague, but when he informs him afterwards of what he did the other partner agrees, he is not liable. A kinyan is not necessary to formalize a partner's consent to any of the above matters; a verbal commitment is sufficient.
המשתתף עם חבירו בסתם לא ישנה ממנהג המדינה באותה הסחורה ולא ילך למקום אחר ולא ישתתף בה עם אחרים ולא יתעסק בסחורה אחרת ולא ימכור בהקפה אלא דבר שדרכו להמכר תמיד בהקפה ולא יפקיד ביד אחרים אא"כ התנו בתחלה או שעשה מדעת חבירו עבר ועשה שלא מדעת חבירו ואח"כ הודיעו ואמר לו עשיתי כך וכך והסכים למעשיו הרי זה פטור ואין כל הדברים האלו צריכין קניין אלא בדברים בלבד:
When one of the partners transgresses and sells merchandise on credit, takes it on a sea voyage, travels with it to another place, does business with other merchandise at the same time, or the like, he alone is liable to pay for any loss that occurs because of his activity. If he profits from his activity, the profit should be split between the partners according to their stipulations regarding profit.
For this reason, the following rules apply when a person gives a colleague money to purchase wheat as part of a partnership agreement and the partner purchases barley, or he gives him money to purchase barley and he purchases wheat: if there is a loss, it is suffered by the one who transgressed. If there is a profit, it is split.
Similarly, if a partner entered into partnership with another person using funds belonging to the partnership, if there is a loss, the persons suffers it alone. If there is a profit, it is split. If, however, he entered into a partnership with another person with his own money: if there is a loss, the persons suffers it alone. If there is a profit, he alone receives the profit. If a stipulation was made between the partners, everything is concluded according to that stipulation.
אחד מן השותפין שעבר ומכר בהקפה או פירש בים או הלך למקום אחר או שנשא ונתן בסחורה אחרת וכן כל כיוצא באלו הדברים כל פחת שיבא מחמת שעבר חייב לשלם לבדו ואם היה שם שכר השכר לאמצע כמו שהתנו ביניהם בשכר לפיכך הנותן מעות לחבירו בתורת שותפות ליקח בהן חטים לסחורה והלך וקנה שעורים או שנתן לו מעות לקנות שעורים וקנה חטים אם פחתו פחתו לזה שעבר ואם הותירו הותירו לאמצע וכן אם הלך ונשתתף עם אחר בממון השותפות אם הפסיד הפסיד לעצמו ואם נשתכר השכר לאמצע אבל אם נשתתף עם אחר בממון עצמו אם פחתו פחת לעצמו ואם הרויח הרויח לעצמו ואם התנו ביניהן הכל לפי התנאי:
When a person gives a colleague money to purchase produce with the profits to be divided in half, the person given the money is permitted to purchase more of that produce for himself. When he sells the produce, he should not sell the two together. Instead, he should sell the produce owned jointly separately, and his own produce separately.
Similarly, he should not purchase wheat for himself and barley for his colleague.Instead, he should purchase wheat for the entire amount, or barley for the entire amount, so that the funds of them both should be equal in case of loss.
הנותן מעות לחבירו ליקח בהן פירות למחצית שכר רשאי ליקח לעצמו מאותו המין וכשהוא מוכר לא ימכור שניהם כאחד אלא מוכר אלו בפני עצמן [ואלו בפני עצמן] ולא יקח לעצמו חטים ולחבירו שעורים אלא בכולן חטים או בכולן שעורים כדי שיהיו מעות שניהם שוין בחבלה:
When one of the partners says: "Let's take the merchandise to this and this place, where it is highly priced, and sell it there," the other partner may prevent him from doing so even if the first partner accepts responsibility for any loss by factors beyond his control or depreciation that may occur. The rationale is that the second partner may tell the first: "I do not desire to give you the money that is in my possession and then have to pursue you and bring you to court to expropriate it from you." Similar laws apply in all analogous situations.
אחד מן השותפין שאמר נוליך הסחורה למקום פלוני שהיא ביוקר ונמכור שם אף על פי שקיבל עליו כל אונס או כל פחת שיבא הרי חבירו מעכב עליו שהרי אומר לו אין רצוני שאתן מעות שבידי ואהיה רודף אחריך לדין להוציא ממך וכן כל כיוצא בזה:
If one of the partners desires to let the produce age until the time when it is known to sell that produce, his colleague cannot prevent him from doing so. If there is no set time to sell this type of produce, his colleague can prevent him from aging the produce.
