Thursday, June 4, 2015

Tuesday Word from Trinity United Methodist Church of Gainesville, Florida, United States for Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Tuesday Word from Trinity United Methodist Church of Gainesville, Florida, United States for Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Worship: Sundays @ 8:15 am, 9:40 am, 11:00 am | Wednesdays @ 6:35 pm | Fridays @ 7:00 pm

Dear Friends,
Six things:
1. Several of you asked for the Tony Campolo quote I used on Sunday; his "stay-at-home" Wife's reaction to a question, "And what is it you do?"
"I am socializing two Homo Sapiens in the dominant values of the Judeo-Christian tradition in order that they might be instruments for the transformation of the social order into the teleologically prescribed utopia inherent in the eschaton." Pretty good, isn't it?
2. Several of you who came to the 11:00 worship service asked me "What was all the buzz we were hearing about the 9:40 service as we came to church?" The answer: The Sonlight special, with the choir and Sara DeLoach singing "Good to me." If you missed it, I strongly encourage you to watch it here (Sonlight begins at about minute 30). It's a song you can't get out of your head, and one you don't want to.
3. Lots of you are asking about "Brick Dedications," and, yes, we will be offering brick dedications for the new Welcome Center. We are working on a prototype, and we believe the cost will be around $100 per brick dedication. We will be taking orders very soon, you can contact Tammy (416.3005) for more information. What a wonderful way to honor someone special in your life.
4. The first annual "Family Promise Bed Race" will be this Saturday! Trinity will have three beds, and we need your support for this very worthy cause that provides housing for homeless children and their families. See below in the General Announcements section for details.
5. It is our plan to keep our Church financial picture regularly (monthly) in front of you, and again through the month of April we share some very good news:
Year to date giving: $970,859
Year to date expenses: $887,841
Net income: $83,018
Summary: Our income is at 101% of budget, and expenses are at 89%! As we know, summer months tend to be slower, so we are grateful for this good position as we enter the summer. Thanks, and thanks be to God!
6. It's so good being back, and I'm looking forward to a new, three part Sermon Series on "The Majesty of God in Creation." I'll share the first sermon with you this Sunday.
Love and prayers,
Quick Links
Upcoming Events (May 12 - 24)
Submit a Prayer Request
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Trinity's Website
Worship This Week
Wednesday: Rev. Esther Rodríguez
Friday: Rev. Cliff Patrick
Sunday: Dr. Dan Johnson
This summer we will have all of our regular Sunday Worship services except for July 5, when we will have one service at 9:40 am. Friday Night Praise will not gather in June & July. 12 | Yoga, 6pm, 211
13 | Rejoice! show, 6:30 pm
16 | Family Promise Bed Race, Sante Fe College Track, 9:30 am
16 | Movie showing, "Selma", Youth Building, 2-5pm
17 | Malawi Mission Trip informational meeting, after 11 am service, Missions Office
24 | Sit Together Sunday, 9:40 & 11 am services

A Word from Rev. Esther
Rev. Esther's Blog
This Wednesday we conclude our series on The Prodigal God at the 6:35 service in the chapel - the Feast of the Father. This Saturday, May 16, from 2-5 pm in the youth building, there will be a gathering for young adults sponsored by the Friendship Disability Group and Coffee Talk. We will be watching the movie 'Selma' -- all are welcome. Blessings!
