41 Then Yeshua sat down opposite the Temple treasury and watched the crowd as they put money into the offering-boxes. Many rich people put in large sums, 42 but a poor widow came and put in two small coins. 43 He called his talmidim to him and said to them, “Yes! I tell you, this poor widow has put more in the offering-box than all the others making donations. 44 For all of them, out of their wealth, have contributed money they can easily spare; but she, out of her poverty, has given everything she had to live on.”
Saint Norbert, BishopShe … has contributed all she had. (Mark 12:44)
It is said that behind every great man, there is a great woman. Although Jesus was more than just a great man, the Gospels are filled with examples of how he found solace, strength, and encouragement from women of deep faith. Martha’s sister, Mary, kept him company in the face of strong cultural pressure to keep busy in the kitchen. She later anointed him in a beautiful act of faith that refreshed his weary heart. A woman suffering from chronic hemorrhaging had such deep faith that she drew healing power from Jesus—as well as his assurance of salvation. There’s also the Syrophoenecian woman, whose humble tenacity inspired him, and Mary Magdalene, whose devotion and gratitude were manifested in financial support and in the courage to visit his tomb when everyone else remained behind closed doors.
Surely the poor widow in today’s Gospel reading belongs in this company of heroic, faith-filled women! Many rich people were giving large sums into the very public treasury receptacles in the Temple, but it was her paltry gift of just a few cents that drew Jesus’ admiration. It was all she had to live on, and yet she freely donated it to support this grand house of worship. In making this offering, she entrusted herself completely to God.
Watching this act of abandonment affected Jesus deeply enough for him to point her out to his disciples. Perhaps it moved him so much because he himself was standing on the precipice of his own final and complete offering to God: the cross. Perhaps, after a long day of disputing with Pharisees, scribes, and Sadducees, he found great comfort in the woman’s simple act of faith. Whatever the cause, this widow ministered to Jesus!
We too can inspire Jesus by our trust in God. We can bring joy to his heart by showing him courageous love today. So let’s give from our substance and not just our surplus. Let’s trust that he will meet our needs. Let’s try to engage our hearts a bit more when we pray, and let’s look for a new way to step out in faith as we face the day.
“Jesus, you once said that you had nowhere to lay your head. Here I am, Lord; let my heart become a resting place for you.” Amen!
Tobit 12: The angel reveals his identity
12 When the wedding feast was over, Tobit called his son Tobias to him and said, “My child, make sure to give the man who went with you his wages, and give him a bonus as well.”
5 So Tobit called Raphael in and said, “Take as your wages half of everything you had when you came, and go in good health.”
6 Then Raphael spoke to them privately, saying, “Praise God and tell all living beings about the good things he has done for you, praising and singing to his name. Make God’s words known in an honorable way to everyone, and don’t fail to acknowledge him. 7 It’s good to hide a king’s secret from view, and good to reveal God’s works and bear witness to them with due respect.
“Do what’s good, and evil won’t overtake you. 8 Prayer with fasting[a] is good, and so is giving to the poor with righteousness. The possession of a little with righteousness is better than much with injustice.[b] Giving to the poor is better than storing up gold. 9 Giving to the poor saves from death, and it washes away every sin. Those who give to the poor will feel satisfied with life, 10 but those who commit sin and injustice are their own worst enemies.
11 “I will tell you the whole truth, and I will keep nothing secret from you. I have already said to you, ‘It’s good to hide a king’s secret from view, and good to reveal God’s works in an honorable way.’ 12 So when you and Sarah prayed, it was I who brought the record of your prayer into God’s glorious presence, and likewise when you used to bury the dead, 13 and when you didn’t hesitate to get up and leave your dinner to go and bury the corpse. 14 I was sent to test you then, and at the same time God sent me to heal you and Sarah, your son’s bride.[c] 15 I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who stand ready and who enter the Lord’s glorious presence.”[Footnotes:
Tobit 12:8 OL, LXX1; LXX2 sincerity
Tobit 12:8 LXX1; LXX2 and giving to the poor with righteousness is better than the possession of much with injustice.
Tobit 12:14 Gk your bride]
20 Now praise the Lord here on earth and acknowledge God. Notice that I’m ascending to the one who sent me. So record everything that has happened to you.” Then Raphael ascended.
(Psalm) Tobit 13:2 because he punishes and shows mercy.
He brings people[a] down to the underworld below the earth,
and he himself raises people
up from great destruction.
What is there that escapes
from his hand?[b][Footnotes:
Tobit 13:2 Gk lacks people.
Tobit 13:2 DSS Heb; LXX1,2 nothing will escape his hand.]
6 When you turn to him
with all your heart and your all being
to act sincerely before him,
then he will turn to you and never
hide his face from you again.
And now, look at what
he has done for you,
and acknowledge him
in everything you say.[a]
Praise the Lord of righteousness,
and exalt the king of the ages!
I will acknowledge him in the land where I am a captive
and make known his power
and greatness to a sinful nation.[b]
So turn around, you sinners,
and act justly before him.
Who knows?
Perhaps he will want you back
and show you mercy.
7 My soul exalts my God,
the king of heaven,
and my soul will rejoice
all the days of my life.
8 Praise the Lord, all you chosen ones,
and let everyone
praise his greatness.
Let them speak through psalms,[c]
use your days for rejoicing,
and acknowledge him.[Footnotes:
Tobit 13:6 Gk with your whole mouth
Tobit 13:6 OL; LXX1 to a nation of sinners
Tobit 13:8 DSS Heb; OL omits line.]
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