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Torah Reading
Va'etchanan: Deuteronomy 3:23 - 4:8
Deuteronomy 3:23 “Then I pleaded with Adonai, 24 ‘Adonai Elohim, you have begun to reveal your greatness to your servant, and your strong hand — for what other god is there in heaven or on earth that can do the works and mighty deeds that you do? 25 Please! Let me go across and see the good land on the other side of the Yarden, that wonderful hill-country and the L’vanon!’ 26 But Adonai was angry with me on account of you, and he didn’t listen to me. Adonai said to me, ‘Enough from you! Don’t say another word to me about this matter! 27 Climb up to the top of Pisgah and look out to the west, north, south and east. Look with your eyes — but you will not go across this Yarden. 28 However, commission Y’hoshua, encourage him and strengthen him; for he will lead this people across and enable them to inherit the land that you will see.’ 29 So we stayed in the valley across from Beit-P‘or.
Va'etchanan: Deuteronomy 3:23 - 4:8
Deuteronomy 3:23 “Then I pleaded with Adonai, 24 ‘Adonai Elohim, you have begun to reveal your greatness to your servant, and your strong hand — for what other god is there in heaven or on earth that can do the works and mighty deeds that you do? 25 Please! Let me go across and see the good land on the other side of the Yarden, that wonderful hill-country and the L’vanon!’ 26 But Adonai was angry with me on account of you, and he didn’t listen to me. Adonai said to me, ‘Enough from you! Don’t say another word to me about this matter! 27 Climb up to the top of Pisgah and look out to the west, north, south and east. Look with your eyes — but you will not go across this Yarden. 28 However, commission Y’hoshua, encourage him and strengthen him; for he will lead this people across and enable them to inherit the land that you will see.’ 29 So we stayed in the valley across from Beit-P‘or.
4:1 “Now, Isra’el, listen to the laws and rulings I am teaching you, in order to follow them, so that you will live; then you will go in and take possession of the land that Adonai, the God of your fathers, is giving you. 2 In order to obey the mitzvot of Adonai your God which I am giving you, do not add to what I am saying, and do not subtract from it. 3 You saw with your own eyes what Adonai did at Ba‘al-P‘or, that Adonai destroyed from among you all the men who followed Ba‘al-P‘or; 4 but you who stuck with Adonai your God are still alive today, every one of you. (ii) 5 Look, I have taught you laws and rulings, just as Adonai my God ordered me, so that you can behave accordingly in the land where you are going in order to take possession of it. 6 Therefore, observe them; and follow them; for then all peoples will see you as having wisdom and understanding. When they hear of all these laws, they will say, ‘This great nation is surely a wise and understanding people.’ 7 For what great nation is there that has God as close to them as Adonai our God is, whenever we call on him? 8 What great nation is there that has laws and rulings as just as this entire Torah which I am setting before you today?
Today's Laws & Customs:
• Omit Tachanun in the AfternoonStarting in the afternoon, Tachanun (confession of sins) and similar prayers are omitted.
• Fast Begins this Evening; Pre-Fast Meal
The fast of Tishah B'Av begins this evening at sunset.
Some of the fast's mourning practices--such as refraining from Torah study other than texts related to the events and nature of the fast day--are observed beginning from midday today.
The final meal before the start of the fast, eaten shortly before sunset, is called seudah hamafseket. Only one cooked food is eaten at this meal, customarily an egg dipped in ashes.
"Eichah"--the Book of Lamentations--is read tonight in the synagogue after evening prayers.
See "Laws and Customs" for tomorrow, Av 9, for the particular observances of the fast day.
Mitzvah Minute: Tisha b'Av
Laws of Tishah B'Av
• "Nine Days'
During the “Nine Days" from Av 1st to the Ninth of Av, we mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple. We abstain from meat and wine, music, haircutting, bathing for pleasure, and other joyous (and dangerous) activities. (The particular mourning customs vary from community to community, so consult a competent halachic authority for details.)
Consumption of meat and wine is permitted on Shabbat, or at a seudat mitzvah (obligatory festive meal celebrating the fulfillment of certain mitzvot) such as a brit (circumcision), or a siyum celebrating the completion of a course of Torah study (i.e., a complete Talmudic tractate). The Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory initiated the custom of conducting or participating in a siyum on each of the Nine Days (even if one does not avail oneself of the dispensation to eat meat).
Citing the verse "Zion shall be redeemed with mishpat [Torah] and its returnees with tzedakah," (Isaiah 1:27) the Rebbe urged that we increase in Torah study (particularly the study of the laws of the Holy Temple) and charityduring this period.
Nine Days laws and customs
Daily live siyum broadcasts
Learn about the Holy Temple in Jerusalem
Today in Jewish History:
• Spies Return (1312 BCE)
The Spies dispatched 40 days earlier by Moses to tour the Promised Land return to Israel's encampment in the desert, bearing a huge cluster of grapes and other lush fruits. But even as they praise the land's fertility, they terrify the people with tales of mighty giant warriors dwelling there and assert that the land is unconquerable.
Generation Gap
The Spies
• Civil War in Jerusalem (67 CE)Fighting breaks out inside the besieged city of Jerusalem between Jewish factions divided on the question of whether or not to fight the Roman armies encircling the city from without. One group sets fire to the city's considerable food stores, consigning its population to starvation until the fall of Jerusalem three years later.
Daily Quote:
• Fast Begins this Evening; Pre-Fast Meal
The fast of Tishah B'Av begins this evening at sunset.
Some of the fast's mourning practices--such as refraining from Torah study other than texts related to the events and nature of the fast day--are observed beginning from midday today.
The final meal before the start of the fast, eaten shortly before sunset, is called seudah hamafseket. Only one cooked food is eaten at this meal, customarily an egg dipped in ashes.
"Eichah"--the Book of Lamentations--is read tonight in the synagogue after evening prayers.
See "Laws and Customs" for tomorrow, Av 9, for the particular observances of the fast day.
Mitzvah Minute: Tisha b'Av
Laws of Tishah B'Av
• "Nine Days'
During the “Nine Days" from Av 1st to the Ninth of Av, we mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple. We abstain from meat and wine, music, haircutting, bathing for pleasure, and other joyous (and dangerous) activities. (The particular mourning customs vary from community to community, so consult a competent halachic authority for details.)
Consumption of meat and wine is permitted on Shabbat, or at a seudat mitzvah (obligatory festive meal celebrating the fulfillment of certain mitzvot) such as a brit (circumcision), or a siyum celebrating the completion of a course of Torah study (i.e., a complete Talmudic tractate). The Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory initiated the custom of conducting or participating in a siyum on each of the Nine Days (even if one does not avail oneself of the dispensation to eat meat).
Citing the verse "Zion shall be redeemed with mishpat [Torah] and its returnees with tzedakah," (Isaiah 1:27) the Rebbe urged that we increase in Torah study (particularly the study of the laws of the Holy Temple) and charityduring this period.
Nine Days laws and customs
Daily live siyum broadcasts
Learn about the Holy Temple in Jerusalem
Today in Jewish History:
• Spies Return (1312 BCE)
The Spies dispatched 40 days earlier by Moses to tour the Promised Land return to Israel's encampment in the desert, bearing a huge cluster of grapes and other lush fruits. But even as they praise the land's fertility, they terrify the people with tales of mighty giant warriors dwelling there and assert that the land is unconquerable.
Generation Gap
The Spies
• Civil War in Jerusalem (67 CE)Fighting breaks out inside the besieged city of Jerusalem between Jewish factions divided on the question of whether or not to fight the Roman armies encircling the city from without. One group sets fire to the city's considerable food stores, consigning its population to starvation until the fall of Jerusalem three years later.
Daily Quote:
...and so it is with every created thing: if the letters of the "ten utterances" with which G-d created the world during the six days of creation were to depart from it for but an instant, G-d forbid, it would revert to absolute nothingness [Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi]
Daily Torah Study:
Daily Torah Study:
Chumash: Va'etchanan, 2nd Portion Deuteronomy 4:5-4:40 with Rashi
• English / Hebrew Linear Translation
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• Daily Wisdom (short insight)
• Hebrew text
• English text
• English Text (Lessons in Tanya)
• Hebrew Text
• Audio Class: Listen | Download
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Menachem Av 8, 5777 · July 31, 2017
Today's Tanya Lesson
Iggeret HaKodesh, end of Epistle 3
• VIDEO CLASS: Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon Watch • Listen
• AUDIO CLASS: Rabbi Manis Freidman Listen • Download MP3אך מי הוא הגורם לירידת האור והשפע לעולם הזה הגשמי מי׳ ספירות, הנקראים גופא
But what causes the descent to this physical world of the light and abundance from [a source as lofty as] the Ten Sefirot [of the World of Atzilut], which are referred to as the Body?
הוא היחוד הנ״ל
It is the above-mentioned union of the Holy One, blessed be He, and His Shechinah — the infinite degree of radiation permeating the Sefirot and the subsequent worlds — and this union is brought about by the performance of the mitzvot;
שהיא תוספת הארה והשפעה מבחינת אור אין סוף, המאציל העליון ברוך הוא
for it is an additional radiation and effluence from the light of the Ein Sof, the Supreme Emanator [of the Ten Sefirot],
ביתר שאת על ההארה וההשפעה שבתחילת האצילות וההשתלשלות וכו׳
in a measure exceeding the radiation and effluence at the beginning of the emanation in the World of Atzilut and subsequent evolution.
Inasmuch as the additional measure of infinite radiation and effluence far transcends Atzilut — so much so, that in comparison to it the World of Atzilut and our grossly corporeal World of Asiyah are equally distant — it enables the radiation of Atzilut to find its way into this world.
וראשית תוספת ההארה וההשפעה היא לראשית הי׳ ספירות
And the additional radiation and effluence is first bestowed upon [the Sefirah of Chochmah, which is] the first of the Ten Sefirot.
וזה הוא: וכובע ישועה בראשו
This is the meaning of [the above-quoted phrase], “and a helmet of salvation (ישועה) upon his head.”
ישועה הוא מלשון: וישע ה׳ אל הבל ואל מנחתו
For ישועה shares a root with וישע, which is the verb in the phrase,1 “And G‑d turned toward Abel and his gift.”
The word yeshuah thus means “turning toward” and (by extension) “drawing down.”
והוא ירידת האור והשפע דש״ע נהורין שבזוהר הקדוש
This alludes to the drawing down of the light and abundance of the shin-ayin nehorin, the “three-hundred-and-seventy lights” spoken of in the holy Zohar.2
This light is much loftier than the Ten Sefirot of Atzilut: The letter shin, whose numerical value is 300, alludes to the three intellectual faculties of ChaBaD insofar as they exist at the spiritual level termed “hundreds”; the letter ayin, whose numerical value is 70, hints at the seven emotive attributes, each of which incorporates ten elements. This lofty illumination — the “helmet of salvation” — is drawn down upon the “head”, i.e., the beginning, of the Ten Sefirot.
וכמו שכתוב: יאר ה׳ פניו אליך
As it is written,3 “May G‑d make His Face (i.e., His inner being) shine upon you” — upon His people in this lowly world.
יאר פניו אתנו סלה
[It is also written]:4 “May He make His Face (i.e., His inner being) shine with us forever.”
אתנו: הוא על ידי מעשה הצדקה
[That which ensures that this Divine light be] “with us,” is the practice of charitable deeds.
וזה הוא: זורע צדקות מצמיח ישועות
And this is the meaning of the phrase,5 “He who sows tzedakot (‘charities’) brings forth yeshuot ('salvations')”; i.e., the distribution of charity results in the salvation brought about by the light of the above-mentioned shin-ayin nehorin.
So6 may G‑d make His Face shine upon you,
צדקתם עומדת לעד
and7 “your tzedakah shall endure forever.”
That which is revealed now as a result of an act of tzedakah is merely the “fruit”; the essence of the reward is revealed only at the Time to Come, at the time of the Revival of the Dead — and until that time it remains concealed. Only then will the light of sovev kol almin truly permeate and clothe itself within this world, as explained below in Epistle 32.
וקרנם תרום בישועת מצמיח קרן ישועה, צמח צדקה מהכובע ישועה הנ״ל
May your horn (i.e., power) be exalted by the salvation (yeshuah) of the One8 “Who causes the horn of salvation to sprout” — by a sprouting of the tzedakah [which G‑d does for His people], from the “helmet of salvation” mentioned above,
כנפש תדרשנו
as9 is the wish of one who seeks Him.
1. Bereishit 4:4.
2. See Zohar I, 4b; III, 133b; et passim.
3. Bamidbar 6:25.
4. Tehillim 67:2.
5. Liturgy, Morning Prayers.
6. “Here begins the Alter Rebbe’s request to those who received the letter — those who were to give the charity.” ( — Note of the Rebbe.)
In the original, the recipients of the letter are here addressed in the polite third person of classical Hebrew — “upon them,” “their tzedakah,” and so forth.
7. Cf. Tehillim 112:3.
8. Cf. Liturgy, weekday Shemoneh Esreh.
9. Cf. Eichah 3:25.
• Sefer Hamitzvot:
English Text | Hebrew Text
Audio: Listen | Download | Video Class
Today's Mitzvah
Monday, Menachem Av 8, 5777 · July 31, 2017
A daily digest of Maimonides’ classic work "Sefer Hamitzvot"
• VIDEO CLASS: Rabbi Mendel Kaplan Watch • Listen
• AUDIO CLASS: Rabbi Berel Bell Listen • MP3 Download
Important Message Regarding This Lesson
The Daily Mitzvah schedule runs parallel to the daily study of 3 chapters of Maimonides' 14-volume code. There are instances when the Mitzvah is repeated a few days consecutively while the exploration of the same Mitzvah continues in the in-depth track.
Positive Commandment 245
"And if you sell something to your neighbor..."—Leviticus 25:14.