A Word from Rev. Aaron
Rev. Aaron's blog
Friends, for the past several weeks we've been at work figuring out how to (re)organize our facilities staff. Now that all the pieces are in place I want to share with you the changes we've made. Susan Kovi has assumed responsibility for Events Coordination and will oversee our front desk staff. Susan had been serving as our receptionist and also took care of scheduling. In order for her to take on her new role, we hired two part-time receptionists. Please join me in welcoming June Masters (morning) and Laura Navarro (afternoon) to our staff. Vince Perry will continue his work in Facilities Management, working closely with Susan and our Trustees to maintain the high standards for our campus. Vince will also oversee the custodial staff, with Joderico Jordan as supervisor. Please join me in welcoming Jeremiah Neal to full-time employment on our staff, to help Vince with his additional responsibilities. These decisions are the result of a combined effort between everyone on the facilities staff, SPRC, Trustees, Laura Richardson, and me. I am grateful for the enthusiasm, dedication, and teamwork shown by all throughout the process and I am confident that this structure will serve Trinity well. When you see anyone from our facitiliies staff, please take the opportunity to thank them for the contribution they make to the ministries of our great church. They often work quietly behind the scenes and deserve recognition and appreciation for all they do. If you have any questions, please let me know. Peace, Aaron
Ted Grueser
This week's Mission Box is for Mommy Reads, a ministry of the United Methodist Women. It is an effort that allows mothers who are incarcerated to stay in touch with their children. Four times a year, a group of women from Trinity and the community travel to Lowell Correctional Institution for Women in Ocala. They bring books, recorders, and MP3 players so that about 30 mothers/inmates have the chance to read and record books for their children. The books, MP3 players, and notes from the mothers are shipped to each child. All items are kept by these children. Each visit costs at least $900. Donations of new paperback books are always welcome, as are cash donations to help defray costs. Lives are changed on both sides of the prison walls on each of these visits. It truly is a gift. These mothers are beyond grateful for this chance to connect with the children they miss. To be involved, or to find out more information, please contact Beth Haines (352-373-9469).
Did you know that a team of 15 from Trinity are serving this week with ASP (Appalachia Service Project). The group will be building a new home in Sneedville, Tennessee. Please remember to keep them in your prayers.
Malawi Trip Information Meeting: An exciting opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus, serving in the villages of the Nkhoma/Chilenje valley. We will join wonderful teams of Malawians in Kids Clubs, sports and games, evangelism and discipleship, showing of the Jesus Film, Chiefs Ministry and Youth Ministry bible studies, visiting your World Vison sponsored child, and much more. No special skills or any shots or medicines required!!! You will need a passport and a willing heart to serve! All inclusive Cost - $3750 and a $250 deposit holds your spot. Don't let cost be an obstacle, we'll help you! To learn more about this opportunity we will have an information meeting this Sunday, May 17th following the 11 service in the Missions Office (E220). Contact Ted or Christina.
Faith Mission
Ward Simonton
Faith Mission, located at 3701 NE 15th Street, is a church and neighborhood collaboration. Last Tuesday on a beautiful evening members of the Leadership Team walked around the neighborhood. It was great fellowship and a wonderful opportunity to introduce Faith Mission to area residents. Also last week the Hospitality Team led by Carol Hinton (with thanks to Susan Horne too!) provided lunch to the teachers and staff of Rawlings Elementary in support of Teacher Appreciation Week.
This week at Faith Mission:
Thanks to Kathy Kish for supporting the tuning of the piano at Faith Mission. Dan Roberts did the repairs and tuning and we now have a piano ready to play.
On Friday, Faith Mission will participate in the Rawlings Elementary Carnival by providing special gift bags put together by Caren Rowe's Girls on the Run group (many thanks for doing this), tickets for games for the children, and water for adults. This will be another opportunity to introduce Faith Mission to the neighborhood.
We're continuing our meetings with pastors of churches in the area to help Faith Mission understand how others are working positively in the neighborhood. In addition we're planning a resident roundtable that's coming up soon.
The outreach of Faith Mission is beginning to take a variety of forms - from supporting children in summer programs to networking to help address particular needs such as in housing and in healthcare. Please keep Faith Mission in your prayers - for guidance, for patience, for humility.
Youth Ministry
Julie Mishoe
This Saturday is the Bed Race fundraiser for Family Promise! The race will start at 10 am at Santa Fe College. We'll be building our "car" next Wednesday at 6:30 PM in the youth building for anyone who would like to help. If any youth are interested in racing, contact Josh and meet us at Santa Fe at 9:30 Saturday morning!
This Sunday is Senior Sunday, so we will be honoring our graduating seniors at the 9:40 service Sunday morning, as well as at Senior Night at youth group at 5:30.
We still have spaces available for our summer mission trips! High schoolers can check out ASP forms here, and middle schoolers can find SIFAT forms here.