אחד מן השותפין שבא ליישן את הפירות עד זמן הידוע אין חבירו מעכב עליו ואם אין זמן לאותן פירות חבירו מעכב עליו:
When partners evaluated their produce, and then established a partnership with them, the laws of ona'ah apply to each of them. If they mixed their produce together without evaluating it, sold it, and then did business with the profits, they should evaluate the worth of the produce at the time the partnership was established, and appraise the profit or the loss accordingly.
שותפין ששמו פירותיהן ונשתתפו בהן יש להן אונייה זה על זה ערבו פירות בלא שומא ומכרום ונשאו ונתנו בדמיהן הרי אלו מחשבין את הפירות כמה היו שוין בעת שנשתתפו ומחשבין את השכר או ההפסד:
When custom collectors waived a fee from partners, each is granted an equal share. If the collectors say: "We waived the fee because of so and so," he alone is granted the value of the waiver.
The following rules apply when partners were traveling on the road and were attacked by thieves, who sought to steal the merchandise carried by the caravan.If one of the partners saved the goods from being taken, all the partners receive an equal share in what he saved. If he says: "I am saving it for myself," he has saved it for himself alone.
שותפין שמחלו להם מוכסין מחלו לאמצע ואם אמרו משום פלוני מחלנו מה שמחלו מחלו לו היו באין בדרך ועמדו עליהן לסטים וגזלו את השיירא והציל אחד מן השותפין הציל לאמצע (אפילו אין יכולים חבריו להציל דלא פלג כיון דלא אמר כלום) ואם אמר לעצמי אני מציל (אם יכולים להציל הציל עד כדי חלקו לעצמו והיותר שלהם ואם אין יכולין להציל) הציל לעצמו:
When property is known to belong to the partnership, it is assumed that both partners have a share in its ownership throughout the entire duration of the partnership. This applies even though the property was located in the domain of only one of the partners. The partner in whose domain it is located may not claim that he purchased it from the other partner, or that he gave it to him as a present. In such an instance, we do not follow the principle: When a person desires to expropriate property from a colleague the burden of proof is on him. Instead, the property is assumed to belong to both partners unless one of them brings proof otherwise.
דבר הידוע לשני שותפין אע"פ שהוא ברשות אחד מהן אינו יוצא מחזקתו של שני כל ימי השותפות ואינו יכול לטעון שלקחו ממנו או שנתנו לו במתנה ונאמר לאחר שהמוציא מחבירו עליו הראיה אלא הרי הוא בחזקת שניהם עד שיביא האחר ראיה:
When one of the partners desires to dissolve the partnership without the knowledge of his partner, he should divide the assets in the presence of three people. They may even be unlearned people, provided they are trustworthy and able to evaluate property. If a partner divides the assets in the presence of fewer than three people, his actions are of no consequence.
When does the above apply? When he divides produce. If, however, the partnership's assets were money, the money is considered as if it had been already divided. The partner may therefore divide the money outside the presence of a court and then deposit his colleague's share with the court for safe-keeping.
When does the above apply? When all the money is of one currency and of equal value. If, however, some coins are new and others old - and needless to say if some are considered desirable and others considered undesirable - the money is also considered as produce and should not be divided outside the presence of a court of three.
אחד מן השותפין שבא לחלוק שלא מדעת חבירו חולק בפני שלשה ואפילו הן הדיוטות ובלבד שיהו נאמנין ויודעין בשומא ואם חלק לה בפחות משלשה לא עשה כלום במה דברים אמורים בשחלקו פירות אבל אם היו מעות המעות כחלוקים הם ויש לו לחלק שלא בפני ב"ד ומניח חלק חבירו בב"ד בד"א כשהיו המעות כולן מטבע אחד ושוין אבל אם היו מקצתן חדשים ומקצתן ישנים ואין צריך לומר אם היו מקצתן יפות ומקצתן רעות הרי הן כפירות ואין חולקין אותם אלא בב"ד:
It is forbidden for a person to enter into partnership with a gentile, lest his colleague be obligated to take an oath to him and he swear in the name of his false deity.
We have already explained in the appropriate place that it is forbidden to do business with produce that grows in the Sabbatical year, nor with firstborn animals, nor with animals that are trefah, nor with meat from dead animals, nor with produce that is terumah, nor with crawling or teeming animals. If a person transgresses and invests money belonging to a partnership in these, the profit should be divided among the partners. It appears to me that if he loses, he must bear the loss himself. This ruling is granted because he transgressed.