We are commanded regarding the various methods that effect transactions, i.e., the ways to transfer property from one individual to another (or, in the case of a guardian of an object, the transfer of jurisdiction).
Full text of this Mitzvah »
• English / Hebrew Linear Translation
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• Daily Wisdom (short insight)
Deuteronomy Chapter 4
5Behold, I have taught you statutes and ordinances, as the Lord, my God, commanded me, to do so in the midst of the land to which you are coming to possess. הרְאֵה | לִמַּדְתִּי אֶתְכֶם חֻקִּים וּמִשְׁפָּטִים כַּאֲשֶׁר צִוַּנִי יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהָי לַעֲשׂוֹת כֵּן בְּקֶרֶב הָאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר אַתֶּם בָּאִים שָׁמָּה לְרִשְׁתָּהּ:
6And you shall keep [them] and do [them], for that is your wisdom and your understanding in the eyes of the peoples, who will hear all these statutes and say, "Only this great nation is a wise and understanding people. " ווּשְׁמַרְתֶּם וַעֲשִׂיתֶם כִּי הִוא חָכְמַתְכֶם וּבִינַתְכֶם לְעֵינֵי הָעַמִּים אֲשֶׁר יִשְׁמְעוּן אֵת כָּל הַחֻקִּים הָאֵלֶּה וְאָמְרוּ רַק עַם חָכָם וְנָבוֹן הַגּוֹי הַגָּדוֹל הַזֶּה:
And you shall keep [them]: This refers to study.
ושמרתם: זו משנה:
and do [them]: [To be interpreted] according to its apparent meaning.
ועשיתם: כמשמעו:
for that is your wisdom and your understanding [in the eyes of the peoples]: Through this you will be considered wise and understanding in the eyes of the peoples.
כי הוא חכמתכם ובינתכם וגו': בזאת תחשבו חכמים ונבונים לעיני העמים:
7For what great nation is there that has God so near to it, as the Lord our God is at all times that we call upon Him? זכִּי מִי גוֹי גָּדוֹל אֲשֶׁר לוֹ אֱלֹהִים קְרֹבִים אֵלָיו כַּיהֹוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ בְּכָל קָרְאֵנוּ אֵלָיו:
8And which great nation is it that has just statutes and ordinances, as this entire Torah, which I set before you this day? חוּמִי גּוֹי גָּדוֹל אֲשֶׁר לוֹ חֻקִּים וּמִשְׁפָּטִים צַדִּיקִם כְּכֹל הַתּוֹרָה הַזֹּאת אֲשֶׁר אָנֹכִי נֹתֵן לִפְנֵיכֶם הַיּוֹם:
just statutes and ordinances: צַדִּיקִם means worthy and acceptable ones.
חקים ומשפטים צדיקם: הגונים ומקובלים:
9But beware and watch yourself very well, lest you forget the things that your eyes saw, and lest these things depart from your heart, all the days of your life, and you shall make them known to your children and to your children's children, טרַק הִשָּׁמֶר לְךָ וּשְׁמֹר נַפְשְׁךָ מְאֹד פֶּן תִּשְׁכַּח אֶת הַדְּבָרִים אֲשֶׁר רָאוּ עֵינֶיךָ וּפֶן יָסוּרוּ מִלְּבָבְךָ כֹּל יְמֵי חַיֶּיךָ וְהוֹדַעְתָּם לְבָנֶיךָ וְלִבְנֵי בָנֶיךָ:
But beware…lest you forget the things: Only then, when you do not forget them, and will [therefore] do them in their proper manner, will you be considered wise and understanding, but if you distort them because of forgetfulness, you will be considered fools.
רק השמר לך וגו' פן תשכח את הדברים: אז כשלא תשכחו אותם ותעשום על אמתתם תחשבו חכמים ונבונים ואם תעוותו אותם מתוך שכחה תחשבו שוטים:
10the day you stood before the Lord your God at Horeb, when the Lord said to me, "Assemble the people for Me, and I will let them hear My words, that they may learn to fear Me all the days that they live on the earth, and that they may teach their children. ייוֹם אֲשֶׁר עָמַדְתָּ לִפְנֵי יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ בְּחֹרֵב בֶּאֱמֹר יְהֹוָה אֵלַי הַקְהֶל לִי אֶת הָעָם וְאַשְׁמִעֵם אֶת דְּבָרָי אֲשֶׁר יִלְמְדוּן לְיִרְאָה אֹתִי כָּל הַיָּמִים אֲשֶׁר הֵם חַיִּים עַל הָאֲדָמָה וְאֶת בְּנֵיהֶם יְלַמֵּדוּן:
the day you stood: This refers back to the preceding verse:“which your eyes saw” [on] the day that you stood at Horeb, where you saw the thunder and the torches.
יום אשר עמדת: מוסב על מקרא שלמעלה ממנו אשר ראו עיניך, יום אשר עמדת בחורב אשר ראיתם את הקולות ואת הלפידים:
that they may learn: Heb. יִלְמְדוּן The Targum [Onkelos] renders: יֵלְפוּן, they may learn for themselves.
ילמדון: ילפון לעצמם:
that they may teach: Heb. יְלַמֵּדוּן the Targum [Onkelos] renders: יְאַלְפוּן, that they may teach others.
ילמדון: יאלפון לאחרים:
11And you approached and stood at the foot of the mountain, and the mountain burned with fire up to the midst of the heavens, with darkness, a cloud, and opaque darkness. יאוַתִּקְרְבוּן וַתַּעַמְדוּן תַּחַת הָהָר וְהָהָר בֹּעֵר בָּאֵשׁ עַד לֵב הַשָּׁמַיִם חשֶׁךְ עָנָן וַעֲרָפֶל:
12The Lord spoke to you out of the midst of the fire; you heard the sound of the words, but saw no image, just a voice. יבוַיְדַבֵּר יְהֹוָה אֲלֵיכֶם מִתּוֹךְ הָאֵשׁ קוֹל דְּבָרִים אַתֶּם שֹׁמְעִים וּתְמוּנָה אֵינְכֶם רֹאִים זוּלָתִי קוֹל:
13And He told you His covenant, which He commanded you to do, the Ten Commandments, and He inscribed them on two stone tablets. יגוַיַּגֵּד לָכֶם אֶת בְּרִיתוֹ אֲשֶׁר צִוָּה אֶתְכֶם לַעֲשׂוֹת עֲשֶׂרֶת הַדְּבָרִים וַיִּכְתְּבֵם עַל שְׁנֵי לֻחוֹת אֲבָנִים:
14And the Lord commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and ordinances, so that you should do them in the land to which you are crossing, to possess. ידוְאֹתִי צִוָּה יְהֹוָה בָּעֵת הַהִוא לְלַמֵּד אֶתְכֶם חֻקִּים וּמִשְׁפָּטִים לַעֲשׂתְכֶם אֹתָם בָּאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר אַתֶּם עֹבְרִים שָׁמָּה לְרִשְׁתָּהּ:
And the Lord commanded me at that time to teach you: the Oral Law.
ואתי צוה ה' בעת ההוא ללמד אתכם: תורה שבעל פה:
15And you shall watch yourselves very well, for you did not see any image on the day that the Lord spoke to you at Horeb from the midst of the fire. טווְנִשְׁמַרְתֶּם מְאֹד לְנַפְשֹׁתֵיכֶם כִּי לֹא רְאִיתֶם כָּל תְּמוּנָה בְּיוֹם דִּבֶּר יְהֹוָה אֲלֵיכֶם בְּחֹרֵב מִתּוֹךְ הָאֵשׁ:
16Lest you become corrupt and make for yourselves a graven image, the representation of any form, the likeness of male or female, טזפֶּן תַּשְׁחִתוּן וַעֲשִׂיתֶם לָכֶם פֶּסֶל תְּמוּנַת כָּל סָמֶל תַּבְנִית זָכָר אוֹ נְקֵבָה:
form: Heb. סָמֶל, meaning “form.”
סמל: צורה:
17the likeness of any beast that is on the earth, the likeness of any winged bird that flies in the heaven, יזתַּבְנִית כָּל בְּהֵמָה אֲשֶׁר בָּאָרֶץ תַּבְנִית כָּל צִפּוֹר כָּנָף אֲשֶׁר תָּעוּף בַּשָּׁמָיִם:
18the likeness of anything that crawls on the ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the waters, beneath the earth. יחתַּבְנִית כָּל רֹמֵשׂ בַּאֲדָמָה תַּבְנִית כָּל דָּגָה אֲשֶׁר בַּמַּיִם מִתַּחַת לָאָרֶץ:
19And lest you lift up your eyes to heaven, and see the sun, and the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, which the Lord your God assigned to all peoples under the entire heaven, and be drawn away to prostrate yourselves before them and worship them. יטוּפֶן תִּשָּׂא עֵינֶיךָ הַשָּׁמַיְמָה וְרָאִיתָ אֶת הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ וְאֶת הַיָּרֵחַ וְאֶת הַכּוֹכָבִים כֹּל צְבָא הַשָּׁמַיִם וְנִדַּחְתָּ וְהִשְׁתַּחֲוִיתָ לָהֶם וַעֲבַדְתָּם אֲשֶׁר חָלַק יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ אֹתָם לְכֹל הָעַמִּים תַּחַת כָּל הַשָּׁמָיִם:
And lest you lift up your eyes: to gaze at this thing and to set your heart to stray after them.
ופן תשא עיניך: להסתכל בדבר ולתת לב לשוב לטעות אחריהם:
which the Lord… assigned: to illuminate for them [all peoples]. (Meg. 9b) Another explanation: Which God assigned to them as deities; He did not prevent them from erring after them; rather, He caused them to slip, [i.e., to err], with their futile speculations, in order to drive them out of the world. Similarly, it says:“He [God] smoothed the way for him in his eyes to find his iniquity to hate [him]” (Ps. 36:3) (Avodah Zarah 55a).
אשר חלק וגו' לכל העמים: להאיר להם. דבר אחר לאלוהות. לא מנען מלטעות אחריהם, אלא החליקם בדברי הבליהם לטרדם מן העולם. וכן הוא אומר (תהלים לו ג) כי החליק אליו בעיניו למצוא עונו לשנוא:
20But the Lord took you and brought you out of the iron crucible, out of Egypt, to be a people of His possession, as of this day. כוְאֶתְכֶם לָקַח יְהֹוָה וַיּוֹצִא אֶתְכֶם מִכּוּר הַבַּרְזֶל מִמִּצְרָיִם לִהְיוֹת לוֹ לְעַם נַחֲלָה כַּיּוֹם הַזֶּה:
out of the iron crucible: Heb. מִכּוּר. A כּוּר is a vessel in which gold is refined.
מכור: הוא כלי שמזקקים בו את הזהב:
21And the Lord was angry with me because of you, and He swore that I would not cross the Jordan and that I would not come into the good land the Lord, your God, is giving you as an inheritance. כאוַיהֹוָה הִתְאַנַּף בִּי עַל דִּבְרֵיכֶם וַיִּשָּׁבַע לְבִלְתִּי עָבְרִי אֶת הַיַּרְדֵּן וּלְבִלְתִּי בֹא אֶל הָאָרֶץ הַטּוֹבָה אֲשֶׁר יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ נֹתֵן לְךָ נַחֲלָה:
was angry: Heb. הִתְאַנַּף, [The hithpa’el conjugation denotes that] He became filled with wrath.
התאנף: נתמלא רוגז:
because of you: Heb. עַל-דִּבְרֵיכֶם, because of you, on your account.
על דבריכם: על אודותיכם על עסקיכם:
22For I will die in this land; I will not cross the Jordan. You, however, will cross, and you will possess this good land. כבכִּי אָנֹכִי מֵת בָּאָרֶץ הַזֹּאת אֵינֶנִּי עֹבֵר אֶת הַיַּרְדֵּן וְאַתֶּם עֹבְרִים וִירִשְׁתֶּם אֶת הָאָרֶץ הַטּוֹבָה הַזֹּאת:
For I will die… I will not cross: Since he was to die, how could he cross? But rather he meant: even my bones will not cross (Sifrei on Numbers 27:12).
כי אנכי מת וגו' אינני עובר: מאחר שמת מהיכן יעבור, אלא אף עצמותי אינם עוברין:
23Beware, lest you forget the covenant of the Lord your God, which He made with you, and make for yourselves a graven image, the likeness of anything, which the Lord your God has forbidden you. כגהִשָּׁמְרוּ לָכֶם פֶּן תִּשְׁכְּחוּ אֶת בְּרִית יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֵיכֶם אֲשֶׁר כָּרַת עִמָּכֶם וַעֲשִׂיתֶם לָכֶם פֶּסֶל תְּמוּנַת כֹּל אֲשֶׁר צִוְּךָ יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ:
the likeness of anything: Heb. תְּמוּנַת כֹּל, the likeness of anything.
תמונת כל: תמונת כל דבר:
which the Lord… commanded you: Which He commanded you not to make.
אשר צוך ה': אשר צוך עליו שלא לעשות:
24For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a zealous God. כדכִּי יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ אֵשׁ אֹכְלָה הוּא אֵל קַנָּא:
a zealous God: Zealous to wreak vengeance, in Old French, anprenemant, zealous anger. He burns in His anger to exact retribution from idol worshippers.