Children's Ministry
Elizabeth Jones
VBS: Be Moved! June 8 - 12, 9am - noon for entering K - 6th grades:
Parents: Register your child by May 11th to guarantee a t shirt
We need VOLUNTEERS! Sign up on the bulletin board outside the CMT Office (rm. 108) or email Machelle if you are interested in volunteering during the week
Help us with VBS supplies! Visit our "needs" board outside our office, room 108, and choose an item or 2 to donate
We can't believe that it's already May. That means one thing - summer is coming! Summer is a time when we reconnect with family, step off the treadmill of scheduled school and extracurricular activities, and hopefully find some rest and renewal. Many of our Sunday School teachers who have faithfully served all school year take some well-deserved time off in the summer. If you are a parent who has enjoyed worship or a small group on Sundays while your child was nurtured by a Sunday School teacher, please sign up to serve at least twice over the summer. There is NO PREP; we provide everything for you! Summer Sunday School runs from June 14 through Aug. 16. Please let us know when you can serve by signing up in your child's classroom OR by contacting Brian.
Sit Together Sunday is May 24th, 9:40 & 11:00: Children in Kindergarten - 5th Grade will be joining their families in worship in the Worship Center during the 9:40 and 11 am services. Children will receive their own Worship Guide in which they will draw/write about several parts of the worship experience and will return it to the CMT the following week for a special treat. NOTE: There will be NO Sunday School classes at 9:40 and 11. We will provide childcare for ages Pre-K and under.
Register your child for Summer Time Fun and/or CrossTrainers! For more registration and details, visit our webpage.
Music & Worship Arts
Alice Wallis
Come enjoy the Rejoice performance of "Rock Solid" this Wednesday, May 13th at 6:30 pm in the Worship Center. The performance is free and open to the public.
Sonlight Youth Choir & Band
Erin Cushing
Got a song that you can't get out of your head? Have a favorite song on the radio right now? Got a longing to hear a classic that you haven't heard in forever? Sonlight is now taking song requests for the 2015-16 season! Anyone is allowed to use the song submission form on the Sonlight Website. This simple online form is for anyone to use, all you have to do is fill out the form and it will be sent to Erin for the students to vote on in the fall.
Ben Haines
Hogtown FC Soccer Clinic: This is a not-for-profit soccer club dedicated to the promotion and cultivation of youth development, training, sportsmanship & team building for individual youth players under the age of 18 who come from economically disadvantaged areas of Gainesville. This session will run May 22nd, 29th, June 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th from 4:00 - 6:30 pm on the Trinity Soccer Fields. Open to kids age 9-16 (some exceptions can be made). Sign uphere!
T-ball and Coach-Pitch registration is open! Deadline to register is May 29th, but don't wait that long! Please consider coaching as we rely solely on volunteer coaches. We can never have TOO much help!
Sports Ministry is looking for a new intern! If you are interested, contact Ben for more information and how to apply.
Crosstrainers registration is open for children who have completed Kindergarten up through children who have completed 5th grade. Register online today!
We are still hiring Crosstrainers Counselors (16+) and are always open to having volunteer help so please fill out thisform and get it to Ben if interested.
Join us for Softball on Fridays here at Trinity. Every Friday for the rest of April and May we will be on the fields at 6 PM for WHOEVER wants to come out and play! All you need is a glove.
Adult Ministry
David Leonard
Family Business Sunday School class (11 am; rm 203) will begin reading Run with the Horses: The Quest for Life at Its Best by Eugene Peterson this Sunday. Books will be available in the Trinity Bookstore for $15.
Please come join us May 16th for a Living Water Emmaus gathering involving food, fellowship, and a Gator baseball game. This event is open to everyone in the LWE Community & their families. For details about this event, please download this flyer.
Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends is a 10-week class to help people adjust to the ending of a love relationship, as in divorce or death, or in the loss of an engagement or other significant love relationship. Registration is open, the course runs May 31st - August 9th (Skips July 5th) from 3 - 5:30 PM. There is a $25 course fee and partial or full scholarships are available if needed. Childcare is also available with a reservation.
The Living Water Emmaus of Florida will be holding their annual Men's walk at Trinity from June 4 - 7 and the Women's walk from June 11 - 14. Team applications for those who have already done a walk and sponsors for new participants are needed. Please contact Bob Wright (241-2590) for more information.