אסור להשתתף עם עכו"ם שמא יתחייב לו חבירו שבועה וישביעו ביראתו וכבר ביארנו במקומו שאסור לעשות סחורה בפירות שביעית [ולא בבכורות] ולא בטריפות ולא בנבילות ולא בתרומות ולא בשקצים ורמשים ואם עבר ועשה השכר לאמצע ונראה לי שאם הפסיד הפסיד לעצמו מפני שעבר:
When one of the members of a partnership or an investment agreement dies, the partnership or the investment agreement is nullified. This applies even if the agreement was originally made for a specific time. The rationale is that the money has already been transferred to the domain of the heirs. The Geonim ruled in accordance with this decision.
אחד מן השותפין או מן המתעסקין שמת בטלה השותפות או העסק אף על פי שהתנו לזמן קבוע שכבר יצא הממון לרשות היורשים וכזה הורו הגאונים:
Sheluchin veShuttafin - Chapter Six
When two partners both do business with the money belonging to the partnership, even if the money was originally invested by only one of them, their relationship is referred to as a partnership. If they lose or they profit, the loss or the profit is divided equally, or they may stipulate any other division of the profits or the losses, as we have explained.
If, however, only one of the partners was doing business with the money belonging to the partnership, even if the money was originally invested by both of them, this type of partnership is called an esek (an investment agreement). The person who does the buying and selling is called an administrator, for he alone is the one involved in the transactions. And the partner who is not involved in the business dealings is referred to as the investor.
שנים שהן נושאין ונותנין בממון השותפות אע"פ שהממון של אחד מהן הרי זה נקראת שותפות ואם פחתו או הותירו הרי הוא לאמצע ויש להם להתנות בשכר ובהפסד כל מה שירצו כמו שביארנו אבל אם היה האחד בלבד הוא שנושא ונותן בממון השתוף אף על פי שהממון משל שניהם הרי זו השותפות נקראת עסק וזה הנושא ונותן נקרא מתעסק שהרי הוא לבדו מתעסק במשא ומתן ושותפו שאינו נושא ונותן נקרא בעל המעות:
Our Sages ordained that whenever a person entrusts money to a colleague to use for business purposes, half of the money should be considered a loan. The administrator is responsible for this money even if it is destroyed by forces beyond his control. The second half is considered an entrusted object, and the investor is responsible for it. If the half that is considered an entrusted article is stolen or lost, the administrator is not liable to pay. Therefore, any profit that is earned by this half of the investment will belong to the investor.
According to this construct, the profit or the loss of the entire investment should not be equally divided between the investor and the administrator. For if this were the case, the investor would receive a profit for the half of his money that is an entrusted object without doing anything for it. The administrator is working for the sake of the half of the investment that was an entrusted article, because of the money that he was lent. Thus, this brings the two to avak ribit, the shade of interest.
What should be done if they desire that the profit or the loss be equally shared? The investor should pay the administrator the wages to be paid to an unemployed laborer of the profession in which he was involved. If the administrator has any other occupation in which he is involved aside from caring for this investment, the investor does not have to pay him a daily wage. Instead, even if he paid him only one dinar for the entire time of the partnership, this is sufficient. If the partnership lost or gained, the loss or profit should be divided equally.
Similarly, if the investor told the administrator: "In addition to the portion that is divided, you will receive one third or one tenth of the profit," since he has another occupation, it is permitted. If there is a loss, the loss is divided equally.
If the administrator is a sharecropper working the fields of the investor, and he has another business, he is not required to pay him any other wage at all. For a sharecropper is obligated to take care of the interests of the owner of the field.