אל קנא: מקנא לנקום אנפרנמנ"ט בלע"ז [חמה] מתחרה על רוגזו להפרע מעובדי עבודה זרה:
25When you beget children and children's children, and you will be long established in the land, and you become corrupt and make a graven image, the likeness of anything, and do evil in the eyes of the Lord your God, to provoke Him to anger, כהכִּי תוֹלִיד בָּנִים וּבְנֵי בָנִים וְנוֹשַׁנְתֶּם בָּאָרֶץ וְהִשְׁחַתֶּם וַעֲשִׂיתֶם פֶּסֶל תְּמוּנַת כֹּל וַעֲשִׂיתֶם הָרַע בְּעֵינֵי יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ לְהַכְעִיסוֹ:
and you will be long established: Heb. וְנוֹשַׁנְתֶּם. He hinted to them that they would be exiled from it at the end of 852 years, the gematria, numerical value, of the word וְנוֹשַׁנְתֶּם, but He exiled them earlier, at the end of 850 years. He did this two years earlier than the numerical value of וְנוֹשַׁנְתֶּם in order that the prophecy about them should not be fulfilled “that you shall utterly perish.”(verse 26) This is the meaning of what is said:“And the Lord ‘hastened’ with the evil and brought it upon us, for the Lord our God is charitable (צַדִּיק)” (Dan. 9:14). He was charitable with us for He hastened to bring it [the exile] two years before its time (San. 38a; Gittin 88a).
ונושנתם: רמז להם שיגלו ממנה לסוף שמונה מאות וחמשים ושתים שנה, כמנין ונושנתם. והוא הקדים והגלם לסוף שמונה מאות וחמשים והקדים שתי שנים לונושנתם, כדי שלא יתקיים בהם (פסוק כו) כי אבד תאבדון וזהו שנאמר (דניאל ט יד) וישקוד ה' על הרעה ויביאה עלינו כי צדיק ה' אלהינו, צדקה עשה עמנו שמהר להביאה שתי שנים לפני זמנה:
26I call as witness against you this very day the heaven and the earth, that you will speedily and utterly perish from the land to which you cross the Jordan, to possess; you will not prolong your days upon it, but will be utterly destroyed. כוהַעִידֹתִי בָכֶם הַיּוֹם אֶת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֶת הָאָרֶץ כִּי אָבֹד תֹּאבֵדוּן מַהֵר מֵעַל הָאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר אַתֶּם עֹבְרִים אֶת הַיַּרְדֵּן שָׁמָּה לְרִשְׁתָּהּ לֹא תַאֲרִיכֻן יָמִים עָלֶיהָ כִּי הִשָּׁמֵד תִּשָּׁמֵדוּן:
I call as witness against you [… heaven and earth]: I hereby summon them to be witnesses that I have warned you.
העידותי בכם: הנני מזמינם להיות עדים שהתריתי בכם:
27And the Lord will scatter you among the peoples, and you will remain few in number among the nations to where the Lord will lead you. כזוְהֵפִיץ יְהֹוָה אֶתְכֶם בָּעַמִּים וְנִשְׁאַרְתֶּם מְתֵי מִסְפָּר בַּגּוֹיִם אֲשֶׁר יְנַהֵג יְהֹוָה אֶתְכֶם שָׁמָּה:
28And there you will worship gods, man's handiwork, wood and stone, which neither see, hear, eat, nor smell. כחוַעֲבַדְתֶּם שָׁם אֱלֹהִים מַעֲשֵׂה יְדֵי אָדָם עֵץ וָאֶבֶן אֲשֶׁר לֹא יִרְאוּן וְלֹא יִשְׁמְעוּן וְלֹא יֹאכְלוּן וְלֹא יְרִיחֻן:
And there you will worship gods: As the Targum [Onkelos] explains: Since you serve those who worship them [idols], it is as though you [yourselves] serve them [i.e., the idols].
ועבדתם שם אלהים: כתרגומו. משאתם עובדים לעובדיהם כאלו אתם עובדים להם:
29And from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him, if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul. כטוּבִקַּשְׁתֶּם מִשָּׁם אֶת יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ וּמָצָאתָ כִּי תִדְרְשֶׁנּוּ בְּכָל לְבָבְךָ וּבְכָל נַפְשֶׁךָ:
30When you are distressed, and all these things happen upon you in the end of days, then you will return to the Lord your God and obey Him. לבַּצַּר לְךָ וּמְצָאוּךָ כֹּל הַדְּבָרִים הָאֵלֶּה בְּאַחֲרִית הַיָּמִים וְשַׁבְתָּ עַד יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ וְשָׁמַעְתָּ בְּקֹלוֹ:
31For the Lord your God is a merciful God; He will not let you loose or destroy you; neither will He forget the covenant of your fathers, which He swore to them. לאכִּי אֵל רַחוּם יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ לֹא יַרְפְּךָ וְלֹא יַשְׁחִיתֶךָ וְלֹא יִשְׁכַּח אֶת בְּרִית אֲבֹתֶיךָ אֲשֶׁר נִשְׁבַּע לָהֶם:
He will not let you loose: He will not let go of you with His hands. The expression לֹא יַרְפְּךָ means that He will not cause something, i.e., He will not cause you looseness. He will not separate you from [being] near Him. Similarly,“I held him fast, and I would not let him loose (אַרְפֶּנּוּ)” (Song of Songs 3:4), which is not vocalized אֲרַפֶּנּוּ [which would mean to heal]. The term רִפְיוֹן “letting slack” always adopts the hif’il [causative conjugation, that is, causing someone else רִפְיוֹן] or the hithpa’el [reflexive conjugation, that is, causing oneself רִפְיוֹן]. For example: (II Kings 4:2), הַרְפֵּה לָהּ, let her be, means literally “give her looseness [i.e., an example of causing to others]”; (Deut. 9:14) הֶרֶף מִמֶּנִּי, let Me be, means literally “Make yourself loose from me [i.e., an example of causing looseness to oneself].”
לא ירפך: מלהחזיק בך בידיו. ולשון לא ירפך לשון לא יפעיל הוא, לא יתן לך רפיון, לא יפריש אותך מאצלו. וכן אחזתיו ולא ארפנו (שה"ש ג ד), שלא ננקד ארפנו. כל לשון רפיון מוסב על לשון מפעיל ומתפעל, כמו (מלכים ב' ד כז) הרפה לה, תן לה רפיון (דברים ט, יד) הרף ממני, התרפה ממני:
32For ask now regarding the early days that were before you, since the day that God created man upon the earth, and from one end of the heavens to the other end of the heavens, whether there was anything like this great thing, or was the likes of it heard? לבכִּי שְׁאַל נָא לְיָמִים רִאשֹׁנִים אֲשֶׁר הָיוּ לְפָנֶיךָ לְמִן הַיּוֹם אֲשֶׁר בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים | אָדָם עַל הָאָרֶץ וּלְמִקְצֵה הַשָּׁמַיִם וְעַד קְצֵה הַשָּׁמָיִם הֲנִהְיָה כַּדָּבָר הַגָּדוֹל הַזֶּה אוֹ הֲנִשְׁמַע כָּמֹהוּ:
regarding the early days: Heb. לְיָמִים רִאשׁוֹנִים [the“lammed” of לְיָמִים here means] regarding the early days.
לימים ראשונים: על ימים ראשונים:
and from the one end of the heavens: And also ask of all the creatures from one end [of the heavens] to the other end. This is its simple meaning, but its midrashic explanation is: [This] teaches [us] about Adam’s height, that it was from the earth to the heavens, and that this is the very same measurement as from one end of the heavens to the other end (San. 38b).
ולמקצה השמים: וגם שאל לכל הברואים אשר מקצה אל קצה זהו פשוטו. ומדרשו מלמד על קומתו של אדם שהיתה מן הארץ עד השמים והוא השיעור עצמו אשר מקצה אל קצה:
whether there was anything like this great thing: And what is this great thing? “Did ever a people hear,” etc.
הנהיה כדבר הגדול הזה: ומהו הדבר הגדול, השמע עם וגו':
33Did ever a people hear God's voice speaking out of the midst of the fire as you have heard, and live? לגהֲשָׁמַע עָם קוֹל אֱלֹהִים מְדַבֵּר מִתּוֹךְ הָאֵשׁ כַּאֲשֶׁר שָׁמַעְתָּ אַתָּה וַיֶּחִי:
34Or has any god performed miracles to come and take him a nation from the midst of a[nother] nation, with trials, with signs, and with wonders, and with war and with a strong hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with great awesome deeds, as all that the Lord your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes? לדאוֹ | הֲנִסָּה אֱלֹהִים לָבוֹא לָקַחַת לוֹ גוֹי מִקֶּרֶב גּוֹי בְּמַסֹּת בְּאֹתֹת וּבְמוֹפְתִים וּבְמִלְחָמָה וּבְיָד חֲזָקָה וּבִזְרוֹעַ נְטוּיָה וּבְמוֹרָאִים גְּדֹלִים כְּכֹל אֲשֶׁר עָשָׂה לָכֶם יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֵיכֶם בְּמִצְרַיִם לְעֵינֶיךָ:
Or has any god performed miracles: Heb. הֲנִסָּה אלֹהִים. Has any god performed miracles (נִסִּים) ?
הנסה אלהים: הכי עשה נסים שום אלוה:
to come and take him a nation…: All the letters “hey” are in the interrogative form. Therefore, they are vocalized with a chataf patach הִנִהְיָה has there been? הִנִשְׁמַע has it been heard? הִשָמַע did there hear? הֲנִסָּה did… perform miracles?
לבא לקחת לו גוי וגו': כל ההי"ן הללו תמיהות הן לכך נקודות הן בחט"ף פת"ח הנהיה, הנשמע, הנסה, השמע:
with trials: Through tests, He let them know His might, for example:“[and Moses said to Pharaoh] 'Boast of your superiority over me [to fix a time]” (Exodus 8:5), whether I am able to do so. This is a test.
במסות: על ידי נסיונות הודיעם גבורותיו, כגון (שמות ח, ה) התפאר עלי, אם אוכל לעשות כן, הרי זה נסיון:
with signs: Heb. בְּאֹתֹת. With signs, so that they should believe that he [Moses] was the messenger of the Omnipresent, as, e.g., “What is that in your hand?” (Exod. 4:2)
באותות: בסימנין להאמין שהוא שלוחו של מקום, כגון (שמות ד ב) מה זה בידך:
and with wonders: Heb. וּבְמוֹפְתִים. These are wonders, [meaning] that God brought upon them [the Egyptians] wondrous plagues.
ובמופתים: הם נפלאות שהביא עליהם מכות מופלאות:
and with war: At the Red Sea, as it is said: “because the Lord is fighting for them” (Exod. 14:25).
ובמלחמה: בים, שנאמר (שם יד כה) כי ה' נלחם להם:
35You have been shown, in order to know that the Lord He is God; there is none else besides Him. להאַתָּה הָרְאֵתָ לָדַעַת כִּי יְהֹוָה הוּא הָאֱלֹהִים אֵין עוֹד מִלְּבַדּוֹ:
You have been shown: Heb. הָרְאֵתָ As the Targum [Onkelos] renders it: אִתְחִזֵיתָא, you have been shown. When the Holy One, blessed is He, gave the Torah, He opened for Israel the seven heavens, and just as He tore open the upper regions, so did He tear open the lower regions, and they saw that He is One. Accordingly, it is stated, “You have been shown, in order to know [that the Lord He is God-there is none else besides Him].”
הראת: כתרגומו אתחזיתא. כשנתן הקב"ה את התורה פתח להם שבעה רקיעים. וכשם שקרע את העליונים כך קרע את התחתונים. וראו שהוא יחידי, לכך נאמר אתה הראת לדעת:
36From the heavens, He let you hear His voice to instruct you, and upon the earth He showed you His great fire, and you heard His words out of the midst of the fire, לומִן הַשָּׁמַיִם הִשְׁמִיעֲךָ אֶת קֹלוֹ לְיַסְּרֶךָּ וְעַל הָאָרֶץ הֶרְאֲךָ אֶת אִשּׁוֹ הַגְּדוֹלָה וּדְבָרָיו שָׁמַעְתָּ מִתּוֹךְ הָאֵשׁ:
37and because He loved your forefathers and chose their seed after them, and He brought you out of Egypt before Him with His great strength, לזוְתַחַת כִּי אָהַב אֶת אֲבֹתֶיךָ וַיִּבְחַר בְּזַרְעוֹ אַחֲרָיו וַיּוֹצִאֲךָ בְּפָנָיו בְּכֹחוֹ הַגָּדֹל מִמִּצְרָיִם:
And because He loved: And all this was because He loved [your forefathers].
ותחת כי אהב: וכל זה תחת אשר אהב:
and He brought you out… before Him: like a man who leads his son before him, as it is stated (Exod. 14:19), “Then the angel of the Lord who had been going, who had been going [in front of the Israelite camp,] moved and went behind them.” Another explanation: And He brought you out before him-before his forefathers, as it is said:“Before their forefathers, He wrought wonders” (Ps. 78:12). And do not be astonished by the fact that [Scripture] refers to them in the singular [using בְּפָנָיו instead of בִּפְנֵיהֶם], for it has already written about them in the singular,“And he chose and chose their seed (בְּזַרְעוֹ) after them (אַחֲרָיו),” [lit. his. seed after him].
ויוצאך בפניו: כאדם המנהיג בנו לפניו שנאמר (שמות יד יט) ויסע מלאך האלהים ההולך וגו' וילך מאחריהם. דבר אחר ויוציאך בפניו בפני אבותיו, כמו שנאמר (תהלים עח יב) נגד אבותם עשה פלא. ואל תתמה על שהזכירם בלשון יחיד, שהרי כתבם בלשון יחיד ויבחר בזרעו אחריו:
38to drive out from before you nations greater and stronger than you, to bring you and give you their land for an inheritance, as this day. לחלְהוֹרִישׁ גּוֹיִם גְּדֹלִים וַעֲצֻמִים מִמְּךָ מִפָּנֶיךָ לַהֲבִיאֲךָ לָתֶת לְךָ אֶת אַרְצָם נַחֲלָה כַּיּוֹם הַזֶּה:
from before you [nations greater and stronger] than you: Heb. מִמְּךָ מִפָּנֶיךָ, lit. than you from before you. The verse can be explained by transposing it: to drive out from before you מִפָּנֶיךָ, nations greater and stronger than you מִמְּךָ.