The 2015 Marriage Course: It is NOW time to return card tables to those who loaned them during this Spring's Course. Let us know which Sunday and Service you plan to attend or if you need a home delivery. One more time, we'd like to express our appreciation to ALL who helped with marketing, meal preparation, set-up and décor, serving, lending card tables, sharing giveaways, providing childcare, clean-up, washing table clothes, and more. You were a special blessing to many. And we also are grateful to the 34+ Couples and 40+ Children who attended and pray wonderful blessings come your way. Blessings, Sharon & Earl McDow (371-4092).
Caring & Support
Jim Cook
Grief Support Group: Loss can create holes in life that are painful, disorienting, and may make it difficult to feel optimistic about the future. That's when a friendly, understanding, safe, and caring group of people to walk alongside is a significant help. You don't have to go through the grieving process alone. This group will include personal study and reflection, videos, and group discussion with confidentiality. It will meet for 10 Wednesdays, beginning June 3, from 6: 30 - 8pm in room 226. Please register online.
Healing Touch Cancer Support Group will meet on Thursday, May 21st at 5:30 in the Chapel this month for our time of prayer and anointing with Dr. Dan Johnson. Dan will be praying individually with cancer patients and survivors as well as friends and family during this time together. All are welcome. If we can help in any way, call Marcey at 331-2960 or Margie at 386-462-9592.
A Stephen Minister is a child of God who walks beside a person who is hurting and a caring Christian friend who listens, cares, prays, supports & encourages. Whatever the crisis or difficulty, Stephen Ministry equips Lay people to provide individual, confidential Christian care to those in our congregation and community facing tough times. You will meet weekly for at least 1 hour. To receive care from a Stephen Minister please contact Kay Walker (336-2006) orFred Korzec (219-5652).
Caregiver Support Group: Meet every Monday from 7 pm-8:30pm (E225). Contact: Mary Steinwandt(214.662.4869).
General Announcements
You're invited to the community meeting to announce Family Promise of Gainesville (formerly Interfaith Hospitality Network) Reopening. Tuesday, May 19, 7pm at First Presbyterian Church (106 SW 3rd St.).
Family Promise Bed Race: May 16th, Santa Fe College track, 9:30 am. Support one of Trinity's 3 teams by making a donation. Click on the Team number to donate online, or you can mail a check payable to: Family Promise of Gainesville, P.O. Box 5189, Gainesville, FL 32627. Team 1: Trinity Yoots (Captain Josh Wilson), Team 2: Away in a Manger (Captain Dan Johnson), Team 3: Super Heroes/Villains (Captain Tim Garrett). Family Promise serves homeless children and their families in crisis and helps them regain sustainable independence. Trinity has been active with this program since 1998.
Focus on Our Children, UMW General Meeting, May 26th, Room 232, 9:30 am. Becky Dotson, President & CEO of the Florida United Methodist Children's Home in Enterprise, Florida, will be our speaker. Becky has over 20 years of experience working with organizations that advocate for the rights of children who have been abused or neglected. She will be sharing an update on the Madison Youth Ranch and continuing efforts at the Children's Home in Enterprise. Everyone interested in the future of children in need are encouraged to attend and hear this informative presentation. Donations for Gainesville Community Ministries are canned meat and tuna.
A volunteer is needed on one Monday morning per month to arrange altar flowers in mugs for Trinity patients and shut-ins. Time requirement is 1 to 1.5 hours. Please call Rosemary Davis, 373-5227.
Erik Bredfeldt will be giving a lecture on Count Zinzendorf on Wednesday, May 27 at 7pm, 232. Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf was a leader of the Moravian Church in eighteenth century Germany and a contemporary of John and Charles Wesley. The Moravian influence on the Wesley's and ultimately the Methodist movement is strong and Zinzendorf's legacy as ecumenist, institution/community builder and developer of missions is important in the history of the Church and can impart lessons in the secular realm as well.
Don't forget to visit the new art show on display now on the 2nd floor of the Education Building. The show includes almost 100 works of art from 27 Trinity members, friends and associates. The show includes paintings, fabric art, photographs, drawings, pottery, and more. A very special thanks to the following for sharing their talents with us: Randy and Theresa Adams, Theresa Antes, Sharon Bartz, DoraLee Bryan, Bill and Donna Buhi, Linda Cook, Ruth Eckhoff, Mary Gilbrath, Dottie Giro, Bronna Godwin, Linda Heaton, Rolf and Val Hummel, Bryant Martin, Roz Miller, Grace Northrop, Joan Penticoff, Ron and Tiffany Philman, Joan Ricks, Karen Rye, Susan Shafer, Sue Tennant, Grace TeSelle, and Tara Thornock.
