Friday, June 5, 2015

"A Note from Pastor Estep" from The First Church of the Nazarene of Kansas City, Missouri, United States for Monday, 1 June 2015

"A Note from Pastor Estep" from The First Church of the Nazarene of Kansas City, Missouri, United States for Monday, 1 June 2015
KCFC family,
As you know, we try to finish each fiscal year "in the black" [with income exceeding expenses]. For six years in a row, together we have accomplished this. Entering May [the last month of this fiscal year], we were "in the red" by $35,000. Because May had five Sundays, we knew that our income would be better than average and we were determined to limit expenses as much as possible. With these two intentions and an invitation to the congregation to give some extra, we hoped to make it seven years in a row. Here's where we stand as of this morning [June 1]. We are $3,000 from finishing "in the black." If you are able and willing to help with this "shortfall," we have decided to leave the books "open" until the close of the church office on Thursday [June 4] afternoon at 5:00 pm. The office is open from a little after 8:00am until 5:00pm every day of the week [M-F].
Thank you. We're very close. If you have questions that I can answer, please feel free to call me at 816.942.9022. Apparently, the medicine that I was taking for strep throat wasn't sufficient to do the job, so I have been diagnosed again and have begun a new regimen. If I am unavailable to receive your call, I'll try to respond as quickly as I am able.
Pastor Estep
Click here to use our secure online giving page.
First Church of the Nazarene
11811 State Line Road
Kansas City, Missouri 64114 United States
First Church of the Nazarene
11811 State Line Road
Kansas City, Missouri 64114 United States

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