Thursday, June 4, 2015

Daily Guide grow. pray. study. from The Resurrection United Methodist Church of Leawood, Kansas, United States for Thursday, 4 June 2015 - “God’s kingdom” is about 'righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit'”

Daily Guide grow. pray. study. from The Resurrection United Methodist Church of Leawood, Kansas, United States for Thursday, 4 June 2015 - “God’s kingdom” is about 'righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit'”

Daily Scripture: Romans 14:10 You then, why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For all of us will stand before God’s judgment seat; 11 since it is written in the Tanakh,
“As I live, says Adonai, every knee will bend before me,
and every tongue will publicly acknowledge God.”[a]
12 So then, every one of us will have to give an account of himself to God.
13 Therefore, let’s stop passing judgment on each other! Instead, make this one judgment — not to put a stumbling block or a snare in a brother’s way. 14 I know — that is, I have been persuaded by the Lord Yeshua the Messiah — that nothing is unclean in itself. But if a person considers something unclean, then for him it is unclean; 15 and if your brother is being upset by the food you eat, your life is no longer one of love. Do not, by your eating habits, destroy someone for whom the Messiah died! 16 Do not let what you know to be good, be spoken of as bad; 17 for the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, shalom and joy in the Ruach HaKodesh. 18 Anyone who serves the Messiah in this fashion both pleases God and wins the approval of other people.[Footnotes:
Romans 14:11 Isaiah 45:23]
Reflection Questions:
Royals’ star George Brett said, “I could have played another year, but I would have been playing for the money, and baseball deserves better than that.” Paul wrote to Christians in Rome who were dividing into judgmental factions over differences about just what a good Christian should and shouldn’t eat. Paul said God’s kingdom deserves better than that kind of critical, joyless “faith.” The kingdom is about “righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.”
  • Paul spoke to disagreements over relatively minor issues (that seemed major to those who felt strongly about them). How can remembering that “righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit” are the essence of your faith help you to “major in majors,” honoring your own convictions while respecting those of others in less vital areas?
  • George Brett gave an example of what many people call “respecting the game.” How much more important it is to respect our faith, and our faith family! What attitudes and actions bring peace and build up other members of your church “team”? Which of those are practically second nature for you? In which do you want to grow stronger, with the Holy Spirit’s help?
Today's Prayer:
Lord Jesus, grow me into a person who builds up, not who tears down. Keep me focused on righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,” making me an instrument of your peace. Amen.
Insights from Mike Wilhoit
Mike Wilhoit serves at The Church of the Resurrection as Local Missions Director.
As a new father, I was very mindful of water. Wherever we took our children, I always made sure I knew about water sources like pools, bathtubs and lakes. I steered my children clear of these places unless they were accompanied by an adult. I knew children who had drowned as toddlers because they could not swim and were not yet able to understand the dangers as well as the blessings of water.
When my children began attending elementary school, my wife and I were quick to enroll them in swimming lessons. Once they learned to swim, they joined the swim team. I no longer had to be as vigilant when they went near a water source because Noah, Ben, Mia and Zach were experiencing the joys of swimming, racing and diving. They had also come to respect the potential harm that water can cause.
Similarly, young believers must be protected. Paul exhorts mature believers to monitor the freedoms they enjoy in secondary issues so that they do not cause young believers harm. There are of course, believers who demand that others conform on secondary issues. I was one. Then someone lovingly made me aware of the freedom we have in Christ, as each of us will answer to our Maker, not to me.

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The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection
13720 Roe Avenue
Leawood, Kansas 66224 United States

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