תקנו חכמים שכל הנותן מעות לחבירו להתעסק בהן יהיה חצי הממון בתורת הלואה והרי המתעסק חייב באחריותו אע"פ שאבד באונס והחצי האחר בתורת פקדון והרי הוא באחריות בעל המעות ואם נגנב או אבד החצי של פקדון אין המתעסק חייב לשלם ולפיכך יהיה שכר זו החצי אם הרויח של בעל המעות ולפי תקנה זו אי אפשר שיהיה השכר או ההפסד של כל הממון לאמצע בשוה שאם אתה אומר כן נמצא בעל הממון נוטל שכר חצי מעותיו שהן פקדון ואינו עושה כלום אלא זה המתעסק טורח לו בחצי של פקדון מפני מעותיו שהלוהו ונמצא באין לידי אבק רבית והיאך יעשו אם רוצה להיות השכר או ההפסד לאמצע בשוה יתן למתעסק שכרו שבכל יום ויום מימי השותפות בפועל בטל של אותה מלאכה שבטל ממנה ואם היה לו עסק אחר כל שהוא להתעסק בו עם מעותיו של זה אינו צריך להעלות לו שכר של כל יום ויום אלא אפילו העלה לו דינר בכל ימי השותפות דיו ואם פחתו או הותירו יהיה לאמצע בשוה וכן אם אמר לו כל הריוח יהיה לך שלישו או עשיריתו בשכרך הואיל ויש לו עסק אחר הרי זה מותר ואם הפסידו יפסיד מחצה ואם היה זה המתעסק אריסו והיה לו עסק אחר אינו צריך להעלות לו שכר אחר כלל שהאריס משועבד הוא לבעל השדה:
Our Sages also ordained that whenever a person gives a colleague money to use for a business and the investor did not desire to pay the administrator a wage, and they did not make any stipulation with regard to the division of the profits and the losses, the profit or the loss should be divided as follows: The wage of the administrator for handling the half of the investment that is considered an entrusted article is one third of the profit of that half, which is one sixth of the profit of the entire investment.
Therefore, if a profit is made, the administrator should receive two thirds of the profit: half of the profit stemming from the half of the investment that was a loan, and the sixth of the profit that is his wages for handling the money considered as an entrusted article. Thus, he receives two thirds of the profit.
If there is a loss, the administrator should bear a third of the loss. This figure is reached as follows: He is liable for half the loss because of the half [of the original investment that was a loan. He deserves a sixth of the loss as his wage for handling the half of the investment that was considered an entrusted article. Thus, his responsibility is one third of the loss. The investor must bear two thirds of the loss.
ועוד תקנו חכמים שכל הנותן מעות לחבירו להתעסק בהן ופחתו או הותירו ולא רצה ליתן לו שכר עמלו בכל יום ולא התנו ביניהן שום תנאי שיהיה שכר המתעסק באותו חצי של פקדון שליש ריוח הפקדון שהוא שתות ריוח כל הממון לפיכך אם הרויחו יטול המתעסק שני שלישי הריוח חצי הריוח של חצי המעות שהן מלוה ושתות הריוח בשכר שנתעסק בפקדון נמצא הכל שני שלישי הריוח: ויטול בעל המעות שליש הריוח:
ואם פחתו יפסיד המתעסק שליש הפחת שהרי הוא חייב בחצי הפחת מפני שחצי המעות מלוה ויש לו שתות בשכרו באותו החצי של פקדון ונמצא שנשאר עליו מן הפחת שלישו ובעל המעות יפסיד שני שלישי הפחת:
There is an opinion that makes an error, maintaining that when a person makes an investment without making any stipulations with regard to the division of profits and losses, they should be divided as follows: If there is a profit, the administrator should receive half, but if there is a loss, he must bear only a third of the loss. This is not the rule unless they made an explicit stipulation to this effect.
Similarly, if they stipulated that if there be a loss the administrator should suffer half the loss, and if there be a profit he should be granted two thirds of the profit, this is permitted. Similarly, if they stipulated that if there be a profit, the administrator should receive one ninth and if there be a loss, he should lose one tenth, this stipulation is binding. The rationale is that they made a stipulation that the administrator should receive a greater share of the profit than his share of the loss, and he is granted this additional amount because of his work.
My teachers ruled that such a conditional agreement is not effective unless the administrator has another occupation. If he does not have another occupation, the profit that the administrator can receive must be at least a sixth more than the loss he could suffer, as we have explained. They maintain that a prohibition is involved, and the stipulation cannot supersede it. This ruling does not appear correct to me.