ממך מפניך: סרסהו ודרשהו להוריש מפניך גוים גדולים ועצומים ממך:
as this day: As you see today.
כיום הזה: כאשר אתה רואה היום:
39And you shall know this day and consider it in your heart, that the Lord He is God in heaven above, and upon the earth below; there is none else. לטוְיָדַעְתָּ הַיּוֹם וַהֲשֵׁבֹתָ אֶל לְבָבֶךָ כִּי יְהֹוָה הוּא הָאֱלֹהִים בַּשָּׁמַיִם מִמַּעַל וְעַל הָאָרֶץ מִתָּחַת אֵין עוֹד:
40And you shall observe His statutes and His commandments, which I command you this day, that it may be well with you and your children after you, and that you may prolong your days upon the earth which the Lord your God gives you forever. מוְשָׁמַרְתָּ אֶת חֻקָּיו וְאֶת מִצְוֹתָיו אֲשֶׁר אָנֹכִי מְצַוְּךָ הַיּוֹם אֲשֶׁר יִיטַב לְךָ וּלְבָנֶיךָ אַחֲרֶיךָ וּלְמַעַן תַּאֲרִיךְ יָמִים עַל הָאֲדָמָה אֲשֶׁר יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ נֹתֵן לְךָ כָּל הַיָּמִים:
Tehillim: Psalms Chapters 44 - 48• Hebrew text
• English text
Chapter 44
The psalmist cries and laments painfully over this bitter exile, where we and our Torah are shamed daily, when the nations say that God has exchanged us for another nation, and where we are considered as sheep for the slaughter, as a byword and taunt. It is therefore fitting that God redeem us, for the sake of His great Name that abides with us in exile.
1. For the Conductor, by the sons of Korach, a maskil.1
2. God, with our ears we have heard, our fathers have told us, of the deeds You wrought in their days, in the days of old.
3. You drove out nations with Your hand, and planted [Israel in their place]; You afflicted peoples and banished them.
4. For not by their sword did they inherit the land, and their own arm did not save them, but by Your right hand, Your arm and the light of Your countenance-for You favored them.
5. You are my king, O God; decree the salvation of Jacob.
6. Through You will we gore our adversaries; with Your Name we will trample our opponents.
7. For I do not trust in my bow, and my sword cannot save me.
8. For You have delivered us from our foes, and You shamed those who hate us.
9. In God we glory all day, and forever thank Your Name, Selah.
10. Though You abandon and disgrace us, and do not go forth with our armies;
11. You cause us to retreat from the oppressor, and those who hate us plunder for themselves;
12. You deliver us like sheep to be devoured, and scatter us among the nations;
13. You sell Your nation without gain, and do not set a high price upon them;
14. You make us a disgrace to our neighbors, the scorn and derision of those around us;
15. You make us a byword among the nations, [a cause for] nodding the head among the peoples;
16. all day long my humiliation is before me, and the shame of my face covers me
17. at the voice of the reviler and blasphemer, because of the foe and avenger-
18. all this has come upon us, yet we have not forgotten You, nor have we been false to Your covenant.
19. Our hearts have not retracted, nor have our steps strayed from Your path.
20. Even when You crushed us in the place of serpents, and shrouded us in the shadow of death-
21. did we forget the Name of our God, and extend our hands to a foreign god?
22. Is it not so that God can examine this, for He knows the secrets of the heart.
23. For it is for Your sake that we are killed all the time; we are regarded as sheep for the slaughter.
24. Arise! Why do You sleep, my Lord? Wake up! Do not abandon [us] forever!
25. Why do You conceal Your countenance and forget our affliction and distress?
26. For our souls are bowed to the dust, our bellies cleave to the earth.
27. Arise! Be our help, and redeem us for the sake of Your kindness.
1.A psalm intended to enlighten and impart knowledge(Metzudot).
Chapter 45
The psalmist composed this psalm referring to Moshiach. He describes his greatness, his attributes, his glory, his wealth, and his reign; and states that Israel anticipates him, remembering and saying in every generation, "When will King Moshiach come?"
1. For the Conductor, upon the shoshanim,1 By the sons of Korach; a maskil,2 a song of love.
2. My heart is astir with a noble theme; I say, "My composition is for the king;3 my tongue is the pen of a skillful scribe.”
3. You are the most handsome of men, charm is poured upon your lips; therefore has God blessed you forever.
4. Gird your sword upon your thigh, O mighty one-it is your majesty and splendor.
5. And with your splendor, succeed and ride on for the sake of truth and righteous humility; and your right hand will guide you to awesome deeds.
6. Your arrows are sharpened-nations fall beneath you-[the arrows fall] into the hearts of the king's enemies.
7. Your throne, O ruler, is forever and ever, [for] the scepter of justice is the scepter of your kingdom.
8. You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore has God, your God, anointed you with oil of joy above your peers.
9. Myrrh, aloes and cassia are [the fragrance] of all your garments, which are from ivory palaces that bring you joy.
10. Daughters of kings visit you, and the queen stands erect at your right hand, adorned in the fine gold of Ophir.
11. Hear, O daughter, and observe, incline your ear; forget your people and your father's house.
12. Then the king will desire your beauty. He is your master-bow to him.
13. The daughter of Tyre, the wealthiest of nations, will seek your favor with a gift.
14. All the glory of the princess is within; her clothing surpasses settings of gold.
15. In embroidered garments she will be brought to the king; the maidens in her train, her companions, will be led to you.
16. They will be brought with gladness and joy, they will enter the palace of the king.
17. Your sons will succeed your fathers; you will appoint them ministers throughout the land.
18. I will cause Your Name to be remembered throughout the generations; therefore will the nations praise You forever and ever.
1.A musical instrument shaped like a shoshana, a rose (Metzudot).
2.A psalm intended to enlighten and impart knowledge(Metzudot).
3.Reffering to the Messiah. (Metzudot).
Chapter 46
This psalm tells of the Gog and Magog era (the Messianic age), when man will cast aside his weapons, and warfare will be no more.
1. For the Conductor, by the sons of Korach, on the alamot,1 a song.
2. God is our refuge and strength, a help in distress, He is most accessible.
3. Therefore, we will not be afraid when the earth is transformed, when mountains collapse in the heart of the seas;
4. when its waters roar and are muddied, and mountains quake before His grandeur, Selah.
5. The river2-its streams will bring joy to the city of God, the sacred dwelling of the Most High.
6. God is in her midst, she will not falter; God will help her at the approach of morning.
7. Nations clamor, kingdoms stumble; He raises His voice and the earth dissolves.
8. The Lord of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold forever.
9. Go and see the works of the Lord, Who has wrought devastation in the land.
10. To the end of the earth He causes wars to cease; He breaks the bow, snaps the spear, and burns the wagons in fire.
11. Stop [waging war]! And know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, exalted upon the earth.
12. The Lord of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold forever.
1.A musical instrument (Rashi)
2.Flowing from Eden (Rashi)
Chapter 47
Following the battle of Gog and Magog (in the Messianic era), war will be no more. God will grant us salvation, and we will merit to go up to the Holy Temple for the festivals, Amen.
1. For the Conductor, a psalm by the sons of Korach.
2. All you nations, clap hands; sound [the shofar] to God with a sound of jubilation.
3. For the Lord is most high, awesome; a great King over all the earth.
4. He subdues peoples under us, nations beneath our feet.
5. He chooses our heritage for us, the glory of Jacob whom He loves eternally.
6. God ascends through teruah, the Lord-through the sound of the shofar.
7. Sing, O sing to God; sing, O sing to our King.
8. For God is King over all the earth; sing, O man of understanding.
9. God reigns over the nations; God is seated on His holy throne.
10. The most noble of the nations are gathered, the nation of the God of Abraham; for the protectors of the earth belong to God; He is greatly exalted.
Chapter 48
The psalmist prophesies about the Messianic era, singing the praises of a rebuilt Jerusalem and the sacrifices brought there. At that time Israel will say, "As we heard from the mouths of the prophets, so have we merited to see!"
1. A song, a psalm by the sons of Korach.
2. The Lord is great and exceedingly acclaimed in the city of God, His holy mountain.
3. Beautiful in landscape, the joy of the whole earth is Mount Zion, on the northern slopes, the city of the great King.
4. In her citadels, God became known as a tower of strength.
5. For behold, the kings assembled, they advanced in concert [to invade her].
6. They saw [the wonders of the Almighty] and were astounded; they were terror-stricken, they hastened to flee.
7. Trembling seized them there, pangs as of a woman in the throes of labor;
8. [they were crushed as] by an east wind that shatters the ships of Tarshish.
9. As we have heard, so have we seen, in the city of the Lord of Hosts, in the city of our God; may God establish it for all eternity.
10. God, we have been hoping for Your kindness [to be revealed] within Your Sanctuary.
11. As Your Name, O God, [is great,] so is Your praise to the ends of the earth; Your right hand is filled with righteousness.
12. Let Mount Zion rejoice, let the towns of Judah exult, because of Your judgments.
13. Walk around Zion, encircle her, count her towers.
14. Consider well her ramparts, behold her lofty citadels, that you may recount it to a later generation.
15. For this God is our God forever and ever; He will lead us eternally.
Tanya: Iggeret HaKodesh, end of Epistle 3• English Text (Lessons in Tanya)
• Hebrew Text
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Menachem Av 8, 5777 · July 31, 2017
Today's Tanya Lesson
Iggeret HaKodesh, end of Epistle 3
• VIDEO CLASS: Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon Watch • Listen
• AUDIO CLASS: Rabbi Manis Freidman Listen • Download MP3אך מי הוא הגורם לירידת האור והשפע לעולם הזה הגשמי מי׳ ספירות, הנקראים גופא
But what causes the descent to this physical world of the light and abundance from [a source as lofty as] the Ten Sefirot [of the World of Atzilut], which are referred to as the Body?
הוא היחוד הנ״ל
It is the above-mentioned union of the Holy One, blessed be He, and His Shechinah — the infinite degree of radiation permeating the Sefirot and the subsequent worlds — and this union is brought about by the performance of the mitzvot;
שהיא תוספת הארה והשפעה מבחינת אור אין סוף, המאציל העליון ברוך הוא
for it is an additional radiation and effluence from the light of the Ein Sof, the Supreme Emanator [of the Ten Sefirot],
ביתר שאת על ההארה וההשפעה שבתחילת האצילות וההשתלשלות וכו׳
in a measure exceeding the radiation and effluence at the beginning of the emanation in the World of Atzilut and subsequent evolution.
Inasmuch as the additional measure of infinite radiation and effluence far transcends Atzilut — so much so, that in comparison to it the World of Atzilut and our grossly corporeal World of Asiyah are equally distant — it enables the radiation of Atzilut to find its way into this world.
וראשית תוספת ההארה וההשפעה היא לראשית הי׳ ספירות
And the additional radiation and effluence is first bestowed upon [the Sefirah of Chochmah, which is] the first of the Ten Sefirot.
וזה הוא: וכובע ישועה בראשו
This is the meaning of [the above-quoted phrase], “and a helmet of salvation (ישועה) upon his head.”
ישועה הוא מלשון: וישע ה׳ אל הבל ואל מנחתו
For ישועה shares a root with וישע, which is the verb in the phrase,1 “And G‑d turned toward Abel and his gift.”
The word yeshuah thus means “turning toward” and (by extension) “drawing down.”
והוא ירידת האור והשפע דש״ע נהורין שבזוהר הקדוש
This alludes to the drawing down of the light and abundance of the shin-ayin nehorin, the “three-hundred-and-seventy lights” spoken of in the holy Zohar.2
This light is much loftier than the Ten Sefirot of Atzilut: The letter shin, whose numerical value is 300, alludes to the three intellectual faculties of ChaBaD insofar as they exist at the spiritual level termed “hundreds”; the letter ayin, whose numerical value is 70, hints at the seven emotive attributes, each of which incorporates ten elements. This lofty illumination — the “helmet of salvation” — is drawn down upon the “head”, i.e., the beginning, of the Ten Sefirot.
וכמו שכתוב: יאר ה׳ פניו אליך
As it is written,3 “May G‑d make His Face (i.e., His inner being) shine upon you” — upon His people in this lowly world.
יאר פניו אתנו סלה
[It is also written]:4 “May He make His Face (i.e., His inner being) shine with us forever.”
אתנו: הוא על ידי מעשה הצדקה
[That which ensures that this Divine light be] “with us,” is the practice of charitable deeds.
וזה הוא: זורע צדקות מצמיח ישועות
And this is the meaning of the phrase,5 “He who sows tzedakot (‘charities’) brings forth yeshuot ('salvations')”; i.e., the distribution of charity results in the salvation brought about by the light of the above-mentioned shin-ayin nehorin.
* * *
וככה יאר ה׳ פניו אליהםSo6 may G‑d make His Face shine upon you,
צדקתם עומדת לעד
and7 “your tzedakah shall endure forever.”
That which is revealed now as a result of an act of tzedakah is merely the “fruit”; the essence of the reward is revealed only at the Time to Come, at the time of the Revival of the Dead — and until that time it remains concealed. Only then will the light of sovev kol almin truly permeate and clothe itself within this world, as explained below in Epistle 32.
וקרנם תרום בישועת מצמיח קרן ישועה, צמח צדקה מהכובע ישועה הנ״ל
May your horn (i.e., power) be exalted by the salvation (yeshuah) of the One8 “Who causes the horn of salvation to sprout” — by a sprouting of the tzedakah [which G‑d does for His people], from the “helmet of salvation” mentioned above,
כנפש תדרשנו
as9 is the wish of one who seeks Him.
——— ● ———
FOOTNOTES1. Bereishit 4:4.
