Stories of HOPE.
Stories of Saint Paul students and alums are amazing and filled with HOPE! When we connect through story it touches us deeply and engages our heart and soul.
Eric and Geovanna Huffman's (MDiv, '06) story invites us to think about our families, friends, colleagues, and neighbors who haven't found a church community.
For years Eric Huffman struggled with an irresistible call to make the gospel of Jesus Christ relevant to new generations of doubters, skeptics, spiritual-but-not-religious, agnostics and atheists. Over the last 17 years Eric and his wife Geovanna have responded to God's call in their lives by planting two campus ministries and four new congregations - ALL with the purpose of engaging searching individuals with the gospel. This is how The Story Houston begins....
The city
of Houston, where Eric and Geovanna are now planting their fourth congregation (The Story Houston), is booming with nearly seven million people. Contrary to popular belief, Houston is not a bible-belt town, and much of this city is under-served when it comes to faith communities who focus on the doubters, nonbelievers and skeptics. Sharing the story of Jesus through The Story Houston congregation is the mission of Saint Paul lived out faithfully "leading participants to be disciples for Jesus Christ, renew the church and transform the world."
"What really excites us is creating the kind of Christian culture that is hospitable and irresistible
for non-Christians. We believe the most important statistics in any church plant are affirmations of faith and baptisms," Eric said. In the first five weeks intoThe Story Houston's life, they are averaging 300 adults in worship, and they continue to see new growth every week. "We are attracting mostly people who had some church affiliation in their past but have decided it's not for them because it's boring, uninteresting, irrelevant, unnecessary, offensive, closed-minded, etc. They're coming from the neighborhoods around Downtown Houston."
The Story Houston participants are quick to share "If I hadn't found this church, I wouldn't begoing to any church." Pastor Eric shared the following story from an active family.
"When Michael and I married over 17 years ago, he let me know that he didn't do church. As the son of a minister, he had had enough. He works hard and likes his Sunday mornings to sleep in, exercise, run errands and have a leisurely brunch. When our two kids (I had three and he had one when we married, then we had two together) were old enough to go to Sunday school he started going reluctantly. Our kids sing in children's choir at the 8:30 am service and we attend with his parents every week. After attending a couple of the preview services for The Story, he decided that we will now go to church TWICE on Sunday morning. For many of us, a church likeThe Story is what our faith journey needs and also may be what keeps our kids attached to church as they go through high school and college...I just want to tell you that your sermons have made my church-averse husband into a two services per Sunday guy. Thank you."
Eric and Geovanna Huffman are answering God's call in their life to renew the church and change the world! At Saint Paul we want to continue to raise up bold, visionary leaders. For over 50 years friends of Saint Paul School of Theology have given financial gifts for this very purpose. Some annually, quarterly or monthly. Others have placed Saint Paul in their estate planning. We are grateful to every friend and gift.
With your help...
Raising up Visionary Leaders
Saint Paul School of Theology is now a seminary without debt! The good news is your gift will go directly to supporting our students' formation and education. As we approach our fiscal year end on June 30th please consider making a gift in one of the following ways:
Make an annual, quarterly, or monthly tax deductible gift,
Remember Saint Paul in your will or estate plan. The gift will cost you nothing during your lifetime.
Give a gift of stock or securities. It may be more beneficial than giving cash.
Fund a Saint Paul Fellow. Follow up with David Sisney, Vice President for Development to learn more: 913-253-5080 or
Stay in touch! Please visit our mobile friendly website at
Thank you!
David Sisney, Vice President of Advancement
4370 West 109th Street, SUITE 300
The Story Houston participants are quick to share "If I hadn't found this church, I wouldn't begoing to any church." Pastor Eric shared the following story from an active family.
"When Michael and I married over 17 years ago, he let me know that he didn't do church. As the son of a minister, he had had enough. He works hard and likes his Sunday mornings to sleep in, exercise, run errands and have a leisurely brunch. When our two kids (I had three and he had one when we married, then we had two together) were old enough to go to Sunday school he started going reluctantly. Our kids sing in children's choir at the 8:30 am service and we attend with his parents every week. After attending a couple of the preview services for The Story, he decided that we will now go to church TWICE on Sunday morning. For many of us, a church likeThe Story is what our faith journey needs and also may be what keeps our kids attached to church as they go through high school and college...I just want to tell you that your sermons have made my church-averse husband into a two services per Sunday guy. Thank you."
Eric and Geovanna Huffman are answering God's call in their life to renew the church and change the world! At Saint Paul we want to continue to raise up bold, visionary leaders. For over 50 years friends of Saint Paul School of Theology have given financial gifts for this very purpose. Some annually, quarterly or monthly. Others have placed Saint Paul in their estate planning. We are grateful to every friend and gift.
With your help...
Raising up Visionary Leaders
Saint Paul School of Theology is now a seminary without debt! The good news is your gift will go directly to supporting our students' formation and education. As we approach our fiscal year end on June 30th please consider making a gift in one of the following ways:
Make an annual, quarterly, or monthly tax deductible gift,
Remember Saint Paul in your will or estate plan. The gift will cost you nothing during your lifetime.
Give a gift of stock or securities. It may be more beneficial than giving cash.
Fund a Saint Paul Fellow. Follow up with David Sisney, Vice President for Development to learn more: 913-253-5080 or
Stay in touch! Please visit our mobile friendly website at
Thank you!
David Sisney, Vice President of Advancement
4370 West 109th Street, SUITE 300
Overland Park, Kansas 66211 United States
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