יש מי שטועה ואומר שהנותן עסק סתם אם יהיה שם שכר יטול המתעסק חציו ואם היה שם הפסד יפסיד שליש ואין הדבר כן אא"כ התנו על דבר זה בפירוש וכן אם התנו שיפסיד המתעסק מחצה ואם יהיה שם שכר יטול שני שלישי הריוח הרי זה מותר וכן אם התנו שאם יהיה שם שכר יטול המתעסק תשיעיתו ואם יהיה שם הפסד יפסיד עשיריתו הואיל והתנו שיהיה ריוח המתעסק יותר על הפסדו תנאו קיים ותוספת זו כנגד עמלו ורבותי הורו שאין התנאי זה מועיל אלא אם כן היה למתעסק עסק אחר אבל אם אין לו עסק אחר צריך שיהא שכר המתעסק יתר על הפסדו בשתות כמו שביארנו שזה דבר אסור הוא ואין התנאי מועיל בו ולא יראה לי זה:
My teachers ruled that if a stipulation was made that the administrator should receive three fourths of the profit and the investor only one portion, only one fourth of the money will be considered an entrusted article and three fourths will be considered a loan. Therefore, if there is a loss, the administrator should bear three fourths of the loss, minus a twelfth. The investor should suffer a fourth of the loss plus a twelfth - i.e., one third of the entire loss.
What is implied? The investor gave the administrator 100 dinarim according to this stipulation, and they lost 24 dinarim, the investor should lose eight, and the administrator sixteen.
These ratios should be followed at all times. Whenever there is a profit, the investor should receive the share of the profit that was stipulated. If there is a loss, he should bear that same proportion of the loss, but should be given one third of the investor's portion. Thus, according to this approach, if it was agreed that the administrator would receive a fourth of the profits, he does not lose anything if there is a loss. For in place of the fourth of the loss that he is required to bear, he is due one third of the portion of the owner - i.e., one fourth. And so, one cancels out the other.
These authorities maintain that similar principles apply if a stipulation was made regarding losses without mentioning profits. If a loss was incurred, the administrator must bear the loss as stipulated. If a profit was made, the administrator should receive the share of the loss that he was supposed to bear, plus one third of the portion to be received by the investor.
What is implied? If a stipulation was made that in the event of a loss, the administrator should bear one fourth of the loss. If there is a loss, he must pay the investor one fourth. If there is a profit, the administrator receives half the profit.
Although the rules that they issued are words of logic, if these principles are followed, it is possible for the administrator to cause a loss and yet receive profit.
What is implied? It was stipulated that the administrator should receive one seventh of the profit. A loss was incurred. Thus, the administrator should receive as a wage one seventh in addition to this loss.
How is this illustrated? They suffered a loss of seven dinarim. The administrator will tell the investor: "I owe you one dinar according to our stipulation, but you owe me two dinarim, which is one third of the portion of the entrusted article." Thus, the investor is obligated to pay him a dinar as wages for losing seven dinarim. And if he had lost fourteen dinarim, the investor would have to pay him two dinarim as wages. This is an unfathomable matter, which cannot be accepted by logic. To me, it appears like a dream.
Instead, the proper approach and the true law appears to me as follows: If there is a loss, the administrator should bear as a loss two thirds of the percentage he would receive if there were a profit. Similarly, if they made a stipulation concerning a loss and they profited, the administrator should receive the portion he would lose in the event of a loss, plus a third of the share of his colleague. Thus, according to this approach, if a stipulation was made that the administrator should receive one fourth of the profit and he incurred a loss, he should pay one sixth of the loss. And if a stipulation was made that he should lose a fourth and he profited, he should receive a half. Following this approach will not lead to unthinkable results, and there will be expressed a law that is just.
