Wednesday, June 3, 2015

California-Pacific Office of Communications Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church Companion Weekly - A journey of a thousand... for Friday, 8 May 2015

California-Pacific Office of Communications Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church Companion Weekly - A journey of a thousand... for Friday, 8 May 2015

Focus: 2015 Council of Bishops in Germany
The United Methodist Council of Bishops has been meeting together in Berlin, Germany for several days discussing a number of issues and making important decisions. The Bishops adjourn today, May 7, 2015.
The following are stories from United Methodist News Service...
Focus: 2015 Council of Bishops in Germany
The United Methodist Council of Bishops has beenmeeting together in Berlin, Germany for several days discussing a number of issues and making important decisions. The Bishops adjourn today, May 7, 2015.
The following are stories from United Methodist News Service:
Bishops urged to speak out as group on racism
Bishops Ough, Carter elected to lead bishops
Bishops ask if agency restructure plan is constitutional
Bishops: Work to end racism and welcome the stranger
Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño

Bishop Carcaño has been part of The United Methodist Council of Bishops meeting in Berlin, Germany.
The meeting began May 1, 2015.
Imagine No Malaria

Young people of Los Altos UMC (Long Beach, CA) held a live #lemonface challenge during worship: an ounce of lemon juice for every donor on the spot. So far, over $2,000 raised!
Upcoming Events & Key Initiatives

More Cal-Pac
Apply for the Young Clergy Initiative/LA Urban Foundation Internship
Apply for the Susannah Wesley Scholarship for College-Bound High School Seniors (YPM)
Local Happenings
Celebrating Rev. Dr. Faith Conklin (Escondido UMC)
Connectional News
United Methodists Respond to Baltimore Riots(Baltimore-Washington Conference)
May is Asian/Pacific-Islander Heritage Month (Discipleship)
May 7 is US National Day of Prayer (Discipleship)
May 10 is Mother's Day(Discipleship)
May 24 is Aldersgate Day(Discipleship)

Inspiring the world as passionate followers of Jesus Christ so all may experience God's life-giving love...
Cover Photo Credit - Creative Commons 2.0
Our mailing address is:
The California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
110 S Euclid Avenue
Pasadena, California 91101 United States

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