Thursday, April 12, 2018

Devotionals from Christ our Holy Way for Thursday, 12 April 2018 "Right And Certainty" by Pastor H. Lamar Smith in Crane Hill, Alabama, United States

Devotionals from Christ our Holy Way for Thursday, 12 April 2018 "Right And Certainty" by Pastor H. Lamar Smith in Crane Hill, Alabama, United States
Pastor H. Lamar Smith
"Right And Certainty" by Pastor H. Lamar Smith
(The Website has been down this week to repair some issues. Appreciate your patience.)
"Right And Certainty"
We all think that we are the ones who are right about politics, religion and culture. We are always on the right side. We have the answers. Just ask us. We are right and “they” are wrong. Theological rightness is mocked by its rabid attitudes. Truth sees two sides and includes both. We tenaciously hold to one small facet of the truth diamond and never see the light from the other facets. It takes humility to be right.
“The people who were so sure they were right are the people who crucified Jesus.” (Richard Rohr)
Below are devotionals you have missed this week.
Sunday, 8 April 2018
"The Workings Of Grace"

I heard Dr. A. B. Mackey, President of Trevecca Nazarene College, say, “Some people are sweeter by nature than others are by grace.” We all laughed, because it was a true-to-life kind of statement. We had seen non-professing Christians outside the church who were sweeter than some inside the church. However, what we have to remember is that persons outside the church have grace at work in their lives also. Prevenient grace is at work, to some degree, in all persons. The Holy Spirit, the Hidden Christ, is seeking to draw all to Himself. He wants all to fully turn toward Him. Grace is God in the world drawing all men and women to Himself. Be an ambassador of grace by letting it make you better and sweeter.
“Therefore just as one man’s trespass led to condemnation for all, so one man’s act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all.…so that, just as sin exercised dominion in death, so grace might also exercise dominion through justification leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 5:18, 21 (NRSV))
Monday, 9 April 2018
"I Picked Me"

The forbidden fruit: Was it an apple? A pear? I heard of one man who speculated that it was a watermelon. He said that it must have once grown on trees, but was cursed as was the serpent to crawl on his belly, hence it was a watermelon. Of course, he was not serious. We miss the greater truth in the Adam story by our literalism. We miss the message. The real meaning of the forbidden fruit is that I am the fruit. I picked me over God. I picked my way over His way. All of us have repeated the Adam story. Is this not why Jesus said to deny self and take up the cross?
Father, may we follow Jesus, the Second Adam, instead of the First Adam. May we know that in denying our self, we find our true self. May we discover that in dying, we live. Amen.
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
"Constantly Changing"

Your skin, muscles, bones and brain are constantly changing. This process of maintenance and rejuvenation requires physical exercise and nutritious foods if the change is going to be healthy. Spiritually, we are constantly changing. That change can be positive and progressive, if we are being nourished by Spirit and Truth. We become what nourishes us. If the health of the Vine flows into us, we, the branches will thrive. If we are connected to the body of Christ, the life of Christ becomes our life.
“I am the living bread that came down out of heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread also which I will give for the life of the world is My flesh.” (John 6:51 (NASB))
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
"Confessing Unintentional Sin"

We are to confess unintentional sin. Christians are certainly not to tolerate the willful practice of sin in their lives. 1 John makes this abundantly and repeatedly clear. In the OT, there were only sacrifices for unintentional sin. That is, when you discovered you did something against God’s law because you did not know the law or fully understand it, you took responsibility. Confession and sacrifice were required. In the same way, reading, study, discussion, preaching and meditation point out to us things we have done that were against the royal law of love in Christ Jesus. (Oh, how often my conscience has been smitten in hindsight!) John Wesley rightly reminds us that even these sins must also have the atoning work of Christ. Sometimes, we confess the obvious sin and ask for forgiveness, but sometimes we fail to confess the little steps and unintentional oversights that were the steps that got us there.
“Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed.” (James 5:16 (NASB))
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