הורו רבותי שאם התנו שיטול המתעסק שלשה חלקים מהשכר ובעל המעות רביע השכר נמצא רביע המעות בלבד בתורת פקדון ושלשה רביעים בתורת הלואה לפיכך אם היה שם הפסד יפסיד המתעסק שלשה רביעי הפסד פחות שליש הרביע ויפסיד בעל המעות רביע ושליש רביע שהוא שליש כל ההפסד כיצד נתן לו מאה דינרים על תנאי זה וחסרו ארבעה ועשרים בעל המעות מפסיד שמנה והמתעסק משלם ששה עשר ועל דרך זו לעולם כל חלק שיש לבעל המעות בשכר אם יהיה שם ריוח נוטל כמו שהתנו ואם יהיה שם הפסד יפסיד אותו החלק ותוספת שלישו נמצאת למד לפי מדה זו שאם התנו שיטול המתעסק רביע השכר אם פחת לא ישלם המתעסק כלום שהרי רביע ההפסד שהוא חייב לשלם מפני המלוה יש לו כנגדו שליש מה שיטול בעל המעות שהוא רביע ונמצא זה כנגד זה:
וכן אם התנו על הפחת ולא הזכירו הריוח אם פחתו פחת המתעסק כפי מה שהתנו ואם הוסיפו נוטל המתעסק כמו אותו החלק שהיה מפסיד ותוספת שליש מה שנטל בעל המעות כיצד התנו שאם היה שם הפסד יפחות המתעסק רביע והפחיתו משלם רביע הפחת ואם הותירו נוטל מחצה ואף על פי שדברים אלו שהורו דברי טעם הם אם תלך על דרך זו שמא המתעסק אפשר שיפחות ויטול שכר כיצד כגון שהתנה עמו שיטול המתעסק אחד משבע' בשכר ופחתו נמצא נוטל המתעסק אחד משבעה יתר על זה ההפסד כיצד כגון שפחתו שבעה דינרים הרי המתעסק אומר לו אני חייב לך דינר אחד כפי התנאי ואתה חייב לשלם לי שנים שהן שליש חלק הפקדון נמצא בעל המעות חייב ליתן לו דינר בשכר שהפסיד שבעה ואילו הפסיד ארבעה עשר היה חייב בעל המעות ליתן לו שני דינרין וזה תימה גדול ודבר שאין הדעת סובלת אותו ואין זה אצלי אלא כמו דברי החלום אבל הדרך והדין האמת שיראה לי שכל שירויח המתעסק אם יהיה שם הפסד יפסיד שני שלישי החלק שהיה מרויח וכן אם התנו על ההפסד והרויחו יטול כמו אותו החלק שהיה מפסיד ותוספת שליש חלק חבירו נמצאת אתה אומר לפי מדה זו שאם התנו שיטול המתעסק רביע השכר והפסיד הרי זה משלם שתות ואם התנו שיפסיד רביע והרויח נוטל מחצה ועל דרך זה לא תמצא תימה ויצא הדין בקו הצדק:
Sheluchin veShuttafin - Chapter Seven
When a person gives money to a colleague to use for business purposes without making any stipulation, or explicitly states that they will share the profit and the losses equally, and the money is lost, there is an opinion that states that if only a portion of the money is lost, the administrator should pay the investor one third, as we have explained. It appears to me, however, that the administrator should pay the half that is a loan. Our Sages' statement that he should bear one third of the loss applies when the loss is not great enough for the investor to receive less than half of his money.
What is implied? Reuven gave Shimon 120 dinarim to invest in a business. Shimon did business with the money and lost ninety dinarim. Shimon should pay 30. Thus, Reuven receives 60.
If, however, Shimon lost 105 dinarim, we do not say that Shimon must pay only 35 dinarim. For if so, Reuven will receive only 50, and Reuven should never receive less than 60.
For this reason, if a legal document recording an investment contract involving the deceased father of orphans was presented against them, the possessor of the contract must take an oath. Afterwards, he is entitled to collect the half that is a loan. This applies even though we always advance arguments in support of an heir. Thus, we can derive from this that an investor never receives less than half.
Why do I not say that the extent of the loss the administrator must bear should be reduced in consideration of his wage for taking care of the portion of the investment considered as an entrusted article? Because the entire half considered as an entrusted article was lost, and no portion remained. Hence, it is not appropriate to say that if he does not receive a wage, his efforts will appear as interest. For all that he receives is the portion that he gave as a loan.
Similarly, if it is stipulated that the administrator would receive one fourth of the profit, in the event of the loss of the entire investment, he must pay the entire fourth that was given to him as a loan. If, however, enough of the money remains so that if the administrator adds one sixth of the loss to the small portion that remains, the investor would receive a fourth or more of his original investment, the administrator is required to pay only one sixth of the loss, because of the reasons we have explained.
