Thursday, April 12, 2018

Reflecting God - The Global Church of the Nazarene's Foundry Publishing House in Kansas City, Missouri, United States – Embrace Holy Living - "Such Faith by Grant Christy - Matthew 8:5-13 for Thursday, 12 April 2018

Reflecting God - The Global Church of the Nazarene's Foundry Publishing House in Kansas City, Missouri, United States – Embrace Holy Living - "Such Faith by Grant Christy - Matthew 8:5-13 for Thursday, 12 April 2018
"Such Faith" by Grant Christy - Matthew 8:5 As Yeshua entered K’far-Nachum, a Roman army officer came up and pleaded for help. 6 “Sir, my orderly is lying at home paralyzed and suffering terribly!” 7 Yeshua said, “I will go and heal him.” 8 But the officer answered, “Sir, I am unfit to have you come into my home. Rather, if you will only give the command, my orderly will recover. 9 For I too am a man under authority. I have soldiers under me, and I say to this one, ‘Go!’ and he goes; to another, ‘Come!’ and he comes; to my slave, ‘Do this!’ and he does it.” 10 On hearing this Yeshua was amazed and said to the people following him, “Yes! I tell you, I have not found anyone in Isra’el with such trust! 11 Moreover, I tell you that many will come from the east and from the west to take their places at the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven with Avraham, Yitz’chak and Ya‘akov. 12 But those born for the Kingdom will be thrown outside in the dark, where people will wail and grind their teeth!” 13 Then Yeshua said to the officer, “Go; let it be for you as you have trusted.” And his orderly was healed at that very moment.(Complete Jewish Bible)
When we read the story in Matthew 8, often the focus of the centurion’s faith is around the fact that he believed Jesus could heal his servant simply by speaking a word. His faith seems so extraordinary because it is so matter-of-fact. The centurion’s authority means his commands are followed. He recognizes the authority of Jesus and assumes the same will happen if Jesus were to give a command. So he simply asks Jesus to give the command for his servant to be healed.
It is one thing, however, to command a soldier to come or go. It is something entirely different to command a person to be healed! Often we overlook the fact that the extraordinary nature of the centurion’s faith was the result of who the centurion believed Jesus to be in the first place. The story starts with the centurion coming to Jesus because he believes Jesus can heal his servant. Whether it is done in person or from afar, the centurion has faith in Jesus’ power to heal. If he truly believes Jesus has the power to heal, it is a small step to believe that power can heal simply by speaking a word.
Hymn for Today: "There's a Wideness in God's Mercy" by Frederick W. Faber.
1. There's a wideness in God's mercy,
like the wideness of the sea.
There's a kindness in God's justice,
which is more than liberty.
There is no place where earth's sorrows
are more felt than up in heaven.
There is no place where earth's failings
have such kindly judgment given.
2. For the love of God is broader
than the measures of the mind.
And the heart of the Eternal
is most wonderfully kind.
If our love were but more faithful,
we would gladly trust God's Word,
and our lives reflect thanksgiving
for the goodness of our Lord.
Thought for Today: that the grace of Adonai is not exhausted,
that his compassion has not ended.
[On the contrary,] they are new every morning!
How great your faithfulness! (Lamentations 3:22-23)(Complete Jewish Bible).
Please pray: That many people in Taiwan will come to know Yeshua as their Messiah and receive the fullness of the Ruach HaKodesh.
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