2. See Zohar I, 4b; III, 133b; et passim.
3. Bamidbar 6:25.
4. Tehillim 67:2.
5. Liturgy, Morning Prayers.
6. “Here begins the Alter Rebbe’s request to those who received the letter — those who were to give the charity.” ( — Note of the Rebbe.)
In the original, the recipients of the letter are here addressed in the polite third person of classical Hebrew — “upon them,” “their tzedakah,” and so forth.
7. Cf. Tehillim 112:3.
8. Cf. Liturgy, weekday Shemoneh Esreh.
9. Cf. Eichah 3:25.
• Sefer Hamitzvot:
English Text | Hebrew Text
Today's Mitzvah
Monday, Menachem Av 8, 5777 · July 31, 2017
A daily digest of Maimonides’ classic work "Sefer Hamitzvot"
• VIDEO CLASS: Rabbi Mendel Kaplan Watch • Listen
• AUDIO CLASS: Rabbi Berel Bell Listen • MP3 Download
Important Message Regarding This Lesson
The Daily Mitzvah schedule runs parallel to the daily study of 3 chapters of Maimonides' 14-volume code. There are instances when the Mitzvah is repeated a few days consecutively while the exploration of the same Mitzvah continues in the in-depth track.
Positive Commandment 245
"And if you sell something to your neighbor..."—Leviticus 25:14.
We are commanded regarding the various methods that effect transactions, i.e., the ways to transfer property from one individual to another (or, in the case of a guardian of an object, the transfer of jurisdiction).
Full text of this Mitzvah »
Positive Commandment 245
Translated by Berel Bell
The 245th mitzvah is that we are commanded regarding the laws of buying and selling, i.e. the ways in which purchases and sales between the buyers and the sellers become legally binding.
The Torah taught about one method in G‑d's statement1 (exalted be He), "When you sell something to your neighbor, [or buy something from your neighbor's hand...]" Our Sages said,2 "[The word 'hand' teaches that the sale] refers to something which can pass from one hand to another," i.e. meshichah [physically moving the object].
It is explained that in Biblical law, transfer of money is sufficient to complete the transaction, and meshichah is necessary only by Rabbinic decree, as is mesirah [giving the vehicle of control, e.g. the reins of a horse, to the buyer] and hagba'ah [lifting the object].
The Gemara3 explicitly says, "Just as our Sages enacted a requirement of meshichah in order for a sale to be valid, so too they required meshichah in order for a watchman relationship to become valid." It is therefore clear that the requirement of meshichah in buying and selling is of Rabbinic origin, as explained in the relevant place.
However, other methods of acquiring land, etc., i.e. by means of a document or chazakah4 are traced5 to Biblical verses [and are therefore of Biblical, not Rabbinic, origin].
The details of this mitzvah — i.e. the manners of finalizing a sale in each category — are explained in the 1st chapter of tractate Kiddushin, the 4th and 8th chapters of Bava Metzia, and the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th chapters of Bava Basra.
1.Lev. 25:14.
2.Bava Metzia 47b.
3.Ibid., 99a.
4.Such as building something on the land.
5.See Kiddushin 26a.
• 1 Chapter A Day: Sanhedrin veha`Onashin haMesurin lahem Sanhedrin veha`Onashin haMesurin lahem - Chapter 24
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Sanhedrin veha`Onashin haMesurin lahem - Chapter 24
A judge may adjudicate cases involving monetary law bases on factors that he is inclined to regard as true and concerning which he feels strongly in his heart are correct even though he does not have proof of the matters. Needless to say, that if he personally knows that a matter is true, he may judge the case according to his knowledge.
What is implied? A person was obligated to take an oath by the court. A person who the judge regards as trustworthy and upon whose word the judge relies tells him that this person is suspect to take a false oath. The judge may reverse the obligation for the oath and place it on the other litigant, allowing him to take an oath and collect his claim because the judge relied on the statements of this person.
Moreover, even if he regards a woman or a servant as trustworthy, should he feel strongly that the matter about which they are speaking is correct, he may rely on their statement and judge accordingly. Needless to say, if he himself knows that a person is suspect to take a false oath, he may judge accordingly.
Similarly, when a promissory note comes before him and a person upon whom he relies - even a woman or a relative - says that it has been repaid, if he trusts his word, he may tell the bearer of the note: "Payment will be required only when an oath is taken." Similarly, if the alleged debtor is also indebted to another person, the judge may have the debtor pay the creditor whose promissory note was not impugned at all and leave the promissory note that was impugned by the person's testimony unpaid. Or he may reject the promissory note and not consider it in judgment if he sees fit.
Similar laws apply if a person comes and claims that he entrusted an article to so-and-so who died and identified the article with extremely precise descriptive marks. If the claimant did not frequent the home of the deceased, and if the judge knows that the deceased did not have the means to own such an article and he firmly believes that the article did not belong to the deceased, the article may be expropriated from the heirs and given to the person provided he has the means to own it and identified it with descriptive marks. Similar laws apply in all analogous situations.
These matters are solely given over to the heart of the judge to decide according to what he perceives as being a true judgment. Why then did the Torah require two witnesses? Because when two witnesses appear before a judge, he must judge according to their testimony whether or not he knows it to be true.
יש לדיין לדון בדיני ממונות על פי הדברים שדעתו נוטה להן שהן אמת והדבר חזק בלבו שהוא כן אף על פי שאין שם ראיה ברורה ואין צריך לומר אם היה יודע בודאי שהדבר כן הוא שהוא דן כפי מה שיודע כיצד הרי שנתחייב אדם שבועה בב"ד ואמר לדיין אדם שהוא נאמן אצלו ושדעתו סומכת על דבריו שזה האיש חשוד על השבועה יש לדיין להפוך השבועה על שכנגדו וישבע ויטול הואיל וסמכה דעתו של דיין על דברי זה אפילו היתה אשה או עבד נאמנים אצלו הואיל ומצא הדבר חזק ונכון בלבו סומך עליו ודן ואין צריך לומר אם ידע הוא עצמו שזה חשוד: וכן אם יצא שטר חוב לפניו ואמר לו אדם שסמך עליו אפילו אשה או קרוב זה פרוע הוא אם סמכה דעתו על דבריו יש לו לומר לזה לא תפרע אלא בשבועה או אם היה עליו שטר חוב לאחר יתן לזה שלא נפגם שטרו כלל ויניח זה שנפגם שטרו בדברי האחד או ישליך השטר בפניו ולא ידון בו כפי מה שיראה וכן מי שבא וטען שיש לו פקדון אצל פלוני שמת בלא צואה ונתן סימנין מובהקין ולא היה זה הטוען רגיל להכנס בבית זה האיש שמת אם ידע הדיין שזה המת אינו אמוד להיות לו חפץ זה וסמכה דעתו שאין זה החפץ של מת מוציאו מן היורשין ונותנו לזה האמוד בו ונתן סימנים וכן כל כיוצא בזה שאין הדבר מסור אלא ללבו של דיין לפי מה שיראה לו שהוא דין האמת אם כן למה הצריכה תורה שני עדים שבזמן שיבואו לפני הדיין שני עדים ידון על פי עדותן אע"פ שאינו יודע אם באמת העידו או בשקר:
All of the matters mentioned above are the fundamental standard of law. Nevertheless, when courts which were not fitting - not necessarily courts which were not upright, but even those whose deeds were just, but whose judges were not sufficiently wise and masters of understanding - proliferated, the majority of the courts among the Jewish people agreed not to reverse oaths unless there was clear proof that a litigant was suspect of taking a false oath. Similarly, they agreed not to disqualify a promissory note on the basis of the testimony of a woman or an unacceptable witness, nor accept their testimony with regard to all other judgments, nor to judge according to the inclinations of one's thoughts without firm knowledge.
The rationale for this stringency is to prevent any simple person from saying: "My heart trusts this person's words and my mind relies on this." Similarly, we do not expropriate property from orphans unless there is clear proof . We do not rely on the judge's opinion, the evaluation of the deceased's financial capacity, or that of the claimant. Even though a trustworthy person delivered testimony concerned a certain matter and the mind of the judge was inclined to believe that he was telling the truth, he should hesitate in judgment. He should not reject his testimony. Instead, he should mediate between the litigants until they accept the testimony of the witness or agree to a compromise. Alternatively, the judge may withdraw from the case.
כל אלו הדברים הן עיקר הדין אבל משרבו בתי דינין שאינן הגונים ואפילו היו הגונים במעשיהם אינן חכמים כראוי ובעלי בינה הסכימו רוב בתי דיני ישראל שלא יהפכו שבועה אלא בראיה ברורה ולא יפגמו שטר ויפסידו חזקתו בעדות אשה או פסול וכן בשאר כל הדינין ולא ידון הדיין בסמיכת דעתו ולא בידיעתו כדי שלא יאמר כל הדיוט לבי מאמין לדברי זה ודעתי סומכת על זה וכן אין מוציאין מן היתומים אלא בראיה ברורה לא בדעת הדיין ולא באומדן המת או הטוען ואעפ"כ אם העיד אדם נאמן בדבר מכל הדברים ונטתה דעת הדיין שאמת הוא אומר ממתין בדין ואינו דוחה עדותו ונושא ונותן עם בעלי דינין עד שיודו לדברי העד או יעשו פשרה או יסתלק מן הדין:
What is the source which teaches that a judge who knows that a claim is contrived should not say: "I will deliver a judgment and the responsibility will lie with the witnesses"? It is written Exodus 23:7: "Keep distant from words of falsehood."
What shall he do? He should question and cross-examine the witnesses exceedingly, following the cross-examination process employed in cases involving capital punishment. If it appears to him according to his understanding that there is no deception, he should deliver a judgment. If, however,
a) he still has hesitations because he feels that deception is involved,
b) he does not rely on the testimony of the witnesses although he cannot disqualify them,
c) he feels that one of the litigants is a deceiver and a beguiler and misled the witnesses even though they are fit to testify and testified honestly, it is only that the litigant led them astray, or
d) that from the things that were said, he feels that there are hidden factors which they do not desire to reveal,
in these and in all similar matters, it is forbidden for him to deliver a ruling. Instead, he should withdraw from this judgment and allow it to be decided by someone whose heart is at peace with the matter. These matters are given over to a person's heart. Concerning these Deuteronomy 1:17 states: "Judgment is God's."
ומנין לדיין שהוא יודע בדין שהוא מרומה שלא יאמר אחתכנו ויהיה הקולר תלוי בצוארי העדים תלמוד לומר מדבר שקר תרחק כיצד יעשה ידרוש בו ויחקור הרבה בדרישה ובחקירה של דיני נפשות אם נראה לו לפי דעתו [שאין בו רמאות חותך את הדין על פי העדות אבל אם היה לבו נוקפו] שיש בו רמאות או שאין דעתו סומכת על דברי העדים אע"פ שאינו יכול לפסלן או שדעתו נוטה שבעל דין זה רמאי ובעל ערמה והשיא את העדים אע"פ שהם כשרים ולפי תומם העידו וזה הטעם או שנראה לו מכלל הדברים שיש שם דברים אחרים מסותרין ואינן רוצים לגלותם כל אלו הדברים וכיוצא בהן אסור לו לחתוך אותו הדין אלא יסלק עצמו מדין זה וידיננו מי שלבו שלם בדבר והרי הדברים מסורים ללב והכתוב אומר כי המשפט לאלהים הוא:
A court has the authority to administer lashes to a person who is not required to receive lashes and to execute a person who is not liable to be executed. This license was not granted to overstep the words of the Torah, but rather to create a fence around the words of the Torah. When the court sees that the people have broken the accepted norms with regard to a matter, they may establish safeguards to strengthen the matter according to what appears necessary to them. All the above applies with regard to establishing directives for the immediate time, and not with regard to the establishment of halachah for all time.
An incident occurred where they had a man lashed for engaging in relations with his wife under a tree. And an incident occurred concerning a person who rode on a horse on the Sabbath in the era of the Greeks and they brought him to the court and had him stoned to death. And an incident occurred and Shimon ben Shetach hung 80 women on one day in Ashkelon. All of the required processes of questioning, cross-examination, and warnings were not followed, nor was the testimony unequivocal. Instead, their execution was a directive for that immediate time according to what he perceived as necessary.
יש לבית דין להלקות מי שאינו מחוייב מלקות ולהרוג מי שאינו מחוייב מיתה ולא לעבור על דברי תורה אלא לעשות סייג לתורה וכיון שרואים בית דין שפרצו העם בדבר יש להן לגדור ולחזק הדבר כפי מה שיראה להם הכל הוראת שעה לא שיקבע הלכה לדורות מעשה והלקו אדם שבעל אשתו תחת אילן ומעשה באחד שרכב על סוס בשבת בימי יוונים והביאוהו לבית דין וסקלוהו ומעשה ותלה שמעון בן שטח שמונים נשים ביום אחד באשקלון ולא היו שם כל דרכי הדרישה וחקירה וההתראה ולא בעדות ברורה אלא הוראת שעה כפי מה שראה:
Similarly, at any time, and in any place, a court has the license to give a person lashes if he has a reputation for immorality and people gossip about him, saying that he acts licentiously. This applies provided the rumor is heard continuously, as we explained, and he does not have any known enemies who would spread this unfavorable report. Similarly, a person with such an unsavory reputation may be humiliated and scorn may be heaped on his mother in his presence.
וכן יש לבית דין בכל מקום ובכל זמן להלקות אדם ששמועתו רעה והעם מרננים עליו שהוא עובר על העריות והוא שיהיה קול שאינו פוסק כמו שביארנו ולא יהיו אלו אויבים ידועים שמוציאין עליו שמועה רעה וכן מבזין את זה ששמועתו רעה ומחרפין את יולדתו בפניו:
Similarly, at all times, a court has the prerogative to declare money belonging to others as ownerless. It may destroy those funds or give them to whomever they see fit to close any breaches in the faith and to strengthen its observance or to penalize a stubborn and difficult person. The Book of Ezra 10:8 states: "Whoever fails to come in three days according to the advice of the officers and the elders will have all of his property confiscated." From this we learn that when a court declares property ownerless, their declaration is effective.