הנותן מעות לחבירו סתם להתעסק בהן או שהתנו בפירוש שיהיה השכר וההפסד ביניהם בשוה ונאבד הממון יש מי שהורה שישלם המתעסק שליש כמו שביארנו אם אבד מקצת הממון ויראה לי שהוא משלם מחצה שהוא בתורת מלוה וזה שאמרו חכמים משלם שליש בהפסד בשלא הגיע ההפסד ליטול בעל המעות פחות מחצי ממונו כיצד ראובן שנתן לשמעון מאה ועשרים דינר ונשא ונתן ופחת תשעים הרי שמעון משלם שלשים ונמצא ראובן נוטל ששים אבל פחת שמעון מאה וחמשה אין אומרים יפסיד שמעון חמשה ושלשים שאם אתה אומר כן נמצא ראובן נוטל חמשים ולעולם לא יטול ראובן פחות מששים לפיכך שטר עסק היוצא על היתומים שהיה אביהן מתעסק בו נשבע בעל השטר וגובה מחצה שהוא בתורת מלוה אף על פי שלעולם טוענין ליורש הנה למדת שאינו נוטל לעולם פחות ממחצה ולמה אני אומר שאין פוחתין לו כאן כנגד שכרו שנתעסק בפקדון שהרי אבד כל החצי של פקדון ולא נשאר כאן פקדון כלל שנאמר אם לא יטול שכרו יראה כרבית שהרי חצי המלוה בלבד נוטל וכן אם התנו שיטול המתעסק רביע השכר ואבד הממון כולו משלם הרביע כולו שהוא בתורת מלוה אבל אם נשאר מן הממון מעט כדי שאם תוסיף על אותו המעט שתות ההפסד שפחתו יבא הכל רביע הממון או יתר ה"ז משלם שתות בלבד מן הטעם שכבר ביארנו:
When an administrator loses money and then labors until he profits, he cannot tell the investor: "Let us first calculate the loss that we suffered originally, of which you will bear two thirds. And then we will calculate the profit that we accrued at the end, of which you will receive only a third." Instead, we calculate only the profit or the loss that was ultimately arrived at. And the administrator receives only a share of the profit that he gained beyond the principal.
המתעסק שהפסיד וחזר וטרח עד שהרויח אינו יכול לומר לבעל המעות בוא ונחשוב ההפסד שהפסדנו תחלה ותפסיד שני שלישים ונחשוב הריוח שהרווחנו באחרונה ותטול שליש אלא מחשב באחרונה בלבד על הריוח או על ההפסד ואין לו אלא בריוח שהוסיף על הקרן:
When an investor gives an administrator 200 curtains for 200 dinarim in an iska agreement, and composes two separate legal documents concerning the partnership, the administrator may calculate each legal document as a separate investment. The investor caused himself a loss.
If he gave him 100 curtains for 100 dinarim and then gave him another investment of 100 barrels of wine for 100 dinarim, but wrote one investment contract for 200 dinarim, they must consider it a single contract. The administrator caused himself a loss.
What is implied? If he sold the 100 curtains for 130 dinarim and the hundred barrels for 70, the investor receives the entire amount, because one contract was composed, and the administrator did not make any profit. If, however, he had left them as two separate investments as they originally were, the administrator would have earned a profit of 20 dinarim in the deal involving the cloth, and would have lost 10 in the deal involving the barrels. Thus, he would have earned a total profit of 10 dinarim. The same principles apply in all analogous situations.
נתן לו מאתים יריעות במאתים דינרים בעסק וכתבן שני שטרות מאה בכל שטר מחשב לו על כל שטר בפני עצמו ובעל המעות הוא שהפסיד על עצמו נתן לו מאה יריעות במאה דינרים וחזר ונתן לו בעסק אחר מאה חביות של יין במאה דינרין וכתב לו שטר עסק במאתים דינרין אינו מחשב לו אלא בשטר אחד הוא שהפסיד על עצמו כיצד שאם מכר המאה והמתעסק יריעות במאה ושלשים והמאה החביות בשבעים בעל המעות נוטל הכל מפני שעשה שטר אחד הרי הכל מאתים ולא הרויח כלום אבל אילו הניחם שני עסקים כשהיו היה מרויח המתעסק בחלקו בבגדים עשרים ומפסיד בחלקו בחביות עשרה והיה נוטל עשרה וכן כל כיוצא בזה:
An administrator may not divide the money or the merchandise he was entrusted, saying; "I will take the half that I was given as a loan for myself and do business with it, and I will place the half that is considered an entrusted object in the court for safekeeping." For he was given this money solely with the intent that he do business with the entire amount. If he dissolved the investment contract and did the above, even if he entrusted the money to the nation's highest court, his actions are of no consequence. The profit or the loss should be divided among them according to the principles we have explained.