Thursday Weekly Prayer Group in Trinity Chapel 7 PM. "Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7 You might want to come this Thursday. We love praying for others! For more information, contact Jay Schnedl.
Did you know that we had a Yoga class? Come join us every Wednesday at 6pm in room 211. Bring a mat and wear comfortable clothing.
It is with a heavy heart that we share the sad news of Ms. Judy's passing on Sunday, May 3. Ms. Judy worked at Stepping Stones for 12 years and was a dedicated, loving, Christian woman, who always put her students and all others above herself. She will be greatly missed by parents, students, and co-workers. If you would like to donate to the Ms. Judy Preschool Scholarship Fund that will provide one scholarship each year to help a family send a child to Stepping Stones Preschool, please click here to go to the online donation page of the Community Foundation of North Central Florida's website. Type "Ms. Judy Fund" in the designation box. Every gift, no matter how small, matters.
We are in need of 2 additional ushers for the 9:40 service in March, June, September, December & March. If you can be a part of this important ministry, please contact Bob Willits (332-3681) or Laura Shaw (375-8972).
Are you interested in joining Trinity UMC? If you want to learn more about the vision, mission and ministries of Trinity, we invite you to attend one of our upcoming Coffee with the Pastors, a casual gathering in which you'll learn more about the United Methodist Church, who we are at Trinity and what is expected of members. The class is designed for visitors and gives you the opportunity to meet our ministers and learn about the many ways to become involved in our church family. The next Coffee with the Pastors is Sunday, May 17 at 12:15pm in room 209. Let us know if you need Childcare. Register HERE for Coffee with the Pastors or e-mail Carmen Nelson. We would love to meet you and to welcome you into the membership of our church!
Reeves Byrd will teach the AARP Smart Driver Course in a 1 day session convenient for Trinity members in room 222 on Thursday, June 4th. This classroom refresher for motorists age 50 and older is offered for a modest fee and you do not have to be an AARP member to register for the class. For course registration call Mrs. Lynda LeGrow at (352) 333-3036. Note: There will not be a class held in July. Next class at TUMC will be held on August 3.
Bible Studies
Women Growing in Faith, Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30, E232
Tuesday Morning Moms, Tuesdays, 9:30-11:30, E203 (will not be meeting over the summer)
Men's Prayer and Bible Study, Wednesdays, 7 am, E232
Wednesday Morning Pastor's Bible Study, Wednesdays, 9:15, Chapel
Exploring Jesus' Teachings, Thursdays, 10:30, E226
Life Changing Gathering with Rev. Marvin Celso, Wednesdays, 6:00pm, E225
Weekly Prayer Group, Thursdays, 7pm, Chapel
Dan Johnson's Daily Scripture Email is available upon request
If you would like more information or would like to visit one of these groups, please contact Kim.
Family Matters
Christian Love and Sympathy is extended to Kelly Ping & Family on the April 17 passing of Kelly's grandmother, to Peggy Kirkpatrick & Family on the April 27 passing of Peggy's mother Alyce Boyd. Christian Love and Sympathy is also extended to Evelyn Hemp & Family on the April 27 passing of Evelyn's husband Dr. Gene Hemp and to Patrick Duff & Family and The Stepping Stones Family on the May 3 passing of Patrick's wife Judith (Judy) Duff.
If you are celebrating your 80th, 90th or 90+ birthday and would like it announced in the Tuesday Word and/or the bulletin, contact Kelly Ping.
Altar Flowers
The Altar Flowers on May 17 are in memory of C. Charles Cooper on the 10th Anniversary of his passing into eternal life. From his loving wife, Ethel & Family.
If you would like to place flowers on the Altar in honor or in memory of a loved one please contact Tammy.
Trinity United Methodist Church
4000 NW 53rd Avenue
Gainesville, Florida 32653 United States
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm | Friday, 8:30 am - 1:30 pm

Trinity United Methodist Church
4000 NW 53rd Avenue
Gainesville, Florida 32653 United States

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