וכן יש לדיין תמיד להפקיר ממון שיש לו בעלים ומאבד ונותן כפי מה שיראה לגדור פרצות הדת ולחזק הבדק או לקנוס אלם זה והרי הוא אומר בעזרא וכל אשר לא יבוא לשלשת הימים כעצת השרים והזקנים יחרם כל רכושו מכאן שהפקר בית דין הפקר:
Similarly, a judge may apply a ban of ostracism or excommunication to a person to whom these measures would not ordinarily be applied according to his perception of what is necessary at that time. He should state that he is ostracizing him or excommunicating him on his own conviction and should publicize his transgression in public. This is indicated by Judges 5:23: "'Curse Meroz,' said the angel of G‑d. 'Curse him. Those who dwell with him are cursed, because they did not come to the aid of God's people.'"
וכן יש לדיין לנדות ולהחרים מי שאינו בן נידוי כדי לגדור פרץ כפי מה שיראו לו והשעה צריכה לכך ויאמר שנידהו והחרימהו על דעתו ויפרסם חטאו ברבים שנאמר אורו מרוז אמר מלאך ה' אורו ארור יושביה כי לא באו לעזרת ה':
Similarly, a judge may enter into a controversy with a person with whom it is necessary to enter into controversy, cursing him, having him beaten, having his hair pulled out, and compelling him to take an oath to God against his will so that he will not perform or that he did not perform a specific action, as Nechemiah 13:25 states: "I entered into controversy with them; I cursed them; I beat people among them; I tore their hair out, and I made them take an oath to God."
וכן יש לדיין לעשות מריבה עם הראוי לריב עמו ולקללו ולהכותו ולתלוש שערו ולהשביע באלהים בעל כרחו שלא יעשה או שלא עשה שנאמר ואריב עמם ואקללם ואכה מהם אנשים ואמרטם ואשביעם באלהים:
Similarly, he may have a person's hands and feet bound. He may imprison him and have him pushed to the ground and dragged, as Ezra 7:26 states: "Judgment will be speedily administered to him, to be executed, to be uprooted, to be punished by a loss of property, and to be imprisoned."
וכן יש לו לכפות ידים ורגלים ולאסור בבית האסורים ולדחוף ולסחוב על הארץ שנאמר הן למות הן לשרושי הן לענש נכסין ולאסורין:
All of the above measures should be applied according to the judge's perception that it is appropriate that the violator be punished in this manner or the situation at large requires it. All of his deeds should be for the sake of heaven and the honor of people at large should not be light in his eyes. For consideration of their honor overrides the observance of a Rabbinic prohibition. Certainly, this applies with regard to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who uphold the Torah of truth. He must take care not to ruin their honor and act only to increase the honor of the Omnipresent. For whenever a person debases the Torah, his person will be degraded for people at large. Conversely, when a person honors the Torah, his person will be honored by people at large. And there is no other honor for the Torah except to follow its statutes and judgments.
כל אלו הדברים לפי מה שיראה הדיין שזה ראוי לכך ושהשעה צריכה ובכל יהיו מעשיו לשם שמים ואל יהיה כבוד הבריות קל בעיניו שהרי הוא דוחה את לא תעשה של דבריהם וכל שכן כבוד בני אברהם יצחק ויעקב המחזיקין בתורת האמת שיהיה זהיר שלא יהרס כבודם אלא להוסיף בכבוד המקום בלבד שכל המבזה את התורה גופו מחולל על הבריות והמכבד את התורה גופו מכובד על הבריות ואין כבוד התורה אלא לעשות על פי חוקיה ומשפטיה:
• 3 Chapters A Day: Sheluchin veShuttafin Sheluchin veShuttafin - Chapter Two, Sheluchin veShuttafin Sheluchin veShuttafin - Chapter Three, Sheluchin veShuttafin Sheluchin veShuttafin - Chapter Four
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Sheluchin veShuttafin - Chapter Two
A non-Jew may never be appointed as an agent for any mission whatsoever. Similarly, a Jew may never be appointed as an agent for a non-Jew for any mission whatsoever. These concepts are derived from Numbers 18:28: "And so shall you offer, also yourselves." This is interpreted to mean: Just as you are members of the covenant, so too, your agents must be members of the covenant. This principle is applied to the entire Torah.
Moreover, the converse is also true: Just as your principals are members of the covenant, so too, in every aspect of Torah law, the principal must be a member of the covenant.
אין העכו"ם נעשה שליח לדבר מן הדברים שבעולם וכן אין ישראל נעשה שליח לעכו"ם לדבר מן הדברים שנאמר כן תרימו גם אתם מה אתם בני ברית אף שלוחכם בני ברית והוא הדין לכל התורה כולה ומה משלחכם בן ברית אף בכל התורה כולה המשלח בן ברית:
A man may appoint either a man or a woman as an agent. He may even appoint a married woman, a servant or a maidservant. Since they possess a developed intellectual capacity and are obligated to perform some of the mitzvot, they may serve as agents with regard to financial matters.
A person who does not have a developed intellectual capacity - i.e., a deaf-mute, a mentally or emotionally unsound individual or a minor - may not be appointed as an agent, nor may they appoint agents. This applies to both a male minor and a female minor.
Accordingly, if a person sends a son who is below the age of majority to a storekeeper for oil, the storekeeper measures out an isar's worth of oil for him and gives the child an isar as change, but the child loses the oil and the isar he gave him, the storekeeper is liable to pay. For the father sent the child only to inform the storekeeper that he needed the oil, and the storekeeper should have sent it with a mature person. Similar laws apply in all analogous situations. If, however, the recipient explicitly told the storekeeper: "Send it to me with the child," the storekeeper is not liable.
עושה אדם שליח איש או אשה ואפילו אשת איש ואפילו עבד ושפחה הואיל והן בני דעת וישנן במקצת מצות נעשין שלוחין למשא ומתן אבל מי שאינן בני דעת והן חרש שוטה וקטן אינן נעשין שלוחין ולא עושין שליח אחד הקטן ואחד הקטנה לפיכך השולח בנו קטן אצל החנוני ומדד לו באיסר שמן ונתן לו את האיסר ואבד את השמן ואת האיסר החנוני חייב לשלם שלא שלחו אלא להודיעו ולא היה לו לשלח אלא עם בן דעת וכן כל כיוצא בזה ואם פירש ואמר שלח לי עם הקטן הרי זה פטור:
When a person tells a colleague: "You owe me a maneh, send it to me with so and so" - if the debtor desires to send it to the creditor with that person, he discharges his obligation and is no longer responsible for the money even if the person named was a minor. This applies regardless of whether the money was given as a loan or as an entrusted object.
Similarly, when two people agree on a stipulation between themselves that whoever desires to send an object to his colleague may send it with whomever the sender desires, the sender may send it with whomever he sees fit, provided he is appropriate to transfer such an article. If the article is stolen or lost on the way, or the agent denies receiving it, the sender is not liable. The rationale is that every stipulation regarding financial matters that is accepted is binding.
האומר לחבירו מנה שיש לי בידך בין מלוה בין פקדון שלחהו לי ביד פלוני אפילו היה קטן אם רצה לשלחו בידו נפטר ואינו חייב באחריותו וכן שנים שהתנו ביניהם שכל מי שירצה לשלוח לחבירו משלח ביד מי שירצה המשלח הרי זה משלח ביד מי שיראה לו שהוא ראוי להוליך דבר זה ואם נגנב או אבד בדרך או שכפר בו השליח הרי המשלח פטור שכל תנאי שבממון קיים:
When an agent buys or sells an article and notifies the other party that he is acting as an agent for another person in this transaction, and it is discovered that he violated the instructions given him by the principal, the sale is nullified and the article must be returned, even if meshichah was performed.
If the agent did not notify the other party that he was an agent, the transaction is binding, and the agent must then satisfy the principal.
השליח שקנה או שמכר והודיע שהוא שליח בדבר זה לפלוני אע"פ שמשך או שהמשיך ונמצא שעבר על דעת המשלח בטל המקח ומחזיר ואם לא הודיע שהוא שליח נקנה המקח ויהיה הדין בינו ובין זה ששלחו:
The following rules apply when Reuven purchased a field from Shimon and told him: "I purchased it on behalf of Levi," Reuven drew up a deed of sale for Levi, and afterwards Reuven said: "I purchased the field for myself. Draw up a deed of sale for me." The seller is not compelled to draw up another deed of sale for Reuven.
If, however, Reuven made a stipulation at the outset, telling the seller: "I am purchasing it for myself, I am having the deed of sale drawn up on behalf of Levi only so that people will not know that I am the buyer," Reuven may compel Shimon to compose another deed of sale in his own name.
ראובן שקנה שדה משמעון ואמר לו ללוי קניתי אותה וכתב שטר מכר בשם לוי וחזר ראובן ואמר לשמעון לעצמי קניתיה חזור וכתוב שטר מכר בשמי אין כופין את המוכר לכתוב לו שטר אחר בשם ראובן ואם התנה עמו בתחלה ואמר לו לעצמי אקנה וזה שאכתוב שטר בשם לוי כדי שלא ידעו בי שאני הוא הקונה הרי זה כופהו לחזור ולכתוב שטר אחד בשמו:
A broker is an agent, except that he receives a fee for his services. Therefore, if he deviates from the instructions of the owners, he must take responsibility for the loss he caused.
What is implied? Reuven gave an article to Shimon - a broker - and told him: "Sell this article for me, but do not sell it for less than 100 zuz." If Shimon sold it for 50, he must pay Reuven 50 from his own resources. If he sold it for 200, Reuven receives everything. Similar principles apply in all analogous situations.
If Reuven claims: "I told you to sell it for 100," and the broker says: "You told me 50, and I sold it for 50," the broker must take an oath mandated by Scriptural Law, for he admitted a portion of the plaintiff's claim. If he already gave him the 50, he is required to take only a sh'vuat hesset that he carried out the mission, and the purchaser acquires the article.
If the purchaser knew that the article belonged to Reuven and that the person selling it to him was only a broker, he must return the article to its owner. He may, however, have a ban of ostracism issued against anyone who gave permission for an article to be sold for 50 zuz or agreed to the sale at 50 and then retracted after the sale was made.
הסרסור שליח הוא אלא שהוא נוטל שכר שליחותו לפיכך אם שינה דעת הבעלים משלם מה שהפסיד כיצד ראובן שנתן חפץ לשמעון הסרסור ואמר לו מכור לי זה ואל תמכור בפחות ממאה והלך ומכרו בחמשים משלם החמשים מביתו מכר במאתים הכל לראובן וכן כל כיוצא בזה ראובן אומר במאה אמרתי לך והסרסור אומר בחמשים אמרת לי וכן בחמשים מכרתי נשבע הסרסור שבועת התורה שהרי הודה במקצת ואם כבר נתן לו החמשים נשבע שבועת היסת שעשה שליחותו וזוכה הלוקח ואם ידע הלוקח שחפץ זה של ראובן הוא וזה המוכר לו סרסור הוא יחזיר החפץ לבעלים ויחרים על מי שנתן לו רשות למכור בחמשים או שרצה בחמשים וחזר בו אחר שקניתי:
The following rule applies whenever a broker informs the purchaser that a specific article or piece of property belongs to a principal, Reuven. If, after the purchaser acquires the article, Reuven says: "I don't want to sell at this price," the purchaser must return the article. For Reuven did not specify a price and tell the agent: "Sell the article for this and this much."
Whenever a broker loses an article, or it is stolen or broken, he is liable to reimburse the owner, for he is considered a paid watchman.
כל סרסור שהודיע ללוקח שחפץ זה או קרקע זה של ראובן ואחר שקנה הלוקח אמר ראובן איני רוצה למכור בדמים אלו מחזיר הלוקח שהרי לא פסק לו דמים ואמר לו מכור לך בכך וכך [כל] סרסור שאבד החפץ מידו או נגנב או נשבר חייב לשלם מפני שהוא נושא שכר:
The following rules apply when a person takes articles from a craftsman's workplace to send as presents to his future father-in-law's home and tells the craftsman: "If they accept them from me, I will pay you for them. If not, I will reimburse you slightly for the favor." If the presents were destroyed by forces beyond his control while they were being delivered, the giver is liable to pay. If they were destroyed by forces beyond his control while they were being returned, he is not liable.
More stringent rules apply if he took the articles with the intent of selling them to others, telling him: "If they will be able to be sold in such and such a place," or "until such and such a time, I will pay you such and such. If they will not be sold, I will return them to you." If they were destroyed by forces beyond his control, whether while they were being transported or while they were being returned, the person who took the articles is liable to pay.
הלוקח כלים מבית האומן לשגרן לבית חמיו ואמר לו אם מקבלין אותן ממני אני אתן לך את דמיהם ואם לאו אתן שכר מועט ונאנסו בהליכה הרי זה חייב לשלם ואם נאנסו בחזרה פטור נטלן ע"מ למכרן לאחרים ואמר לו אם ימכרו במקום פלוני או עד זמן פלוני אתן לך דמים כך וכך ואם לא ימכרו אחזירם לך ונאנסו בין בהליכה בין בחזרה חייב לשלם:
Whenever an agent claims that a loss beyond his control occurred, causing him to lose this and this amount, he must take the oath required of agents to support his claim, and then he is released of responsibility.
If the loss occurred in a place where it was likely that he would be able to find witnesses to corroborate his statements or the matter is of public knowledge and witnesses could thus be found, he must bring witnesses to substantiate his claim. If he does not bring witnesses, his claim is not accepted, and he is required to pay.