אין המתעסק יכול לחלוק המעות של עסק או סחורה ולומר אטול את החצי שבתורת מלוה לעצמי ואשא ואתן בו ואניח החצי שבתורת פקדון בב"ד שלא נתן לו ממון זה אלא להתעסק בכולו ואם חלק ועשה זה אפילו בבית דין הגדול לא עשה כלום אלא השכר או ההפסד ביניהן על אותן הדרכים שביארנו:
When an administrator gives other people a present from movable property belonging to the investment agreement or from money belonging to the investment, and the investor brings clear proof that this movable property or this money belongs to the investment, it may be expropriated from the recipient. Even if the recipient changed it, sold it or gave it away as a present to others, or destroyed it, the administrator is obligated to pay for it, provided the investor brings definite proof that the recipient was given property or funds belonging to the investment.
We have already explained that if the administrator dies, the investor may take an oath and collect half of the money invested. If there are witnesses who testify that merchandise was purchased with the money of the investment, the investor may take it without taking an oath. Similarly, no other creditors or wives of the administrator may expropriate anything from these goods unless there was a profit. For the portion of the profit belonging to the deceased belongs to his heirs, and from that portion, his creditors and wives may expropriate money that is due them.
המתעסק שנתן מתנה לאחרים מן המטלטלין של עסק או ממעות העסק והביא בעל המעות ראיה ברורה שאלו המלטלין או המעות משל עסק הן מוציאין אותן מידו ואפילו שינה המקבל אותם ומכרם ונתנם מתנה לאחרים או הפסיד חייב לשלם והכל בראיה ברורה כבר ביארנו שהמתעסק שמת נשבע בעל המעות וגובה מחצה ואם יש שם עדים שהמטלטלין אלו מן המעות של עסק הם נוטל אותם בעל המעות בלא שבועה ואין בעל חוב ולא אשה נוטלים מהם כלום אלא א"כ היה בהם ריוח הרי חלק הריוח של מת של יורשיו ויטול באותו חלק בעל חוב והאשה:
When a person gives a colleague money to purchase produce, with the profits to be split among them, and the colleague fails to do so, all the investor has against him are complaints. If he has definite proof that he purchased produce and then sold it, he may expropriate the profit from him against his will.
הנותן מעות לחבירו ליקח בהם פירות למחצית שכר ולא לקח אין לו עליו אלא תרעומת ואם נודע בראיה ברורה שלקח ומכר הרי זה מוציא ממנו השכר בעל כרחו:
When a person gives a colleague money to purchase produce with the profits to be split among them, the colleague may purchase any type that he desires. He should not, however, buy garments, wood or the like.
When a person hires a colleague to run a store with the profits to be split among them, if the person hired as the storekeeper is a craftsman, he should not work at his craft, for his attention is not focused on the store while he is working at his craft. If, however, his partner was present in the courtyard at that time, it is permitted. The person hired as the storekeeper should not purchase and sell other merchandise. If he does, the profit should be split.
נתן לו מעות ליקח בהן פירות למחצית שכר לוקח בהן מכל מין שירצה ולא יקח לא כסות ולא עצים וכן כל כיוצא בזה המושיב את חבירו בחנות למחצית שכר אם היה אומן לא יעסוק באומנותו לפי שאין עיניו על החנות בשעה שעוסק באומנותו ואם היה שותף עמו בחצר מותר ולא יהיה לוקח ומוכר דברים אחרים ואם לקח ומכר השכר לאמצע:
Hayom Yom:
• English Text | Video Class
Tuesday, Menachem Av 9, 5777 · 01 August 2017
"Today's Day"
Tuesday, Menachem Av 9, 5703
At Mincha: Sh'ma, Song of the Day (p. 76), Ein k'Elokeinu (p. 81), all the studies relevant to Shacharit, then the Order of Mincha (p. 96). The b'racha, she'assa li kol tzorki ("Who has provided me with every need," p. 8) is not said until tomorrow.
Torah lessons: Chumash: Va'etchanan, Shlishi with Rashi.
Tehillim: 49-54.
Tanya: And now once more (p. 393) ...but Torah..." (p. 393).
Every year on Tisha B'Av my father studied Eicha Raba and the section of R. Yochanan in chapter Hanizakin.1
the morning, after kinot - and he would say them all - he said Eicha. He was called to the Torah for maftir, sometimes both at Shacharit and Mincha.
1.Tractate Gittin, page 55b. The section deals with the destruction of the Jerusalem sanctuary.
Daily Thought:
Who Is Doing What?
G‑d wanted a being—a somebody—not a puppet. A creature that would decide, “This is how it should be done, using such-and-such and in such a way with such a feeling—this is what my Creator wants from me.”
The score is handed to us, but the music comes from our own souls.
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