Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Heart of Christianity for Sunday, 3 November 2013 ~ Hi to All:

Heart of Christianity for Sunday, 3 November 2013 ~ Hi to All:
We'll discuss section 2, A Renaissance of Wonder, pp. 15-22.  Here are some issues and questions to ponder before the discussion.
1. P. 15.  The author says that "much of modern life is lived in a state of 'disenchantment'."  What does the author mean by this statement?  Do you agree?  Why or why not?
2. P. 16. Matthew Fox asks us the think about the word "awe" as an acronym for "Awakening to Wonder Everywhere."  What does this mean to you?  Your comments?
3. P. 16. For modern human beings, the author suggests that we may think of ourselves as the presence (or consciousness) of the universe, no longer separate from it, but part of the whole of the universe.  The author goes on to say that "after 13.8 billion years, the evolutionary process gained the capacity for conscious self-awareness."  And as we look around us, to the land and to the sky, "the universe awakens to itself in this act of observation of itself." (pp. 16-17);  "itself" being the ones who observe (i.e., us, humankind) and the observed (i.e., the universe).  Can you make sense of this notion?  Comment.
4. P. 17.  Connected to question 3, above, the author states: "The whole of the universe centers itself in every part."  Can you connect this statement to the statements in question 3?
5. Finally, is the message of our study guide beginning to make sense, in terms of science, religion and an evolving faith?  Your thoughts?
After this discussion, we'll view the video.  The content of the video is related to the questions on pp. 18-20.
Do read the poem, Wonder, by Michael Morwood, pp. 21-22.  Your comments about the poem?
I look forward to another rewarding conversation and discussion.  Best wishes and hasta domingo,  Ben
First United Methodist Church
2111 Camino del Rio South
San Diego, CA 92108

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