Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Daily Scriptures from Reverend Dan Johnson ~ Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Daily Scriptures from Reverend Dan Johnson ~ Wednesday, 30 October 2013 ~ “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”.(Deuteronomy 6:6-7)
Honoring and obeying one’s parents is emphasized quite a bit in the Bible (Lv 19:3; Dt 5:16; Pr 23:22; Mt 15:4; 19:19; Mk 7:10; 10:19; Lk 18:20; Eph 6:1–2; Col 3:20); Jesus himself set the example (Lk 2:51).  In unison however we are instructed that God is to be our highest authority, above all other authority, including parents (Mt 10:37).  There are some seemingly disturbing texts that may appear to us as though we are to dishonor our parents - reject parents so as to obey God (Lk 12:51-53).  In Luke 14:26Jesus goes as far as saying we ought to ‘hate’ our parents.  Of course, this does not mean ‘hate’ in the sense that we mean it today.  What Jesus was saying was that in comparison to his place in our lives all else must be below.  This does not mean we’re to neglect our responsibilities as friends, spouses, children, parents, etc., but that all relationships be measured in relationship to God.  Yes, this may upset some things in our lives – how we do business, how we serve, how we prioritize our time, etc. – and it may even require sacrifices.  But, again, Jesus set that example for us as well(Philippians 2:5-11).
Think about who your ultimate authority is…. What are your priorities?  Are they what people think of you?  Are they what make you comfortable?  What would God have to say about those priorities in light of these texts?
Esther Rodríguez
Associate Pastor
Trinity United Methodist Church
Trinity United Methodist Church
4000 NW 53rd Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32653 United States

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