An incident occurred concerning a person who told his agent: "Buy 400 measures of wine for me with money of mine that is in your possession." The agent bought the wine for him and it turned out to be vinegar. The Sages said: "Such a large quantity of vinegar is bound to have been spoken about publicly." Since it is possible to substantiate the claim with witnesses, the agent must bring witnesses that the wine had not turned into vinegar at the time of the purchase, and thus free himself from responsibility. If he does not substantiate his claim, he must pay. Similar laws apply in all instances regarding entities where it is feasible to substantiate a claim.
When, by contrast, the claim concerns a hidden matter that is not easy to substantiate, the agent must take an oath concerning it. Similar laws apply to all claims to be issued by a partner and the like. And similar laws apply with regard to watchmen. If it is likely that the claim can be substantiated, the watchman must substantiate it, as will be explained.
כל שליח שטען שארעו אונס פלוני והפסיד כך וכך הרי זה נשבע שבועת השומרין על טענתו ויפטר ואם היה האונס במקום שאפשר להביא עליו עדים או דבר שהוא גלוי וידוע שהרי ימצא עדים הרי זה צריך להביא ראיה על טענתו ואם לא הביא עדים אינו נאמן ומשלם מעשה באחד שאמר לשלוחו קנה לי ארבע מאות גרבי יין ממעות שהיו לי בידו וקנה לו ונמצאו חומץ אמרו חכמים מניין גדול כזה שהחמיץ קול יש לו הואיל ואפשר להביא ראיה יביא ראיה שלא היה היין חומץ בשעה שלקח ויפטר ואם לא יביא ראיה ישלם וכן כל כיוצא בזה מדברים שהראיה מצויה בהן אבל דבר הנעלם שאין ראייתו מצויה ישבע עליו וכן הדין בכל טענה שיטעון השותף וכיוצא בו וכן הדין בטענת השומרין אם הראיה יכולה להיות או יביא ראיה על טענתו או ישלם כמו שיתבאר:
Sheluchin veShuttafin - Chapter Three
The following laws apply when a person owns landed property that another person is using or he has movable property that he had given him as an entrusted object, and he seeks to appoint an agent to carry out legal procedures with that other person and expropriate that property or entrusted object from his possession. He must compose a deed granting him power of attorney. And he must perform a kinyan certifying that he was granted power of attorney, telling him: "Take it to court, acquire it, and expropriate it for yourself," or the like.
If the principal does not compose such a deed for the agent, he may not enter into litigation on his behalf, for the defendant will argue: "You are not the party with whom I have contention."
Even if the principal does compose such a deed, the agent is no more than that, and any property that he acquires belongs to the principal. And any expenses undertaken by the agent with regard to the dispute for which he was given power of attorney must be borne by the principal. For this is also written in the deed granting power of attorney: "Any expenses that you undertake in this case, I undertake to pay."
מי שהיתה לו קרקע תחת יד אחד או שהיו לו מטלטלין פקדון ורצה לעשות שליח לדון עם זה ולהוציא הקרקע או הפקדון מתחת ידו הרי זה כותב לו הרשאה וצריך לקנות מידו שהרשהו ואומר לו דון וזכה והוצא לעצמך וכיוצא בעניינים אלו ואם לא כתב לו אינו יכול לדון עמו מפני שהוא אומר לו אין אתה בעל דיני ואף על פי שכתב לו כן אינו אלא שליח וכל מה שיזכה בו הרי הוא של משלחו וכל ההוצאות שיוציא השליח על דין זה שהורשה הרי המשלח חייב בהן שכך כותבין בהרשאה כל שתוציא בדין זה עלי לשלמו:
If the principal transfers ownership to the person to whom he gave power of attorney, granting him only a third or a fourth of the property his colleague is holding, the person granted power of attorney may enter into litigation concerning the entire holding. Since he is entitled to enter into litigation concerning the portion that he owns, and he is justified to enter into litigation with him on that, he may enter into litigation concerning the entire amount.
הקנה לזה שהרשה שליש או רביע מה שיש לו ביד חבירו הרי זה עושה דין על הכל הואיל ודן על חלקו והרי הוא בעל דינו בחלקו דן על הכל:
When one of a group of brothers who have not divided an estate between themselves, or one of a group of partners comes and lodges a claim on a portion of the property they assert to be their own, his claim involves the entire property. The defendant must respond to him. Since this person owns a portion of the property in question, he does not need power of attorney from the other partners.
If the defendant prevails, another one of the partners cannot lodge a claim against the partner who engaged in the litigation, telling him: "If I had been there, I would have raised other arguments and caused the defendant to be held liable," for the partner who engaged in the litigation can tell him: "Why didn't you come and raise those arguments?"
For this reason, if the other partner was in another country, that partner can seek out the defendant and enter litigation against him, telling him: "I do not agree with all the arguments my partner raised."
Accordingly, the defendant can delay, telling the first partner: "Either enter into litigation concerning only your share, or bring me power of attorney from the other party. For I am holding property belonging to both of you, and you both are involved parties in this case. Tomorrow, your brother - or your partner - will come and also lodge a claim against me."
אחד מן האחים שלא חלקו או מן השותפין שבא לתבוע תובע על הכל הואיל ויש לו חלק בזה הממון אין צריך הרשאה משאר שותפין ואין השותף האחר יכול לומר לשותפו שדן אילו הייתי אני שם הייתי תובע טענות אחרות ומחייב בעל דיני שהרי אומר לו למה לא באת לתבוע גם אתה לפיכך אם היה במדינה אחרת יש לו לחזור על בעל הדין ולדון עמו ולומר לו אני איני מודה בכל מה שטען שותף שלי לפיכך יש לנתבע לעכב ולומר לזה או דון עמי בחלקך או הבא הרשאה שהרי ממון שניכם בידי ושניכם בעלי דיני ולמחר יבא אחיך או שותפך ויתבע גם הוא:
A husband needs power of attorney to lodge a claim concerning his wife's property. If, however, there is produce on the property, he has the right to lodge a claim concerning the produce - for it belongs to him - he may also lodge a claim about the property itself. For if his wife does not own the property, he has no right to the produce.
הבעל בנכסי אשתו צריך הרשאה ואם יש פירות בקרקע מתוך שיש לדון על הפירות שהרי הן שלו דן על העיקר ואין צריך הרשאה מאשתו שאם אין לו קרקע אין לו פירות:
Although a person has entrusted an object to a colleague or given him a loan - whether movable property or money - and appointed an agent in the presence of witnesses to bring that object or loan back to him, the option belongs to the borrower or the lender. If he desires to give it to the agent, he is no longer liable, and is free of responsibility if it does not reach the principal, for he gave it to his agent.
If he does not desire to give it to the agent, he is not required to do so. For the agent is not the litigant. This applies unless the agent brings power of attorney from the owner of the entrusted object.
Every person who comes to demand payment from a colleague, using power of attorney, is described by the verse (Ezekiel 18:18): "He did what is not good among his people."
מי שהיה לו ביד חבירו פקדון או מלוה בין במטלטלין בין מעות ועשה שליח בעדים להביאן לו הרשות ביד זה שהם אצלו אם רצה ליתן נפטר ואינו חייב באחריותן שהרי נתן לשלוחו ואם לא רצה ליתן אינו נותן שאין זה בעל דינו עד שיבוא בהרשאה על הפקדון וכל הבא בהרשאה הרי הוא בכלל הנאמר בהן ואשר לא טוב עשה בתוך עמיו:
When a person lodges a court claim against a colleague for either movable property or money he entrusted to him, and the defendant has already denied it, the plaintiff cannot write a bill giving another person power of attorney to collect this property or money from that person. The rationale is that he appears to be making a false statement. For he says: "I am granting you power of attorney to take everything that I own that so and so has," and so and so has already denied possessing anything belonging to the principal.
Similarly, if a person is required to take an oath in response to a colleague's claim, that colleague cannot grant another person power of attorney to have the oath administered. The rationale is that he is not transferring to the prospective agent an object of substance. And a person cannot transfer power of attorney on a claim that involves merely words. For words cannot be transferred unless they are associated with a financial claim.
התובע חבירו בדין במטלטלין או במעות שהפקיד אצלו וכפר בו אינו יכול לכתוב הרשאה עליו שנמצא זה כמשקר שהוא אומר לו הרשיתיך ליטול מה שיש לי ביד פלוני וכבר אמר פלוני שאין לו אצלו כלום וכן מי שנתחייב לו חבירו שבועה אינו יכול להרשות אחר עליו להשביעו שאין שם דבר שיקנה לו ואין אדם מרשה על תביעת דברים שאין הדברים נקנין אלא על תביעת הממון:
When a person has entrusted money to a colleague and desires to grant an agent power of attorney to bring it, a kinyan chalifin is not effective. For money is not acquired through a kinyan chalifin.
What should he do? He should give the agent a portion of land of any sizeand transfer the money to him by virtue of his acquisition of the land with the intent that he expropriate it with this power of attorney. The agent may then go, enter into litigation, and expropriate the money.
If a person lent money to another person, he cannot compose a bill transferring power of attorney concerning it. This applies even if the loan is recorded in a legal document.The rationale is that a loan was given with the intent that the borrower spend the money. Thus, the money given by the lender no longer exists. And a person cannot transfer ownership over an entity that does not exist. The only way a person can transfer ownership of a debt is through a ma'amad sh'loshtan - which is a dictate whose rationale cannot be explained, as mentioned above, or through transferring the debt by writing a deed transferring ownership of the promissory note and giving it to the recipient, for in this way one transfers the lien that the note conveys.
This is my understanding of the law from the Gemara. The Geonim have, however, ordained that one may also grant power of attorney with regard to a loan, so that no one should take money belonging to a colleague and go to a distant country.
They also ordained that if a person was granted power of attorney to collect money belonging to a colleague that was held by another person or to demand payment of a loan from him, and the person transferring the debt did not own land, he could transfer to him four cubits of his heritage in Eretz Yisrael, and then transfer the money to him, by virtue of his acquisition of the land.
Such statements appear to me extremely flimsy and insubstantial. For who is to say that this person has a portion in Eretz Yisrael? And even if he is fit to receive a portion of the land, it is presently not in his possession. The Geonim who ordained this ruling did not say: "Let the law pierce the mountain." Instead, they explained that the ruling was issued only to intimidate the defendant, so that if he desires to enter into litigation and pay the money when presented with this power of attorney, he is no longer under obligation.
Why is he no longer under obligation? For a person who brings this insubstantial power of attorney is no worse than an agent appointed in the presence of witnesses. If, however, the defendant does not desire to enter into litigation with the person granted the power of attorney, he is not compelled to give him the money or take an oath until the principal comes himself.
Similarly, the Geonim ruled that if a person granted a colleague a loan, whether it is supported by a promissory note or by a kinyan observed by witnesses, even though the person denied his obligation in court, a deed granting power of attorney can be composed, because the defendant is denying a claim involving a lien on property. If, however, the loan is supported by a verbal commitment alone, and it is denied, the Geonim did not ordain that a deed granting power of attorney be composed concerning it.
מי שהיו לו מעות פקדון ביד אחר ורצה להרשות שליח להביאן אין הקניין מידו מועיל בזה שאין המטבע נקנה בחליפין אלא כיצד עושה נותן לו קרקע כל שהו ומקנה לו המעות על גבה כדי להוציאן בהרשאה זו והולך ודן עמו ומוציאן היתה לו מלוה ביד אחר אינו יכול לכתוב הרשאה עליה ואפילו היה החוב בשטר מפני שהמלוה להוצאה ניתנה ואין אדם מקנה לחבירו דבר שאינו בעולם ואין לו דרך שיקנה אדם חוב בה אלא במעמד שלשתן והוא דבר שאין לו טעם כמו שביארנו או בהקניית שטר החוב עצמו בכתיבה ומסירה מפני שהוא מקנה השיעבוד שבו זהו הדין שיראה לי מן הגמרא אבל הגאונים תקנו שכותבין הרשאה אף על המלוה כדי שלא יטול כל אחד ממון חבירו וילך לו למדינה אחרת ועוד תקנו שאם הרשהו ליטול מעות שיש לו ביד חבירו או לתבוע ממנו הלואה ולא היתה למקנה קרקע מקנהו ארבע אמות מחלקו שבא"י ומקנה לו המעות על גבן ודברים אלו דברים קלים הן עד מאוד ורעועים שזה מי יאמר שיש לו חלק בא"י ואפילו הוא ראוי אינו ברשותו:
והגאונים עצמן שתקנו תקנה זו אמרו שאין אומרין יקוב הדין את ההר ואינה אלא כדי לאיים על הנתבע אם רצה לדון וליתן בהרשאה זו נפטר ולמה יפטר שאין זה הבא בהרשאה זו הרעועה פחות משליח שעשהו בעדים אבל אם לא ירצה הנתבע לדון עמו אין כופין ליתן לו ולא להשביע עד שיבא בעל דינו וכן הורו שאם היתה לו מלוה אצל חבירו בין בשטר בין בעדי קניין אע"פ שכפר בה בב"ד כותבין עליו הרשאה מפני שהוא כפירת שיעבוד קרקע אבל אם מלוה על פה היא שכפר בה לא תקנו שיכתבו עליה הרשאה:
When a person granted power of attorney to one individual and then desired to nullify his agency and grant power of attorney to someone else, he may nullify his first appointment.
The person granted power of attorney, however, may not grant power of attorney to another person. For the principal might not agree, saying: "I do not want my property entrusted to another individual." Therefore, if the agent had stipulated that he be given the right to grant power of attorney to someone else, and have that person grant power of attorney to another, the agent may write a deed granting power of attorney to a second individual, and the second individual may do so for a third. Everything follows the stipulation.
מי שהרשה לאחד ורצה לבטל השליחות ולהרשות לאחר הרי זה מבטל ואין למורשה לכתוב הרשאה לאחר שזה אומר אין רצוני שיהיה פקדוני ביד אחר לפיכך אם התנה עליו שירשה הוא לאחר ואחר לאחר הרי השליח כותב הרשאה לשני ושני לשלישי הכל לפי תנאו:
When a person who was granted power of attorney waives the payment owed by the defendant, sells him the article he was sent to collect, waives his obligation to take an oath, or negotiates a compromise with him, his actions are of no substance. For the principal will tell the agent: "I sent you to improve my position, not to impair it."
Therefore, if the agent had the principal stipulate that the agency is effective whether he improves his position or impairs it, his acts are binding, even if he waives payment of the entire obligation.
הבא בהרשאה שמחל לזה הנתבע או שמכר לו או שמחל לו על השבועה או שעשה עמו פשרה לא עשה כלום שהרי אומר לו לתקן שלחתיך ולא לעוות לפיכך אם התנה עמו בין לתקן בין לעוות אפילו מחל לו על הכל הרי זה מחול:
When Reuven is granted power of attorney and files a claim against Shimon, Shimon cannot turn him away, saying: "Maybe the principal who sent you appointed another person and nullified your agency." For Reuven will tell him: "Give me the article that was entrusted, and I will leave the deed recording my power of attorney with you." If the principal does in fact grant another person power of attorney, he has caused himself a loss. Shimon is not liable, for he gave the object to a person with power of attorney.
ראובן שבא בהרשאה ותבע שמעון אין שמעון יכול לדחותו ולומר לו שמא המשלח אותך הרשה אחר וביטל שליחותך שהרי ראובן אומר לו תן לי הפקדון שיש לי בידך וזו הרשאתי תהי אצלך ואם המפקיד הרשה אחר הוא הפסיד על עצמו ושמעון פטור שהרי בהרשאתו נתן:
The following law applies when Reuven comes with power of attorney from Shimon and demands payment from Levi, and Levi tells him: "Nothing like that ever happened, but if Shimon wants, he may take an oath and collect the article he claims." We expropriate the money from Levi and have it kept in court until Shimon comes, takes the oath and collects the article.
Similarly, with regard to any other claim that Levi makes that is dependent on Shimon, Reuven should enter into litigation regarding the matter, and the property should be placed in the court until Shimon comes and is questioned. Reuven may have a ban of ostracism issued against anyone who issues a false claim to withhold payment and delay it.
If Levi is required to take an oath, he may not delay and say: "I will not take an oath until I have a ban of ostracism issued in the presence of Shimon against anyone who issues a false claim against me." For the issuance of this ban of ostracism is merely a minor ordinance that the later Geonim ordained so that the litigants will be forthright in their claims. And we do not delay having the defendant take an oath, because of this minor ordinance.
ראובן שבא בהרשאת שמעון ותבע לוי ואמר לוי לא היו דברים מעולם אבל ישבע שמעון ויטול מוציאין הממון מיד לוי ויהיה מונח בב"ד עד שיבא שמעון וישבע ויטול וכן כל הדברים שתולה לוי בשמעון ידון ראובן ויהיה הממון מונח בב"ד עד שיבא שמעון וישאל ויש לראובן להחרים על מי שטוען טענת שקר כדי לעכב הממון ולאחרו נתחייב לוי שבועה אינו יכול לעכב ולומר לו איני נשבע עד שאחרים בפני שמעון על מי שטוען עלי שקר שאין זה החרם אלא תקנה קלה שתקנו הגאונים האחרונים כדי שיכוונו בעלי דינין טענותיהן ואין מעכבין שבועתו של זה מפני תקנה זו הקלה:
Sheluchin veShuttafin - Chapter Four
When partners desire to establish a partnership, how does each one acquire the assets invested by his colleague, so that they are considered partners? If they desire to establish a partnership with money, each one should bring his money and place it in a common pouch. Then each of them lifts up the pouch.
If, however, they composed a legal document detailing the partnership and had witnesses testify that they both performed a kinyan chalifin that each will bring 100 zuz for the partnership, the agreement is not binding and the partnership has not yet been established, for money is not acquired through chalifin.
Therefore, if they established their partnership with regard to other movable property, when they entered into a kinyan that one would bring his barrel of wine and the other his jug of honey and they would become partners, the partnership is established in this manner. Similarly, if they mixed their produce together or hired a property in partnership, and one left the jug and the other the barrel with which they desired to act as partners, the partnership is established.
The general principle is: All the means of acquisition that a purchaser employs to acquire property can be used by partners to acquire the assets that are contributed to the partnership.
כשירצו השותפין להשתתף במה יקנה כל אחד מהן ממון חבירו להשתתף בו אם במעות נשתתפו יביא זה מעותיו ויביא זה מעותיו ויטילו אותן לכיס אחד ויגביהו את הכיס שניהם אבל אם כתבו שטר והעידו עדים אף על פי שקנו מיד שניהם שיביא זה מאה וזה מאה וישתתפו בהן לא קנו ועדיין לא נעשו שותפין שאין המטבע נקנה בחליפין לפיכך אם נשתתפו בשאר המטלטלין כיון שקנו מידם שיביא זה חביתו של יין וזה כדו של דבש והרי נשתתפו בהן נעשו שותפין בהן וכן אם עירבו פירותיהן או ששכרו מקום בשותפות והניח זה כדו וזה חביתו שנשתתפו בהן הרי אלו שותפין כללו של דבר בכל הדרכים שקונה הלוקח באותן הדרכים עצמן קונין השותפין זה מזה הממון המוטל ביניהם להשתתף בו:
When craftsmen join together in a professional partnership, even though they perform a kinyan with each other, they are not considered partners.
What is implied? If two tailors or two weavers stipulate between themselves that whatever either of them earns will be divided between them equally, they are not considered partners. For a person cannot transfer ownership to a colleague of an article that does not yet exist. If, however, they purchase the cloth for the garments with their common funds, sew them and sell them, or purchase the woof and warp with their common funds, weave garments and sell them, and a partnership has been established through the use of the money, they are partners. Whatever they earn as payment for their work and their commercial activity is divided equally.
האומנין שנשתתפו באומנות אע"פ שקנו מידם אינן שותפין כיצד שני חייטים או שני אורגים שהתנו ביניהם שכל שיקח זה וזה במלאכתו יהיה ביניהן בשוה אין כאן שותפות כלל שאין אדם מקנה לחבירו דבר שלא בא לעולם אבל אם היו לוקחין הבגדים בממון עצמן ותופרין אותן ומוכרין ולוקחין השתי והערב ממעותיהן ואורגים ומוכרין ונשתתפו במעות שלוקחין בו הרי אלו שותפין וכל מה שירויחו בשכר מלאכתן ובמשאן ובמתנן הרי אלו לאמצע:
When three partners enter into a partnership, one investing a maneh, the second 200 zuz, and the third 300, and they all do business with the money, whether they profit or lose, the profit or loss is divided among them according to their number, not according to the size of their investments. Even if they purchase a bull for slaughter in which instance, if they slaughter it, each one of them would take a portion of its flesh according to the size of his investment. If they sell the bull while it is alive and profit or lose, the profit or loss is divided equally among the partners.
When does the above apply? When they bought and sold with the money of the partnership. If, however, the money still exists within the treasury of the partnership, and was not spent, but its value rose or dropped because of currency fluctuations depending on the ruling authority or the local populace, the profit or the loss is divided according to the amount of money invested.
When does the above apply? When the partners entered into the partnership without making a specific agreement. If, however, it was stipulated that the person who invested 100 zuz should receive three fourths of the profit, and the person who invested 200, one fourth, and if they lose the person who would be given three fourths of the profit would not suffer more than one fourth of the loss, and the one who would gain one fourth of the profit should suffer three fourths of the loss, the money is divided according to their stipulation. For every stipulation made with regard to financial matters is binding.
השותפין שהטילו לכיס זה מנה וזה מאתים וזה שלש מאות ונתעסקו כולן בממון ופחתו או הותירו השכר או הפחת ביניהם בשוה לפי מניינם ולא לפי המעות ואפילו לקחו שור לטביחה שאילו טבחוהו היה נוטל כל אחד מבשרו כפי מעותיו אם מכרוהו חי ופחתו או הותירו השכר או הפחת לאמצע בד"א כשנשאו ונתנו במעות שנשתתפו בהן אבל אם המעות קיימין ועדיין לא הוציאו אותן ופחתו או הותירו מחמת המטבע ששינה המלך או אנשי המדינה חולקין השכר או ההפסד לפי המעות בד"א בסתם אבל אם התנו שיטול בעל המאה שלשה רבעים מן השכר ויטול בעל המאתים רביע ואם נפחתו לא יפחות זה שיטול שלשה רביעי השכר אלא רביע ההפסד ויפסיד זה שנוטל רביע השכר שלשה רבעים מן הפחת הרי אלו חולקין כפי מה שהתנו שכל תנאי שבממון קיים:
When partners make a stipulation that they continue in the partnership for a specific duration of time, each them can prevent his colleague from dissolving the partnership. Neither one can withdraw until the set time arrives or the money in the partnership is exhausted. Neither can take his portion of the principal or of the profit until the end of that time.
If they established a partnership without making a stipulation and without establishing a set time, they may dissolve the partnership whenever any of them desires. This one should take his portion of the merchandise from the partnership, and this one should take his portion. If the merchandise is of the type that cannot be divided, or if making the division would cause a loss, the article should be sold and the money should be divided.
If there was a time when the merchandise of the partnership would ordinarily be sold, each partner can prevent his colleague from dissolving the partnership until the merchandise will be sold at the known time for such merchandise to be sold. Neither can take his portion of the principal or of the profit until the time of the division, unless a stipulation was made between them.
If the partnership was owed a debt by others, one partner cannot tell the other: "Let us not dissolve the partnership until we collect all the debts that are owed to us." Instead, the assets of the partnership should be divided. When the debts are repaid, each one should be given his portion.
The following rules apply when, by contrast, the partnership owes a debt to another person. If they are not responsible for each other, they should divide the assets of the partnership, and when the time for the debt comes, each one should pay his portion of the debt.
If they are responsible for each other, each one can prevent the other from dissolving the partnership until the time when the promissory note comes due and the debt is repaid. Why is each one given this right? Because one colleague can tell the other: "Since each of us can be required to pay the entire promissory note, let us continue to do business with the money until the date of payment comes."
If his colleague tells him: "Let us divide the assets, and you can receive all the money for the promissory note. Do business by yourself and pay the note when it comes due," the other colleague may still impede, saying "Maybe I will lose, for two people make greater profit than one."
השותפין שהתנו ביניהם שיעמדו בשותפות זמן קצוב כל אחד ואחד מהן מעכב על חבירו ואינו יכול לחלוק עד שיגיע הזמן או עד שיכלה ממון השותפות ואין אחד מהן יכול ליטול חלקו מן הקרן ולא בשכר עד סוף הזמן נשתתפו סתם ולא קבעו להם זמן הרי אלו חולקין כל זמן שירצה אחד מהן וזה נוטל חלקו מן הסחורה וזה נוטל חלקו ואם לא היתה באותה סחורה דין חלוקה או שהיתה בחלוקתה הפסד הרי אלו מוכרין אותה וחולקין את הדמים היה זמן ידוע למכירת אותה סחורה יש לכל אחד מהן לעכב שלא יחלוקו עד שתמכר הסחורה בזמן הידוע למכירתה ואין אחד נוטל מן הקרן ולא מן הריוח עד זמן החלוקה אלא אם התנו ביניהם היה להם חוב אצל אחרים אינו יכול לומר לחבירו לא נחלוק עד שנגבה כל חוב שיש לנו אלא חולקין וכשיפרעו החובות יטול כל אחד חלקו היה עליהן חוב לאחר אם אינן אחראין זה לזה חולקין ולכשיגיע זמן החוב לפרעו יתן כל אחד חלקו ואם הן אחראים כל אחד מהן מעכב לחלוק עד שיגיע זמן השטר ויפרעו החוב ולמה מעכב שהרי חבירו אומר לו הואיל וכל אחד ממנו חייב לשלם כל השטר נשא ונתן בדמים אלו עד שיגיע הזמן אמר לו חבירו נחלוק וטול אתה דמים כנגד כל השטר ועשה מהן סחורה לעצמך ותשלם כל השטר בזמנו יש לו לעכב עדיין ולומר לו שמא נפסיד והשנים יותר מרויחין מן האחד:
When a person gives a colleague money to go to a different country and buy merchandise, buy produce to sell as merchandise, or buy and sell merchandise while sitting in a store, the person who took the money may not retract and return the money to his partner until he goes to the place where the stipulation was made and returns, buys the produce and sells it, or sits in the store. The rationale is that this is considered as if he fixed a time to sell the merchandise.
הנותן מעות לחבירו לילך למדינה פלונית לסחורה או לקנות לו פירות לסחורה או לישב בו בחנות אינו יכול לחזור בו ולהחזיר הממון מיד השותף עד שילך למקום שהתנו ויחזור או עד שיקנו אותן הפירות וימכור או עד שישב בחנות שזה כמי שקבע זמן הוא:
Hayom Yom:
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Monday, Menachem Av 8, 5777 · 31 July 2017
"Today's Day"
Monday Menachem Av 8 5703
Torah lessons: Chumash: Va'etchanan, Sheini with Rashi.
Tehillim: 44-48.
Tanya: But what gives (p. 391) ...pressing out the soul..." (p. 391).
The Six Remembrances1 are recited every day, including Shabbat, festivals, Rosh Hashana, and Yom Kippur.
From my grandfather's aphorisms: What good is Chassidus and piety if the main quality is lacking - ahavat Yisrael, love of another - even to the extent of causing (G-d forbid) anguish to another!
1.Siddur p. 86.
Daily Thought:
If you were there
and the forces of destruction
were about to destroy Jerusalem
and you had the power to do something about it,
would you sit and mourn and cry?
Or would you turn the world
on its head
to change history?
So what is stopping you?
Turn over the whole world now!
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